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krmchess(2052) vs. maras(2339) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2022-11-20

1.c4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:01) f5 (0:47) 3.d4 (1:04) Bb4+ (0:47) 4.Bd2 (0:15) Bxd2+ (1:30) 5.Qxd2 (0:00) exd4 (0:47) 6.Qxd4 (1:07) Qf6 (0:42) 7.Nf3 (0:24) Nc6 (0:12) 8.Qxf6 (0:03) Nxf6 (0:02) 9.Nc3 (0:04) d6 (1:25)
KRMCHESS(2052) whispers: This looks quite equal, white doesn't really have an opening edge but I think it's hard for black to fight for a win
10.Bg2 (0:18) Be6 (0:12) 11.b3 (0:16) h6 (0:45) 12.e3 (0:26) O-O-O (0:24)
KRMCHESS(2052) whispers: Nd4 is the plan and after Nxd4 and exd4 pawn structure is symmetrical and a draw seems likely
13.Nd4 (1:14) Nxd4 (1:14) 14.exd4 (0:02) f4 (0:13) 15.O-O (2:58) Rde8 (2:33) 16.Rfe1 (0:30) Maras lost connection; game adjourned *


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