strokerace(1927) vs. gabrielpergola(1840) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2010-04-24

1.Nf3 (0:00) f5 (0:00)
Twikki(2021) whispers: infinite free thinking time on move 1... might as well use it :D
2.d4 (0:18) Nf6 (0:04) 3.c4 (0:12) e6 (0:02) 4.Nc3 (0:06) d5 (1:35) 5.g3 (1:13) c6 (0:08) 6.Bg2 (1:57) Bd6 (0:29) 7.O-O (1:56) O-O (1:48) 8.b3 (0:30) Ne4 (0:16) 9.Bb2 (0:52) Bd7 (0:39) 10.Ne5 (2:25) Be8 (2:10) 11.f3 (1:55) Nf6 (3:32) 12.e4 (4:23) fxe4 (0:24) 13.fxe4 (0:13)
Twikki(2021) whispers: I don't like the way either side has handled the opening
13...Bxe5 (0:11) 14.dxe5 (0:11) Bh5 (0:18)
GaraE(1470) whispers: Really?
Twikki(2021) whispers: yeah... white played a line that normally leads to nothing, and black got overexcited ant gave up his dark squared bishop
GaraE(1470) whispers: Oh.
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: overexcited :p sounds great!
GaraE(1470) whispers: Was it the b3? The line divergence?
GaraE(1470) whispers: That began to tread the path of leading to nothing.
Twikki(2021) whispers: b3 is ok
GaraE(1470) whispers: /p
GaraE(1470) whispers: :P
GaraE(1470) whispers: No idea then here :(
arunsingh(1792) whispers: With centre somewhat blocked that bishop pair is not that advantage.
15.Qd4 (7:29)
Twikki(2021) whispers: the bishop on the a3-f8 diagonal should be a killer
arunsingh(1792) whispers: yes that gives f-file to white
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: Now everything getz traded here, Nxe4, what else...
15...Nxe4 (1:43) 16.Nxe4 (0:10) dxe4 (0:15)
Twikki(2021) whispers: Rxf8 Qxf8 Rf1
17.Rxf8+ (1:31)
Twikki(2021) whispers: black gets to play like he's 2 pieces down for a while
17...Qxf8 (0:32) 18.Rf1 (0:25) Qe7 (1:04)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: omg yeah, ur right twikki. Ba3 kills now!
Twikki(2021) whispers: Ba3 1-0
19.Ba3 (1:06)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: c5 followed by Nc6 - if it fails, black is dead
arunsingh(1792) whispers: Qe7 was not best
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: he should have blocked f-file with B@f3
Twikki(2021) whispers: B@f3 would have been good... nothing like a piece in hand :P
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Just got her,
jaberwock(1985) whispers: here
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: hey!
19...Qe8 (2:56)
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Has anyone asked if Stroker was inspired by Botvinnik's Ba3?
jaberwock(1985) whispers: vs. Capablanca
20.Rf8+ (0:42) Qxf8 (0:05) 21.Bxf8 (0:08) Kxf8 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: hell, he cant eat B now, he getz pinned foreer
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: forever
Twikki(2021) whispers: Qd6-c7 should win another piece
22.Qd6+ (1:50)
stevelco(1716) whispers: White agrees
Twikki(2021) whispers: or maybe Bh3 depending on where the king goes
22...Ke8 (1:43) 23.Qxe6+ (0:26) Kd8 (0:32) 24.Qd6+ (1:12) Ke8 (0:22)
stevelco(1716) whispers: Nice
25.Bxe4 (2:12)
jaberwock(1985) whispers: afk; Did someone comment that white now has Bc6+ if black knight moves?
stevelco(1716) whispers: You're the first
Twikki(2021) whispers: was about to :P
jaberwock(1985) whispers: and e6 follows
stevelco(1716) whispers: Good job, Ace
Twikki(2021) whispers: was looking at Nd7 e6 Nb6 c5 Nc8 Bxc6
25...Na6 (1:30) 26.Qe6+ (0:33)
Twikki(2021) whispers: Bxc6 there was murderliscious
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: He wants Bh5
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Good word, Twikki
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
stevelco(1716) whispers: murderliscious
Twikki(2021) whispers: that one's one of my favorites, right up there with blunderriffic
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2203) whispers: lol
26...Kf8 (1:47)
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Now THAT I can identify with
27.Qf5+ (0:14)
jaberwock(1985) whispers: That is efficient word for that Twikki? ;)
stevelco(1716) whispers: efficienticious
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Came for a game and increased my chess vocabulary
Twikki(2021) whispers: hmm... R&P vs Q is drawn... maybe that's black's long term goal
27...Ke7 (0:59)
stevelco(1716) whispers: efficracious
jaberwock(1985) whispers: wow, stevelco
28.Qxh5 (0:07)
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
28...Rf8 (0:08)
jaberwock(1985) whispers: A long way to go for R&P vs Q, and not all of them are drawn, but decent fortress chances.
Twikki(2021) whispers: hmm... boring + efficient... that's a tough one
stevelco(1716) whispers: borficient
29.Qxh7 (0:56)
stevelco(1716) whispers: lol
jaberwock(1985) whispers: Karpovian?
Twikki(2021) whispers: ah! that move was Funkmausian :D
Twikki(2021) whispers: *ducks*
stevelco(1716) whispers: Funkmausian
gabrielpergola resigns 1-0

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