1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:10)d6(0:25) 3.d4(0:05)cxd4(0:06) 4.Nxd4(0:00)Nf6(0:04) 5.Nc3(0:05)a6(0:14) 6.Be3(0:19)e5(0:24) 7.Nb3(0:07)Be6(0:01) 8.f3(0:21)h5(0:28) 9.Qd2(1:01)Be7(0:27) 10.O-O-O(7:46)Nbd7(0:10)
Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: Now, if Nd5 which is better Nx or Bx that is the question. Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Bf5 Bd3 and I trade my good bishop for his bad bishop, so maybe I should take on d5 with a bishop, taking his good piece, a knight
Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: I was expecting this move before long castle, but this move is not logical to me Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: K and Q on the same diagonal... potential for some tactics Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: so, Rc8 or b5
Maxmagnus(2060) whispers: lets develpe first
12.f4(7:25)Bxb3(19:49) 13.axb3(0:30)Qa5(1:07) 14.Kb1(0:13)exf4(6:16) 15.Bxf4(0:46)Ne5(1:18) 16.g3(6:45)Nfg4(6:34) 17.Bh3(4:13)g5(4:56) 18.b4(6:57)Qxb4(1:33) 19.Bxe5(0:11)Nxe5(1:14) 20.Bxc8(3:55)Nc4(0:06) 21.Qc1(0:43)Bf6(6:29) 22.Nd5(1:31)Na3+(0:33) 23.Ka1(2:15)Bxb2+(2:44) 24.Qxb2(0:18)Qa4(0:07) 25.Qxh8#(1:12)Maxmagnus checkmated 1-0
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