ricefarmer(1996) vs. fente(2090) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-09-06
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: i dont know any good white opening :) so i will just play some primitive stuff 6.a4 (1:42)
Fente(2090) whispers: kingsindian reversed. So, what is a4 good for ?
Slek(2060) whispers: hmm a4 right away? that looks dubious. for once it makes it hard for white to play b4. also in some case it surrenders the b4 square (if white were to play c4)
Fente(2090) whispers: in case of 6.-Be7 7. e4 d4 8. Nd2 and Nc4 definitely a usefull move.
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: a KID reversed now - but he cant play the bayonet or even mardel plato i think - lets see
Slek(2060) whispers: *mar del plata :)
Fente(2090) whispers: but in case of 6.-Be7 7. c4 d4 it's doubtfull, evenso in case of 6.-Be7 7.e4 dxe4 6...Be7 (4:26)
Fente(2090) whispers: i expect 7. Nbd2 or 7. Na3
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: i think e4 is playable 7.e4 (3:20)
Slek(2060) whispers: e4 dxe dxe QxQ RxQ Nxe4 Nxe5, but then I wonder if black has an intermediate move with the Ne4 (say Nxg3 for example)
Slek(2060) whispers: that doesnt work because of the attack on c6, but maybe there are other tricks 7...dxe4 (2:53)
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: maybe na3 was reqd - i dont know - 8.dxe4 (0:12)
Slek(2060) whispers: QxQ RxQ then Bg4 8...Qxd1 (1:08) 9.Rxd1 (0:07) Bg4 (0:20)
Jammes(1669) whispers: nbd2 ?
Jammes(1669) whispers: looks awfull
Jammes(1669) whispers: rd8
Fente(2090) whispers: i don't trust 9.- Nxe4. Compared to normal King's indian 10. Nxe5 Nxe5 11. Bxe4 looks here also promitsing for white. 10.Nbd2 (1:39)
Jammes(1669) whispers: rd8 re1 nd4 with threat nxc2 has to be taken and black has nice center pawns
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: looks like he is better now :)
Fente(2090) whispers: in analog position of normal kings indian black would have to play Re8 (here Re1)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: hmm
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: woof
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: O-O-O
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: is good for black imo
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: go fente , one for the desertbroncos
Fente(2090) whispers: candidates: 0-0-0, Rd8, Nd4 and Nb4
Fente(2090) whispers: pinning the knight to the rook looks most logical
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: O-O-O c3 then Nxe4
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: my c2 is weak
Fente(2090) whispers: 10.- 0-0-0 or10.-Rd8 he probably will play c3 to keep the knight out.
Fente(2090) whispers: but maybe 10.- 0-0-0 11. c3 Rd3 and 12.-Rhd3 ist fast enough ?
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Rd8 is actually good
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: prevents Ng5
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: ohh
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: no
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: so q-side castle is good
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: rd8 or o-o-o and nb4 d4 are both threats
ShoNuff(1711) whispers: o-o safe
Fente(2090) whispers: perhaps 10.- 0-0-0 11. c3 Rd3 h3 or 11.- Bxe4 10...O-O-O (9:48)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: now e4 falls
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: or c2
Fente(2090) whispers: leaving f7 unprotected. Hopefully this will not become an issue
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Re1 saves the day it seems
Fente(2090) whispers: maybe Re1 now
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Re1 Nb4 Nxe5 Nxc2
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Nxf7 NxR
Slek(2060) whispers: oh, black didnt play Nd4
Slek(2060) whispers: white needs to play either c3 or h3 I think
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: e4 falls
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: or c2 falls
Slek(2060) whispers: wait, Nxe4 is also a threat
Slek(2060) whispers: then h3 must be played
Slek(2060) whispers: Ng5 loses a piece...
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: yes
ShoNuff(1711) whispers: Re1
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Re1 Nb4
Fente(2090) whispers: 11. Re1 Nd4 12. Nxe5 Nxc2 13. Nxf7 Nxe1 14. Nxd8 Rd8 and black's a piece up
Slek(2060) whispers: it's already difficult for white, a4 was probably a bad mistake
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: e4 was not such a good move
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: imo
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: hmmm .... looks like i lose a pawn now
Slek(2060) whispers: true, it created a weakness for no reason 11.c3 (7:51)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Nxe4
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: bad counting :D
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: he is thinking deeply if i have a trap somewhere - i am also searching for it though :)
Fente(2090) whispers: 11.- Nxe4 12. Nxe5 Bxd1 or even 12.-Nxe5
Slek(2060) whispers: white's pieces are not developed enough to set traps
Fente(2090) whispers: 11.- Nxe4 12. Re1 Nxd2 and 13. Nxd2 looks forced
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: if Nxe4 Nxe5 Nxe5 meets Re1 11...Nxe4 (6:31)
Slek(2060) whispers: after Nxe5, just Bxd1
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: yup 12.Re1 (7:40)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Nxd2 12...Nxd2 (3:11) 13.Nxd2 (0:32)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg5 now
Slek(2060) whispers: and after that Bxc6 bxc6 Rxe5 doesnt work because of Bxd2
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: yep
Slek(2060) whispers: hmm maybe Bg5 Bxc6 bxc6 Nc4
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: this is simpler Bg5 Nc4 BxB Raxc1 and f6
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: slek Bg5 Bxc6 Bxd2
Fente(2090) whispers: now keep the extra pawn or preserver the pawn structure in case of Bxc6 ?
Slek(2060) whispers: Fente is being very cautious
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg5 meets Ne4 though
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: good stuff
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg5 Ne4 Be7 13...Kc7 (4:56)
Fente(2090) whispers: i wasn't convinced of 13.- f6 14. f4
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: he is returning the pawn but he will be too developed
Fente(2090) whispers: or 13.- Bd6 14. Bxc6 bxc6 15. Ne4
Fente(2090) whispers: perhaps 13.- Bd7 was possible but 13.-Kxc7 keeps an a eye to the white squares in the white camp in case of 14. Bxc6 Kxc6
Slek(2060) whispers: maybe Nc4 gives white some compensation for his pawn
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Nc4 meets f6
Slek(2060) whispers: Nc4 f6 then maybe Ra3 with the idea Rb3 Rxb7 and Na5+
Slek(2060) whispers: (a bit slow, I know, but this gives white some activity) 14.Bxc6 (9:00)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: hmm 14...Kxc6 (0:22)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: creating holes around the king 15.f3 (0:03)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: ah 15...Be6 (0:54)
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: some play - but black is still better
Fente(2090) whispers: forced 16.Rxe5 (0:34) Rd3 (1:51)
Fente(2090) whispers: in case of Nc4 or Nb3 perhaps i can take followed by 18. Rxe7 Rd1+ and play on his first and second rank with my rooks 17.Kf2 (4:58) Rhd8 (0:24) 18.Re2 (4:00)
Fente(2090) whispers: i expected 18. Ne4
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: still in bad shape but survivable i think
Fente(2090) whispers: 18.-c4 seems to blunder a pawn, but maybe for some attack ? 18...c4 (7:04)
Fente(2090) whispers: i think he has to go for Nxc4. if i come to Bc5+ my position is overwhelming
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: is he dropping a pawn now?
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: or am i getting mated
Fente(2090) whispers: in case of 19. Nxc4 both 19.-Bc5+ 20. Ne3 Bb3 and 19.- Bxc4 20. Rxe7 Rd1 look promising for me 19.Nxc4 (5:15)
Slek(2060) whispers: fuck I never know if it spells with an 'e' or not
Slek(2060) whispers: ooops... 19...Bxc4 (3:02) 20.Rxe7 (0:10)
Slek(2060) whispers: wow white is actually better here, nice turn of tables, ricefarmer 20...Rd1 (0:10)
Fente(2090) whispers: i overlooked 21. Re1 21.Re1 (1:39) Rxe1 (0:11) 22.Kxe1 (0:25) Re8+ (0:01)
Slek(2060) whispers: well Kxe1 Re8+ and Re2, white is still better
Fente(2090) whispers: still somewhat promising for me but not as far as i hoped 23.Kf2 (1:45) Re2+ (0:06) 24.Kg1 (0:06)
Slek(2060) whispers: Bd5? 24...Bd5 (1:14) 25.b4 (2:39) Bxf3 (1:05) 26.b5+ (0:18) Kd5 (0:20)
Slek(2060) whispers: hmm maybe it would have been better to play Ba3 (to prevent Kc5) before b5+ 27.h4 (3:25)
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: very good play by black
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Kc4
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: asdfasdf 27...Rg2+ (3:41) 28.Kf1 (0:11) Rxg3 (1:09) 29.Kf2 (0:04) Rh3 (0:10) 30.c4+ (0:05)
Fente(2090) whispers: aming for rook exchange ?
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: my R on a3 has no skewer as i have B @ c1
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: black can be in trouble here 30...Kxc4 (1:10) 31.Ra3 (0:14)
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg4
Slek(2060) whispers: can black win after Bg4?
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: lets see
Slek(2060) whispers: maybe Rh2+
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: if whites bishops is overloaded enough maybe black cann win
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Rh2 Kxf3
Slek(2060) whispers: and if Kg3 then Rc2
Slek(2060) whispers: oh nevermind, the Ra3 is protected
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg4 or Rh1
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: opp color B with 2 pawns up - but i can hope for a draw
Fente(2090) whispers: 31.-Rh1 32. Rxf3 32. Rxc1 Rxf7 threatening Rxc7+ and Rxc7 looks risky
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: Bg4 better
Slek(2060) whispers: maybe Rxh4 as well
Fente(2090) whispers: err 31.-Rh1 32. Rxf3 32. Rxc1 Rxf7 threatening Rxc7+ and Rxc1 looks risky 31...Bg4 (2:33) 32.Rxh3 (0:17) Bxh3 (0:03)
Slek(2060) whispers: actually Rh2+ Kxf3 Rh3+ K(somewhere) Rxa3 Bxa3 Kb3 was probably good for black 33.Bd2 (0:33) b6 (0:11)
Fente(2090) whispers: hopefully one of his queenside pawns will fall
pingupenguin(2075) whispers: this looks good for black 34.Ke3 (1:35)
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: i think this is trivially won for black 34...Bf5 (0:50)
ricefarmer(1996) whispers: sorry captain but i think fente deserves this game - well played! ricefarmer resigns 0-1
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