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doubleletter(1909) vs. mcstorytaller(1821) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-12-04

27...Ra5 (0:29) 28.Rcb4 (8:25) Rc8 (1:14) 29.Qd3 (1:38) Bc5 (1:55)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rc4 seems quite good now
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: either force more exchanges or get a mate threat in with Rbc1
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: oh, doesn't quite work...
30.R4b2 (1:56)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rc4 Rxb5 Rxb5 Qxb5 dxc5 maybe was working
30...Rb8 (0:39) 31.Qc4 (3:05) Be7 (2:06) 32.d5 (2:10) Rc8 (1:01)
Slek(2038) whispers: Qd3 maybe, to start a mating network by controlling h7?
blore(1917) whispers: woof
33.Qd3 (2:56)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I'm still apprehensive about white's backrank
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: otherwise he's doing well
33...f5 (1:21)
blore(1917) whispers: meow
blore(1917) whispers: woof
Slek(2038) whispers: maybe now is a good time to play h3
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: only downside is it weakens some more dark squares, but I'm not sure that's very relevant
Slek(2038) whispers: black has a potential repetition with Bf6 Rb4 Be7
Slek(2038) whispers: maybe d6 prevents that
34.d6 (3:58) Bf6 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I suppose so
35.Rb4 (0:42) Qc6 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: d7 is possible I think
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: backrank is covered with Qf1
Slek(2038) whispers: I like Nc7 for some reason
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Nc7 Bd8 perhaps?
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: tactically complex
36.d7 (2:20)
Slek(2038) whispers: Doubleletter goes with smallblackcat's idea. good for him
36...Qc1+ (0:27) 37.Qd1 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: well that helps
37...Qxd1+ (0:06) 38.Rxd1 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: basically wins a move for white
38...Rd8 (0:03)
Slek(2038) whispers: not sure Qc1+ was such a good move
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: it wasn't
39.Kg1 (0:41)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: ah thought Rc4 was possible here but it isn't
Slek(2038) whispers: d8 is covered by the Bishop, yes
39...Be7 (0:50)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: wondering if allowing Bxb4 is a good idea
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: well, it isn't :)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: but mainly cos there is no good knight move here
40.Rbb1 (1:25)
Slek(2038) whispers: it makes black's a pawn a passer
40...Bc5+ (0:05) 41.Kf1 (0:07) Kf8 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rd5 I guess
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: at some point white may have to convert his advantage
42.Rb2 (1:41) Ke7 (0:11) 43.Re2+ (0:06) Kf8 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: ah Nc7 now
Slek(2038) whispers: Nd6 no?
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Nd6 Bx Rx Ra7 and aren't you losing d7?
Slek(2038) whispers: Nd6 prevents Be7, not sure which one is better
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I am worried that both eventually lose the d7 pawn
Slek(2038) whispers: Nd6 forces BxN, but it doesnt look so bad for black
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rde1 is also possible
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: cos Re8 is mate
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: and also stops Be7
Slek(2038) whispers: oh yes Rde1 looks really hard
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rde1 Raa8 Nc7 and Re8
Slek(2038) whispers: Rde1 is basically a forced win
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: wins exchange by force I think
Slek(2038) whispers: I think it wins more than the exchange, because after Rde1 Raa8 Nc7, Re8 is still a threat mate
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: oh ye
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: *s
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: so it wins a whole rook at least
44.Rd5 (4:50) Rxb5 (0:12)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: oh man
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: this simply loses
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: whoops lol
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: cos there's check on b1
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: hard tactical position to be fair
45.Re1 (4:32)
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: not much point in playing on honestly
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: there are mistakes that can be made here
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: black doesn't have much piece mobility right now
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: like how do you unpin the bishop? Ra5 meets Ree5
45...f4 (2:09) 46.Rde5 (0:33) Rbb8 (0:18) 47.Rxc5 (0:16) Rxd7 (0:02) 48.Rc4 (0:26) Ra8 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: precision is needed, R1e4 is better than taking here
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rxf4 Rd3 and black holds a small edge I think
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: R1e4 prob R7a7 and Rxf4 and white is marginally better
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rda7
49.Rxf4 (3:41) Rd3 (0:05) 50.Ra1 (1:00) g5 (0:30) 51.Rc4 (1:14)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: well black is better, but its hard to see a way to win this
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: absent blunders ;)
51...Ra6 (0:40) 52.Ke2 (0:21) Rb3 (0:02) 53.Rb4 (1:01) Re6+ (0:22)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: hmm black wants to win
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: don't think its possible though
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I mean, not with the loss of the a-pawn as seems likely here
54.Kd2 (0:49) Rd6+ (0:03) 55.Ke1 (0:35) Re6+ (0:05) 56.Kf2 (0:03) Ra6 (0:05) 57.Rd4 (2:09) Rb2+ (0:05) 58.Kg3 (0:12) Kg7 (0:22) 59.h4 (0:26) Kg6 (0:08) 60.hxg5 (0:50) hxg5 (0:02)
Slek(2045) whispers: oh, I come back and white's advantage is all gone
61.f4 (2:40) Rb3+ (0:04) 62.Kf2 (0:06) g4 (0:08) 63.Rb4 (0:40) g3+ (0:06) 64.Ke2 (0:10) Re6+ (0:08) 65.Kd2 (0:07) Rd6+ (0:07) 66.Kc2 (0:26) Doubleletter offers a draw. mcstorytaller declines the draw request. 66...Re3 (0:34)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: one very ill-considered move
Slek(2045) whispers: Re3 or Kc2?
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: no I meant what caused the swing in the game earlier
Slek(2045) whispers: it will be very hard for white if g2 falls
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: this is a bit tricky too though, I guess Rxa4 has to be played but it looks very dangerous
Slek(2045) whispers: maybe there is f5+ Kxf5 Rf1+
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I was just thinking the same
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: f5+ Kxf5 Rf1+ Kg5 Rf3 and if Rxf3 gxf3 there is Rg4+ threatened
67.Rxa4 (2:24) Re2+ (0:03)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: but unfortunately f5+ Kxf5 Rf1+ Kg5 Rf3 there was simply Re2+
68.Kc3 (0:18) Rxg2 (0:24)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: now Ra8 I guess, gotta get behind that g-pawn
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Ra8 Kg7 Ra5!?
Slek(2045) whispers: beware of not losing f4 then
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: one pawn is faster than two
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: problem is white's king is not really helping
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Ra8 Kg7 f5 f6 Ra4
69.Re4 (3:10)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: hmm, no
69...Kf5 (0:25) 70.Rb4 (2:46) Rf2 (0:07) 71.Rg1 (0:07) g2 (0:03) 72.a4 (0:13) Ra6 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: hmm, Rb2 is worth a look
Slek(2045) whispers: I was thinking of Kg4-f3
73.Kb3 (0:49) Kg4 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: I don't know theoretical rook endgames enough to know if Rb2 Rxb2 Kxb2 Kxf4 Rxg2 Rxa4 is a draw or not
74.Rc4 (1:07)
Slek(2045) whispers: I dont see what white can do against the threat of Kg3 and Rf1
74...Kg3 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: now there is nothing
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: hmm maybe there are some tricks with Rgc1
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: nah, Rc1 Rf1 R1c3+ Kg4
75.Rc5 (2:20) Kh2 (0:06) 76.Rgc1 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: ah
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: maybe some chances here if black is careless
Slek(2045) whispers: black oh, I think Kh2 was played a bit too fast, maybe Rh6 instead should have been considered
76...Rh6 (0:26)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rg5 now, and chances
77.Rg5 (0:17)
Slek(2045) whispers: well he can play Rh6 now
77...Rh3+ (0:40)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: ah I see, he wins f4 with check
78.Kb4 (0:39) Rxf4+ (0:02)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: but black isn't promoting that easily here
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Kb5
79.Kb5 (0:10)
Slek(2045) whispers: Rf1 wins now
79...Rff3 (0:40) 80.a5 (0:15) Rfg3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: Rf1 Rb2
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: but this seems to win
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: *Rc2 that was
Slek(2045) whispers: right
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: now its over, thanks to thte f7 pawn
smallblackcat(2286) whispers: otherwise white could take on g3, sac on g1 and draw with the advanced a-pawn
81.Rxg3 (1:29) Rxg3 (0:04) 82.a6 (0:41) g1=Q (0:06)
Doubleletter(1909) whispers: lost
83.Rxg1 (0:08) Rxg1 (0:02) 84.a7 (0:05) Ra1 (0:03) Doubleletter resigns 0-1


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