ivohristov(1976) vs. darkiest(2185) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2010-05-08

1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: the trusty french
2.d4 (0:42) d5 (0:03) 3.exd5 (1:20) exd5 (0:16)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: bah, exchange variation
4.Bd3 (0:10) Nf6 (0:06) 5.Ne2 (0:11)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: such a shame...
5...Bd6 (0:13) 6.O-O (0:21) O-O (0:29) 7.Ng3 (1:27) Re8 (0:26)
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: hmm ok, its a bit interesting now
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: preparing Bf8 in case of Nf5
8.Bg5 (0:46) h6 (3:11) 9.Bxf6 (2:08) Qxf6 (0:00) 10.Nc3 (1:03) c6 (0:38) 11.Re1 (1:15) Rxe1+ (1:42) 12.Qxe1 (0:05) Be6 (0:01) 13.Nce2 (1:21) Nd7 (0:45) 14.Qd2 (0:34) Re8 (1:06) 15.c3 (0:24) Qh4 (1:38) 16.f4 (4:16)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i'm sorry i missed the start of this game.
16...Nf6 (1:19)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i have great appreciation for darkiest's play, but that's not a secret. i can't beat him myself. very strong player
17.Rf1 (2:06) Bg4 (1:08)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: good thing he is on your team then;)
Opinel(2494) whispers: ;) but i also like playing him. especially FR
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i will sound like a noob here but what does FR stand for? lol
Opinel(2494) whispers: Fischer Random
Opinel(2494) whispers: the back rank pieces are shuffled
XJamesX(1317) whispers: ahh ok, yeh game type looks like the way of the future
XJamesX(1317) whispers: chess's next step in its evolution
Opinel(2494) whispers: i'm not so sure about that
18.Kh1 (3:14)
Opinel(2494) whispers: black has a very nice position here
Opinel(2494) whispers: but i shouldn't comment so much. i'm not playing good chess lately and people tell me i talk to much and say silly things anyway =)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i dont see why fischer chess wont be, all the modern theory means you dont get to see a GM thining for himself untill move 10 atleast
Opinel(2494) whispers: i'm quite sure black is winning after g5 here
18...g5 (3:41)
Opinel(2494) whispers: if fxg5 Rxe+ and it's pretty much game over
Opinel(2494) whispers: i can tell you why i (personally) think FR will not be the next chess
XJamesX(1317) whispers: yeh?
Opinel(2494) whispers: maybe Nf5 for white i don't know
Opinel(2494) whispers: message didn't go through i think. too long... one sec i'll copy paste it in parts
Opinel(2494) whispers: regarding FR. 1) because in some set ups black is just worse right from move one. 2) because it doesn't really solve the problem of memorization since most game can either be translated or adopt main line opening play.
Opinel(2494) whispers: 3) because aside from the fun of it it's not really what we like in chess. we like the fact that it's every lasting and deep. 4) Because you can't build on a repertoire and that makes it less attractive. 5) because people will have to learn end games more and most don't want to.
Opinel(2494) whispers: most of it is my personal opinions
XJamesX(1317) whispers: hmm, well can't argue with that
Opinel(2494) whispers: but i have found that in some set ups black is just worse to begine with
XJamesX(1317) whispers: oh i see
Opinel(2494) whispers: and when the Bishops are on a1 and h1 it's quite difficult to achieve anything but a draw
Opinel(2494) whispers: FR would probably be a better game if you couldn't castle. but again, that's my opinion
19.Kg1 (9:52)
Opinel(2494) whispers: Bxe2 Nxe3 Ng4 h3 Ne3 and something xf4
AcuWill(1659) whispers: Tbh, black has looked far better ever since white played BxN on move 9
Opinel(2494) whispers: Nxe2*
Opinel(2494) whispers: the exchange against the french is considered to have much in it. the only one who played white well there was Morphy
AcuWill(1659) whispers: have much in it, do you mean that it is good for white, if you are good as morphy :P
AcuWill(1659) whispers: that would be nigh unplayable
19...Bxe2 (5:00)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i mean it's equal. white gave his slight advantage away right from the opening
Opinel(2494) whispers: i guess if you're Morphy that means little for you
AcuWill(1659) whispers: ok. I gotcha, thanks
AcuWill(1659) whispers: <<not porphy.
AcuWill(1659) whispers: morphy*
Opinel(2494) whispers: who is?
20.Nxe2 (1:04)
Opinel(2494) whispers: one of my favorites. i think i have every Morphy book ever published
20...Ng4 (0:06)
AcuWill(1659) whispers: morphy has been one of my favorites since I got my first chess book and a bunch of his games were in it.
Opinel(2494) whispers: what book is that?
AcuWill(1659) whispers: him alekhine and judit are my favorites
AcuWill(1659) whispers: it was the "Chess, explained move by move" or something like that
21.h3 (0:34) Ne3 (0:08)
Opinel(2494) whispers: logical chess move by move or the one by... one sec i forgot his name
iwulu(2218) whispers: Irving VChernev?
22.Rf3 (0:54)
iwulu(2218) whispers: I meant Chernev
Opinel(2494) whispers: no, that's logical chess
Opinel(2494) whispers: what's wrong with me. the english GM who practly wrote the most chess books ever
Opinel(2494) whispers: he wrote the one about rook endings
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: John Nunn?
iwulu(2218) whispers: Raymond Keene?
Opinel(2494) whispers: Nunn yes thankyou
22...gxf4 (1:30)
Opinel(2494) whispers: he has a book like that as well
Opinel(2494) whispers: never read it
Opinel(2494) whispers: Logical chess is a very good book for novice players.
Opinel(2494) whispers: i need to read chess praxis again, haven't read it in a while
XJamesX(1317) whispers: someone should write an E book with built in PGNs instead of just notations in text that would sell pretty good
AcuWill(1659) whispers: yes, that ist he book
Opinel(2494) whispers: which?
AcuWill(1659) whispers: was very very good, there are few books that take you between those "tweener" stages
AcuWill(1659) whispers: like you already know basic tactics, and have played and maybe even some openings, but not thste thought process
AcuWill(1659) whispers: actually was,my second book, my first was Art of the middle game by kotov and ceres
AcuWill(1659) whispers: lololol, not for the beginner
AcuWill(1659) whispers: keres*?
Opinel(2494) whispers: were you talking about chess praxis?
XJamesX(1317) whispers: nice, just found the book 'logical chess" on scribd.com
AcuWill(1659) whispers: chess praxis? No, "Art of the Middlegame"
Opinel(2494) whispers: oh
Opinel(2494) whispers: the books that effected my play made their effect because of timing as well as quality
23.Kh1 (6:39)
Koff(1952) whispers: 23.g4 looked intersting
Koff(1952) whispers: nah
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: Qg5 perhaps
smallblackcat(1987) whispers: if g4 then fxg3 and e3 is supported
baaaah(1745) whispers: f5
baaaah(1745) whispers: f5 then move king?
AcuWill(1659) whispers: i don't think f5 accomplishes anything other than making a liability for black
baaaah(1745) whispers: it puts white bishop out of play
baaaah(1745) whispers: first b5
AcuWill(1659) whispers: give it something to attack imo. as it stands now, it only controls 1 square outright
baaaah(1745) whispers: b5 100%
23...Kh8 (3:50)
AcuWill(1659) whispers: i thikn better to move Kh9 and bring rook into play
AcuWill(1659) whispers: eh, well
Opinel(2494) whispers: yes i was also thinking Kh8
AcuWill(1659) whispers: Kh8*
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Kh9 owns
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: i always win when i move my king there
AcuWill(1659) whispers: :P
baaaah(1745) whispers: kight hanging
XJamesX(1317) whispers: lol kh9 would be pretty awesome
24.Ng1 (1:00)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Rg8
baaaah(1745) whispers: cant move rook
Opinel(2494) whispers: Rg8 yes
NoiroP(1824) whispers: Kh9 sounds like A government in exile :D
Opinel(2494) whispers: much better is K-9
XJamesX(1317) whispers: if chess was real most kings would be hiding on h9
24...Rg8 (3:14)
Opinel(2494) whispers: you have to watch Doctor who to understand the K-( remark
Opinel(2494) whispers: K-9*
Opinel(2494) whispers: white will probably play Rf2 and try to play Nf3 which of course doesn't work
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i get ya lol robot dog
Opinel(2494) whispers: =)
baaaah(1745) whispers: rookx night
baaaah(1745) whispers: dont look so bad to me
25.Rf2 (3:01) Qg3 (0:46)
WilkBardzoZly(1690) whispers: now f3 is dangerous
XJamesX(1317) whispers: might be risky later on
Opinel(2494) whispers: he's an IM by the way.
XJamesX(1317) whispers: who is?
Opinel(2494) whispers: darkiest. i don't know whether he wishes to keep his name private so i won't say it but he's a strong player alright
26.Qe2 (4:43)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: wow thats interesting, i wonder why he doesnt have/want the (IM) next to his name
GaraE(1457) whispers: Well, not like it changes anything does it? :)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: strike some fear in the hearts of opponents lol
Opinel(2494) whispers: it doesn't mean anything
XJamesX(1317) whispers: means he has a FIDE rating above 2400
XJamesX(1317) whispers: so, kinda does
26...Qg5 (4:00) 27.Nf3 (1:02)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: are you 'retired" from tournement games opinel?
Opinel(2494) whispers: t means you traveled and took part in competitions you were lucky enought to win. doesn't mean you are stronger or "more" than other who haven't. i'm certainly not more talented than Marco and know less about some lines than Bryan. I don't calculate as fast as Jenny. it mostly means devotion and time.
XJamesX(1317) whispers: jenny = funkmaus, bryan = bpaulsen, who is marco?
Opinel(2494) whispers: Bibbusque
XJamesX(1317) whispers: oh
AcuWill(1659) whispers: dude, bpaulsen's game is sooooo nice to watch
27...Qe7 (1:34)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: yeh he knows ALOT about caro kann and all that
Opinel(2494) whispers: yes he is a great player
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i find him abit standoffish
AcuWill(1659) whispers: There was this crazy oldguy who playeed here a while back (he disappeared about 9 months ago_ named florinc
XJamesX(1317) whispers: even when explaining games he is all "no that is wrong, this is only way to do it
AcuWill(1659) whispers: old as in "old school" not age -wise
smithers(1766) whispers: is this a league game ?
XJamesX(1317) whispers: yep
Opinel(2494) whispers: i still see him sometimes
AcuWill(1659) whispers: would ahve been fun to see you guys play him
AcuWill(1659) whispers: finger florinc
Opinel(2494) whispers: btw what doe standoffish means?
XJamesX(1317) whispers: a game i want to see is opinel vs grandpanther that guy smashes all the computers on FICS
28.Ng1 (2:47)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i played FlorniC
smithers(1766) whispers: looks like a Petrov defence
AcuWill(1659) whispers: says he hasn't been on since august
XJamesX(1317) whispers: reserved, haughty, or aloof
AcuWill(1659) whispers: we used to be e'friends
AcuWill(1659) whispers: chetted about real life and the like
Opinel(2494) whispers: according to pstat i played him 3 times
28...Rg3 (1:35)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: oh how can i check? i had never seen you 2 play so i wasnt sure
Opinel(2494) whispers: pstat opinel florinc
29.Qh5 (1:27)
AcuWill(1659) whispers: I think when you came around, he was not playing that much and his game had been dropping (no offense intended) just an observation
Opinel(2494) whispers: none taken
XJamesX(1317) whispers: ohh, i meant grandpanther before
29...Qf6 (1:47)
Opinel(2494) whispers: haven't played him
Opinel(2494) whispers: quite a rating though
AcuWill(1659) whispers: anyway, back to this game, white seems quite bound, but where to go for black?
XJamesX(1317) whispers: he attacks like crazy, against the computers anyway
30.Ne2 (1:14)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i don't make any sense from this 26...Qg5 move
WilkBardzoZly(1690) whispers: Rg5 qh4 Nd1 ?
30...Nd1 (2:39)
Opinel(2494) whispers: Nd1
Opinel(2494) whispers: for a moment there i was afraid that what happened to me this morning will happen to darkiest. that is, losing the edge of a won position
Opinel(2494) whispers: we're in luck that darkiest is a better player ;)
31.Rf3 (1:13) Rxf3 (0:31) 32.Qxf3 (0:28) Nxb2 (0:05)
vipiu(2085) whispers: that happened to Maras too
33.Bc2 (0:29)
AcuWill(1659) whispers: Te control over the c4 and e 3 squres is devastating
33...Nc4 (0:59)
Opinel(2494) whispers: was a very strange and bad game for me and maras
XJamesX(1317) whispers: maras left a mate in 1
34.Qd3 (2:03) Kg7 (0:24)
NoiroP(1824) whispers: It was in time press
XJamesX(1317) whispers: yeh, i think he was tired
vipiu(2085) whispers: no, he did it on purpose
XJamesX(1317) whispers: is there a forced queen trade here?
iwulu(2218) whispers: lol
GaraE(1457) whispers: I think Maras just eventually lost to time
vipiu(2085) whispers: sometimes you want to do that, I am not joking
GaraE(1457) whispers: But it's a sign of a good player if you're able to think quickly enough to NOT be in time trouble
vipiu(2085) whispers: he was losing anyway and he went for purpose in mate in one
GaraE(1457) whispers: Better player at least :)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: next time you get that feeling vipiu, send me a seek i can use the points
vipiu(2085) whispers: hmm, you did not get it
Madmansreturn(1989) whispers: I agree with vipiu, Maras did not miss it but made the move which had some hope if Opinel against all odds didn't play the mate in one
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i got it, you meant after a long game
vipiu(2085) whispers: he was lost anyway, and he just prefered to go into mate in one instead of losing for sure a longer game or resigning
35.Qf3 (2:32)
vipiu(2085) whispers: I also did it in some games
35...Ne3 (1:43)
Opinel(2494) whispers: of course he did it on purpose
36.Bd3 (0:13)
Opinel(2494) whispers: if it wasn"t tl game i would take a draw though
AcuWill(1659) whispers: i don't understand that opinel
Opinel(2494) whispers: i'm playing for a team so i need to win
36...Qh4 (1:50)
Opinel(2494) whispers: if it was a friendly game i would offer a draw since i had a won game then i lost ot then he had a good position and attack and just missed a silly tactic
Opinel(2494) whispers: i don't like winning like that
Opinel(2494) whispers: or on time
Opinel(2494) whispers: so sometimes i take draws in such occasions
AcuWill(1659) whispers: ok, i undertand, but I tink that missing the tactic and position going back and forth describes all my games :P
37.Kh2 (2:15)
Opinel(2494) whispers: yes, but it doesn't describe mine. and i appreciate the effort. i think he played inhuman defence and managed to get an attack rolling from a dead position. that deserves respect in my book
AcuWill(1659) whispers: like i said, that is is understandable
Opinel(2494) whispers: unless i'm actually playing for time pressuring my opponent i usally offer to add time to their clocks as well. i don't like winning on time. it's not the chess that interest me.
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i dont see a definitive advantage here while these queens are on
Opinel(2494) whispers: which is probably why i don't have much appreciation for blitz
XJamesX(1317) whispers: blitz sucks
37...Qe1 (2:05)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: that was a good game
38.Nxf4 (1:02)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Maras definately opened my eyes by his defensive chess
38...Qd2 (0:19)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: and in insane time pressure
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i am pretty sure he made his own opening, i have never seen that before
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: it looked like a grob by transposition
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: what do you think Opinel?
Opinel(2494) whispers: well the opening was quite rubbish =)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: was it a grob? or just sillyness? (i know grob = sillyness lol)
Opinel(2494) whispers: with analysis i'm sure it can be refuted in a few moves. it wasn't anything i can name. some form of a KIA set up
39.Qg3+ (2:17) Kh8 (0:14)
XJamesX(1317) whispers: pinned his own queen
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: also knight fork...
AcuWill(1659) whispers: yeah, the tension just blew up
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: this is won for black
XJamesX(1317) whispers: O.O
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: white is going to lose both pieces and queens get traded off
XJamesX(1317) whispers: i have no idea what white should play here
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: that's because white is lost ;)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: wtg darkiest
40.Be2 (3:51)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: queen be gone
Opinel(2494) whispers: Nf1
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: yep
40...Nf5 (1:13)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: whaaaaaat!
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: Opinel... you need to talk to darkiest
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: even i could see that tactic
Opinel(2494) whispers: same thing
Koff(1952) whispers: also this may win the Q
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: other way won the queen...
XJamesX(1317) whispers: yeh other way he wasnt up
41.Qd3 (1:27)
CrazyHunter(1857) whispers: flag?
GaraE(1457) whispers: Mean something like Qxe2 Nxe2 Nf1+?
Opinel(2494) whispers: jenny started her's
41...Qxf4+ (0:33) ivohristov resigns 0-1

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