tiamoo(1683) vs. myfanway(1737) *

standard 60+5, 2009-06-07

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:06) d6 (0:15) 3.c3 (1:59) Nf6 (0:09) 4.e5 (0:03) dxe5 (1:29) 5.Nxe5 (0:02) Qd5 (0:26) 6.d4 (2:26) Nc6 (2:49) 7.Nxc6 (1:08) Qxc6 (1:21) 8.dxc5 (0:41) Qxc5 (0:26) 9.Qf3 (1:09) Myfanway requests to adjourn the game. Myfanway requests to abort the game. Myfanway offers a draw. Game aborted by mutual agreement *

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