gmczarnota(2530) vs. gmgashimov(2665) *

standard 120+0, 2008-02-18

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:09) d6 (0:10) 3.d4 (0:08) cxd4 (0:07) 4.Nxd4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:04) 5.Nc3 (0:02) g6 (0:03) 6.Be3 (0:04) Bg7 (0:03) 7.f3 (0:03) O-O (0:04) 8.Qd2 (0:03) Nc6 (0:04) 9.g4 (0:03) Be6 (0:03) 10.O-O-O (0:05) Nxd4 (0:03) 11.Bxd4 (0:04) Qa5 (0:04) 12.a3 (0:04) Rab8 (0:03) 13.h4 (0:03) b5 (0:04) 14.Nd5 (0:05) Qxd2+ (0:03) 15.Rxd2 (0:05) Bxd5 (0:04) 16.exd5 (0:04) a6 (0:02) 17.Bh3 (0:04) Rb7 (0:06) 18.Re1 (0:05) Rfb8 (0:05) 19.g5 (0:05) Nh5 (0:04) 20.Bg4 (0:04) Bxd4 (0:05) GMCzarnota requests to pause the game. Game clock paused. GMCzarnota lost connection; game adjourned *

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