schemato(2180) vs. hundirector(2247) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-01-19
hundirector(2247) whispers: can has 1st teamleague game? Nf6 (0:00) 2.Bg2 (0:03) c5 (0:43)
Implications(1680) whispers: Oooh. 3.c4 (0:20) d5 (1:33) 4.cxd5 (0:09)
hundirector(2247) whispers: can has revered colored maroczy bind? Nxd5 (0:05) 5.Nc3 (0:24) Nc7 (0:05) 6.Nf3 (0:05) Nc6 (0:06) 7.O-O (0:04) e5 (0:17)
Implications(1680) whispers: Reversed Maroczy Bind means black is better?
adishankar(1180) whispers: what are maroczy binds
adishankar(1180) whispers: ?
hundirector(2247) whispers: okie, i'll stop lolcode talk.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: not exactly, but its considered a good system for black
Implications(1680) whispers: If we take a black system and invert it exactly, and that system results in white being better then surely the reverse system means black is better? 8.Ne1 (1:07)
Implications(1680) whispers: Maroczy bind is c4 e4 stopping d4.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: imp, that holds true only if white also loses a tempo
Implications(1680) whispers: Stopping d5.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: white's setup looks a bit harmless to me
Implications(1680) whispers: Lots of people like playing Hypermodern as white.
fossle(2107) whispers: how to join list of interested players for teamleague?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: tell teamleague set interested
Implications(1680) whispers: Heading for c2 is he?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: the idea might be just to capture at c6
hundirector(2247) whispers: now.. i have some vague recollection of this position.. i think. lol
fernbap(1771) whispers: if i played this, everyone would call me a patzer
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: right ;) Bg4 (7:21)
hundirector(2247) whispers: he can either take on c6 and then go like Nd3 and play against the doubled pawns.. or go Nc2-e3, controlling d5 9.Qa4 (0:47) Qd7 (0:08) 10.Bxc6 (0:38)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: taking on c6 would be very double-edged bxc6 (0:04) 11.Nd3 (0:04)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: weak doubled pawns vs weak light squares f6 (1:55)
hundirector(2247) whispers: i play similar things with white, i dont like to give up my g2 bish somehow.. kingside just looks funny without it 12.f4 (0:53) Qd4+ (6:58)
hundirector(2247) whispers: could you see a tactic there.. and why it didnt work?:)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I assume he means Bxe2 Nxe2 Qxd3? Qxc6+ 13.Rf2 (1:13)
Gildo(1899) whispers: nice
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I can spot the tactics everywhere except in my own games
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Implications will know what Im talking about Qxa4 (3:58) 14.Nxa4 (0:07) Ne6 (0:01)
hundirector(2247) whispers: structure bit messed up but i have B pair
hundirector(2247) whispers: i might play c4 to give bish more scope 15.fxe5 (2:38)
hundirector(2247) whispers: like right now c4 (0:12)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Id rather have blacks position here
hundirector(2247) whispers: i was calculating this a move earlier
Implications(1680) whispers: Why does the bishop need more scope?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: cos thats what bishops need
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: also, this move holds the Na4 where it is for the moment 16.Nf4 (0:55) Nc5 (0:16)
hundirector(2247) whispers: can has deadly pin?
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: visible "yes"
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: this looks rather complicated
Implications(1680) whispers: What pins what?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Bc5 is coming
Implications(1680) whispers: e3 isn't good enough to block it?
Implications(1680) whispers: Difference between deadly and annoying.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: you'll have to ask hun about that one
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: all I can say is that e3 is positionally bad in the longer term
Gildo(1899) whispers: anyway black get back his pawn
hundirector(2247) whispers: he's taking his time.. maybe he'll take?!
Henderb(1674) whispers: I see one line only: Nxc5 Bxc5 e3... there is any better?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Nc3 might be better
Implications(1680) whispers: h3 might be worth considering.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: say Nc3 fxe5 Ng2 0-0-0
SamGanges(1468) whispers: h3
Implications(1680) whispers: h3 fe and it's hanging pieces galore. :-)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: cant help thinking thats not good for white
Henderb(1674) whispers: long castle for black is suicide, i think
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: why?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: what on earth is white going to attack him with?
Henderb(1674) whispers: too much open lines to black king
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yes, but white cant use them
hundirector(2247) whispers: but why on earth would he do that.. :) Nc3 is his only reasonable move i think
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: white's only possible avenue of attack is the f file
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: so therefore it makes more sense for black to castle long
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: also, the white bishop will probably go to b2 or a3 aiming kingside 17.Nxc5 (14:49)
Henderb(1674) whispers: i would castle short anyway, behind at least 2 pawns Bxc5 (0:11)
hundirector(2247) whispers: okie 18.exf6 (0:03) Bxf2+ (0:22) 19.Kxf2 (0:02)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: this looks bad for white gxf6 (0:32)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: rook and bishop still arent developed 20.b3 (0:10)
Henderb(1674) whispers: Maybe he choice to take a good B for a bad R
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: almost the whole board is open for blacks rooks
derMandarin(2019) whispers: opposite colored rooks
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: opposite coloured rooks are drawish? ;)
Implications(1680) whispers: Wow.
Implications(1680) whispers: This is an awesome line.
Implications(1680) whispers: Perhaps a slight endgame edge for white?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: not likely
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I think letting the c pawn fall is ok here
Implications(1680) whispers: He's got a pawn for the exchange and better pawn structure and opposite coloured bishops.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yes, but there are a lot of open lines for blacks rooks cxb3 (4:39) 21.axb3 (0:00)
Implications(1680) whispers: a7 is weak and f6 is weak.
Gildo(1899) whispers: cxb3 axb3 a6 boring but needed perhaps
Implications(1680) whispers: Ra8 isn't going anywhere.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: b3 is also weak though
Implications(1680) whispers: It's being daring enough to go into this that makes a great player.
Implications(1680) whispers: It was an awesome exchange sac.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: its interesting, sure
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: and it does give white chances, but I still think black is better here
hundirector(2247) whispers: aha. well, maybe he's right.. my pawns 'structure' (if i can call it structure) is a bit loose isnt it
Implications(1680) whispers: Because of materialism? :-P
Implications(1680) whispers: Well Hun seems to agree.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: well, maybe
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: lets see what happens
hundirector(2247) whispers: tho if i can take/trade off his b pawn somehow i should be won with my passed a pawn
hundirector(2247) whispers: but what do i know lol Kd7 (3:11) 22.Bb2 (0:56)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Rhb8 now, I suppose
hundirector(2247) whispers: okie. Rhb8 (0:29)
Henderb(1674) whispers: Which passed pawn?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: the a pawn will become a passed pawn
Implications(1680) whispers: a-pawn.
Gildo(1899) whispers: Nd3
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Nd3 Kd6 is no good
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: b pawn is lost, no point fighting for it
Implications(1680) whispers: Meet my friend Braveheart.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: is that a dig, imp? 23.Ra3 (1:46)
cica(1945) whispers: a5?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Be6 Nxe6 Kxe6 just makes the white pieces look silly
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: a5 is interesting too
Gildo(1899) whispers: with a5 pawn later a5 pawn is lost
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: the idea is a5-a4 Rxa4 Rxa4 bxa4 Rxb2
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: though white just has Bxf6 first
Henderb(1674) whispers: White can have his own passed pawn capturing on f6! And that is even stronger that black's a-pawn
cica(1945) whispers: white bishop is strong on c3 and Nd3 is dangerous as well
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Be6 looks fine to me
cica(1945) whispers: and how to continue after Nd3?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Ke7 I suppose
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: ah yeah, then Nc5 defends the pawn
Gildo(1899) whispers: Be6 and after exchanging rooks black wins for a passing pawn
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: maybe Be6 Nd3 Rb5
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: no, silly
Henderb(1674) whispers: why not to take B: Be6 Nxe6?
nicolaus(1338) whispers: szia jo partit
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Be6 Nxe6 Kxe6 leaves white with nothing to do
nicolaus(1338) whispers: smallcat you have right Be6 (10:27)
hundirector(2247) whispers: you mean go cica
hundirector(2247) whispers: miswhis. yup
Henderb(1674) whispers: Maybe a good idea for W is to attack the a-pawn, after Nxe6
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: well, black can just do a6
Henderb(1674) whispers: hmmmm.... ;)
MathyFalkov(2008) whispers: lousy game
Gildo(1899) whispers: so Nd3 K? where ?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Nd3 Ke7 Nc5
MathyFalkov(2008) whispers: schemato messed up with, right?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: dunno 24.b4 (6:14)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: he sacked the exchange for a pawn and a better structure
Henderb(1674) whispers: I don't get it with b4?!
spendius(1757) whispers: Black just want to avoid exchanging rooks i guess
MathyFalkov(2008) whispers: omfg.. White should resign instead of playin this game
spendius(1757) whispers: lol White
Gildo(1899) whispers: c5 could be a fun move
MathyFalkov(2008) whispers: Nd3 was fine then
Gildo(1899) whispers: c5 Ra6 Bc4 Rx...
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yes, I preferred Nd3
Gildo(1899) whispers: mhm c5 doesn't work for Nxe6 Rxb4 (11:04)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: now Rd3+ Ke7 Ba3
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: so, Rd3+ Bd5
Implications(1680) whispers: Wow so much theory.
spendius(1757) whispers: could also be Rd3 Ke7 Ba3 a5 ? 25.Bxf6 (3:30) Bd5 (0:38) 26.Ra5 (3:40) Rb1 (1:02)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: d5 is indirectly protected 27.Bd4 (6:34)
uber(1901) whispers: this tl game?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yep a6 (4:37)
derMandarin(2019) whispers: there goes another pawn...
uber(1901) whispers: hun oft brags about how good he is... 28.Nxd5 (2:14) cxd5 (0:02) 29.Rxd5+ (0:03) Kc6 (0:02) 30.Rc5+ (0:33)
MALCOVICH(2062) whispers: hey Uber you are REALLY not 1 to talk; just play clean chess and spare us your comments on well known teamleague players like Hundirector... Kd6 (0:33)
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: uber, Hundirector is Vice-God of TL
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: u dissing my dawg, homie
uber(1901) whispers: lol ive had hun on friends for ages mal.... im sure he wouldnt take it personally...
uber(1901) whispers: he prolly is that good anyway
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: uber you've been here like for 5 months only
uber(1901) whispers: ask hun urself...
uber(1901) whispers: and its more like 7 months hyper
uber(1901) whispers: whos team does schemato belong to anyway?
uber(1901) whispers: monkeyclub? 31.Ra5 (5:48) Rb5 (0:07) 32.Ra4 (0:12)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: yes Kc6 (0:58)
uber(1901) whispers: i dislike these g3 like openings.... 33.g4 (1:40)
Implications(1680) whispers: Well it was certainly an interesting struggle.
uber(1901) whispers: 1, it doesnt attack the centre. 2. waste of a good move.
Implications(1680) whispers: Very fun, giving up an exchange when it doesn't lead to immediate mate.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: if he'd played 1. g4 he'd have saved a tempo ;)
Implications(1680) whispers: Lots of high-rated players on FICS play this modern stuff.
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: strange that white hasn't moved neither d or e pawns in 33 moves
uber(1901) whispers: some of those openings r crazy... 1.b4 does absolutely nothing
Implications(1680) whispers: Makes you wonder if they're not confident in their tactical abilities.
jaberwock(1968) whispers: Reto would have approved.
MALCOVICH(2062) whispers: that is indeed a special case...wonder how many games can say that at a decent level... :-))) a5 (2:50)
Implications(1680) whispers: What? 34.Bc3 (0:41) h5 (0:02)
uber(1901) whispers: i think quick development followed by an early attack is a good strategy against these 1.g3 and 1. b4 players 35.h3 (1:02) hxg4 (0:04) 36.hxg4 (0:01) Rg5 (0:04)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: I think black has capitaliized on white's g4
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: looks drawish now
uber(1901) whispers: lets see what rybuka thinks :_
uber(1901) whispers: depth 15 black is +.16
Implications(1680) whispers: Rybka doesn't know a knight ending from a pawn endgame. 37.Bf6 (2:05)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: uh oh Rf8
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Rf8 is nothing
jaberwock(1968) whispers: or can he get out of pin w/ Rf4
jaberwock(1968) whispers: then cement B w/ g5
uber(1901) whispers: yeah looks like white holds all the cards here
jaberwock(1968) whispers: Rb5 followed by Rb4 Rg6 (2:59)
uber(1901) whispers: huns low on time too 38.g5 (0:14) Kb5 (0:02) 39.Ra1 (0:22)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: black needs to get play from passed a pawn a4 (0:02)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: as he is obviously in agreement 40.e4 (0:48)
uber(1901) whispers: e2-e4 looks nice to me (intending e5) a3 (0:07)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: with the Ra1 permanently out of action I cant see white winning this
uber(1901) whispers: problem is how would black win this
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I dont think either side can 41.d4 (1:50)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: perhaps bblack can play Kc4-d3 and bother pawns from behind a2 (0:20)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: if the king can reach f5, everyone is fonsy 42.d5 (0:06)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: play a2, ra3 Kc5 (0:09)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: now's the time to move the king forward
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yep Ke3 now before black stops it 43.Ke3 (0:57)
pgregBudapest(1643) whispers: 35 Bd7
uber(1901) whispers: huns pretty wild at lightning.. i think if both players' time got low id fancy him Ra3+ (2:46) 44.Kf4 (0:14) Kd6 (0:01) 45.Bb2 (2:33) Ra4 (0:21) 46.Kf5 (0:18)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: hmm, its starting to look dangerous for black
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Rg8-b8 is no threat because of Be5+
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: I don't think black can win this
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: question is, can white?
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: the question is - can white ?
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: right :) Rg8 (1:38)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I guess Rga8, Rb4-b1 is possible
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: so white has to get the pawns moving quickly 47.Be5+ (0:56) Ke7 (0:10)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: the bishop can protect the king from checks
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Interesting :)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Ra5 48.Bf6+ (0:50)
Implications(1680) whispers: Tough time for both players. Just the way it ought to be.
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: also Rc8, Rc4 and target e4 pawn ... though that may be too slow
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: yeah, that is too slow
jaberwock(1968) whispers: there have been some very interesting endgames played in first round in several sectins.
Implications(1680) whispers: The ideal way for chess to work is that I win all my games convincingly and with ostensible ease while whenever I watch a game both players have an intense struggle.
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: lol
Implications(1680) whispers: And this is an intense struggle. It's so exciting! Kd6 (2:27)
pgregBudapest(1643) whispers: draw
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Kf7 looked lost
jaberwock(1968) whispers: yes; Kd6 was a must
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: black can try Rb8-b1, but white has e5-e6+
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: whites pawns are too fast
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Rd1
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: looks risky
jaberwock(1968) whispers: I considered g6-g7 to immobilize black's R, then play Rd1, avoiding chances where black can trade R for B
jaberwock(1968) whispers: black could consider Ra3 again, checking from behind
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: g6 Ra3 g7 Rf3+ Kg6 and white is fine
jaberwock(1968) whispers: yes; black will need to commence checks before g7
jaberwock(1968) whispers: so g6 now may be critical
jaberwock(1968) whispers: but commital
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: I still like Rd1
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: black can't stop the pawns then, even if black queens, white has enough tempos
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: the longer white thinks, the more likely I think he'll go for the draw
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: although I have yet to calculate the variation
jaberwock(1968) whispers: One should not give hundirector advantage on the clock...
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: well, this move is kinda important ;)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: we're gonna find out in 40 secs
jaberwock(1968) whispers: yes; important juncture
SevenChecks(2111) whispers: I think black is screwed after g6, g7, e5, e6 and e7, as this can't be stopped. At least I don't see a way to do it.
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: or he'll timeout 49.e5+ (9:10)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: hehe
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: wow
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: ahem
jaberwock(1968) whispers: now THAT is commital
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: we didnt even consider this
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: right ... Rd1 next and shut the black king out of the pawn advance Kxd5 (0:31) 50.e6 (0:01)
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Nice
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: cant do Rd1, cos bishop doesnt protect a1
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: hmm, gimme my Rd1 !
zotyo(1950) whispers: black is OK and should be precise :)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: Ra5 maybe Ra5 (2:18)
zotyo(1950) whispers: yeah jaber, only movei guess 51.Bc3 (0:24)
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Drops B!
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: it does?
jaberwock(1968) whispers: I don't see that
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: I forsee that this is going to be a classic TL endgame
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Kc4+
AcuWill(1668) whispers: comp really like Rf8+ here Ra3 (0:43)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Kc4+ Bxa5 52.Rd1+ (0:10)
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Ack - I'll shut up :))
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: hmm g5 falls Kc6 (0:27) 53.Bf6 (0:09) Ra5+ (0:05)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: no, dread; we all miss some; I have some howler comments imbedded in other watchbot games. :)
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: lol
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: = now
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: it looked like 51...Rf8+ lead somewhere, but now we're back in draw land
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Well, at least I'm trying instead of hooking up an engine :D
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Be5 RxB KxB Rxg5+
zotyo(1950) whispers: nice try dread :)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: engines have their place; I also like thinking on my own, dread. :) 54.Be5 (1:30)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: Rg5+
pgregBudapest(1643) whispers: Q Rf8+ (0:19) 55.Ke4 (0:03) Ra4+ (0:01)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Rd4 loses :P
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: so Bd4
zotyo(1950) whispers: e6 will pass away i hope
pgregBudapest(1643) whispers: Queening would win
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: it wouldnt 56.Ke3 (0:58)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: 54...Rg5+ drew instantly I think
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I agree, jaber
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: but maybe hun still entertains dreams of winning ;)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: but I can understand trying to find fast instant moves to gain clock time...
Implications(1680) whispers: Hun is winning. Re8.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Re8 to snatch the e pawn? Re8 (1:11)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Rd6+
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: g pawn isnt too fast anymore so why not
jaberwock(1968) whispers: I am not sure if Rd6+ does much after Kc5 w/ a1 looming
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Rd6+ looks highly risky
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: true
zotyo(1950) whispers: nice job ;)
Implications(1680) whispers: Odd how most FTL games are won where the winner was worse at some point in the game.
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: g6 Rxe6 g7 perhaps
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: thats not odd, thats chess
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: then just Rg5
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: *Rg6
jaberwock(1968) whispers: astute observations, sbc & inc
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Rxe5 anyone ?
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: g6 Rxe6 g7? Rxe5+
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: or that ;) 57.Ba1 (2:47)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: too obvious for me ;) Rxe6+ (0:07) 58.Kf3 (0:01)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: white has to fight for a draw now ...
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: well, its now gone from += to =+
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: or maybe already - +
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: now R@a4 is mobile
uber(1901) whispers: rybka depth 15 +3.62 for black
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: in practical terms its still tough
Implications(1680) whispers: Probably a draw in that case.
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Rg6 Bf6 a1=Q
Implications(1680) whispers: Get rid of pawns it's a draw, right?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: right
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: yes, remember the win in 100 moves for shirov that he was 'shock' unable to convert ?
Implications(1680) whispers: Shirov missed a win in 100?
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: these irregular endgames are always very tough
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: in the recent World Chess Cup
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: vs Radjabov I think
Implications(1680) whispers: Weak.
Implications(1680) whispers: Poor effort. Rg6 (2:42)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Bf6 and Ra1 for me, please.
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Bf6 Rxf6 59.Rg1 (0:55)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: maybe not since that will give R vs B without pawns Kd5 (0:04)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: it loses outright double
Implications(1680) whispers: Hey, small, was that a tactic you just spotted? :-O
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: I believe it was ;)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: amazing how hun has apparently pulled rabbit out of hat from his position from 15 moves ago
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: right small 60.Rg4 (1:26)
Implications(1680) whispers: What Hun pulled was his opp miscalculating e6+.
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Schemato is in time trouble now
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: RxR wins
jaberwock(1968) whispers: e6+ was the rabbit
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: Rxr
uber(1901) whispers: well it could be just me but i think white is lost
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: Rxr kxr e4 Kh5 Kf5
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: the bishop vs rook endgame is lost
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: then Rb6 Rb1
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: black can just corral the g pawn
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: and black is just in tiem to take the bishjop, check and queen Rxg4 (1:46) 61.Kxg4 (0:01) Ke4 (0:02)
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Nice
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: wow
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: zugzwang
uber(1901) whispers: rybka says black by about 6 pawns now 62.Bh8 (0:42)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: dont need rybka to see the win here
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Rg8 Bmove Ra8 perhaps
jaberwock(1968) whispers: Rb6
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: Ah yes
Implications(1680) whispers: Ra6 easy win.
hundirector(2247) whispers: well ok
uber(1901) whispers: ra6 Ba1 (forced)
Implications(1680) whispers: Queen pawn take bishop stop pawn.
jaberwock(1968) whispers: 62...Rb6 63. Ka5, Kf5 Rb6 (2:08)
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Ra6 Ba1
hundirector(2247) whispers: sometimes you get lucky..
Doubleletter(1862) whispers: Rb6 is the move
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: I agree with double 63.Bc3 (0:38) Rb1 (0:05) 64.g6 (0:14)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: g6 Rg1+ Kh5 Kf5
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: White wasted a tempo there
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: either mate or wins the pawn a1=Q (0:19) 65.Bxa1 (0:02) Rxa1 (0:01) 66.Kg5 (0:01) Ke5 (0:03) 67.g7 (0:06)
uber(1901) whispers: rybka sees mate Rg1+ (0:31) 68.Kh6 (0:01)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: heck, I see the mate Kf6 (0:13)
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: queen! ;)
jaberwock(1968) whispers: knight
Dreadtower(1405) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1914) whispers: that just prolongs the agony ;) Schemato resigns 0-1
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- more games played by schemato
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