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bodia(1579) vs. posapiano(1580) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2021-03-05

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:05) d5 (0:12) 3.e5 (0:06) Bf5 (0:10) 4.Bd3 (0:15) Bxd3 (0:28) 5.Qxd3 (0:03) e6 (0:19) 6.Nf3 (0:32) a6 (2:16) 7.O-O (1:13) c5 (0:28) 8.c3 (0:32) cxd4 (0:53) 9.cxd4 (0:11) Ne7 (0:24) 10.Be3 (1:41) Nf5 (0:26)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: i was also thinking of bg5, pinning the knight
bodzolca(1673) whispers: but was not sure after h6 and g5
11.g4 (1:11) Nxe3 (0:22) 12.fxe3 (0:17) Be7 (0:35)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: don't think this is bad for white at all. Bishop was bad to begin with and f file is now open
13.Nbd2 (1:12) O-O (0:23) 14.Rac1 (1:32) Nc6 (0:58) 15.a3 (1:12) f6 (3:43) 16.exf6 (0:28) Bxf6 (1:47) 17.h3 (0:26)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: e5 looks good for black, opening position with the bishop
bodzolca(1673) whispers: with the safer king ... just a few moves later and i prefer black
17...Qc7 (3:29) 18.Nb3 (0:43) Qg3+ (1:19) 19.Kh1 (1:34)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: not good, but kh1 and nh2 and still anything can happen ... go bodia
19...Qxh3+ (1:33) 20.Kg1 (0:04)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: this just loses a second pawn
20...Qxg4+ (1:46) 21.Kh1 (0:35)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: maybe white played it so that the king transfers via f2, but two pawns are two pawns .... ah no, back to h1
21...Be7 (2:42) 22.Qd1 (1:00) Bd6 (2:24) 23.Nh2 (0:34)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: hm yeah, this is now my proposed setup, but with one pawn less
23...Qe4+ (1:35) 24.Kg1 (0:20) Qxe3+ (0:21)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: well minus three pawns, black is playing very well
25.Kh1 (0:16)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: b takes n, trade rooks and knight hangs
bodzolca(1673) whispers: if black sees it it's gg
25...Bxh2 (4:11) 26.Kxh2 (0:14) Rxf1 (0:07)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: yeah, gg
27.Qxf1 (0:08) Qxb3 (0:41) 28.Qe2 (1:07)
bodzolca(1673) whispers: white has 47 minutes, but too late to use them
28...Nxd4 (1:48) 29.Qd2 (0:51) Nf3+ (0:09) Bodia resigns 0-1


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