nikolaantonov(2055) vs. kiboplaying(2210) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-10-21
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: hi! many comments please :) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:09) g6 (0:05) 3.Nc3 (0:08)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: grunfeld or KID? Bg7 (0:49) 4.e4 (0:06) d6 (0:03) 5.Nf3 (0:08) Nbd7 (0:08) 6.Be2 (2:18) O-O (0:04)
pollock(2043) whispers: kiboplaying is a tough cookie 7.O-O (0:14) c6 (0:37) 8.h3 (0:59) h6 (1:24) 9.Be3 (1:21) e5 (2:36)
bLAZinFiRe(1923) whispers: Go Kibo!! 10.d5 (2:02)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: why did Kibo play h6? just to avoid the Petrosian variation? Qe7 (1:02) 11.Qc2 (1:35)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: I guess white doesnt want to force Kh7 yet
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: I can see why, Kh7 seems to improve black's position slightly
pollock(2043) whispers: may want to expand on kingside
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: black or white?
pollock(2043) whispers: guess Ne8 (2:43)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: well, black usually plays on the kingside in these lines
pollock(2043) whispers: yep
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: Kibo's move-order is interesting - it avoids a lot of good options for white 12.Qd2 (2:23) Kh7 (0:16)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: Qd2->c2 made more sense to me than Qc2->d2
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: is g4 possible? 13.b4 (2:38)
sangalla(1982) whispers: I see these black's manuver many times but I dont understand it: Kh7 - Ne8 - f5
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: whats not to understand?
sangalla(1982) whispers: why did black move his K to h7? f5 (1:30)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: to protect h6, for one thing
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: also, to get off the a2-g8 diagonal, which can open up later
sangalla(1982) whispers: mmm... thanks sbc
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: now, how does white save the Be3?
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: this is why I said Qc2->d2 didnt make sense, since after Ne8, black is ready to play f5->4
tomito(2062) whispers: hmmm,it was more natural and usuall to play Ne1 instead b4
tomito(2062) whispers: and then after f5 f3 f4 Bf2 14.c5 (3:05)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: except that in this line black has played Nbd7, instead of Nc6->e7
sangalla(1982) whispers: but f3 will be artificial with a pawn on h3 instead of h2
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: Ne1 f5 f3 etc is normal classical KID stuff, but here black's setup is a bit different
tomito(2062) whispers: yes indeed
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: I assume its a bit better for black, since he's had time to play c6
tomito(2062) whispers: but it require deep calculations
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: mind you, Im not sure c6 is that good here
otc(2059) whispers: c6 may well be a weakness
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: right
otc(2059) whispers: "don't move the pawns on the wing your opponent is attacking"
otc(2059) whispers: White would also like to play h3-h2 probably. :)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: also, it seems like blacks knight would be better on e7 than d7
tomito(2062) whispers: lol otc
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: blunder
tomito(2062) whispers: soo,black is gonna win a pawn?
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: yeah, kibo gets lucky
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: (aain)
tomito(2062) whispers: or this is a pawn sac for activite
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: this is a pawn sac to avoid loss of tempo I think dxc5 (9:33) 15.exf5 (0:33) gxf5 (0:17) 16.dxc6 (0:34) bxc6 (1:02) 17.bxc5 (0:00)
tomito(2062) whispers: interesting play... e4 (1:18)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: white doesn't look good 18.Nd4 (11:51)
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: It's too risky I know, but I like it :) f4 (7:42) 19.Bxf4 (0:21)
KiranY(1968) whispers: Nxc6 Qg5? Bxd4 (0:18) 20.Bxh6 (0:05) Bxc3 (0:19)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: hmm, sacking a piece to expose the king
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: or else Bxf8 instead 21.Bxf8 (0:55) Qf6 (0:05)
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: Unfortunately Kibo choose the best continuation... Whatever. 22.Qe3 (3:38) Nxf8 (1:24) 23.Rad1 (2:02)
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: Qxe4+ Bf5 -/+ Ng6 (1:55) 24.Qxe4 (2:15) Bf5 (0:08)
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: no pawns here heh :D
otc(2059) whispers: Looks like another solid win by Kibo
otc(2059) whispers: He really brings them in somehow.
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Kibo's note 5 Ralleyrolf tells you: I like your brand of luck 25.Qa4 (2:08) Ne7 (0:46)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: black just need to shuffle up his pieces for some time and mate white's king :P 26.Bf3 (2:44)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Bxh3 maybe ?
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: loses
sangalla(1982) whispers: will lose Ne7
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Bxh3 gxh Qxf3 Qh4+ and Qxe7
Pallokala(2000) whispers: ok
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: go Kibo! play Bxh3 Nc7 (2:18)
otc(2059) whispers: No reason for black to play moves like Bxh3, he can just activate his swarm of pieces and they will win by themselves after a while 27.Rd6 (1:07)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Pieces never win by themselves. You have to move them at least Ne6 (0:22)
pollock(2043) whispers: pawn pushes are the way to go
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Bxc6 wins one more pawn
pollock(2043) whispers: push the pawns until they will go no further and then panic 28.Bxc6 (0:35)
pollock(2043) whispers: be5?
pollock(2043) whispers: maybe be5 be4 is ok but not sure
sangalla(1982) whispers: Be5 Bxh8
pollock(2043) whispers: oh a8
sangalla(1982) whispers: *Bxa8*
pollock(2043) whispers: yes so rg8 :)
pollock(2043) whispers: thanks for putting me back on course sangalla
otc(2059) whispers: question is if black should play Nxc6 before Rg8
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: HMS pollock put back on course by captain sangalla
pollock(2043) whispers: :D
sangalla(1982) whispers: what is HMS?
pollock(2043) whispers: i think whites queen is marginally better on c6 an the 2nd rank is open
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Her Majesty's Ship
sangalla(1982) whispers: :))
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: A prefix to all British Navy ships and submarines
sangalla(1982) whispers: I think HyperMagnuS
Litovec(1736) whispers: yea HyperMagnuS would be better of war machine
pollock(2043) whispers: hyper talking about himself? unheard of Nxc6 (7:37) 29.Qxc6 (0:11)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: oh stop ripping me off Rg8 (0:09)
pollock(2043) whispers: its so fun but ill stop
pollock(2043) whispers: now how does white not get mated
pollock(2043) whispers: i think this is key
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: well Qf3 suggests itself
pollock(2043) whispers: yes 30.Qf3 (1:33)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: yeah I like Qf3
pollock(2043) whispers: but its such a frightening hoard of pieces
pollock(2043) whispers: finally be5 back to the centre
alfredw(1807) whispers: what the 'E' means ?
alfredw(1807) whispers: 2210E
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: estimated rating
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Eeker
alfredw(1807) whispers: thx
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: these guys dont play much ;)
pollock(2043) whispers: excellent Rg5 (4:15)
pollock(2043) whispers: be5 rd7 ng7 qh5+ qh6 qxf5+ kh8 qxe5 was nice
pollock(2043) whispers: i liked that
pollock(2043) whispers: oh good move!
pollock(2043) whispers: qh5+ not allowed anymore 31.Rfd1 (2:29) Be5 (1:17) 32.Ra6 (4:23)
sangalla(1982) whispers: Bb8 Nd4 (5:56) 33.Rxa7+ (2:41)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: and there goes the last black pawn
ggrungean(1492) whispers: such a strange game Kh6 (5:34)
sangalla(1982) whispers: yes. I dont know how to evaluate this position.
sangalla(1982) whispers: I dont have idea who is better 34.Qe3 (2:43)
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: i am better
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: :D
mei(1873) whispers: I'd go for white
mei(1873) whispers: err ... black Qc6 (1:30)
tomito(2062) whispers: easy to blunder in this position
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: does this win the h3 pawn?
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: hmm
tomito(2062) whispers: i dont see any way to stop this
mei(1873) whispers: qx nf3 kf1 nx1 rd6 maybe ...
tomito(2062) whispers: maybe rook sac.. i don t know
spendius(1784) whispers: Ra6 ?
tomito(2062) whispers: yep
ggrungean(1492) whispers: can white find ra6?
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: ra6 qxa6 h4 ne2 kh1 bf4 hxg kxg4 35.Ra6 (3:00)
ggrungean(1492) whispers: cool
bLAZinFiRe(1923) whispers: Rxp+ wins Qxa6 (0:29)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: no
tomito(2062) whispers: both players saw the variation 36.h4 (0:05) Ne2+ (0:02) 37.Kh1 (0:06)
bLAZinFiRe(1923) whispers: oh cannot Bf4 (0:10) 38.hxg5+ (0:04) Kxg5 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: fantastic game
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: qe7?
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: yeah only move
mei(1873) whispers: hdid black have nf3 saveing hte R?
Litovec(1740) whispers: qe7+ ?
mei(1873) whispers: qe7 a bit forced 39.Qe7+ (1:41) Qf6 (0:24)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Qxf6+ 40.Qxf6+ (0:40) Kxf6 (0:03)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: white has good drawing chances 41.a4 (0:05)
sangalla(1982) whispers: yes Bc7 (0:17)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: white could exchange a rook for a bishop and force kibo to mate with K+B
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: N+B I meant 42.c6 (0:34)
smallblackcat(1921) whispers: you dont think kibo can mate with N+B?
tomito(2062) whispers: i think he will have that option aswell hyper Nc3 (0:43)
sangalla(1982) whispers: well I'm not sure I can :D
tomito(2062) whispers: *later 43.Rd4 (0:26)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Yeah I guess
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: mistell Ke5 (0:22) 44.Rh4 (0:27)
spendius(1784) whispers: Bc2 looks like a move i could play Be4 (1:02)
sangalla(1982) whispers: f3 Bxc6 looks great :D 45.a5 (0:51)
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: god damn i have just one hour more :) Bd3 (0:27) 46.Rh5+ (0:47) Kd4 (0:13) 47.Rh4+ (0:12) Kc5 (0:07)
mei(1873) whispers: so at least draw
spendius(1784) whispers: hmm Rh3 48.Rh3 (0:19) Ne4 (0:35)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: actually, I am not sure what is B+B+N vs R at all
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: three on one!
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: probably win
Plebusan(1772) whispers: all pawns will fall? 49.Kg1 (1:09)
spendius(1784) whispers: oh nice
spendius(1784) whispers: hmmm if Rd4 maybe Rxdd3
NBZ(2032) whispers: wow this is some game Bb5 (2:32) 50.g4 (2:10) Bxa5 (0:23)
otc(2059) whispers: 1 down, 3 to go
spendius(1784) whispers: Re3 followed by f4 ?
otc(2059) whispers: Black has been winning for ages, but white has fought well 51.f4 (1:33) Bxc6 (0:11)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: this looks like some game i played at a tournament and lost
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: black had a ton of minor pieces
NBZ(2032) whispers: push uppa pawn! the pawn the pawn 52.Rh5+ (0:26)
spendius(1784) whispers: this one isn't lost Bd5 (0:07) 53.g5 (0:20) Bd2 (0:10)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: g6 g7 and rf5?
NBZ(2032) whispers: g6 Bxf4 g7 Be3+ and Nf6 54.g6 (1:45)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: are you using a comp?:P
Pallokala(2000) whispers: can black win this if white loses those pawns for free ? Be3+ (0:28)
otc(2059) whispers: Easily
Pallokala(2000) whispers: nice
NBZ(2032) whispers: actually the pawns are lost now, you sensed their doom when white pushed them with f4 and g4
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: fast, u have one way 55.Kh2 (0:59) Bxf4+ (0:02) 56.Kg1 (0:07)
otc(2059) whispers: ALthough the 50 moves rule could be a problem Kd6 (0:10) 57.g7 (0:15) Be5 (0:14)
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: can i take him rook ?
spendius(1784) whispers: so close from harbour :-(
NBZ(2032) whispers: well he has up to move 105 to capture g7, shouldn;t be a problem
NBZ(2032) whispers: and another 50 moves once g7 falls too
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: LOL
otc(2059) whispers: It is after taking the paawn the problem starts
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: LOL 58.Rh6+ (2:28)
otc(2059) whispers: According to tablebase KBBN vs KR seems to be mate in about 50, 20 to win the rook, 30 to mate with KBN vs K I guess, so there is some leeway for the 50 moves rule
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: hoping for a blunder Ke7 (0:08) 59.Rg6 (0:03) Bg8 (0:08)
Plebusan(1772) whispers: not often games go to N+B without underpromotions 60.Rg4 (0:37)
Plebusan(1772) whispers: I have only seen it once before I think Nd6 (0:18)
otc(2059) whispers: Like here it is mate in 47 without pg7 and black to move 61.Rg5 (0:38)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol Bf6 (0:22)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: I bet kibo can't find those 47 moves :P
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: computers ruin chess:P
otc(2059) whispers: Luckily for black the 50 moves rule start at 1 again when the R is won
Plebusan(1772) whispers: well, those 47 moves includes a capture so the 50-move rule isnt in danger 62.Rg4 (0:54)
otc(2059) whispers: But it could be tricky to win the R in 50 moves Kf7 (0:18) 63.Kf1 (0:07) Bxg7 (0:02) 64.Rf4+ (0:06)
NBZ(2032) whispers: ok the countdown begins Bf6 (0:19) 65.Ra4 (0:05) Ke6 (0:03)
Plebusan(1772) whispers: otc, where do you get the 6-men tablebase, is it online? 66.Ra8 (0:20)
NBZ(2032) whispers: next step is to get the bishop to e4 i guess, then the k can advance
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: actuary tables plebusan Bh7 (0:09)
otc(2059) whispers:
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: "KBBN vs KR, mortality rate..."
Plebusan(1772) whispers: 85 thank you 67.Ra3 (0:49)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: lol - actuarial tables on KBBN v. KR :))
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: amortization tables too;) Nc4 (0:09) 68.Ra6+ (0:05) Ke5 (0:10)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: "if black loses one pieces, it becomes negative amortization:D"
NBZ(2032) whispers: actually if it gets to the point where the 50 move rule is in danger, black can give up his knight and still have some winning chances 69.Kf2 (0:24) Be4 (0:12)
ggrungean(1492) whispers: draw? 70.Ke2 (0:41) Kf5 (0:21)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: if black gives up his knite. white draws easily when he keeps his K and R on differed coloured squires and sacs his rook
NBZ(2032) whispers: ah yes forgot abt that
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: I don't know is that a draw game or win for black. But I know that I just have to move :) 71.Ra4 (0:52) Bd5 (0:19) 72.Ra7 (0:23) Ke4 (0:09) 73.Ra4 (0:40) Bd4 (0:10) 74.Ra6 (0:17) Be3 (0:17) 75.Rg6 (0:14)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: kibo is working "nine to five"
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: :D Ne5 (0:11)
otc(2059) whispers: Time to start thinking about saccing the R on a B. 76.Rd6 (0:50)
ggrungean(1492) whispers: this is a draw! Bc4+ (1:03)
otc(2059) whispers: Sure? 77.Kd1 (0:47)
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: he tought rook
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Hmm - my Chessbase Nalimov 6 man don't seem to have BBN v. R Bb3+ (0:18) 78.Ke2 (0:06)
otc(2059) whispers: Use Nd3 (0:14) 79.Rd8 (0:31)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Thx Nf4+ (0:09)
spendius(1784) whispers: perhaps Kibo could allow a stalemate sacrifice while trying to mate ? 80.Ke1 (0:15)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: But I think black has the correct BB proceudre here Ba4 (0:37) 81.Ra8 (0:14) Bb5 (0:23) 82.Rb8 (0:06)
spendius(1784) whispers: I think Nikola is going to survive .. looks like you must be a robot to win this Ng2+ (0:18)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: It does look that way 83.Kd1 (0:06)
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: nikola can try exchange sac the rook for a bishop & hope kibo can't mate with bishop & knight Ba4+ (0:17) 84.Ke2 (0:10) Nf4+ (0:03)
pollock(2043) whispers: think its mate
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: I do too 85.Ke1 (0:13) Nd3+ (0:06)
pollock(2043) whispers: oh no
pollock(2043) whispers: kings gotta be close i presume
pollock(2043) whispers: on 3rd rank
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Bd7 next
otc(2059) whispers: It is mate, but not in the foreseeable future. :) 86.Ke2 (0:47)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: B around to g4 I think
ggrungean(1492) whispers: 55 half moves left :) Bd7 (0:34)
spendius(1784) whispers: Rg8 ? 87.Rg8 (0:36)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Yes Bf4 (0:13)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Maybe Kf4 would have better there
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: Bb5 88.Rg7 (0:54)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Bh3 Bb5 (0:12) 89.Re7+ (0:09) Ne5+ (0:20)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Nice
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: And now K up to 3rd. rank 90.Kd1 (0:31) Kd3 (0:12) 91.Ra7 (0:18)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: This looks possible now Nc4 (0:13) 92.Ke1 (0:12) Bg3+ (0:11)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: I think Bd2 would have better than Nc4
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: No - I'm wrong 93.Kd1 (0:26) Bc6 (0:11)
spendius(1784) whispers: hmm move 104 is the target, right ?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 114 I think
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: what are the odds
spendius(1784) whispers: oops :-P
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: I'm offering 1.5:1!
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: was 63 ... Bxg7
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: WOW, what a blunder!!! Bc4+ was the winning move for black!
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: Ba4+
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol 94.Kc1 (1:20)
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: hehe
otc(2059) whispers: Ba4 and Bc6 won just as fast in fact. :)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Be4
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: damn actuarial tables otc;)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Kc3 Bd6 (0:42) 95.Kd1 (0:12) Ne3+ (0:09) 96.Kc1 (0:07) Bd5 (0:25)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Rd7
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Last capture was definitely black 63
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: So the target is black 113
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Rd7 Ba6 and Kc3 97.Rd7 (0:41)
NBZ(2032) whispers: 95. ...Bf3+ and Bf4+ looked a bit more convincing Ba3+ (0:08)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 16 more moves
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 15
ChessTsar(1964) whispers: white is having hard time looking for a safe spot for his rook 98.Kb1 (0:19)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: And his K is getting trapped in the corner Kc3 (0:20)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Kc3
spendius(1784) whispers: check
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: It's getting close: a question of whether or not Kibo can get there in time
ggrungean(1492) whispers: black didn't have to blitz!!
otc(2059) whispers: Quick mate may be possible now
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: 15 moves
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: man i dont have time, go
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: My money's on Kibo now
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: dont let him know:P
ggrungean(1492) whispers: 30 half moves
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: or he can cut a deal with white
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Quite strongly - I think it's black's - if he watches his work
NBZ(2032) whispers: if i had any money it would be on kibo too :))
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: how much you betting?:P
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 500 standard rating points please :D
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: you'lll get 500 from me much easer than i'll get them from you:P 99.Ra7 (4:12)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: lol
otc(2059) whispers: Kb3 forces sac?
NBZ(2032) whispers: sorry folks standard rating points are too valuable
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Damn
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: I had a good deal there Nc4 (0:56)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol:
NBZ(2032) whispers: well how about 500 blitz points? 100.Ka2 (1:06)
KiboPlaying(2210) whispers: got 10 min
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Hmm - I hate to say this, but Rykba didn;t have a mate in 14 half moves just there
NBZ(2032) whispers: and abt 10 odd moves too Bc5 (0:27) 101.Rc7 (0:28) Bd6 (0:03)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: No
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Nd2+ was better 102.Rc8 (0:23)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Kc2 Kc2 (0:18)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Yeah - good point
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Need diags. into the corner for the Bs
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: So Nd2+ and Be5# I think
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: So rook is correctly placed
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: zugzwang in fact 103.Ka1 (1:32)
otc(2059) whispers: White has to sac on the black squared B to have any chance Kb3 (0:26)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 10 moves to go 104.Kb1 (0:25) Be4+ (0:05) 105.Kc1 (0:06)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: wasnt bf4 the better move?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: instead of be4 Bf4+ (0:18)
otc(2059) whispers: Think so
laikun(1882) whispers: 50 move without capture candraw? 106.Kd1 (0:06) Bd3 (0:03) 107.Ke1 (0:16)
spendius(1784) whispers: White's chance if that kibo does not play exactly the right move it will take him some other moves to get the right position again
vandy(1848) whispers: as far as fruit can tell, there is no win in 8 moves
NikolaAntonov(2055) whispers: I'm not draw
vandy(1848) whispers: You said there was 10 moves to go about 2 moves ago, right? NikolaAntonov offers a draw. KiboPlaying declines the draw request. Bg3+ (0:52) 108.Kd1 (0:08) Kc3 (0:05)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: 5 moves
vandy(1848) whispers: Rc5 required for draw here
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Black's 133th. move is his 50th. since the last capture
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 113th. sorry
Koff(2101) whispers: tivjakov would have got angry for that draw offer :)
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: 63 ... Bxg7 was the last 109.Rc6 (0:46)
laikun(1882) whispers: so after 50 move can draw?
otc(2059) whispers: Black is about to waste this it seems. He has played much too quickly
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: I agree
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: He had lots of time to think as carefully as he needed
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: didnt black say he had to go in a shor tperiod of time?
vandy(1848) whispers: This is now a draw
sangalla(1982) whispers: and the server automatically draw it? Kd4 (0:33)
vandy(1848) whispers: There is no win in 5 moves
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: No - it needs claining
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: *claiming KiboPlaying offers a draw. NikolaAntonov declines the draw request. 110.Rc8 (0:15)
Doubleletter(1870) whispers: unless white messes up
Dreadtower(1378) whispers: Oh!
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: someone start tellling while a joke NikolaAntonov offers a draw. KiboPlaying accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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