abkbyfktrc(1814) vs. evilthunder(1925) *

standard 45+45, 2009-02-16

14.Nc4 (2:50) 14...Nd5 (4:09)
Frigateland(1887) whispers: f3 could avoid trading the bishop
Evilthunder(1925) whispers: c3 sicilian is a vry boring game:(
15.Nxc6 (1:39) bxc6 (0:00)
Evilthunder(1925) whispers: i will be vry happy if i can take his bishop with my knight
16.Rd4 (8:23) Qf5 (1:00) 17.Rad1 (2:43) Bf6 (3:32)
zulugodetia(1432) whispers: :))
18.R4d3 (8:20)
Evilthunder(1925) whispers: i want that bishop but after that his knight have some good sqares via e3
18...a5 (6:12) 19.Nb6 (12:06) Rad8 (7:03) 20.Nc4 (0:14) a4 (0:36)
LLIAMAH(1838) whispers: Bc5
21.Qc2 (1:20) Ra8 (1:21) 22.Nb6 (0:04) Nxb6 (0:01) 23.Bxb6 (0:06) Rfb8 (0:02) 24.Bc7 (0:46)
zulugodetia(1432) whispers: go et, go!
Evilthunder lost connection; game adjourned *

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