lczero(2818) vs. arasanx(2811) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2024-09-01
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nf6, d5, e6, c5), choosing Nf6 1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (1:07)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (e6, g6, c5), choosing e6 2...e6 (0:00) 3.g3 (1:04)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (d5, Bb4+, c5), choosing Bb4+ 3...Bb4+ (0:00) 4.Bd2 (1:11)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Be7, a5, Qe7, Bxd2+), choosing Be7 4...Be7 (0:00) 5.Qc2 (1:23)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (O-O), choosing O-O 5...O-O (0:00) 6.Bg2 (0:52)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (d5), choosing d5 6...d5 (0:00) 7.Nf3 (0:20)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (c6, Nbd7), choosing c6 7...c6 (0:00) 8.O-O (0:22)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (b6, Nbd7), choosing b6 8...b6 (0:00) 9.Bf4 (0:51)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Bb7, Nbd7, Ba6), choosing Nbd7 9...Nbd7 (0:00) 10.Rd1 (0:28)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Bb7, Ba6), choosing Bb7 10...Bb7 (0:00) 11.Nc3 (0:20)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (dxc4, Nh5), choosing dxc4 11...dxc4 (0:00) 12.Nd2 (0:06)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nd5), choosing Nd5 12...Nd5 (0:00) 13.Nxc4 (0:04)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nxf4), choosing Nxf4 13...Nxf4 (0:00) 14.gxf4 (0:04)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qc7, Rc8, Nf6), choosing Qc7 14...Qc7 (0:00) 15.e3 (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Rad8, Rac8, Rfd8, a6), choosing Rfd8 15...Rfd8 (0:00) 16.a3 (0:50)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Rac8), choosing Rac8 16...Rac8 (0:00) 17.Rac1 (0:29)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (a5, b5, Nf8), choosing b5 17...b5 (0:00) 18.Ne5 (0:13)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nxe5), choosing Nxe5 18...Nxe5 (0:00) 19.dxe5 (0:28) a6 (1:30)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=89.46 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=12.24M egtb=79/79 cpu=3243.95% pv: a6 Ne4 Rxd1+ Rxd1 c5 Nd6 Bxg2 Nxc8 Bf3 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 20.Ne4 (0:29) Rxd1+ (0:23)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=51.44 sec. score=+0.02 depth=41 nps=13.41M egtb=1790/1790 cpu=3245.78% pv: Rxd1+ Rxd1 c5 Nd6 Bxg2 Nxc8 Bf3 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 21.Rxd1 (0:29) c5 (0:21)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=50.54 sec. score=+0.02 depth=41 nps=14.81M egtb=4918/4918 cpu=3257.90% pv: c5 Nd6 Bxg2 Nxc8 Bf3 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 22.Nd6 (0:02) Bxg2 (0:48)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=49.74 sec. score=+0.02 depth=41 nps=18.94M egtb=35229/35229 cpu=3286.59% pv: Bxg2 Nxc8 Bf3 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 23.Nxc8 (0:01) Bf3 (0:46)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=47.59 sec. score=+0.02 depth=45 nps=21.24M egtb=35087/35087 cpu=3310.41% pv: Bf3 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 24.Nxe7+ (0:01) Qxe7 (0:36)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=37.37 sec. score=+0.02 depth=44 nps=21.47M egtb=34366/34366 cpu=3328.05% pv: Qxe7 Rd2 Qh4 h3 g6 Qd3 Qxh3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kh6 Qg5+ Kg7 Qf6+ 25.Rd6 (0:08) Qh4 (0:26)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=25.41 sec. score=+0.02 depth=35 nps=12.83M egtb=8207/8207 cpu=3253.99% pv: Qh4 Qxc5 h5 Qc2 g5 Rd8+ Kg7 Qc8 Qg4+ Kf1 Qg2+ Ke1 Qg1+ Kd2 Qxf2+ Kd3 Qe2+ Kd4 Qxb2+ Kc5 Qxa3+ Kb6 Qxe3+ Ka5 Kg6 Rd3 Qe1+ Kxa6 Qa1+ Kb6 Qg1+ Ka6 Qa1+ 26.Qxc5 (0:02) g6 (0:34)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=36.23 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=13.60M egtb=45134/45134 cpu=3250.69% pv: g6 Kf1 Kg7 Rd7 Qh3+ Ke1 Qxh2 Kd2 Qxf2+ Kc3 Qe1+ Kb3 h5 Qa7 Kh6 Rd8 Bd5+ Rxd5 exd5 Qxf7 Qxe3+ Ka2 Qe4 Qf8+ Kh7 Qe7+ Kg8 Qe8+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kh6 e6 Qc4+ Kb1 Qf1+ Ka2 Qc4+ 27.Qc8+ (0:10) Kg7 (0:24)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=24.18 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=14.01M egtb=22547/22547 cpu=3257.38% pv: Kg7 Qd8 Qg4+ Kf1 Qg2+ Ke1 Qg1+ Kd2 Qxf2+ Kc3 Qxe3+ Rd3 Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ Kc1 Qg1+ Kc2 Qxh2+ Kc3 Bd5 Qf6+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 28.Qd8 (0:02) Qg4+ (0:33)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=34.86 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=14.84M egtb=84610/84610 cpu=3255.44% pv: Qg4+ Kf1 Qg2+ Ke1 Qg1+ Kd2 Qxf2+ Kd3 Qe2+ Kc3 Qxe3+ Rd3 Qc1+ Kb4 Bd5 Qf6+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 29.Kf1 (0:01) Qg2+ (0:34)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=35.26 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=14.83M egtb=48999/48999 cpu=3258.92% pv: Qg2+ Ke1 Qg1+ Kd2 Qxf2+ Kd3 Qe2+ Kc3 Qxe3+ Rd3 Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ Kc3 Qc5+ 30.Ke1 (0:01) Qg1+ (0:37)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=37.69 sec. score=+0.02 depth=34 nps=15.92M egtb=83208/83208 cpu=3265.94% pv: Qg1+ Kd2 Qxf2+ Kc3 Qxe3+ Rd3 Qe1+ Kc2 Be4 Kb3 Bd5+ Rxd5 exd5 Qf6+ Kg8 Ka2 Qe4 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 31.Kd2 (0:01) Qxf2+ (0:31)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=32.05 sec. score=+0.02 depth=39 nps=15.70M egtb=39567/39567 cpu=3258.77% pv: Qxf2+ Kc3 Qxe3+ Rd3 Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ Kc1 Bd5 Rxd5 exd5 Qf6+ Kf8 Qd6+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 32.Kc3 (0:01) Qxe3+ (0:27)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=28.57 sec. score=+0.02 depth=39 nps=16.10M egtb=109889/109889 cpu=3267.09% pv: Qxe3+ Rd3 Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ Kc3 Qc5+ 33.Rd3 (0:02) Qc5+ (0:26)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=27.98 sec. score=+0.02 depth=38 nps=15.64M egtb=81549/81549 cpu=3264.31% pv: Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ Kc3 Qc5+ 34.Kd2 (0:01) Qf2+ (0:27)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=27.05 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=16.70M egtb=50769/50769 cpu=3271.16% pv: Qf2+ Kc1 Bd5 Qf6+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 35.Kc3 (0:10) Qc5+ (0:18)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=18.10 sec. score=+0.02 depth=39 nps=17.16M egtb=67918/67918 cpu=3268.73% pv: Qc5+ Kd2 Qf2+ 36.Kd2 (0:00) Qf2+ (0:26)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=26.59 sec. score=+0.02 depth=40 nps=17.02M egtb=107856/107856 cpu=3264.19% pv: Qf2+ Kc3 Qc5+ 37.Kc3 (0:05) ArasanX offers a draw. 37...Qc5+ (0:25)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=29.84 sec. score=+0.02 depth=44 nps=17.99M egtb=246569/246569 cpu=3275.49% pv: Qc5+ Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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