tjradd(2223) vs. nazareno(2079) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2010-05-01
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:06) 3.f4 (0:03) g6 (0:06) 4.Nf3 (0:05) Bg7 (0:06) 5.Bb5 (0:06) Nd4 (0:08) 6.Bd3 (0:03)
Opinel(2478) whispers: d6 6...e6 (1:04)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I recall this being bad
tjradd(2223) whispers: nd4 cd4 nb5
tjradd(2223) whispers: nd4 cd4 nb5 d6 c3 dc dc nf6 nd6!
tjradd(2223) whispers: ah that is in the Ne7 varation
tjradd(2223) whispers: when he does not have Ke7
Opinel(2478) whispers: then what are you waiting for 7.Nxd4 (2:53) cxd4 (0:03) 8.Nb5 (0:07) d6 (2:04) 9.c3 (0:03)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I'm content to clip the pawn and survive black's counterplay, if that's his choice:) 9...dxc3 (7:25) 10.bxc3 (0:20)
tjradd(2223) whispers: dc also perfectly reasonable
tjradd(2223) whispers: I just like the center:)
Opinel(2478) whispers: white has a fantastic game here. very bad opening play for black, ey was indeed a bad line but dxc3 was simply a bad move 10...Ne7 (9:07)
tjradd(2223) whispers: instinct here is Ba3
Opinel(2478) whispers: yes, almost winning 11.Ba3 (1:52)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think black is just dead after d5 Nd6+ Kf8 Rb1 11...d5 (3:50) 12.Nd6+ (1:48) Kf8 (0:09) 13.O-O (0:24)
tjradd(2223) whispers: a moment of responsibility
tjradd(2223) whispers: can't be bad to castle, putting R on the file of his king:) 13...dxe4 (1:16) 14.Bxe4 (0:10) Kg8 (1:29)
tjradd(2223) whispers: Ok, I'm exceptionally comfy:)
tjradd(2223) whispers: it may seem silly, but I need to think awhile now:)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I am thinking, do I "just" want to pick off the b-pawn
tjradd(2223) whispers: Rb1, etc
tjradd(2223) whispers: I feel like black is drawing dead :)
tjradd(2223) whispers: ok, I'm going to pursue the b-pawn 15.Rb1 (8:51)
Opinel(2478) whispers: most accurate move that i see is Rb1 but i'm entertaining myself with c4!!?
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think c4 was a very interesting move
Opinel(2478) whispers: main intention to stop Nd5 and create a centre. obviouslly Bxa1 would lead to mate after Qxa1 and Bb2 and so on
Opinel(2478) whispers: still Rb1 was probably the most accurate
Opinel(2478) whispers: there are interesting attacking ideas with g4 15...Rb8 (11:22)
tjradd(2223) whispers: and now I don't want the b-pawn
tjradd(2223) whispers: of course:p
Opinel(2478) whispers: i was thinking about Qf3 and g4 but it's not fast enough. especially after b6 and Ba6. so perhaps it'll be better to play Qa4 to attack both the ba nd a pawns while preventing black from developing to active squares
tjradd(2223) whispers: Rb8 left the a-pawn undefended
tjradd(2223) whispers: Qa4 is a serious possibility
drinkeh(2048) whispers: go tj :D
tjradd(2223) whispers: if take on b7 I'm only trading
tjradd(2223) whispers: (ok I win a pawn)
Opinel(2478) whispers: he's winning very easily from move 6
tjradd(2223) whispers: but if I clip a-pawn, I keep the initiative
tjradd(2223) whispers: yeah this is much better than Nxb7 16.Qa4 (6:32) Bd7 (4:02) 17.Qxa7 (0:20)
Opinel(2478) whispers: resignable
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: I should just let tjradd play the rest of the games in my place. 17...Nc6 (1:14)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: where did black go seriously wrong? 9.- Ne7?
tjradd(2223) whispers: I've converted some of my dynamic advantage into a static advantage
Opinel(2478) whispers: ii commented that before. for start e6 in the opening is a bad move
Opinel(2478) whispers: but dxc3 was quite bad
tjradd(2223) whispers: I can't decide between Qb6 (trade?) and Qe3 18.Qb6 (9:33) f5 (3:32) 19.Bf3 (0:05) Bf8 (0:45) 20.d4 (0:36)
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: 20 moves later, the d-pawn stakes a claim. 20...Be7 (1:58)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I have no plan now
Opinel(2478) whispers: Rfe1 seems obvious
tjradd(2223) whispers: after Rfe1 which I'm almost sure I'm playing
tjradd(2223) whispers: work backward e pawn 21.Rfe1 (2:39)
tjradd(2223) whispers: This has to be 1-0, but how do I put a bullet in his head? 21...h6 (1:27)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Bc5 and moving the a pawn forward is the only disruption I can figure out for queenside.
Opinel(2478) whispers: Bc5 seems good yes, Bxc6 wins another pawn as well
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nice, Bxc6 is straightforward. Forces black to feel the fact he must Bxc6 unprotecting e6.
GaraE(1447) whispers: I guess tjradd will pick that, obvious continuation to Rfe1.
GaraE(1447) whispers: I missed it despite it being obvious, oh well. :P
tjradd(2223) whispers: looking hard at d5, it seems natural to bust open the position when his pieces are doign nothing 22.d5 (7:16)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Qxb6 Rxb6 Nc8/
GaraE(1447) whispers: ?
GaraE(1447) whispers: er, wrong knight. 22...Qxb6+ (1:52) 23.Rxb6 (0:08) exd5 (1:05) 24.Bxd5+ (0:00) Kf8 (0:08)
tjradd(2223) whispers: ha nf7?? ba3 nh8 bc5+ would have been embarrasing 25.Reb1 (4:28) Nd8 (1:53) 26.Bxb7 (0:13) Nxb7 (0:06) 27.Rxb7 (0:06) Rxb7 (0:03) 28.Rxb7 (0:05) Be6 (0:06) 29.c4 (0:15)
tjradd(2223) whispers: is clear 29...g5 (1:48) 30.c5 (0:10)
smallblackcat(1971) whispers: I do believe Rb8+ and Bb2 was possible there
tjradd(2223) whispers: that knight on d6 has been a monster 30...Rh7 (2:41) 31.Rb8+ (0:15) Kg7 (0:13) 32.c6 (0:03) Nazareno resigns 1-0
Opinel(2478) whispers: d6 6...e6 (1:04)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I recall this being bad
tjradd(2223) whispers: nd4 cd4 nb5
tjradd(2223) whispers: nd4 cd4 nb5 d6 c3 dc dc nf6 nd6!
tjradd(2223) whispers: ah that is in the Ne7 varation
tjradd(2223) whispers: when he does not have Ke7
Opinel(2478) whispers: then what are you waiting for 7.Nxd4 (2:53) cxd4 (0:03) 8.Nb5 (0:07) d6 (2:04) 9.c3 (0:03)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I'm content to clip the pawn and survive black's counterplay, if that's his choice:) 9...dxc3 (7:25) 10.bxc3 (0:20)
tjradd(2223) whispers: dc also perfectly reasonable
tjradd(2223) whispers: I just like the center:)
Opinel(2478) whispers: white has a fantastic game here. very bad opening play for black, ey was indeed a bad line but dxc3 was simply a bad move 10...Ne7 (9:07)
tjradd(2223) whispers: instinct here is Ba3
Opinel(2478) whispers: yes, almost winning 11.Ba3 (1:52)
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think black is just dead after d5 Nd6+ Kf8 Rb1 11...d5 (3:50) 12.Nd6+ (1:48) Kf8 (0:09) 13.O-O (0:24)
tjradd(2223) whispers: a moment of responsibility
tjradd(2223) whispers: can't be bad to castle, putting R on the file of his king:) 13...dxe4 (1:16) 14.Bxe4 (0:10) Kg8 (1:29)
tjradd(2223) whispers: Ok, I'm exceptionally comfy:)
tjradd(2223) whispers: it may seem silly, but I need to think awhile now:)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I am thinking, do I "just" want to pick off the b-pawn
tjradd(2223) whispers: Rb1, etc
tjradd(2223) whispers: I feel like black is drawing dead :)
tjradd(2223) whispers: ok, I'm going to pursue the b-pawn 15.Rb1 (8:51)
Opinel(2478) whispers: most accurate move that i see is Rb1 but i'm entertaining myself with c4!!?
Opinel(2478) whispers: i think c4 was a very interesting move
Opinel(2478) whispers: main intention to stop Nd5 and create a centre. obviouslly Bxa1 would lead to mate after Qxa1 and Bb2 and so on
Opinel(2478) whispers: still Rb1 was probably the most accurate
Opinel(2478) whispers: there are interesting attacking ideas with g4 15...Rb8 (11:22)
tjradd(2223) whispers: and now I don't want the b-pawn
tjradd(2223) whispers: of course:p
Opinel(2478) whispers: i was thinking about Qf3 and g4 but it's not fast enough. especially after b6 and Ba6. so perhaps it'll be better to play Qa4 to attack both the ba nd a pawns while preventing black from developing to active squares
tjradd(2223) whispers: Rb8 left the a-pawn undefended
tjradd(2223) whispers: Qa4 is a serious possibility
drinkeh(2048) whispers: go tj :D
tjradd(2223) whispers: if take on b7 I'm only trading
tjradd(2223) whispers: (ok I win a pawn)
Opinel(2478) whispers: he's winning very easily from move 6
tjradd(2223) whispers: but if I clip a-pawn, I keep the initiative
tjradd(2223) whispers: yeah this is much better than Nxb7 16.Qa4 (6:32) Bd7 (4:02) 17.Qxa7 (0:20)
Opinel(2478) whispers: resignable
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: I should just let tjradd play the rest of the games in my place. 17...Nc6 (1:14)
Madmansreturn(2002) whispers: where did black go seriously wrong? 9.- Ne7?
tjradd(2223) whispers: I've converted some of my dynamic advantage into a static advantage
Opinel(2478) whispers: ii commented that before. for start e6 in the opening is a bad move
Opinel(2478) whispers: but dxc3 was quite bad
tjradd(2223) whispers: I can't decide between Qb6 (trade?) and Qe3 18.Qb6 (9:33) f5 (3:32) 19.Bf3 (0:05) Bf8 (0:45) 20.d4 (0:36)
BPaulsen(2387) whispers: 20 moves later, the d-pawn stakes a claim. 20...Be7 (1:58)
tjradd(2223) whispers: I have no plan now
Opinel(2478) whispers: Rfe1 seems obvious
tjradd(2223) whispers: after Rfe1 which I'm almost sure I'm playing
tjradd(2223) whispers: work backward e pawn 21.Rfe1 (2:39)
tjradd(2223) whispers: This has to be 1-0, but how do I put a bullet in his head? 21...h6 (1:27)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Bc5 and moving the a pawn forward is the only disruption I can figure out for queenside.
Opinel(2478) whispers: Bc5 seems good yes, Bxc6 wins another pawn as well
GaraE(1447) whispers: Nice, Bxc6 is straightforward. Forces black to feel the fact he must Bxc6 unprotecting e6.
GaraE(1447) whispers: I guess tjradd will pick that, obvious continuation to Rfe1.
GaraE(1447) whispers: I missed it despite it being obvious, oh well. :P
tjradd(2223) whispers: looking hard at d5, it seems natural to bust open the position when his pieces are doign nothing 22.d5 (7:16)
GaraE(1447) whispers: Qxb6 Rxb6 Nc8/
GaraE(1447) whispers: ?
GaraE(1447) whispers: er, wrong knight. 22...Qxb6+ (1:52) 23.Rxb6 (0:08) exd5 (1:05) 24.Bxd5+ (0:00) Kf8 (0:08)
tjradd(2223) whispers: ha nf7?? ba3 nh8 bc5+ would have been embarrasing 25.Reb1 (4:28) Nd8 (1:53) 26.Bxb7 (0:13) Nxb7 (0:06) 27.Rxb7 (0:06) Rxb7 (0:03) 28.Rxb7 (0:05) Be6 (0:06) 29.c4 (0:15)
tjradd(2223) whispers: is clear 29...g5 (1:48) 30.c5 (0:10)
smallblackcat(1971) whispers: I do believe Rb8+ and Bb2 was possible there
tjradd(2223) whispers: that knight on d6 has been a monster 30...Rh7 (2:41) 31.Rb8+ (0:15) Kg7 (0:13) 32.c6 (0:03) Nazareno resigns 1-0