imgoodrooking(1402) vs. asonew(1181) 0-1

standard 20+0, 2008-11-27

6.Nf3 (0:11) 6...Qa5 (2:41) 7.Bd2 (0:10) Nb4 (0:17) 8.O-O-O (0:21) Nxa2+ (0:21) 9.Nxa2 (0:06) imgoodrooking requests to take back 1 half move(s). AsoneW declines the takeback request. 9...Qxa2 (0:18) imgoodrooking requests to take back 1 half move(s). 10.Qxe6+ (0:17) AsoneW declines the takeback request. 10...fxe6 (0:11) 11.c3 (0:16) imgoodrooking requests to take back 1 half move(s). AsoneW declines the takeback request. 11...Bd7 (0:28) 12.Re1 (0:26) Qa1+ (0:06) 13.Kc2 (0:13) Ba4+ (0:29) 14.b3 (0:07) Qa2+ (0:17) 15.Kd1 (0:10) Qxb3+ (0:39) 16.Ke2 (0:05) Rd8 (0:40) 17.Nd4 (0:13) imgoodrooking requests to pause the game. AsoneW declines the pause request. 17...Qd5 (1:39) 18.Be3 (0:22) imgoodrooking requests to adjourn the game. imgoodrooking requests to pause the game. AsoneW declines the adjourn request. AsoneW declines the pause request. 18...Qa2+ (0:40) 19.Bd2 (0:13) imgoodrooking offers a draw. AsoneW declines the draw request. 19...Bb4 (0:41) imgoodrooking requests to pause the game. 20.cxb4 (0:17) AsoneW declines the pause request. 20...Rxd4 (0:08) 21.Kf3 (4:41) Qxd2 (0:17) 22.Rxe6+ (0:04) Kf7 (0:19) 23.Re2 (0:09) Bc6+ (0:27) 24.Kg3 (0:08) Qg5+ (0:22) 25.Kh3 (0:12) Qg4# (1:11) imgoodrooking checkmated 0-1

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