nakazanie(1420) vs. pacpac(1434) 1/2-1/2
standard 45+45, 2009-10-11
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:34) 3.f4 (0:04)
cynick(2169) whispers: aha the gran prix attack. Probably the best anti sicilian variation. 3...e6 (1:22) 4.Nf3 (0:06) Bd6 (0:10)
cynick(2169) whispers: Bd6 is very original, still it develops a piece, cant be really bad 5.e5 (2:11) Bc7 (0:13) 6.Bb5 (0:25) Nge7 (0:28) 7.O-O (1:47) d5 (4:47) 8.d4 (2:47) cxd4 (1:32) 9.Nxd4 (0:59) a6 (0:13) 10.Bxc6+ (0:25) Nxc6 (0:08) 11.Be3 (1:54) h5 (4:15) 12.Bf2 (9:13) h4 (2:27) 13.Nf3 (4:39) Bb6 (1:24) 14.Bxb6 (0:19) Qxb6+ (0:49) 15.Kh1 (2:34) Qxb2 (0:40) 16.Qd2 (3:17) b5 (3:04) 17.a3 (2:28) d4 (2:35) 18.Nxd4 (0:39) Nxd4 (0:17) 19.Ra2 (1:04)
TGV(1572) whispers: Nb3 to extract from trouble for black?
gaelleg(1899) whispers: Qe3 19...Nb3 (7:31)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: Q e3 answers to Nb3
TGV(1572) whispers: ah
gaelleg(1899) whispers: b5 has struggled the black queen but white gives more pieces by taking in d4 , white should have just get out the N
gaelleg(1899) whispers: now withe takes Q against R + B , not as easy as it could hav been 20.Qe3 (4:59)
TGV(1572) whispers: yes, 18.Ne4 much better for white 20...Qxa2 (2:41) 21.Nxa2 (0:09) Na5 (0:08)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: if Qb6 to avoid rooking, just Bb7 with rook in c8 22.Qb6 (3:45)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: to eliminate the defence of c5 22...Bb7 (2:38) 23.Qxa5 (0:44)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: too soon
gaelleg(1899) whispers: white had time to take
gaelleg(1899) whispers: h3 was better i think 23...h3 (1:07) 24.Kg1 (1:05) hxg2 (4:45) 25.Rd1 (1:07)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: i just realize the name of the team is poisonned pawn
gaelleg(1899) whispers: they could have called it b poisonned pawn 25...O-O (1:38) 26.Rd2 (3:12) Rac8 (0:51) 27.Qb6 (2:21) Ba8 (0:56) 28.Qxa6 (0:24) f6 (0:10) 29.Qxe6+ (0:32) Kh7 (0:11) 30.Qh3+ (2:06) Kg8 (0:03) 31.Qb3+ (1:00) Kh8 (0:28) 32.Qxb5 (0:20) fxe5 (0:10) 33.Qxe5 (0:24) Rce8 (0:50) 34.Qh5+ (1:20) Kg8 (0:14) 35.Rd1 (0:27) Re4 (1:35) 36.f5 (5:19) Rf4 (2:30) 37.Qe2 (1:40) pacpac offers a draw. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
cynick(2169) whispers: aha the gran prix attack. Probably the best anti sicilian variation. 3...e6 (1:22) 4.Nf3 (0:06) Bd6 (0:10)
cynick(2169) whispers: Bd6 is very original, still it develops a piece, cant be really bad 5.e5 (2:11) Bc7 (0:13) 6.Bb5 (0:25) Nge7 (0:28) 7.O-O (1:47) d5 (4:47) 8.d4 (2:47) cxd4 (1:32) 9.Nxd4 (0:59) a6 (0:13) 10.Bxc6+ (0:25) Nxc6 (0:08) 11.Be3 (1:54) h5 (4:15) 12.Bf2 (9:13) h4 (2:27) 13.Nf3 (4:39) Bb6 (1:24) 14.Bxb6 (0:19) Qxb6+ (0:49) 15.Kh1 (2:34) Qxb2 (0:40) 16.Qd2 (3:17) b5 (3:04) 17.a3 (2:28) d4 (2:35) 18.Nxd4 (0:39) Nxd4 (0:17) 19.Ra2 (1:04)
TGV(1572) whispers: Nb3 to extract from trouble for black?
gaelleg(1899) whispers: Qe3 19...Nb3 (7:31)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: Q e3 answers to Nb3
TGV(1572) whispers: ah
gaelleg(1899) whispers: b5 has struggled the black queen but white gives more pieces by taking in d4 , white should have just get out the N
gaelleg(1899) whispers: now withe takes Q against R + B , not as easy as it could hav been 20.Qe3 (4:59)
TGV(1572) whispers: yes, 18.Ne4 much better for white 20...Qxa2 (2:41) 21.Nxa2 (0:09) Na5 (0:08)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: if Qb6 to avoid rooking, just Bb7 with rook in c8 22.Qb6 (3:45)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: to eliminate the defence of c5 22...Bb7 (2:38) 23.Qxa5 (0:44)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: too soon
gaelleg(1899) whispers: white had time to take
gaelleg(1899) whispers: h3 was better i think 23...h3 (1:07) 24.Kg1 (1:05) hxg2 (4:45) 25.Rd1 (1:07)
gaelleg(1899) whispers: i just realize the name of the team is poisonned pawn
gaelleg(1899) whispers: they could have called it b poisonned pawn 25...O-O (1:38) 26.Rd2 (3:12) Rac8 (0:51) 27.Qb6 (2:21) Ba8 (0:56) 28.Qxa6 (0:24) f6 (0:10) 29.Qxe6+ (0:32) Kh7 (0:11) 30.Qh3+ (2:06) Kg8 (0:03) 31.Qb3+ (1:00) Kh8 (0:28) 32.Qxb5 (0:20) fxe5 (0:10) 33.Qxe5 (0:24) Rce8 (0:50) 34.Qh5+ (1:20) Kg8 (0:14) 35.Rd1 (0:27) Re4 (1:35) 36.f5 (5:19) Rf4 (2:30) 37.Qe2 (1:40) pacpac offers a draw. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2