freefal(1420) vs. onlytwinone(1556) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2009-10-12

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:04) d6 (0:04)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: go team MFO! :)
3.Bc4 (0:45) Nf6 (0:16) 4.Ng5 (1:09) Be6 (0:41)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: hm, i don't like that so much
5.Bxe6 (0:31)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: sorta looks like fried liver. usually i block with d5. though of course he already moved d pawn
5...fxe6 (0:07) 6.Nxe6 (0:19) Qe7 (0:12)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: only one place to run...
7.Nxf8 (1:38)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: or that
7...Rxf8 (0:08)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: can castle qside, have nice lanes at black's king.
8.Nc3 (0:36) Qe6 (0:41)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: i think i'd just develop normally. nc6 or d7
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: if N b5, have to then go back and defend.
9.Qe2 (1:40)
freefal(1420) whispers: wish I had played that queen move, one move earlier
freefal(1420) whispers: would have superficially looked like I was protected the pawn rather than setting up Qh5+
freefal(1420) whispers: looks suspicious now
9...c6 (1:25)
freefal(1420) whispers: Qa5+ rather
freefal(1420) whispers: Qb5+ (last try)
10.Qd3 (6:41) Nbd7 (0:40) 11.b4 (1:32) O-O-O (0:28) 12.O-O (0:44) Nb6 (0:50) 13.Qg3 (1:50)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: so many white queen moves
13...Rd7 (1:32) 14.d3 (0:28) d5 (0:23) 15.exd5 (0:55) Nbxd5 (0:29) 16.Nxd5 (0:23) Nxd5 (0:06) 17.a3 (0:54)
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: Nc3 is ok move?
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: what about after bb2? has to run, right?
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: idea is ne2 of course
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: oh i see
17...Nc3 (3:00) 18.Bb2 (0:42)
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: nice
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: HAHAHAH
18...Ne2+ (0:12)
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: hopefully he can see...
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: this is why you get the big bucks
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: great...
JoshuaR(1541) whispers: and onlytwinone
paceytallblack(1650) whispers: onlyone really
freefal resigns 0-1

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