1.d4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:02)c6(0:04) 3.Bf4(0:03)Nf6(0:47) 4.e3(0:22)Bf5(0:28) 5.Bd3(0:14)Bxd3(0:25) 6.cxd3(0:02)e6(0:31) 7.Nc3(0:15)Be7(1:14) 8.O-O(2:16)O-O(1:43) 9.Rc1(0:53)Nh5(4:35) 10.Be5(1:49)Re8(1:35) 11.g4(1:44)Nf6(0:22) 12.h3(0:02)Nbd7(0:37) 13.Bg3(0:08)Nf8(0:17) 14.Kg2(5:17)Rc8(2:22)
Bionchess(2274) whispers: What I like in the games played by these two front runners is their strategic thinking, unwillingness to rush into trading pieces. Very instructing to watch their play.
Bionchess(2274) whispers: For instance, after 14 moves no pawns were traded.
15...b6(0:44) 16.Qa4(0:56)a5(0:36) 17.Ne5(2:56)b5(1:24) 18.Qc2(0:08)N6d7(1:22) 19.Nb1(2:47)
iwulu offers a draw.
xandor accepts the draw request.Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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