renehanisch(1824) vs. diegodon(1956) 0-1
standard 15+0, 2010-01-28
1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Bc4 (0:15) Nf6 (0:03) 3.Nc3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:04) 4.d3 (0:14) Bb4 (0:11) 5.Ne2 (1:47) d5 (0:02) 6.exd5 (0:12) Nxd5 (0:06) 7.O-O (0:02) Nb6 (0:19) 8.Bb3 (0:09) O-O (0:18) 9.Ne4 (0:31) Be7 (0:21) 10.N2g3 (0:10) Nd4 (0:25) 11.Qh5 (1:25) Nxb3 (0:11) 12.axb3 (1:16) f5 (0:46) 13.Ng5 (0:35) h6 (0:18) 14.Nf3 (0:14) f4 (0:24) 15.Ne4 (0:07) Rf5 (0:11)
(15...Rf5 (0:11) 16.Qh4 (0:39)
renehanisch requests to take back 1 half move(s).
diegodon accepts the takeback request.
(16.Qh4 (0:39) 16...Bxh4 (0:03)
renehanisch requests to take back 1 half move(s).
diegodon accepts the takeback request.))
16.Qh3 (0:02) Rg5 (0:15) 17.Nfxg5 (1:09) Bxh3 (0:22) 18.Nxh3 (0:02) f3 (0:10) 19.gxf3 (0:33) Qd7 (0:15) 20.Kg2 (0:14) a6 (0:11) 21.Bd2 (0:38) Rf8 (0:19) 22.Ng3 (0:20) Qc6 (0:25) 23.Ng1 (0:12) Qxc2 (0:05)
renehanisch resigns 0-1