alefzero(2231) vs. petersanderson(2241) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2008-04-26
4...Bb4 (0:56)
5.exd5 (6:53)
ExirK(1392) whispers: Okay, exchange...
ExirK(1392) whispers: Can black gambit a pawn for initiative?
ExirK(1392) whispers: ...0-0
iwulu(2145) whispers: this is more alefzero's style, I think
ExirK(1392) whispers: so two development tempi for a pawn 5...Qxd5 (1:03) 6.Bxf6 (0:39)
iwulu(2145) whispers: avoiding the sharp lines. The sub-plot is that alef is a French player himself, so knows of the chaos in store after 5.e5 6...gxf6 (0:08) 7.Ne2 (0:47)
iwulu(2145) whispers: 6...bc3 may have been more accurate
ExirK(1392) whispers: still theory?
iwulu(2145) whispers: sort of
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: ah maccutcheon
iwulu(2145) whispers: 7...Nc6 looks interesting, with the idea of Bxc3!? 7...Nc6 (11:51) 8.Qd2 (0:13)
Mekk(1764) whispers: wczesnym rankiem trudno oczom wierzyc ;-)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: 0-0-0 I guess, because this doesn't break the pin
iwulu(2145) whispers: 8...0-0 looks dubious, with a poor pawn structure after 9.Nd5 8...Qg5 (5:10)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: this is okay too - to undouble the pawns, but white can still play 0-0-0
iwulu(2145) whispers: the timing of this game couldn't be worse for either player; 10:30 pm on a Friday for peter, 5:30 am on Saturday for alefzero. Better them than me :)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: heh
NatIN(1901) whispers: how is f4 and O-O-O? 9.f4 (3:33) Qg6 (0:50) 10.O-O-O (2:27) Bd7 (9:58) 11.a3 (0:06) Bf8 (1:14)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: its so quiet watching this game
NatIN(1901) whispers: people are all tird
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: im awake!
Mekk(1764) whispers: i am not quite.... Hmm, is alefzero trying to stay with knights against bishops ine very game? 12.d5 (3:14)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: does the word 'alef' mean anything in Polish ?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: That's what I was afraid of.
iwulu(2145) whispers: yeah :-/ 12...exd5 (1:22) 13.Nxd5 (0:06)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I thought maybe Qe3+
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Now 0-0-0 look ok
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Go Peter! 13...O-O-O (0:52)
iwulu(2145) whispers: heh
Implications(1764) whispers: Qe3+ was probably better. 14.Nec3 (0:21)
pollock(2056) whispers: :-?
Mekk(1764) whispers: alefzero = (alef)_0 = cardinality of natural numbers set. Alef is a Hebrew letter
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: a6 to stop Nb5 maybe
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: ah I see 14...Bg7 (5:33)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: so if Nb5 how does black not lose c7?
pollock(2056) whispers: presume loses and counter attacks :S
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Looks that way :(
Implications(1764) whispers: Nb5 and how does black defend c7?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: haha
pollock(2056) whispers: imp are you just repeating sportsmens comment ?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: wow that is a good question :)
pollock(2056) whispers: guess thats one way to look smart :)
Implications(1764) whispers: LOL.
Mekk(1764) whispers: Bd6 and sth out of this pin on d file? Bah, I am sleeeeeeepyyy
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i jsut cant find a useful move for black after Nb5
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I hate this position :( 15.Bb5 (4:03)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
Mekk(1764) whispers: oooo
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
pollock(2056) whispers: alef doesnt like tasty pawn?
Mekk(1764) whispers: looks for Ne7 or what?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: maybe he saw something
pollock(2056) whispers: counter down c possibly
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: but i couldnt figure out any moves for black in that position
pollock(2056) whispers: but it really did just look a nice pawn
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Well, Rhe8, Rhe1 RxR, RxR and black can bring his B back to f8
pollock(2056) whispers: what does it do on f8?
pollock(2056) whispers: guard e7 but :(
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: It guards e7
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Ne7+ etc
pollock(2056) whispers: id prefer f5 sometime if possible just for counterplay
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: After BxN
pollock(2056) whispers: comps suggesting kb8 with f5 too come 15...Rhe8 (3:57)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: BxN ... Ne7+
pollock(2056) whispers: bxc6 would give black quite nice pawns :)
pollock(2056) whispers: lots of good control ofver d6 d5 e6 e5 :)
pollock(2056) whispers: kinda are semi serious tho
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black's Q seems out of play on g6. 16.Rhe1 (7:22)
AlefZero(2231) whispers: Bxc6 bxc6 didn't seem good - Qd4 cxd5 Qxa7 Bc6 16...Rxe1 (2:05) 17.Rxe1 (4:05)
Implications(1764) whispers: Tough choice. 17...Bf8 (3:31)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black looks ok I guess.
Mekk(1764) whispers: swap swap swap swap swap swap and win the pawn ending ;-)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Qf2 !?!? 18.Qf2 (9:43)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: ARG
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(
Implications(1764) whispers: What's the big deal?
Implications(1764) whispers: a6 problem solved.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: BXN BxN, Qa7 looks problemayic
Implications(1764) whispers: How so?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: problematic that is
Implications(1764) whispers: Queen looks pretty harmless there.
Implications(1764) whispers: Especially since d5 then hangs.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: There's a mate threat
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I think ...
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa7 Bxd5 Nxd5 Rxd5 Qa8+ Kd7 Qxf8.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Re1 and Q both hit e8
Implications(1764) whispers: It doesn't look that dangerous, although black's king will certainly be exposed to tactics later.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: and there's Ne7 Bxe7, Rxe7 ... Qa8# 18...Kb8 (3:42) 19.g3 (0:03)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Kb8 looks much safer to me.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
Implications(1764) whispers: ne7 when?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa7 Bxd5 no mate.
thasychymus(1985) whispers: Go Peter!
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: F5 STAY ALIVE! F5 STAY ALIVE!
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :) 19...b6 (2:39)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: ...
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black should get his Q into play.
AdiShankaR(1413) whispers: to much time used by black 20.Qg2 (3:09)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: F5 STAY ALIVE! F5 STAY ALIVE! 20...f5 (2:13)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :D
pollock(2056) whispers: zoom zoom! 21.Nb4 (1:23)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Bxb4 looks pretty forced. 21...Nxb4 (1:14) 22.Bxd7 (0:04)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: whew
Mekk(1756) whispers: Nd3? 22...Na6 (0:48)
Mekk(1756) whispers: this long diagonal is so ... white
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Re5 ... Bxf5 ... Rd5 :(
pollock(2056) whispers: want to see the bc6 ba8 mating patern :)
pollock(2056) whispers: i like that one
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(
AlefZero(2231) whispers: b4 looks interesting but there is Qf6
Implications(1764) whispers: Re5 winning a pawn? Looks kind of risky.
Mekk(1756) whispers: Bc6 and what black can do?
NatIN(1901) whispers: Re5 looks nice
pollock(2056) whispers: why re5 risky?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Well, Bc6 Nc5 look ok I guess
pollock(2056) whispers: guess its on long diagonal and bg7 can come :)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: What move would you play?
Mekk(1756) whispers: Bc6 Nc5 b4 or so?
pollock(2056) whispers: b4 weakens some dark squares around king
pollock(2056) whispers: asking for some pain later on :) 23.Qd5 (6:21)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: This looks good to.
AlefZero(2231) whispers: let's make it slightly more safe
Mekk(1756) whispers: clock! 23...Qf6 (0:42)
pollock(2056) whispers: eek! 24.Qxf5 (0:17) Qd4 (0:20)
Implications(1764) whispers: Dropping another pawn?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qxf7 and Bd7 is untouchable, right?
iwulu(2145) whispers: no 25.Nb5 (2:42)
Implications(1764) whispers: No what?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qxf7 and I don't see how Rxd7 or Qxd7 worked.
iwulu(2145) whispers: sorry mistell 25...Qf2 (1:03) 26.Rd1 (0:23)
Implications(1764) whispers: Rd1 looks a bit risky. 26...Qe3+ (0:49)
pollock(2056) whispers: how! 27.Kb1 (0:05)
Implications(1764) whispers: Hmm?
pollock(2056) whispers: all moves look risky too you :)
Implications(1764) whispers: Well, it pinned Bd7.
pollock(2056) whispers: protected it aswell
Implications(1764) whispers: Yes, but pinned Bd7. :-P 27...Nc5 (0:33)
pollock(2056) whispers: qd5 threatenes qa8 i think
pollock(2056) whispers: how many cheapos can get per game :)
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa8 doesn't work.
Implications(1764) whispers: Not with Nc5.
pollock(2056) whispers: why not
Implications(1764) whispers: Hang on.
Implications(1764) whispers: Oh, right.
pollock(2056) whispers: qd5 qa8 kxa8 bc6 nb7 rxd8~ its pinned :P 28.Qf6 (1:24)
Implications(1764) whispers: But, of course, Qd5 Rxd7.
pollock(2056) whispers: hmmm
pollock(2056) whispers: yes :)
pollock(2056) whispers: so maybe just had to play qa8 directly
AlefZero(2231) whispers: it wasn't that safe, it seems
Implications(1764) whispers: Yeah. 28...Be7 (0:56) 29.Qc6 (0:03)
Implications(1764) whispers: Well, Qa8 still doesn't work, LOL.
Implications(1764) whispers: But Na6 forced now.
pollock(2056) whispers: damn it :( 29...Bd6 (0:47)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(( 30.Rxd6 (0:08)
Implications(1764) whispers: Ouch.
Implications(1764) whispers: Looks like he gets a pretty anyway. 30...Qe1+ (0:39) 31.Ka2 (0:03)
pollock(2056) whispers: yay!
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa8 works now, though.
pollock(2056) whispers: lol
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Oh well, it was a worthy effort.
pollock(2056) whispers: i want to see it :) PeterSanderson forfeits on time 1-0
ExirK(1392) whispers: Okay, exchange...
ExirK(1392) whispers: Can black gambit a pawn for initiative?
ExirK(1392) whispers: ...0-0
iwulu(2145) whispers: this is more alefzero's style, I think
ExirK(1392) whispers: so two development tempi for a pawn 5...Qxd5 (1:03) 6.Bxf6 (0:39)
iwulu(2145) whispers: avoiding the sharp lines. The sub-plot is that alef is a French player himself, so knows of the chaos in store after 5.e5 6...gxf6 (0:08) 7.Ne2 (0:47)
iwulu(2145) whispers: 6...bc3 may have been more accurate
ExirK(1392) whispers: still theory?
iwulu(2145) whispers: sort of
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: ah maccutcheon
iwulu(2145) whispers: 7...Nc6 looks interesting, with the idea of Bxc3!? 7...Nc6 (11:51) 8.Qd2 (0:13)
Mekk(1764) whispers: wczesnym rankiem trudno oczom wierzyc ;-)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: 0-0-0 I guess, because this doesn't break the pin
iwulu(2145) whispers: 8...0-0 looks dubious, with a poor pawn structure after 9.Nd5 8...Qg5 (5:10)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: this is okay too - to undouble the pawns, but white can still play 0-0-0
iwulu(2145) whispers: the timing of this game couldn't be worse for either player; 10:30 pm on a Friday for peter, 5:30 am on Saturday for alefzero. Better them than me :)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: heh
NatIN(1901) whispers: how is f4 and O-O-O? 9.f4 (3:33) Qg6 (0:50) 10.O-O-O (2:27) Bd7 (9:58) 11.a3 (0:06) Bf8 (1:14)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: its so quiet watching this game
NatIN(1901) whispers: people are all tird
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: im awake!
Mekk(1764) whispers: i am not quite.... Hmm, is alefzero trying to stay with knights against bishops ine very game? 12.d5 (3:14)
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: does the word 'alef' mean anything in Polish ?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: That's what I was afraid of.
iwulu(2145) whispers: yeah :-/ 12...exd5 (1:22) 13.Nxd5 (0:06)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I thought maybe Qe3+
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Now 0-0-0 look ok
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Go Peter! 13...O-O-O (0:52)
iwulu(2145) whispers: heh
Implications(1764) whispers: Qe3+ was probably better. 14.Nec3 (0:21)
pollock(2056) whispers: :-?
Mekk(1764) whispers: alefzero = (alef)_0 = cardinality of natural numbers set. Alef is a Hebrew letter
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: a6 to stop Nb5 maybe
Doubleletter(1826) whispers: ah I see 14...Bg7 (5:33)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: so if Nb5 how does black not lose c7?
pollock(2056) whispers: presume loses and counter attacks :S
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Looks that way :(
Implications(1764) whispers: Nb5 and how does black defend c7?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: haha
pollock(2056) whispers: imp are you just repeating sportsmens comment ?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: wow that is a good question :)
pollock(2056) whispers: guess thats one way to look smart :)
Implications(1764) whispers: LOL.
Mekk(1764) whispers: Bd6 and sth out of this pin on d file? Bah, I am sleeeeeeepyyy
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i jsut cant find a useful move for black after Nb5
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I hate this position :( 15.Bb5 (4:03)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
Mekk(1764) whispers: oooo
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
pollock(2056) whispers: alef doesnt like tasty pawn?
Mekk(1764) whispers: looks for Ne7 or what?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: maybe he saw something
pollock(2056) whispers: counter down c possibly
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: but i couldnt figure out any moves for black in that position
pollock(2056) whispers: but it really did just look a nice pawn
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Well, Rhe8, Rhe1 RxR, RxR and black can bring his B back to f8
pollock(2056) whispers: what does it do on f8?
pollock(2056) whispers: guard e7 but :(
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: It guards e7
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Ne7+ etc
pollock(2056) whispers: id prefer f5 sometime if possible just for counterplay
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: After BxN
pollock(2056) whispers: comps suggesting kb8 with f5 too come 15...Rhe8 (3:57)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: BxN ... Ne7+
pollock(2056) whispers: bxc6 would give black quite nice pawns :)
pollock(2056) whispers: lots of good control ofver d6 d5 e6 e5 :)
pollock(2056) whispers: kinda are semi serious tho
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black's Q seems out of play on g6. 16.Rhe1 (7:22)
AlefZero(2231) whispers: Bxc6 bxc6 didn't seem good - Qd4 cxd5 Qxa7 Bc6 16...Rxe1 (2:05) 17.Rxe1 (4:05)
Implications(1764) whispers: Tough choice. 17...Bf8 (3:31)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black looks ok I guess.
Mekk(1764) whispers: swap swap swap swap swap swap and win the pawn ending ;-)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Qf2 !?!? 18.Qf2 (9:43)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: ARG
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(
Implications(1764) whispers: What's the big deal?
Implications(1764) whispers: a6 problem solved.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: BXN BxN, Qa7 looks problemayic
Implications(1764) whispers: How so?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: problematic that is
Implications(1764) whispers: Queen looks pretty harmless there.
Implications(1764) whispers: Especially since d5 then hangs.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: There's a mate threat
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: I think ...
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa7 Bxd5 Nxd5 Rxd5 Qa8+ Kd7 Qxf8.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Re1 and Q both hit e8
Implications(1764) whispers: It doesn't look that dangerous, although black's king will certainly be exposed to tactics later.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: and there's Ne7 Bxe7, Rxe7 ... Qa8# 18...Kb8 (3:42) 19.g3 (0:03)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Kb8 looks much safer to me.
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :)
Implications(1764) whispers: ne7 when?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa7 Bxd5 no mate.
thasychymus(1985) whispers: Go Peter!
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: F5 STAY ALIVE! F5 STAY ALIVE!
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :) 19...b6 (2:39)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: ...
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Black should get his Q into play.
AdiShankaR(1413) whispers: to much time used by black 20.Qg2 (3:09)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: F5 STAY ALIVE! F5 STAY ALIVE! 20...f5 (2:13)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :D
pollock(2056) whispers: zoom zoom! 21.Nb4 (1:23)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Bxb4 looks pretty forced. 21...Nxb4 (1:14) 22.Bxd7 (0:04)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: whew
Mekk(1756) whispers: Nd3? 22...Na6 (0:48)
Mekk(1756) whispers: this long diagonal is so ... white
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Re5 ... Bxf5 ... Rd5 :(
pollock(2056) whispers: want to see the bc6 ba8 mating patern :)
pollock(2056) whispers: i like that one
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(
AlefZero(2231) whispers: b4 looks interesting but there is Qf6
Implications(1764) whispers: Re5 winning a pawn? Looks kind of risky.
Mekk(1756) whispers: Bc6 and what black can do?
NatIN(1901) whispers: Re5 looks nice
pollock(2056) whispers: why re5 risky?
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Well, Bc6 Nc5 look ok I guess
pollock(2056) whispers: guess its on long diagonal and bg7 can come :)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: What move would you play?
Mekk(1756) whispers: Bc6 Nc5 b4 or so?
pollock(2056) whispers: b4 weakens some dark squares around king
pollock(2056) whispers: asking for some pain later on :) 23.Qd5 (6:21)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: This looks good to.
AlefZero(2231) whispers: let's make it slightly more safe
Mekk(1756) whispers: clock! 23...Qf6 (0:42)
pollock(2056) whispers: eek! 24.Qxf5 (0:17) Qd4 (0:20)
Implications(1764) whispers: Dropping another pawn?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qxf7 and Bd7 is untouchable, right?
iwulu(2145) whispers: no 25.Nb5 (2:42)
Implications(1764) whispers: No what?
Implications(1764) whispers: Qxf7 and I don't see how Rxd7 or Qxd7 worked.
iwulu(2145) whispers: sorry mistell 25...Qf2 (1:03) 26.Rd1 (0:23)
Implications(1764) whispers: Rd1 looks a bit risky. 26...Qe3+ (0:49)
pollock(2056) whispers: how! 27.Kb1 (0:05)
Implications(1764) whispers: Hmm?
pollock(2056) whispers: all moves look risky too you :)
Implications(1764) whispers: Well, it pinned Bd7.
pollock(2056) whispers: protected it aswell
Implications(1764) whispers: Yes, but pinned Bd7. :-P 27...Nc5 (0:33)
pollock(2056) whispers: qd5 threatenes qa8 i think
pollock(2056) whispers: how many cheapos can get per game :)
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa8 doesn't work.
Implications(1764) whispers: Not with Nc5.
pollock(2056) whispers: why not
Implications(1764) whispers: Hang on.
Implications(1764) whispers: Oh, right.
pollock(2056) whispers: qd5 qa8 kxa8 bc6 nb7 rxd8~ its pinned :P 28.Qf6 (1:24)
Implications(1764) whispers: But, of course, Qd5 Rxd7.
pollock(2056) whispers: hmmm
pollock(2056) whispers: yes :)
pollock(2056) whispers: so maybe just had to play qa8 directly
AlefZero(2231) whispers: it wasn't that safe, it seems
Implications(1764) whispers: Yeah. 28...Be7 (0:56) 29.Qc6 (0:03)
Implications(1764) whispers: Well, Qa8 still doesn't work, LOL.
Implications(1764) whispers: But Na6 forced now.
pollock(2056) whispers: damn it :( 29...Bd6 (0:47)
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: :(( 30.Rxd6 (0:08)
Implications(1764) whispers: Ouch.
Implications(1764) whispers: Looks like he gets a pretty anyway. 30...Qe1+ (0:39) 31.Ka2 (0:03)
pollock(2056) whispers: yay!
Implications(1764) whispers: Qa8 works now, though.
pollock(2056) whispers: lol
TheGalopatator(2397) whispers: Oh well, it was a worthy effort.
pollock(2056) whispers: i want to see it :) PeterSanderson forfeits on time 1-0