roberttorma(2232) vs. ewankolang(2070) *

standard 45+45, 2009-08-18

1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:11) d5 (0:17)
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: hello
3.Nc3 (0:15) dxe4 (0:14) 4.Nxe4 (0:04) Be7 (0:11) 5.Nf3 (1:34) Nd7 (0:11) 6.Bd3 (2:17) Ngf6 (0:18)
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: no tension at this time
7.Qe2 (1:10) Nxe4 (3:30) 8.Qxe4 (0:38) c5 (2:33) 9.O-O (7:37)
Kastro(1868) whispers: hi all
oistrakh(1392) whispers: hi
9...Nf6 (3:28)
oistrakh(1392) whispers: i'm new in teamleague. does anybody know how long does it take for a captain to contact you to join a team? (i'm already in the "Interested players" list)
Kastro(1868) whispers: It depends.
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: i won a tempo yehey! :D
Kastro(1868) whispers: not at all... he will play Bb5+
10.Bb5+ (3:42)
Kastro(1868) whispers: looks uggly for black.... Kf8
10...Kf8 (2:17) 11.Qe2 (3:52) cxd4 (4:57) 12.Rd1 (1:23)
Kastro(1868) whispers: looks not good at all.... :(
12...Qc7 (3:46) 13.Rxd4 (3:02) Bc5 (3:16) 14.Bf4 (1:51)
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: tempo again?:D
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: opps that hurts!
14...Qb6 (2:15) 15.Rd2 (3:15) a6 (3:16) 16.Ba4 (1:07) Qxb2 (2:36)
Ewankolang(2070) whispers: suicide
17.Rad1 (1:33) Ke7 (3:39)
NoiroP(1816) whispers: maybe Qc4
irWietje(1451) whispers: computer keeps saying Nd4, is that to chase away the black B after Nb3?
18.Nh4 (6:46) g6 (2:31)
oistrakh(1392) whispers: i think white's last move was not good, i would have played Nd4, threatening Nf6+.
19.Be5 (1:16) Qa3 (3:04)
smallblackcat(2059) whispers: Bb3 and Qf3 seems to win the Nf6
oistrakh(1392) whispers: 20. Qf3 would be good, i think
smallblackcat(2059) whispers: trade queens?
oistrakh(1392) whispers: oops maybe not
smallblackcat(2059) whispers: Bb3 Qb4 but then c4 perhaps
smallblackcat(2059) whispers: black can also unpin with Rf8 or Rg8
oistrakh(1392) whispers: computer suggests 20. Ba1, Qxa4 21. Qe5
20.Nf3 (7:32)
smallblackcat(2059) whispers: similar idea here - Qxa4 Bxf6+ Kxf6 Qe5+
NoiroP(1816) whispers: a good bait
Ewankolang lost connection; game adjourned *

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