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smallblackcat(2212) vs. asdago(2083) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-08-03

1.c4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:06) g6 (0:02) 3.Bg2 (0:02) Bg7 (0:02) 4.Nc3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:02) 5.Nf3 (0:03) d6 (0:02) 6.O-O (0:05) e5 (0:02) 7.a3 (0:27) a5 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: wasn't expecting this line tonight
8.Ne1 (0:27) Nge7 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I have a spare move here, as usually I'd have played Rb1 in these lines
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: trying to work out how I should use that extra tempo, d3 or Nc2
herrahuu(1788) whispers: IM david VIgorito gives Nc2
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Nc2 Be6 Ne3 and I am stopping d5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: d3 Be6 and I arrive too late to stop it
9.Nc2 (3:03) O-O (0:08) 10.d3 (1:12)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Be6 Ne3 f5 seems normal
10...Be6 (2:33) 11.Ne3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: no point thinking, d5 has to be stopped
11...Rb8 (0:56)
herrahuu(1788) whispers: After 11.Ne3 "White stops d6-d5 forever, and should be pleasantly better with Ra1-b1, Ne3-d5, and Bc1-d2 to follow." (Sam Shankland)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: wondering if I can keep the rook on a1
12.Ned5 (2:42)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: probably Rb1 is necessary at some point because b4 without Rb1 is going to be hit with e4
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but here I think it's tougher to play f5
12...Nd4 (2:44)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bg5 f6 Bd2 revives the idea of playing b4 without Rb1 first
13.Bg5 (1:57) f6 (0:55)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: f6 Bd2 Nxd5 Nxd5 Bg4 is possible
14.Bd2 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I rushed into this a little bit, should've looked a couple of moves further when I played Bg5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I think Bg4 f3 is ok, and then I can play b4
14...Nxd5 (2:06)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Nxd5 Nxd5 Bg4 f3 Bd7 b4 axb4 axb4 Ra8 hmm
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I might not be achieving much there
15.Nxd5 (0:47)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: feels like this has to be played though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: a weird idea is Bg4 Nc3
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: and then Bd5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: with his B on g4 he can't play f5
15...b5 (1:08)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: unexpected
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: don't I have e3 here
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ah he has Nf5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: e3 Nf5 b4 feels right, but does it actually work
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: bxc4 dxc4 and I am threatening bxa5 so I guess axb4 is forced
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bxd5 Bxd5 is always check
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: so I'm not losing b4, and I get the a-file, but he gets the b-file
16.e3 (5:03)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Nc6 is possible actually
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: doesn't seem like a good idea though
16...Nf5 (1:49)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: not completely convinced by b4, but the alternative is b3, which seems rather wet
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: if b3 bxc4 bxc4 I have Qa4, but black doesn't have to paly bxc4
17.b4 (2:10)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I think if bxc4 dxc4 axb4 axb4 etc my pawn on c4 is not that easy to attack
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: and meanwhile I get the a-file for my heavy pieces
17...axb4 (1:58) 18.axb4 (0:07) bxc4 (0:23) 19.dxc4 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: cxb4 looks necessary too, I don't think black can leave me with a passed b-pawn
19...cxb4 (1:54) 20.Bxb4 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: if Ne7 I think Ra7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: and it gets quite uncomfortable for black, I think
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: in some lines I'll want to play Bb4-a3
20...Kh8 (0:52)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: that's a good move
herrahuu(1788) whispers: there's no more Bxd5+ tempo after Bxd5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qa4 Ra8 take take take take Nc7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: then Rb8 Bxd6 Bxc4 Rd1 hmm
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: that doesn't look advantageous
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Ne6 Rxb4 Ra1 seems like something though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: h6 Ra8+ Kh7 Ra7 Rb1+ Bf1 and no way to save the Bg7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qd2 is another idea
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qd2 Ne7 Ra7 Nxd5 Bxd5 and I have a lock on the position
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qd2 Bh6 maybe...
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qd2 Qc8 Rfc1 Bh6 is very weird but it is threatening Nd4-b3
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Ba5 maybe
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Q doesn't have a great square
21.Qd2 (11:52)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: typical, had a long think over a very minor move
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: and still not sure what response to expect
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but I have the a-file and the d5-square, so I must be better here
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qd7 seems to stop Ra7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I suppose I can play Ra6 then though
21...Rf7 (4:52)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: logical, but rather inflexible
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Rfb7 is annoying though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: how badly do I want to keep the a-file
22.Ra4 (4:13)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Rfb7 Rfa1 Qc8 and I think I can ignore the threat to c4
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: pretty sure Rfb7 Nxf6 is just never working
22...Bd7 (7:19) 23.Ra7 (1:37) Be6 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Rfa1 Rxa7 Rxa7 Bxd5 Bxd5 Qb6 must be the point
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but then Rd7 and Qxb4 Qxb4 Rxb4 Rd8+ is nearly mating
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I suppose the fact that it isn't in fact mating is the problem though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: oh can I insert Ba5
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Ba5 Qf8 I guess
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: wait is there an x-ray tactic, Ra1 Rxa7 Rxa7 Bxd5 Bxd5 Qb6 Rd7 Qxb4 Rd8+
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I can get basically that whole sequence with the queens still on
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: doesn't help though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qa2 is possible...
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: no it isnt
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Ra6 Bc8
24.Rxf7 (9:03) Bxf7 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I'll play the simplest idea
25.Ra1 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: maybe its harder to make progress with a pair of rooks traded, but we'll see
25...Be6 (4:53) 26.h4 (4:28)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: might as well create a luft
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: it is actually kinda difficult to find moves here, h5 might run into trouble on g6 for instance
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Rc8 seems like it allows Ra7, cos Rxc4 Nc7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ah no nvm
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: must be some knight move that works though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: probably Ne7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: hmm, not that either
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: well Rc8 Ra6 seems to prevent Rxc4
26...Nh6 (8:18)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Ra6 Rb6 maybe...
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I mean Bxd5 and Rb6
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ah but Bxd5 Rxd6
27.Ra6 (1:55)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I guess just Nf7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but then I can consider Qa2
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bxd5 Bxd5 Rxb4 Bxf7
27...Nf7 (1:42)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I still have an iron grip in that position, but opposite-coloured bishops..
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: why not do it slowly with Qc3-a3
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qc3 Rc8 I guess
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: then Qb3 if nothing else
28.Qc3 (2:27)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: oh maybe Qc8
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: damn
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: well I can ditch the c-pawn, as I get d6
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qc8 Ra7 seems ok too
28...e4 (1:32)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: oh that's kinda clever
29.Qa3 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I think black has to give up a pawn now, but there will be more piece activity
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: a weird idea would be to meet f5 with Bc3, and just try to keep a lock on the position
29...f5 (2:10)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: there is Rb1+ though
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I don't think I should be afraid of the Bg7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bxd6 Bb2 Qc5 Rc8 hmm
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: then Qb6
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: I think taking the pawn actually loses to Rb1+ followed by Ra1
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but black gets c4 I think
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Maybe not losing, but should be good for Black
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ah no
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: either the Bb2 or the Be6 hangs
30.Bxd6 (2:38)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: there's also Bb2 Be7 in fact
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Am I missing something?
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Don't think so
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Actually I think this is winning because the bishop falls at the end
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Maybe not quite
30...Rb1+ (3:06)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: oh did I blunder Ra1
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: At the very least I'll have a queen for a rook, bishop, and pawn
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Which isn't necessarily winning, but I think I'll get more
31.Bf1 (2:16)
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: I think I'm getting an extra piece as well
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: can't believe it
31...Ra1 (0:31)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: not going to be over, but this must be worse now
32.Qxa1 (0:07) Bxa1 (0:02) 33.Be7 (0:05)
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Actually maybe not because there is Bf6+ at the end
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: actually maybe it isn't even worse
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: black king is very unsafe after Rxa1 and Bf6=
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: I actually do have to be a bit careful here
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: *Bf6+
herrahuu(1788) whispers: engine shows line where white wins queen for rook with Ra8+
herrahuu(1788) whispers: but i am sure it is complicated
33...Qe8 (9:21) 34.Rxa1 (0:11)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bxd5 Bf6+ Kg8 cxd5 and I probably can't lose that position
34...Bxd5 (0:57) 35.Bf6+ (0:03) Kg8 (0:01) 36.cxd5 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: maybe there aren't many chances left after Ne5 though, cos I probably have to take there
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: I can consider Be2 I suppose
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: I don't think I'm winning here
36...Ne5 (1:36)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ok I have some time, lets consider d6 and Ra7
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: If he takes, I'll probably offer a draw
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: He would probably be justified in not taking and playing for a win
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Ra7 for example
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Looks dangerous
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: But also not without risk
37.d6 (5:42)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: seems like I shouldn't be too afraid of Nf3+
37...Ng4 (3:30)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bc4+ Kf8 Bd5 now...
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: ah no
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: but Bc4+ kf8 d7
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Qx Ra8+
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: and mate right?
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: actually d7 first is more forcing
38.d7 (2:14)
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: Good move
herrahuu(1788) whispers: impressive by white
herrahuu(1788) whispers: but gg overall
AsDaGo(2083) whispers: I only considered Bc4+ immediately
38...Qxd7 (1:50) 39.Bc4+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:01) 40.Ra8+ (0:05) Qe8 (0:01)
herrahuu(1788) whispers: Rx Kx should be easily winning for white
41.Bg7+ (0:37) Ke7 (0:15) 42.Rxe8+ (0:02) Kxe8 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: Bg8 might work out, but surely Be2 is simplest
43.Be2 (0:23) Kf7 (0:57) 44.Bxg4 (0:21) Kxg7 (0:04) 45.Bd1 (0:02) g5 (1:09)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: think I'll trade that one, as its the wrong rook pawn anyway
46.hxg5 (0:22) Kg6 (0:05) 47.Kg2 (0:05) Kxg5 (0:04) 48.Kh3 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: now I just temporise until I can play Kh4
48...h6 (1:00) 49.Be2 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: probably more direct ways to win
49...h5 (0:51) 50.Bd1 (0:04) h4 (0:12) 51.gxh4+ (0:06) Kf6 (0:21) 52.Kg3 (0:09) Ke5 (0:10) 53.h5 (0:03) Ke6 (0:24)
smallblackcat(2212) whispers: not unreasonable to play on here, looking for some swindle where I am left with the wrong rook pawn
54.Kf4 (0:10) Kf6 (0:04) 55.Bb3 (0:02) AsDaGo resigns 1-0


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