1.g4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.Bg2(0:02)Bxg4(0:47) 3.c4(0:03)c6(0:20) 4.cxd5(0:12)cxd5(0:35) 5.Nc3(0:10)Nf6(5:08) 6.Qb3(25:40)e6(1:22) 7.Qxb7(1:04)Nbd7(1:27) 8.Nb5(0:05)Rc8(1:27) 9.Qxa7(0:49)Ne4(3:59) 10.Bxe4(0:04)dxe4(0:04) 11.Qd4(0:02)Bf5(1:35)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: I don't like N+ BxN QxB and rook on c2 :(
12.b3(5:44)e5(1:40) 13.Qa4(1:58)Bc5(1:19) 14.b4(0:04)Nb6(1:37) 15.Qb3(0:04)Be7(0:53) 16.Nc3(0:04)Be6(2:43)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Quite waek pawns. Plan was a2-a4 and b4-b5
17.Qb1(2:18)f5(1:34) 18.b5(2:45)O-O(0:51) 19.a4(0:59)Nd5(1:03)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Big trouble. K side is toast and I haven't got the ooomph to push Q side pawns fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: but point of no return
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: wanted to play h2-h2 for a long time, havent found the peace for doing it fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: might get squized in the middle by pawns
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Oh didnt happn
21.dxc3(0:35)Rxc3(1:09) 22.Bd2(0:41)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: doooh didnt see Rb3
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Qb2 any good? fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: nothing else to play, it sux :-&
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: f5-f4 and then maybe I actually can get knight out via h3 without pawn h2-h4
23...Qa8(4:53) 24.Kf1(2:29)e3(1:23) 25.Nf3(4:13)exd2(1:38) 26.Rg1(0:09)f4(4:57)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Bh3+ very bad threat... fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: what to do what to do
27.Nxd2(3:37)Bh3+(0:31) 28.Ke1(0:20)Be6(2:48) 29.a6(1:59)Bb4(0:36) 30.b6(0:30)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Uuuuh Q e4! fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: Intros probly not looking at my much advanced pawns fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: only looking at how to snatch my king fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: and hes got all chances
30...Rd8(3:34) 31.b7(0:11)Bxd2+(0:33) 32.Qxd2(0:08)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: ooooh Rxb2
32...Rxb7(0:55) 33.Qxd8+(0:03)Qxd8(0:39) 34.axb7(0:00)
fatsloppydriver(1738) whispers: bloody hell crazy gameIntrospection resigns 1-0
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