axeltiger(2268) vs. xandor(2521) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-08-05
axeltiger(2268) whispers: ok, I expected the caro-kann 2.d4 (0:16) d5 (0:11) 3.exd5 (0:03) cxd5 (0:04)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: I want to play the exchange variation today
axeltiger(2268) whispers: it was a long while since I played this line seriously, but it's not that bad
axeltiger(2268) whispers: and it sidesteps some of the drawbacks of the advance variation that sometimes gets me tripped up 4.Bd3 (0:45) Nc6 (0:17) 5.c3 (0:02)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: this is the first major fork in the road
axeltiger(2268) whispers: two main lines here
axeltiger(2268) whispers: ...Qc7 and ...Nf6 5...Qc7 (0:46)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: both moves are fine, but ...Nf6 was the move I focused on the most in preparation for this game 6.h3 (1:25)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: basically, this line is about denying the opponent the opportunity to develop the queenside bishop 6...Nf6 (0:38)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: question is whether I should play Nf3 or Ne2 here
axeltiger(2268) whispers: probably Nf3 7.Nf3 (1:49) g6 (2:49) 8.Qc2 (1:49) Nh5 (2:01)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: I'm starting to feel like I should've spent more time on ...Qc7 in my preparation for this game 9.O-O (5:22) Nf4 (0:34)
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: Is Bxf4 good or bad here? 10.Bxf4 (2:11) Qxf4 (0:08) 11.Nbd2 (0:08) Bg7 (0:25) 12.Rfe1 (2:13) O-O (0:26) 13.Qb3 (3:52) Rd8 (2:32)
Mekk(2025) whispers: I started watching the game and ... started looking at Bxh3 14.Re2 (6:43)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: I'm finding it a bit difficult to find good plans here
axeltiger(2268) whispers: it feels like my opponent has managed to execute their strategy very well
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: Hi mekk
axeltiger(2268) whispers: or rather, that I've managed with my strategy very poorly
Mekk(2025) whispers: my instinct was Re3 to protect Nf3 and Bf3 and allow Bf1 in case
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: Why not Bb5 for white? 14...e5 (3:42)
Mekk(2025) whispers: and what would Bb5 achieve? Still, white now in trouble
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: dxe5 is forced here if not played then black next time will play e4.
Mekk(2025) whispers: if played then black attacks h2 and various white pieces are loose... But yes
axeltiger(2268) whispers: do I have to play g3 here?
Mekk(2025) whispers: dx Nx Nx Bx Nf1 maybe 15.g3 (3:36)
Mekk(2025) whispers: (Nf1 as it will if necessary make Ng3 possible). Hmm, axel opts for g3 but what now? h3 hanging, e4 threatened 15...Qh6 (0:24)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: immediately taking on e5 doesn't make much sense, black just gets too much initiative on the kingside
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: g3 like axel said forces queen to move to h6 16.dxe5 (0:13)
Mekk(2025) whispers: but now h3 hanging 16...Qxh3 (0:33)
Hathkhola(1713) whispers: Yes, h3 is hanging.
Mekk(2025) whispers: maybe there is some counterplay but how?
Mekk(2025) whispers: if R were on e3, therewould be Bf1 ;-)
Mekk(2025) whispers: (of course with R on e3 black would have Bh6 or d4..)
Mekk(2025) whispers: hmm e6?
Mekk(2025) whispers: eyeing Be6 Rxe6 and Ng5 or such ;-)
Mekk(2025) whispers: (or, OK, Ng5 without rook sac)
Mekk(2025) whispers: not sure about eval but at least e6 makes things sharp. Ng5 straight away forces Q move but also takes tempi... Although, maybe setup with Ng5 and f4 , at least rook on 2nd makes sense?
Mekk(2025) whispers: (but ok, Ng5 Qg4 and nothign special, if N2f3 then maybe h6 even works). e6 straight away seems more active 17.Rae1 (7:42)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: this is looking dicey, to say the least
Mekk(2025) whispers: I thought d4 here to be unpleasant...
Mekk(2025) whispers: not to mention Bg4
Mekk(2025) whispers: or even Bh6, hmm 17...Qh5 (2:30)
Mekk(2025) whispers: Ng5 is no more
Mekk(2025) whispers: Bg4 Re3 (told ya) d4 things are ugly. And even Nd4 is not there as e5 hangs :-( 18.c4 (3:16)
Mekk(2025) whispers: Na5 and what, hmm 18...Na5 (2:45) 19.Qb5 (1:23)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: I will have to sacrifice a pawn 19...Nxc4 (0:20)
Mekk(2025) whispers: dx was not completely out of sense 20.Bxc4 (5:08) dxc4 (0:11) 21.Qxc4 (1:11) Be6 (0:52) 22.Qb4 (4:53) a5 (0:59) 23.Qa4 (1:52) Bd5 (4:03) 24.Qa3 (0:47) Bc6 (1:23) 25.Qb3 (5:18)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: I don't know what to do here
WitPion(1457) whispers: Ne4, f6? 25...Rxd2 (2:44)
axeltiger(2268) whispers: oh right
axeltiger(2268) whispers: that's why I had to play Ne4... axeltiger resigns 0-1
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