opinel(2465) vs. alefzero(2216) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2010-04-16
1.c4 (0:00) g6 (0:00)
Opinel(2465) whispers: in memory of Smyslov
Opinel(2465) whispers: who just died
Opinel(2465) whispers: i decided to play 1. c4 2.Nc3 (1:08) Bg7 (0:10) 3.d4 (1:27) d6 (0:06) 4.e4 (0:13) Nf6 (0:03) 5.Be2 (1:03)
Opinel(2465) whispers: was considering to go into the f3 line, but i haven't played it in a while 5...O-O (0:29) 6.Nf3 (0:14) Nbd7 (0:32) 7.O-O (1:06) e5 (0:13) 8.Be3 (1:46)
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't feel like Re1
Opinel(2465) whispers: BPaulsen and i are playing the first games for the Alekhine's Revenge team!
Tysonx(1237) whispers: hi myob
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's also playing a TL game at the moment, i think
Opinel(2465) whispers: c6 d5 c5 is the normal line now
AlefZero(2216) whispers: sorry for delay - phone call 8...Re8 (3:13)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i used to play this very defence (as black) for years... it's very good
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: I wonder who was on the phone - Kramnik perhaps? ;-)
drinkeh(2024) whispers: must have been, anyone else doesn't really make sense
Opinel(2465) whispers: 3 ways to go here. d5, Qc2 or transpose with dxe Nxe NxN RxN f3.
fernbap(1640) whispers: Go Alef!
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm considering exchanging here because i used to play this sort of closed english/marotzy positions quite a lot... but since i do like a good fight i think i'll play d5
hugozver(1935) whispers: GO Alef!!
Tysonx(1237) whispers: go opinel 9.d5 (4:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: main line is Ng4, but it's not clear theory wise 9...Nh5 (3:18)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i'm not mistaken so far i've only played 1. e4 in TL games
Opinel(2465) whispers: right, here g3 is the old move
LeifPetersen(1515) whispers: black looks cramped. Nice white position, looks like a sailboat or something :-)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm considering a slow plan of Rc1 / b4 / c5. thematic
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm not afraid of Nf4 that much
fernbap(1640) whispers: this is book, leif 10.g3 (4:57)
Opinel(2465) whispers: couldn't decide on Rc1 so main line it is 10...Bf8 (0:25) 11.Qc2 (1:05) Ng7 (1:08)
Opinel(2465) whispers: since he knows what to do i'll do what i usually do which is to play normal plans with a touch of off beat play. the queen and Rac1 will try to control c5 while putting pressure on f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's intentions are clear. f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: his*
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm thinking of playing c5 =)
Opinel(2465) whispers: it'll lead to tactical lines
Opinel(2465) whispers: where i will sac a pawn for some dynamic play as well as unfamiliar
xombie(1931) whispers: did opinel comment about g3 with Be2?
fernbap(1640) whispers: haven't seen the bayonet attack lately
xombie(1931) whispers: whats bayonet attack 12.Rfe1 (4:42)
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't work
fernbap(1640) whispers: it was played frequently some 20 years ago
fernbap(1640) whispers: against the KID
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bf1-g3 is interesting. and i want to keep Ng5 in case of f5 12...Be7 (0:47)
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: oh i used to do that
Opinel(2465) whispers: mmm, i don't even understand what this is about
Opinel(2465) whispers: g5?
Opinel(2465) whispers: that seems to leave the e5 pawn unprotected in several ideas
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'll just play c5 now 13.c5 (3:58)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i will try to make this a tactical game rather than allowing him the time to play in the king side. i'm sacing a pawn but i believe i'm gaining some compensation for it 13...dxc5 (1:32)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I didn't like Nxc5 b4 and Nb5
Opinel(2465) whispers: was expecting Nx 14.Bb5 (2:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i play Na4 he has time for f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: so i'm not going to try to force him into b6 i'll just exchange and capture on e5 14...Bd6 (1:06)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: this is a quite passive way to play this variation, but my experience was that black should survive (maybe with little winning chances though) 15.Na4 (0:42)
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's greedy
hugozver(1935) whispers: and you are ....
stevelco(1705) whispers: generous?
hugozver(1935) whispers: lol
stevelco(1705) whispers: :) 15...a6 (3:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: interesting, no b6 16.Bxd7 (0:39)
Opinel(2465) whispers: so i'll take the c pawn and the universe is in order 16...Qxd7 (1:02)
zota(1806) whispers: hi! why shoulg he take with queen?
Opinel(2465) whispers: it seems that this way he'll be able to play f5 after all 17.Nxc5 (0:23)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: white got some queenside play, but hopefully my bishop will give some counterplay on light squares 17...Qg4 (0:47)
Opinel(2465) whispers: seems odd
Opinel(2465) whispers: Nd2 / f3 was good for me anyway 18.Nd2 (0:55)
Opinel(2465) whispers: f5 now 18...b6 (0:31)
zota(1806) whispers: obsessed wiyh f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: strange player =) 19.f3 (0:54)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qh3 is dangerous since i'm going to play Nd3 anyway and there's a chanse for it to ge trapped so Qh5 is forced 19...Qh5 (2:52) 20.Nd3 (0:04)
Opinel(2465) whispers: oh, i have a nice tactic here!
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bxb6 cxb6 Qc6 20...a5 (2:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: good move
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bxb6 cxb6 Qc6 Ba6! 21.Rf1 (3:07)
Opinel(2465) whispers: anticipating f5 / fxe4 21...Ba6 (4:38)
Opinel(2465) whispers: basically i'm thinking about ideas like Nc4 Ba6 b3 where i can play something like NxB with bxb6 22.Nc4 (0:50) Bxc4 (0:13) 23.Qxc4 (0:06)
Opinel(2465) whispers: ?? 23...f5 (0:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i don't know why he did that. that was some mighty bishop 24.Rae1 (0:39)
Opinel(2465) whispers: unless i'm missing a tactical line where he manage to creat a king side attack i think i'm definitelly better now
Opinel(2465) whispers: fxe4 g4!? is interesting indeed 24...Rf8 (2:43)
Opinel(2465) whispers: too late 25.f4 (1:04)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i like my position now! 25...fxe4 (3:03) 26.Nxe5 (0:38)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i calculated both Nx and fx. not sure which is better but this one seems more complicated which suits me
Opinel(2465) whispers: BxN fails to d6+ of course 26...Rae8 (2:35)
Opinel(2465) whispers: my idea was Nf5 g4!
pchesso(1710) whispers: was 26. ... b5 an idea? (Qxb5 Rab8)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Nf5 was better
spendius(1813) whispers: that is life
Opinel(2465) whispers: i dont see how he's going to stop me now. Nf5 g4 he had Nxe3
Opinel(2465) whispers: now i just have Bd4 27.Bd4 (2:09)
Opinel(2465) whispers: strong diagonals! 27...e3 (4:16)
Opinel(2465) whispers: so far i dodin't understand most of what he's playing
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't*
Opinel(2465) whispers: what does this do really?
Opinel(2465) whispers: maybe he wants Rxe3 Nf5
Opinel(2465) whispers: not going to happen 28.Bxe3 (2:02) Bxe5 (1:04)
RxR(1695) whispers: maybe black has to try bxe5 now - yes!
RxR(1695) whispers: but it doesn't look convincing, Be3 becomes a giant
Opinel(2465) whispers: i thought this is just losing to d6+... am i missing something
Opinel(2465) whispers: i don't think i'm missing anything 29.d6+ (2:46) Ne6 (1:05)
Opinel(2465) whispers: the reason i decided to play tactically this game is due to his loss against bibbu in bibbu's gambit vs the ck. then i saw he plays many openings so obviouslly knows theory so i decided it's better to play wild like bibbu 30.d7 (0:24)
RxR(1695) whispers: it looks good for white, but I can't really see the win 30...Re7 (0:42)
RxR(1695) whispers: just fxe5? 31.fxe5 (2:31)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i know 1. c4 isn't wild =)
Opinel(2465) whispers: but i didn't want to play the ck against him and since smyslov is one of my favorites i decided to play c4 in his honor
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: Of course not Qxe5?? Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bh6+ loses Q 31...Rd8 (1:34)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i could be certain he'll play the modern steinitz against me
Opinel(2465) whispers: which i saw he plays it
Opinel(2465) whispers: i would play e4 because i know how to beat it =) but he plays a lot of ck 32.Rd1 (0:56)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qxe5 Bd4 and even if b5 BxQ bxc4 Bf6 is winning material 32...Kg7 (2:50)
scndBrz(1900) whispers: Hi all. It TL round?
pchesso(1710) whispers: yes
Opinel(2465) whispers: just need to find the winning variation now
Opinel(2465) whispers: plan*
RxR(1695) whispers: yes, this looks winning, must have been what he saw earlier
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I wonder when I made a decisive mistake
scndBrz(1900) whispers: The most impressive thing that advanced guys like GM do is a pawn formation.
scndBrz(1900) whispers: Rf6
scndBrz(1900) whispers: oops 33.Rd5 (4:07) Qh3 (1:38)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I couldn't play it a move before due to Bg5 34.Qc6 (0:40)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: looks like a time to give up 34...Qg4 (2:00)
Opinel(2465) whispers: mm, good defence 35.Rf6 (1:25) Qe4 (0:12)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: a few checks and it is over
Opinel(2465) whispers: i was afraid of Qe2 36.Kf2 (0:32)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: or maybe even no checks 36...Qb1 (1:50) 37.Rxe6 (0:57) Qf5+ (0:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Q+ only move 38.Bf4 (0:04) Rxe6 (0:11) 39.Qxc7 (0:05)
tjradd(2228) whispers: nice game, opinel 39...Qf8 (0:12)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i have to move my king or i can't play Rd6 40.Kg1 (1:50) h6 (1:54)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: material is equal, but of course white is winning 41.h4 (3:40)
Opinel(2465) whispers: wanted to play Be3/b6 but he had Qf3 and then he might be able to check into a draw 41...Qb4 (1:48)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I don't even see any decent traps, everything is too obvious 42.Kf2 (0:56)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: exactly, Qxb2+ Rd2
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qxb2 is an illusion 42...Qe7 (0:55) 43.Be3 (0:45) Qf7+ (2:12)
Opinel(2465) whispers: he actualy fell for that!? 44.Ke2 (0:21)
Opinel(2465) whispers: can't stop Bxb6 now!
AlefZero(2216) whispers: the end: Qe7 Bxb6 Rxb6 Qxb6 Rxd7 Qf6+ AlefZero resigns 1-0
Opinel(2465) whispers: in memory of Smyslov
Opinel(2465) whispers: who just died
Opinel(2465) whispers: i decided to play 1. c4 2.Nc3 (1:08) Bg7 (0:10) 3.d4 (1:27) d6 (0:06) 4.e4 (0:13) Nf6 (0:03) 5.Be2 (1:03)
Opinel(2465) whispers: was considering to go into the f3 line, but i haven't played it in a while 5...O-O (0:29) 6.Nf3 (0:14) Nbd7 (0:32) 7.O-O (1:06) e5 (0:13) 8.Be3 (1:46)
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't feel like Re1
Opinel(2465) whispers: BPaulsen and i are playing the first games for the Alekhine's Revenge team!
Tysonx(1237) whispers: hi myob
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's also playing a TL game at the moment, i think
Opinel(2465) whispers: c6 d5 c5 is the normal line now
AlefZero(2216) whispers: sorry for delay - phone call 8...Re8 (3:13)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i used to play this very defence (as black) for years... it's very good
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: I wonder who was on the phone - Kramnik perhaps? ;-)
drinkeh(2024) whispers: must have been, anyone else doesn't really make sense
Opinel(2465) whispers: 3 ways to go here. d5, Qc2 or transpose with dxe Nxe NxN RxN f3.
fernbap(1640) whispers: Go Alef!
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm considering exchanging here because i used to play this sort of closed english/marotzy positions quite a lot... but since i do like a good fight i think i'll play d5
hugozver(1935) whispers: GO Alef!!
Tysonx(1237) whispers: go opinel 9.d5 (4:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: main line is Ng4, but it's not clear theory wise 9...Nh5 (3:18)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i'm not mistaken so far i've only played 1. e4 in TL games
Opinel(2465) whispers: right, here g3 is the old move
LeifPetersen(1515) whispers: black looks cramped. Nice white position, looks like a sailboat or something :-)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm considering a slow plan of Rc1 / b4 / c5. thematic
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm not afraid of Nf4 that much
fernbap(1640) whispers: this is book, leif 10.g3 (4:57)
Opinel(2465) whispers: couldn't decide on Rc1 so main line it is 10...Bf8 (0:25) 11.Qc2 (1:05) Ng7 (1:08)
Opinel(2465) whispers: since he knows what to do i'll do what i usually do which is to play normal plans with a touch of off beat play. the queen and Rac1 will try to control c5 while putting pressure on f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's intentions are clear. f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: his*
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'm thinking of playing c5 =)
Opinel(2465) whispers: it'll lead to tactical lines
Opinel(2465) whispers: where i will sac a pawn for some dynamic play as well as unfamiliar
xombie(1931) whispers: did opinel comment about g3 with Be2?
fernbap(1640) whispers: haven't seen the bayonet attack lately
xombie(1931) whispers: whats bayonet attack 12.Rfe1 (4:42)
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't work
fernbap(1640) whispers: it was played frequently some 20 years ago
fernbap(1640) whispers: against the KID
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bf1-g3 is interesting. and i want to keep Ng5 in case of f5 12...Be7 (0:47)
Sportsmen(2319) whispers: oh i used to do that
Opinel(2465) whispers: mmm, i don't even understand what this is about
Opinel(2465) whispers: g5?
Opinel(2465) whispers: that seems to leave the e5 pawn unprotected in several ideas
Opinel(2465) whispers: i'll just play c5 now 13.c5 (3:58)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i will try to make this a tactical game rather than allowing him the time to play in the king side. i'm sacing a pawn but i believe i'm gaining some compensation for it 13...dxc5 (1:32)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I didn't like Nxc5 b4 and Nb5
Opinel(2465) whispers: was expecting Nx 14.Bb5 (2:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i play Na4 he has time for f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: so i'm not going to try to force him into b6 i'll just exchange and capture on e5 14...Bd6 (1:06)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: this is a quite passive way to play this variation, but my experience was that black should survive (maybe with little winning chances though) 15.Na4 (0:42)
Opinel(2465) whispers: he's greedy
hugozver(1935) whispers: and you are ....
stevelco(1705) whispers: generous?
hugozver(1935) whispers: lol
stevelco(1705) whispers: :) 15...a6 (3:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: interesting, no b6 16.Bxd7 (0:39)
Opinel(2465) whispers: so i'll take the c pawn and the universe is in order 16...Qxd7 (1:02)
zota(1806) whispers: hi! why shoulg he take with queen?
Opinel(2465) whispers: it seems that this way he'll be able to play f5 after all 17.Nxc5 (0:23)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: white got some queenside play, but hopefully my bishop will give some counterplay on light squares 17...Qg4 (0:47)
Opinel(2465) whispers: seems odd
Opinel(2465) whispers: Nd2 / f3 was good for me anyway 18.Nd2 (0:55)
Opinel(2465) whispers: f5 now 18...b6 (0:31)
zota(1806) whispers: obsessed wiyh f5
Opinel(2465) whispers: strange player =) 19.f3 (0:54)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qh3 is dangerous since i'm going to play Nd3 anyway and there's a chanse for it to ge trapped so Qh5 is forced 19...Qh5 (2:52) 20.Nd3 (0:04)
Opinel(2465) whispers: oh, i have a nice tactic here!
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bxb6 cxb6 Qc6 20...a5 (2:11)
Opinel(2465) whispers: good move
Opinel(2465) whispers: Bxb6 cxb6 Qc6 Ba6! 21.Rf1 (3:07)
Opinel(2465) whispers: anticipating f5 / fxe4 21...Ba6 (4:38)
Opinel(2465) whispers: basically i'm thinking about ideas like Nc4 Ba6 b3 where i can play something like NxB with bxb6 22.Nc4 (0:50) Bxc4 (0:13) 23.Qxc4 (0:06)
Opinel(2465) whispers: ?? 23...f5 (0:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i don't know why he did that. that was some mighty bishop 24.Rae1 (0:39)
Opinel(2465) whispers: unless i'm missing a tactical line where he manage to creat a king side attack i think i'm definitelly better now
Opinel(2465) whispers: fxe4 g4!? is interesting indeed 24...Rf8 (2:43)
Opinel(2465) whispers: too late 25.f4 (1:04)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i like my position now! 25...fxe4 (3:03) 26.Nxe5 (0:38)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i calculated both Nx and fx. not sure which is better but this one seems more complicated which suits me
Opinel(2465) whispers: BxN fails to d6+ of course 26...Rae8 (2:35)
Opinel(2465) whispers: my idea was Nf5 g4!
pchesso(1710) whispers: was 26. ... b5 an idea? (Qxb5 Rab8)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Nf5 was better
spendius(1813) whispers: that is life
Opinel(2465) whispers: i dont see how he's going to stop me now. Nf5 g4 he had Nxe3
Opinel(2465) whispers: now i just have Bd4 27.Bd4 (2:09)
Opinel(2465) whispers: strong diagonals! 27...e3 (4:16)
Opinel(2465) whispers: so far i dodin't understand most of what he's playing
Opinel(2465) whispers: didn't*
Opinel(2465) whispers: what does this do really?
Opinel(2465) whispers: maybe he wants Rxe3 Nf5
Opinel(2465) whispers: not going to happen 28.Bxe3 (2:02) Bxe5 (1:04)
RxR(1695) whispers: maybe black has to try bxe5 now - yes!
RxR(1695) whispers: but it doesn't look convincing, Be3 becomes a giant
Opinel(2465) whispers: i thought this is just losing to d6+... am i missing something
Opinel(2465) whispers: i don't think i'm missing anything 29.d6+ (2:46) Ne6 (1:05)
Opinel(2465) whispers: the reason i decided to play tactically this game is due to his loss against bibbu in bibbu's gambit vs the ck. then i saw he plays many openings so obviouslly knows theory so i decided it's better to play wild like bibbu 30.d7 (0:24)
RxR(1695) whispers: it looks good for white, but I can't really see the win 30...Re7 (0:42)
RxR(1695) whispers: just fxe5? 31.fxe5 (2:31)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i know 1. c4 isn't wild =)
Opinel(2465) whispers: but i didn't want to play the ck against him and since smyslov is one of my favorites i decided to play c4 in his honor
Pawnadian(1933) whispers: Of course not Qxe5?? Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bh6+ loses Q 31...Rd8 (1:34)
Opinel(2465) whispers: if i could be certain he'll play the modern steinitz against me
Opinel(2465) whispers: which i saw he plays it
Opinel(2465) whispers: i would play e4 because i know how to beat it =) but he plays a lot of ck 32.Rd1 (0:56)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qxe5 Bd4 and even if b5 BxQ bxc4 Bf6 is winning material 32...Kg7 (2:50)
scndBrz(1900) whispers: Hi all. It TL round?
pchesso(1710) whispers: yes
Opinel(2465) whispers: just need to find the winning variation now
Opinel(2465) whispers: plan*
RxR(1695) whispers: yes, this looks winning, must have been what he saw earlier
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I wonder when I made a decisive mistake
scndBrz(1900) whispers: The most impressive thing that advanced guys like GM do is a pawn formation.
scndBrz(1900) whispers: Rf6
scndBrz(1900) whispers: oops 33.Rd5 (4:07) Qh3 (1:38)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I couldn't play it a move before due to Bg5 34.Qc6 (0:40)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: looks like a time to give up 34...Qg4 (2:00)
Opinel(2465) whispers: mm, good defence 35.Rf6 (1:25) Qe4 (0:12)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: a few checks and it is over
Opinel(2465) whispers: i was afraid of Qe2 36.Kf2 (0:32)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: or maybe even no checks 36...Qb1 (1:50) 37.Rxe6 (0:57) Qf5+ (0:33)
Opinel(2465) whispers: Q+ only move 38.Bf4 (0:04) Rxe6 (0:11) 39.Qxc7 (0:05)
tjradd(2228) whispers: nice game, opinel 39...Qf8 (0:12)
Opinel(2465) whispers: i have to move my king or i can't play Rd6 40.Kg1 (1:50) h6 (1:54)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: material is equal, but of course white is winning 41.h4 (3:40)
Opinel(2465) whispers: wanted to play Be3/b6 but he had Qf3 and then he might be able to check into a draw 41...Qb4 (1:48)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: I don't even see any decent traps, everything is too obvious 42.Kf2 (0:56)
AlefZero(2216) whispers: exactly, Qxb2+ Rd2
Opinel(2465) whispers: Qxb2 is an illusion 42...Qe7 (0:55) 43.Be3 (0:45) Qf7+ (2:12)
Opinel(2465) whispers: he actualy fell for that!? 44.Ke2 (0:21)
Opinel(2465) whispers: can't stop Bxb6 now!
AlefZero(2216) whispers: the end: Qe7 Bxb6 Rxb6 Qxb6 Rxd7 Qf6+ AlefZero resigns 1-0