spaski(1401) vs. myfanway(1734) 1-0
standard 40+5, 2009-06-07
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:06) g6 (0:04) 3.Bg2 (0:04) Bg7 (0:03) 4.e4 (0:03) d6 (0:06) 5.Nc3 (0:09) O-O (0:13) 6.Nge2 (0:07) Nc6 (0:16) 7.d5 (0:12) Ne5 (0:09) 8.f4 (0:07) Nc4 (0:19) 9.O-O (0:05) a6 (1:46) 10.b3 (0:09) Nb6 (0:23) 11.Bb2 (0:16) Bg4 (0:22) 12.Qd2 (0:19) Bxe2 (0:16) 13.Qxe2 (0:06) Qd7 (0:42) 14.e5 (0:07) dxe5 (0:26) 15.fxe5 (0:05) Nfxd5 (0:10) 16.Rxf7 (0:36) Kxf7 (1:20) 17.e6+ (2:05) Qxe6 (0:08) 18.Rf1+ (0:10) Kg8 (0:12)
Myfanway requests to take back 1 half move(s).
Spaski declines the takeback request.
19.Qxe6+ (0:09) Kh8 (0:12) 20.Rxf8+ (0:10) Rxf8 (0:39) 21.Bxd5 (1:52) Bd4+ (0:25) 22.Kg2 (0:14) Rf2+ (1:01) 23.Kh3 (0:08) Nxd5 (0:26) 24.Ne4 (0:47) Bxb2 (3:25) 25.Nxf2 (0:27) c6 (0:09) 26.c4 (0:17) Nc3 (0:58) 27.Qf7 (0:05) e5 (0:35) 28.Qf8# (0:04)
Myfanway checkmated 1-0