gmvachierlagrave(2681) vs. gmacs(2544) 1/2-1/2

standard 120+0, 2008-08-04

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:03) 3.Bb5 (0:02) a6 (0:04) 4.Bxc6 (0:04) dxc6 (0:03) 5.O-O (0:03) f6 (0:03) 6.d4 (0:03) Bg4 (0:02) 7.c3 (0:03) Bd6 (0:03) 8.Be3 (0:04) Ne7 (0:04) 9.Nbd2 (0:04) exd4 (0:05) 10.cxd4 (0:03) f5 (0:04) 11.Bg5 (0:03) h6 (0:03) 12.Bxe7 (0:03) Qxe7 (0:03) 13.h3 (0:03) Bxf3 (0:02) 14.Qxf3 (0:04) fxe4 (0:03) 15.Qf5 (0:04) Qf6 (0:03) 16.Qxf6 (0:03) gxf6 (0:02) 17.Nxe4 (0:03) Kf7 (0:03) 18.Nxd6+ (0:03) cxd6 (0:03) 19.Rfe1 (0:04) Rhe8 (0:04) 20.Kf1 (0:03) a5 (0:03) 21.Rxe8 (0:03) Rxe8 (0:05) 22.Re1 (0:03) Ra8 (0:04) 23.Ke2 (0:02) a4 (0:04) 24.Kd3 (0:03) Ra5 (0:04) 25.g4 (0:03) h5 (0:25)
cynick(1753) whispers: Go Max!
26.f4 (5:03) hxg4 (5:09) 27.hxg4 (0:04) Ra8 (0:04) 28.Rh1 (0:52) Rg8 (3:04)
cynick(1753) whispers: Rh7+ and Ke6 is just good enough?!
29.Rh4 (8:11) Ke6 (2:01) 30.Ke4 (1:03) Rxg4 (12:24) 31.Rxg4 (0:03) f5+ (0:03) 32.Kf3 (0:03) fxg4+ (0:02) 33.Kxg4 (0:03)
cynick(1753) whispers: amazing that black dared enter this pawn ending
cynick(1753) whispers: the outside free pawn would usually mean that white should win
cynick(1753) whispers: but I guess black has calculated carefully
maleonas(0) whispers: draw
33...Kf6 (6:59) 34.b4 (1:01) axb3 (5:05) 35.axb3 (0:05) c5 (0:04) 36.dxc5 (0:02) dxc5 (0:04) 37.f5 (0:49) b5 (0:03) 38.Kf4 (0:04) c4 (1:54) 39.bxc4 (0:03) bxc4 (0:03) 40.Ke4 (0:04) c3 (0:03)
cynick(1753) whispers: now it certainly is a draw
cynick(1753) whispers: but why did white have to play b4? GMVachierLagrave requests to pause the game. Game clock paused. GMVachierLagrave offers a draw.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2

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