strokerace(1914) vs. draghetto(1947) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2008-12-08

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:22) Nc6 (0:22) 3.Bb5 (0:13) a6 (0:05) 4.Ba4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:03) 5.O-O (0:21) Be7 (0:11) 6.Re1 (0:04) b5 (0:02) 7.Bb3 (0:02) d6 (0:09) 8.c3 (0:19) O-O (0:03) 9.h3 (0:17) Na5 (0:10) 10.Bc2 (0:04) c5 (0:02) 11.d4 (0:02) Qc7 (0:38) 12.Nbd2 (1:15) cxd4 (2:01) 13.cxd4 (0:04) Nc6 (0:18)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: i got to this exact same spot a few days ago in a std game and messed up with Nf1 and lost a pawn
14.a3 (1:50)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: after the game i looked up the line... so we'll see from here
14...Bd7 (2:56) 15.d5 (2:41) Na5 (0:14)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: ok trying to remember if it's b4 now or nf1...
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: anyone for fischer random?
16.Nf1 (1:54) Rfc8 (8:26) 17.Ne3 (2:44) g6 (3:03) 18.Bd3 (0:57) Nh5 (1:28)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: well the ne3 has to move or get roasted by nf4.
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: have a feeling he's going to win my bd3 for his Na5 so hope to win his in return
19.Ng4 (3:05)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: not much else to do but i think this holds
19...Nc4 (2:36)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: b3 really weakens c3 but maybe i can play rc1 at some point?
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: or b3 na5 b4 nc4 then bh6 ... rc1?
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: or rb1 and live with nc4
20.Rb1 (6:40)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: less commital
20...Qd8 (8:33)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: looks like a good move geting Q back to k-side.
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: Nc4 is nice but blocks entry for black too
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: guess he wants to trade the bishops then plant N on f4
21.g3 (4:44)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: normally dont like moves like g3 due to long term k-weaknesses, but...
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: enabels me to play b3 and bb2 or ideally use h-file in some lines
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: not exactly a tactical skirmish :-P
21...Nf6 (4:25)
AcuWill(1769) whispers: fun ruy game here
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: hmm have to move ng4 somewhere tha t prortects h3
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: or could get crazy with nh6+ kg7... need to omve other N to get Q into the game
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: safe/passive Nfh2, aggressive/unsound? Nh6+ kg7.. Ng5 (kxh6?? nf7+ )
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: screw it this is dull
22.Nh6+ (6:37) Kg7 (0:41) 23.Ng5 (0:03) Be8 (0:31) 24.Qf3 (0:23)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: kxh6 ne6+
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: still too much stuff hanging need to consolidate
24...Qd7 (2:57)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: ok now i can trade nf6 and use h-file maybe: nhg4
25.Ng4 (1:39)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: oh hope ng5 is not trapped
25...Nxg4 (4:49) 26.hxg4 (0:06)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: yes
26...h6 (0:30) 27.Nh3 (1:32) h5 (0:44)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: now it's kinda crazy, more my type of game
28.Be2 (4:14)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: hmm does the endgame favor anyone?
28...Nb6 (3:34)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: rc2 maybe?
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: hm, Qe3 attacks Nb6 and threatens Qh6+
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: hmm e3 is not defended... Qe3 now into h6.. attacks N too. me likes.
29.Qe3 (1:47)
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: he read my mind! :)
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: g pawn can be captured now
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: white probably likes hxg now, after Qh6+ Kg8 Ng5 plan Kg2 and Rh1, looks dangerous for black
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: yes but what else does black have here other than to pick up the pawn now?
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: he cant stop Qh6 check and he would than lose the pawn
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: I don't know; if that line is too dangerous he could play Rxc1 to avoid white's K side attack but that is a lot to give up
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: maybe i'm missing something but i don't see a good way to stop both threats other than exchange sac rxc1
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: after recapture hxg4 and exchange for a pawn but open h-file too
29...hxg4 (7:39)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: well Qh6+ kg8 ng5 mate threat bxg5 bxg5 can mate me stopped?
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: can reinfoce with kg2/rh1
30.Qh6+ (2:03) Kg8 (0:03) 31.Ng5 (0:09)
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: he has to capture the knight here
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: black seems to me will be able to hold here
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: dont know what the thought is about here
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: clock is definately a problem now
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: Bxg5 Bxg5 Q can't cover dark squares in time, i think
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: does Bxg5 Bxg5 f5 work?
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: Bxg5 Bxg5 push f pawn (say f5) and black covers the 7th rank in time, I think
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: I think so jordan
ReyFeroz(1872) whispers: hi
31...Bf6 (4:29)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: hmm
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: well Qh7+ kf8 and he runs
ReyFeroz(1872) whispers: hi
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: what about Qh7 + Kf8 Ne6+ fxe6 Bh6+ -- Bg7 Qh8 Ke7 Qxg7+ Kd8 Bg5+ Kc7 , maybe it is just a big trade
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: kg2.... bg7 Qh7+ kf8 Rh1 then what
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: i dunno
jordanvictor(1710) whispers: Kg2 or is that too passive?
32.Kg2 (5:53)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: what else
32...Bg7 (2:50) 33.Qh7+ (0:04) Kf8 (0:07) 34.Rh1 (0:02)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: nan how to kill that bg7?
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: hmm throw it away soi can play bh6?
34...Qd8 (2:14)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: N has no squares
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: Qh5, Nh7+, then Nf6+ or Bh6 depending on his K move -- maybe that is too slow
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: darn f6 pawn stops a nice fork
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: maybe Bxg4 to exchange Nd7 (I assume Black wants Nd7-f6)
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: oh, he is threatening Rxc1 and Qxg5, 2 pieces for R .. hm
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: let me get the pawn back and guard the N
35.Qh4 (3:35)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: and threaten Nh7+ but don't think it goes anywhere
35...Bd7 (1:42)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: wait maybe i can get rid of bg7 now
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: nh7+ k g8 bg5?
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: looks good nf6+ coming double defended
36.Nh7+ (2:01) Kg8 (0:04) 37.Bg5 (0:02) Qc7 (2:06)
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: nf6+ Bxf6?? bxf6 mate next but if Nf6+ kf8...
DarthDaver(2123) whispers: Bf6 Bxf6 Qxf6 idea Ng5 and Rh8
StrokerAce(1914) whispers: Nf6+ kf8 bh6 maybe
38.Nf6+ (6:37) Kf8 (0:21) 39.Bh6 (1:00) draghetto resigns 1-0

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