opinel(2478) vs. hectorabcd(2312) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2010-05-01

1.e4 (0:00)
Opinel(2478) whispers: Alekhine Revenge game
1...d6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) Nf6 (0:06) 3.Nc3 (0:02) g6 (0:06) 4.f4 (0:02) Bg7 (0:03) 5.Nf3 (0:08) O-O (0:08) 6.e5 (0:28)
Opinel(2478) whispers: someone is thinking
RxR(1680) whispers: strange that more people doesn't play e5 like here. Looks very natural
6...Nfd7 (3:06) 7.h4 (0:07)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i was considering to play my usual e5 push on move 5
Opinel(2478) whispers: but i saw that he's playing 0-0 instead of c5 and i felt like a good sacing game!
7...c5 (1:24)
Opinel(2478) whispers: c5 h5 cxd4 hxg6 dxc3 gxf6+ and so on
8.h5 (0:17) cxd4 (0:09) 9.hxg6 (0:04) dxc3 (0:12) 10.gxf7+ (0:02)
Opinel(2478) whispers: it's a crazy line
Funkmaus(2208) whispers: gl dear GM, I cant comment - playing myself. Keep it going, I be here when my game over and yours running!
GaraE(1447) whispers: Cool stuff though. Bc4 pins a Rf7.
GaraE(1447) whispers: And h file is wide open.
10...Rxf7 (2:36) 11.Bc4 (0:03)
Opinel(2478) whispers: there are a few moves here
Opinel(2478) whispers: e6 being the normal one. Nf8 or h6 or other moves like Kf8 have been tried. some just lose others are good
Opinel(2478) whispers: there is the famous Nakamurra Smirin game in this line
Opinel(2478) whispers: Theory suggests that black should be better. at least capable of making a draw if not being better
Opinel(2478) whispers: in some lines tha king 0-0-0 in others he goes to f2 or even f1
RxR(1680) whispers: acc to chessok.com e6 is the only good move
Opinel(2478) whispers: the main idea here is easy to understand. Ng5 Qh5
Opinel(2478) whispers: cxb Bxb will lose another pawn but is more dangerous for black as well.
RxR(1680) whispers: but SMirin has played Nf8 vs both Shirov and Nakamura, so there may be a novelty waiting in the e6 lines
Opinel(2478) whispers: a lot of TL games are being played today
Opinel(2478) whispers: he's thinking a lot for someone who is supposed to know the theory
11...e6 (8:07)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Am I missing how e6 by black works here? Bxe6 retains the pin?
12.Ng5 (0:29)
GaraE(1447) whispers: There must be more behind e6, that I'm not seeing, so I accept it's considered a good move.
RxR(1680) whispers: Bxe6 ran into Nxe5
GaraE(1447) whispers: And the result? Bxf7+ is with check, followed by fxe5 Bxe5?
GaraE(1447) whispers: That just seems to disintegrate fast for black.
RxR(1680) whispers: Bxe6 Nxe5 Bxf7 Nxf7 attack over
GaraE(1447) whispers: I see.
RxR(1680) whispers: Nxe5 is supposed to be good here too
Opinel(2478) whispers: in practical terms it's just a crazy line but that isn't different than playing th KG or even some lines of the Italian. Obviouslly if black survives he'll be up in material but hopefully even if the attack fails my initiative will compensate for my lack in forces.
RxR(1680) whispers: the main idea is Nxe5 fxe5 cxb2! Bxb2 Qxg5
GaraE(1447) whispers: Definitely a crazy line.
RxR(1680) whispers: so white plays Nxe5 Qh5 with a nuts position
Opinel(2478) whispers: for general information, yes i have played this in OTB and aside for 2 draws and 1 loss i won all the other games. So i think the line has a lot in it
GaraE(1447) whispers: Good memory, and the advantage of experience. Scary. :)
RxR(1680) whispers: the comp at chessok thinks Nxe5 Qh5 Bf6 (novelty) is great for black
Opinel(2478) whispers: he's thining a lot, i'm starting to suspect he doesn't know the line.
Opinel(2478) whispers: thinking*
RxR(1680) whispers: bf6 looks incredibly dangerous there
RxR(1680) whispers: and the variation is not played so often so black not knowing it should be epxpected.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Yet Opinel knows it fairly well :) Though I suppose since the responsibility of instigating this position rests upon white.
12...cxb2 (9:01)
GaraE(1447) whispers: So a black player who has yet to meet such white players will be unaccustomed to facing this.
Opinel(2478) whispers: to my knowledge this is crazy. maybe he knows something i don't. he is the Pirc player
13.Bxb2 (0:39)
RxR(1680) whispers: black has scored well in the 3 games chessok has with this variation
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nice
RxR(1680) whispers: Qa5+ has been played in all 3 games, yet the comp at chessok prefers Nxe5! with a clear black adv
Opinel(2478) whispers: there are a lot of lines where white ends up with the passed e and f pawns by diverting the Bishop i do lose a defender to the f pawn but this is hardly something that bothers me. not when compared to what i gain by have the bishop on this diagonal
GaraE(1447) whispers: Returns the material for less tension.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Or tries to.
RxR(1680) whispers: yes :)
Opinel(2478) whispers: by having* my english is terrible today
RxR(1680) whispers: still looks crazy after Nxe5
RxR(1680) whispers: strange no human has tried Nxe5 here, it looks natural
13...Qa5+ (3:57)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think he genuinly isn't familiar with the line. unless he's really pulling my leg here and has something prepared
Opinel(2478) whispers: not like i have a choice. Ke2
RxR(1680) whispers: i have no idea how black can be expected to know this
14.Ke2 (1:48)
RxR(1680) whispers: now chessok is down to 1 game played with this position, some obscure game between 2 2200 players
GaraE(1447) whispers: I think Nxe5 doesn't look natural because black perceives he has a shot at retaining the "free knight".
Opinel(2478) whispers: i don't want to bother myself by things like c3 Nxe5. this is a move that appears in many lines.
GaraE(1447) whispers: If he manages to keep the material and survive, it can be argued dxc3 was great for black.
GaraE(1447) whispers: And c3 Nxe5 seems to win a pawn for black since c3 blocked Bb2's diagonal.
Opinel(2478) whispers: hopefully he will fall for the Rxf4 tricks
GaraE(1447) whispers: fxe5 Qxe5+ wins the knight. -.-
Opinel(2478) whispers: otherwise he should blockade
RxR(1680) whispers: d5 was played in the game mentioned above, with a fairly equal position acc to the comp evaluation. The game also ended in a draw in a long R+B vs R+B ending
milpat(1767) whispers: Qb4?
RxR(1680) whispers: but as black has fallen into one of whites specialty cariations its hard to see black survive
RxR(1680) whispers: Qb4 Bxe6 perhaps?
GaraE(1447) whispers: I agree, Opinel's experience nearly guarantees a comfortable time control as his opponent lapses into time trouble.
Opinel(2478) whispers: i saw a game with the move 11... h6 where black won an impressive game
milpat(1767) whispers: yes maybe d5 before?
14...Nb6 (6:20)
Albido(2310) whispers: good catch milpat I didn't consider d5 it looks strong
Opinel(2478) whispers: i was thinking d5
Opinel(2478) whispers: it's not bad, i can't play NxR now
15.Bd3 (2:04) Nd5 (0:04)
Opinel(2478) whispers: he's going for f4
Opinel(2478) whispers: that's usually a bad idea
Opinel(2478) whispers: i need to check it of course
RxR(1680) whispers: so what to play here? I'd play Nxf7 in blitz
Opinel(2478) whispers: he has some nice ideas with Qb4 which means that i will have to defend the bishop somehow
Opinel(2478) whispers: the problem with Bxh7+ is that i would rather capture with the rook usually after Nxf7
Opinel(2478) whispers: also, i don't much fancy Nc3+ lines
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think i'm pretty much forced into letting go some of my attacking pieces. not a good sign. but we'll see this game isn't over yet
16.Nxf7 (8:22) Kxf7 (0:04)
Opinel(2478) whispers: this is important because if Nxf4 i can go to f1
17.Rxh7 (0:30)
Opinel(2478) whispers: he actually found nice nuances to the move cxb2 and Qa5+ with the knight on d5. i'll have to check it later
RxR(1680) whispers: Qb6 here?
17...Qb4 (2:23)
Opinel(2478) whispers: yes
Opinel(2478) whispers: like i said, now i need to defend that bishop
milijonas(1821) whispers: Qc1 ?
RxR(1680) whispers: rb1 is met by Qxb2 so Qc1, yes
Opinel(2478) whispers: i'm considering ulternatives for Qc1
Opinel(2478) whispers: mainly Qh1
Opinel(2478) whispers: the problem with Kf2 / Qg4 is Qxf4 forcing Q exchange
Opinel(2478) whispers: hmm, i think Qh1 works quite well.
milijonas(1821) whispers: nice :)
Opinel(2478) whispers: if Nxf4 then Kf3 with Qh5+ and Qxb2 just loses immediately to the same attack
18.Qh1 (5:02)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i can sac my rook on h8 after the check. the queen and Bishop are enough to mate and the rook can slide as well so perhaps Nxf4 is just a bad move! also Qxb2. basically that means that black has no way to stop the attack!
xivarmy(1977) whispers: hmm, how does it? Qxb2 Qh5+ Kf8 Rh8+ Bxh8 Qxh8+ Ke7 can't be it - so how does the attack continue after Kf8
RxR(1680) whispers: hmm nxf4 kf3 qxb2 and there is no qh5 but rxg7 perhaps?
Opinel(2478) whispers: yes, black is dead.
milijonas(1821) whispers: :D
Albido(2310) whispers: I can't see a way out of this for black... crunch time!
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: eh, what am I not seeing, Nxf4+ Kf3 Qxb2, does white continue Rxg7+ ?
xivarmy(1977) whispers: Qh6 instead of Qh5+ maybe
18...Nxf4+ (6:12)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: then Qxe5 for black
19.Kf3 (0:18)
xivarmy(1977) whispers: yea, no clue, i couldn't see it either, guess we'll find out :)
RxR(1680) whispers: perhaps rxg7 works?
Opinel(2478) whispers: apparently going for f4 ended up being a mistake in this game as well.
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: ah, Qh8+ and exd6+ and then Qxb2 seems to work for white in the Rxg7 line
Opinel(2478) whispers: his queen side pieces haven't moved yet in this game
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: maybe Nxd3 instead of Qxb2
Opinel(2478) whispers: RxB / Qh7+
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nxd3 Qh5+ Kf8 (else Ke7 Rxg7+ Kmove Qh8#
GaraE(1447) whispers: Or Kg8.
GaraE(1447) whispers: Rh8+ Bxh8 Qh7+ Kf8 Bg6 threat of Qf7#
GaraE(1447) whispers: But actually nxd3 killed the bishop.
GaraE(1447) whispers: So nix that line.
19...Qxb2 (3:33) 20.Rxg7+ (0:10) Kxg7 (0:07) 21.Qh7+ (0:08) Kf8 (0:08)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Similar pattern, except the bishop is actually alive in this line.
GaraE(1447) whispers: But now g6's guarded.
Opinel(2478) whispers: i see a problem now
RxR(1680) whispers: so now what? Qh8 Kf7
milijonas(1821) whispers: so where is mate ?
xivarmy(1977) whispers: Qh8+ Kf7 Qf6+
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nowhere, might have missed the fact Nf4 guards g6
Opinel(2478) whispers: if i play Rh1 he has Qxe5 and i can't check on h8. somehow i missed that.
Opinel(2478) whispers: i need to check other forcing moves
22.Qh8+ (1:30) Ke7 (0:08)
Opinel(2478) whispers: well, no my Q is already there
xivarmy(1977) whispers: oops
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nice
milijonas(1821) whispers: losing his queen
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: what I wonder is whether white was winning after 19.- Nxd3
milijonas(1821) whispers: ed
RxR(1680) whispers: probably Kf7 Rh1 won for white
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: 23. exd6 and black can probably resign.
Opinel(2478) whispers: i don't want to win the queen if i don't have to
Opinel(2478) whispers: i would rather find the mater pattern
RxR(1680) whispers: madman mentioned exd6 some 5 moves ago. Nice call!
milijonas(1821) whispers: i thought that Opinel made a mistake :D
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Black's 12th move is a blunder.
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: 12...Nxe5 was correct.
23.Qg7+ (6:06) Kd8 (0:05) 24.Qf8+ (0:05)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think i found it
24...Kd7 (0:43)
milijonas(1821) whispers: found what ?
25.Rh1 (0:08)
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: The mating net.
25...dxe5 (0:23) 26.Rh7+ (0:05) Kc6 (0:02) 27.Qxc8+ (0:04) Kd6 (0:21) 28.Qc7+ (0:04) Kd5 (0:10) 29.Be4+ (0:04) Kd4 (0:04) 30.Qd6+ (0:08) Kc4 (0:09)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i calculated Nd5 Rh4 etc. need to see what Kc4 does
drinkeh(2048) whispers: wow, what a position to start observing
Opinel(2478) whispers: maybe winning the queen was safer, now i'm not sure.
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Yeah, one where black's bust.
milijonas(1821) whispers: Bd3 maybe ?
mindlin(2033) whispers: Rxb7 ?
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Rxb7 is just 1-0
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: I'm disappointed that black botched the opening.
Opinel(2478) whispers: i'm ok
31.Rxb7 (3:17) Qc3+ (0:04) 32.Kg4 (0:03)
RxR(1680) whispers: do you really think black botched the opening?
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Yes, 12...cxb2 is wrong.
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: 12...Nxe5 equalizes, and 12...Nf8 is unclear. 12...cxb2 is just a blunder.
RxR(1680) whispers: I looked at some databases and they indicated cxb2 was OK
Opinel(2478) whispers: saved by the pawn =)
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Database! = theoretically correct
32...Nd5 (1:07)
RxR(1680) whispers: 14...d5 was played before and the chessok database gave that as about equal.
RxR(1680) whispers: of course it may be wr ong in such a complicated position
Opinel(2478) whispers: but probably winning the queen was just better. technical, here i was also lucky. i didn't take the g pawn into account in my calculation on move 22.
mindlin(2033) whispers: Bxd5 ?
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: Never, ever use statistics as a basis for determining the theoretical validity of a move. ;)
33.Bxd5+ (2:02) exd5 (0:03) 34.Rc7+ (0:03) hectorabcd resigns 1-0

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