bionchess(2336) vs. mariusgallus(2191) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-08-23
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: Never liked to play against this move order- easy to get into unfamiliar/bad lines 5.Qc2 (1:41) Be7 (1:41)
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: I like Be7 because I expect he'll Aim for e4 when e5 would be threatened and my bishop wold be hit by a knight on e4 6.e4 (3:09) O-O (6:48) 7.e5 (3:09) Nfd7 (4:59) 8.Bd3 (0:21) c5 (1:51)
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: I will have to go back and look at this Nd2 line. If I play normal here it looks like an easy Kingside attack (after creating a hook with h6 or g6). His pieces are still a bit in their own way in the center so I have some practical chances. ANd of course if he castles I can then push a kingside pawn a little more safely 9.Bxh7+ (2:55) Kh8 (0:03) 10.cxd5 (1:59) exd5 (0:06) 11.Bf5 (0:17) Nc6 (1:06) 12.O-O (1:13) cxd4 (0:52) 13.Nb3 (2:07) Ndxe5 (4:34) 14.Nxe5 (0:12) Nxe5 (0:03) 15.Nxd4 (0:51) g6 (0:10) 16.Bf4 (4:26)
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: 16 Bf4 Bf6 threatens ...17Nf3. a pawn down I need to play very alert (I have found myse 16...Bf6 (0:07)
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: but a rook on d1 easily solves that 17.Bxc8 (1:40) Rxc8 (0:07) 18.Qb3 (0:40) Qd7 (7:19) 19.Bxe5 (3:01) Bxe5 (0:06) 20.Rad1 (1:09) Rfd8 (0:43) 21.Rfe1 (1:19) Bf6 (0:49) 22.Ne2 (0:50) Rc6 (0:42) 23.Nf4 (1:33) Rd6 (1:05)
Koff(2277) whispers: because of the 1st rank B could consider ..rb6
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: I am playing for two results, eathier I luckily draw, or I get to see some good technique ;)
Koff(2277) whispers: heh 24.Qa3 (1:36) Qf5 (3:48)
Koff(2277) whispers: time to activate the queen
timmcg(2015) whispers: looks hard for white to make progress 25.Nd3 (6:46)
Koff(2277) whispers: i wonder if this sac is sound
Koff(2277) whispers: miswhisp 25...Bd4 (7:06) 26.Qb4 (2:08) Bb6 (0:23) 27.a4 (0:29) Rf6 (5:41)
timmcg(2015) whispers: is black whipping up some threats or getting loose? 28.Re5 (4:01)
axeltiger(2319) whispers: how good is Re5 here?
axeltiger(2319) whispers: or should white play Qh4+ first?
axeltiger(2319) whispers: no, this is fine
axeltiger(2319) whispers: the f2 pawn is poisoned
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: the h4 check looks serious
Koff(2277) whispers: kg7 defends the rook comfortably
LJMon(1848) whispers: white rolling along 28...Bxf2+ (3:44)
axeltiger(2319) whispers: now white wins
axeltiger(2319) whispers: unless there is something I'm missing 29.Kh1 (1:10)
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: kh1 seems only move but good
axeltiger(2319) whispers: Kh1 Qd7 Nxf2 and it cannot be recaptured due to a fork
Koff(2277) whispers: maybe ..qc8-c2?
axeltiger(2319) whispers: doesn't work I think, White manages to defend the knight with Rf1 in the end of the line
MariusGallus(2191) whispers: Nxf2 and Qh4 coming. Ill do a last check of everything
antvrs(1925) whispers: Bc5
axeltiger(2319) whispers: Bc5 Rxf5 Bxb4 Rxf6
axeltiger(2319) whispers: unless he's thinking Qxd3 here...
axeltiger(2319) whispers: maybe that's the best move?
danijelo(2005) whispers: interesting tactic
axeltiger(2319) whispers: yeah, but it doesn't work
timmcg(2015) whispers: be1 ideas?
danijelo(2005) whispers: it s just free bishop
axeltiger(2319) whispers: Be1 Rexe1 I guess is the simplest 29...Qc8 (6:05)
timmcg(2015) whispers: drop a piece? or qc2 hitting knight and rook?
Koff(2277) whispers: it's lost whatever black played
axeltiger(2319) whispers: yeah
LJMon(1848) whispers: nice double check and mate
Koff(2277) whispers: nice trap
danijelo(2005) whispers: it s easy to miss this kind of fork.. 30.Nxf2 (5:19) Qc2 (0:12)
axeltiger(2319) whispers: Qh4 or Rf1, both win
LJMon(1848) whispers: empty threat 31.Rf1 (1:10) d4 (0:34)
LJMon(1848) whispers: that just makes the dropped piece solid 32.Qe7 (2:43) Rdd6 (0:36) 33.Qf8+ (1:24) MariusGallus resigns 1-0
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