dlastmohican(2366) vs. hectorabcd(2332) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2010-07-09

1.d4 (0:00) d6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:13) Nf6 (0:04) 3.c4 (0:10) g6 (0:11) 4.Nc3 (0:18) Bg7 (0:04) 5.Bg5 (0:05) O-O (0:14) 6.e3 (0:11) c5 (0:14) 7.d5 (1:13) Na6 (1:11) 8.a3 (1:31) Nc7 (1:23) 9.Be2 (0:07) h6 (0:31) 10.Bh4 (0:22) Rb8 (0:02) 11.O-O (1:00) g5 (0:38) 12.Bg3 (0:06) Nh5 (0:01) 13.Qd3 (4:53) f5 (1:15) 14.Nd2 (4:18) Qe8 (2:11) 15.b4 (1:58) f4 (5:47) 16.exf4 (1:16) Bf5 (0:04) 17.Nce4 (2:13) Nxf4 (4:47) 18.Bxf4 (1:29) Bxa1 (0:28) 19.Bxg5 (0:10) Bg7 (0:24) 20.Be3 (1:19) b6 (1:02) 21.Re1 (4:38) Qg6 (3:19) 22.Bf3 (2:11) Rbd8 (3:31) 23.bxc5 (1:51) dxc5 (3:54) 24.Qe2 (1:33) Qf7 (2:32) 25.Ng3 (0:56) e6 (0:38) 26.Nxf5 (8:36) Qxf5 (0:05) 27.Be4 (0:05) dlastmohican offers a draw.
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: the lack of commentry is due to noone having a clue of what's going on? :) hectorabcd declines the draw request.
27...Qf6 (2:39) 28.dxe6 (0:48) Nxe6 (0:28) 29.Nf3 (2:32) Nd4 (4:23) 30.Bxd4 (0:03) cxd4 (0:01) 31.Qd3 (0:09) Kh8 (0:37) 32.g3 (1:47) Rc8 (2:14) 33.a4 (0:11) a6 (0:21) 34.Kg2 (1:40) Rce8 (2:24) 35.Re2 (0:33) Qd6 (0:25) 36.Nh4 (0:23) Rf6 (0:38) 37.Ra2 (2:13) Rc8 (2:14) 38.a5 (1:36)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: Earlier I thought black was doing well, but now suspect if white has enough play due to weaknesses on the white squares around the black king
38...Rb8 (3:04) hectorabcd offers a draw.
jaberwock(2082) whispers: I'll bet it will be declined, but I doubt I see/understand as much of position of players. dlastmohican declines the draw request.
39.Ng6+ (1:12) Rxg6 (0:17) 40.Bxg6 (0:05) b5 (0:27) 41.Rc2 (1:31) bxc4 (0:37) 42.Rxc4 (0:20) Qd5+ (0:47) 43.Be4 (1:12) Qxa5 (0:05)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: white has won back the exchange?
44.Rxd4 (0:28) Qc5 (0:22) 45.Rd5 (0:26) Qe7 (0:01) 46.Rd7 (0:24) Qe8 (0:44)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: yes, via Ng6+, Rg6, Bg6
47.Bg6 (1:41) Qe6 (0:49) 48.Rd6 (0:18) Qe7 (0:12)
Tysonx(1173) whispers: rubbish move
jaberwock(2082) whispers: rubbish?
Tysonx(1173) whispers: ye
Tysonx(1173) whispers: ss
Tysonx(1173) whispers: R d7
49.Rxa6 (0:46)
Tysonx(1173) whispers: qe6
Tysonx(1173) whispers: Rd8#
49...Rd8 (0:25)
Tysonx(1173) whispers: Rxd8
Tysonx(1173) whispers: Qxd8+
Tysonx(1173) whispers: Bg8
50.Qc4 (0:51)
Tysonx(1173) whispers: Qxb8
Tysonx(1173) whispers: now
Tysonx(1173) whispers: do it
Tysonx(1173) whispers: mate in 4 i think
50...Rf8 (0:39)
Tysonx(1173) whispers: he blundered it
51.Rc6 (1:21) Qb7 (1:27) 52.Be4 (0:11) Qf7 (0:10) 53.Qxf7 (0:26) Rxf7 (0:01) 54.f4 (0:08)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: I don't see a mate, but the endgame will be tough for black
54...Bf6 (0:20)
jaberwock(2082) whispers: OCB will be his hope
55.Bd5 (0:15) Rf8 (0:03) 56.Kf3 (0:05) Bg7 (0:22) 57.h4 (0:14) Rf6 (0:38) 58.Rc8+ (0:08) Rf8 (0:23) 59.Rc7 (0:04) Bd4 (0:49) 60.Be4 (0:34) Bg7 (0:21) 61.Rd7 (0:13) Kg8 (0:26) 62.Kg4 (0:10) Kh8 (0:23) 63.Kh5 (4:51) Rf6 (0:57) 64.f5 (0:04) Bf8 (0:31) 65.g4 (0:07) hectorabcd resigns 1-0

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