xombie(1866) vs. didiboy(1909) 1-0

standard 20+20, 2009-04-10

40...Rc8 (1:42) 41.Rb7 (0:03) Rc7 (0:19) 42.Nxd6 (0:56)
xombie(1866) whispers: perhaps a bad decision
42...Rxb7 (1:36) 43.Nxb7 (0:03)
xombie(1866) whispers: its never a good idea to give up one's active piece for another's passive one
43...Nc7 (1:38)
xombie(1866) whispers: in this case it is the rooks
xombie(1866) whispers: eh?
xombie(1866) whispers: losing i think
xombie(1866) whispers: perhaps it is not wise to take the pawn right away
xombie(1866) whispers: i got it
xombie(1866) whispers: in any case, there is the immediate tactical threat of Be3+ to Nxc5
xombie(1866) whispers: that would put an end to all my excellent strategy in the game
xombie(1866) whispers: but this works
44.d6 (2:17) Ne6 (0:20) 45.Bc4 (0:03) Kf7 (0:04) 46.d7 (0:03) Bg5 (0:06) 47.d8=Q (0:14) Bxd8 (0:03) 48.Nxd8+ (0:02) didiboy resigns 1-0

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