malcovich(2070) vs. gmfree(2121) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-10-16
Earlier moves are in funkmaus(2219) vs. dermandarin(2109) *
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: so I guess I will get to play f3 after all :-) it good is another story. 7.f3 (0:52)
GMfree(2121) whispers: lol expected this line exactly Bc6 (0:45)
tebw(2249) whispers: this is what black wanted?
hugozver(1937) whispers: looks weird
GMfree(2121) whispers: e4 e6 is logical cont
tebw(2249) whispers: black will find it hard to find thematic breaks - c5 or e5
tebw(2249) whispers: may have to challenge the centre with f5 at some point?
bodzolca(1733) whispers: and where is his knight going, a6?
tebw(2249) whispers: d7 more likely
bodzolca(1733) whispers: not after e4
purplepawns(1910) whispers: e4 e6 nd7 d5? exd5 exd5 nc5 8.e4 (5:23) e6 (0:05)
tebw(2249) whispers: go Malcovich!
tebw(2249) whispers: white has a pleasant choice now - can Malcolm stay out of time trouble?
GMfree(2121) whispers: Bb5 Qd7 a4 etc
TGV(1658) whispers: 25 observers - AWESOME!
tebw(2249) whispers: or Nd7 Bxc6 bxc6 - ugly
GMfree(2121) whispers: looks strong, but not winning, i will wait the storm out and pick thru the rubble ;-)
tebw(2249) whispers: where's black's counterplay?
hugozver(1937) whispers: doesn't have atm
tebw(2249) whispers: quite
bodzolca(1733) whispers: looks like GMfree has adopted lasker's strategy ;)
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: ok better think of getting the kingside developped...B out or maybe first Nh3. What do I teach my students? Not toe develop Knights on the side of the board but in the center...what else? Ah yes! THERE ARE ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS IN CHESS LIKE IN LIFE! :-) 9.Nh3 (3:19)
GMfree(2121) whispers: oh! gives me a chance to play a6! a bit of a let off i think?
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Always exceptions but only the really cunning can appreciate the use of them in perfect timing a6 (2:10)
otc(2059) whispers: If black is dreaming about getting to play 16 here one knows something has gone wrong
otc(2059) whispers: a6
Psycho(1713) whispers: a4 or develop further on kingside
tebw(2249) whispers: Be2/Be3
GMfree(2121) whispers: i'm not even sure what the N is doing?
derMandarin(2019) whispers: make a 90 60 league and malco will own all ;)
tebw(2249) whispers: hehe
sangalla(1954) whispers: lol
sangalla(1954) whispers: I think he prefer 30 120 10.Be2 (4:06)
tebw(2249) whispers: Now the white king can get to safety (Qh4 Nf2)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: would not have guessed that move in a million years --I was expecting Be3 Be7 (1:46)
sangalla(1954) whispers: maybe he want a R on d file, Ralley
tebw(2249) whispers: O-O, then Be3 and white has completed development
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Probably requiring some thought of GMfree as to why that crazy knight is stationed there
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: I have a guilty secret for all those curious observers of this game; I am listening to FOREIGNER" while I am playing... Oh boy! :-) Well, they had some good songs!
GMfree(2121) whispers: no need to waist time here just 0-0 and get the N out, then look for a plan 11.O-O (2:37)
GMfree(2121) whispers: altho....maybe 0-0-0!? is it too adventurous?
sangalla(1954) whispers: IMO, Nh3 was logical. if Ne2 then he must move Bf1-d3 first. Nd7 (0:18)
tebw(2249) whispers: I'm looking at c4 here - look to strike while the iron's hot!
tebw(2249) whispers: intending c5
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: ok time for more recent stuff dedicated to my "gorgeous ex-fianci"...Big girls don't cry by Fergie. Take care bella! Ok sorry guys I am a dreamer even when I play chess.
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: tebw what a move! YES
sangalla(1954) whispers: so you sleep when play chess, Malco?
HerrGott(1417) whispers: probably... that's why he is under 2 minutes left before his 20th move in every game... or at least that's what he sais
tebw(2249) whispers: remind me - this is a 40 moves in 2 hours match? Oh no!
HerrGott(1417) whispers: heading this direction in this game as well though :P 12.Be3 (4:36)
tebw(2249) whispers: I have a student like this - thinks for hours over simple recaptures
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: man that song is so represnetitive for my relationship...ok so I have a nice center but what is my plan? Any suggestions people? :-)
Psycho(1713) whispers: I was leaning towards nf4 instead of this
HerrGott(1417) whispers: yeah.... stop listening to Fergie
HerrGott(1417) whispers: :P
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: prepare to smash through the center -first queen's rook to d1
tebw(2249) whispers: try to get c, d and e pawns on 5th rank - push his pieces off the back of the board
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: and get in c4-c5 next
HerrGott(1417) whispers: or the classical plan... just throw the pieces randomly, something should come out of it
GMfree(2121) whispers: time to think :)
tebw(2249) whispers: easier for white - what can we come up with for black?
tebw(2249) whispers: b5 maybe?
sangalla(1954) whispers: b6 ?
hugozver(1937) whispers: 0 - 0?
tebw(2249) whispers: probably better - if only he could have a couple of moves to tuck the bishop away
Psycho(1713) whispers: is e5 d5 Nc5 plausible?
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: possible answers : f4-f5 push after due preperation, the d5 push, or just wait and see as my center is a tower of strength. Hmm, don't know!
Psycho(1713) whispers: is pretty double-edged but it might take some of the steam out of whites push
tebw(2249) whispers: If e5 then not d5
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: ok while we calculate next song : White flag Dido...suble hey my friends! :-)
tebw(2249) whispers: allow him to take on d4
tebw(2249) whispers: exd4 cxd4
tebw(2249) whispers: don't want to give him c5 for the knight
tebw(2249) whispers: otherwise Ba4 O-O (8:54)
sangalla(1954) whispers: woow I dont expect this move....
sangalla(1954) whispers: I think it's a ?!
HerrGott(1417) whispers: is it me, or does black lose the light colored bishop?
tebw(2249) whispers: how?
HerrGott(1417) whispers: d4
Psycho(1713) whispers: black castles hoping the problem goes away :)
sangalla(1954) whispers: agreed HG. d4-d5 now
tebw(2249) whispers: exd5 exd5 Nc5!
WilkBardzoZly(1906) whispers: d5 c4
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: comp still gives it as equal position
HerrGott(1417) whispers: Nc5 wouldn't solve much
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Does black want to provoke d5 by white?
HerrGott(1417) whispers: after Bxc5 Bxc5 black still loses a piece
Psycho(1713) whispers: Bxc5+ remember
HerrGott(1417) whispers: oh... sorry, didn't see the white king placed there, I guess you're right
tebw(2249) whispers: winning line for black that!
tebw(2249) whispers: c4 still a good line here
pollock(2034) whispers: whites position is almost too nice
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: but time is going short...
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: anything too nice can get too comfortable
sangalla(1954) whispers: yes, Malco must have nice dream now :)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Malco is listening to some good music --calms the nerves in all of us
sangalla(1954) whispers: how about Kh1 plan d5? 13.Nf2 (8:59)
sangalla(1954) whispers: ok. it's looks better than Kh1
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: I do not fully understand that knight move -I rather expected either a rook move undergirding the pawn center or an immediate d5
sangalla(1954) whispers: I think he planning d5 b6 (1:42)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: thought the d5 move is probably premature at this time
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: I hate positions like this...I have ALL the play but I am using also ALL of my time to find a concrete plan...:-( Oh well, in slower games I usually killwith this type of position no matter if opponent is 1300 or 2300! But those are 2h games...try my best!
AIDog(2138) whispers: Now a good plan is needed to disentangle Black
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: the only way to go -do what comes natural for you
tebw(2249) whispers: f4 now and aim for c4 and e5
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Malcovich is having nightmare! :(
sangalla(1954) whispers: No Garlic. At least... not yet :)
tebw(2249) whispers: soon Black will get his Bb7 and will play the freeing c5
sangalla(1954) whispers: this is strange...
HerrGott(1417) whispers: Malcovich could just play the FlorinC move a4 :)
AIDog(2138) whispers: 14.a4 has to be considered
sangalla(1954) whispers: what the point of a4?
sangalla(1954) whispers: after a2-a4-a5 simply b5
HerrGott(1417) whispers: no... not a4-a5
HerrGott(1417) whispers: just a4
HerrGott(1417) whispers: to cramp black even further 14.f4 (5:20)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: time presssure is gonna get to malcovich T^T
tebw(2249) whispers: Bb7 c4
HerrGott(1417) whispers: that's a good plan for black there... his setup looks a bit like my favourite defense, and c5 is a must in that defense :)
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: I wanted to play my rooks but I am still not sure where they are best...Damn time! :-( But ok, I have a plan now, try tofigure out which one! :-)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Bb7 c4 is right -black has to find something via counterplay
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: can GMfree see what malcovich is typing? ._.
estepona(1609) whispers: no Nf6 (5:56)
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: time for some snow patrol "chasing cars"...hopefully I stay in the realm of the physical cause this songs really gets me into a spiritual mood...
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: what is the aggregate score between the two teams ?
sangalla(1954) whispers: 1-1
tebw(2249) whispers: black has latched onto e4 as a plan - better than no plan, but I don't think that's the right one
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: ok so no one needs absolutely a win
tebw(2249) whispers: white has Qc2 and Bf3/d3
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: do they have team names?
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: RainbowWarriors and Knightmares
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: RainbowWarriors? D:
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Be2-f3 is sufficient for white
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: white will lose on time... 15.Qc2 (3:55)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Rainbows are not very tough..
tebw(2249) whispers: Knightmares Rule!
tebw(2249) whispers: sorry, don't know what came over me
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: damn what was better Qc2 or Bf3...can't decide in such short time...
sangalla(1954) whispers: black playing a cramped... but quite healty.... strange
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: I was guessing Bf3 but the queen move can't be bad or can it??
otc(2059) whispers: Qc2 looks OK
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: the e4 needed protection and should not be pushed
otc(2059) whispers: But white needs a plan Ra7 (3:51)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: I'm not sure if black has any plan either :p
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: c4!
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Would never have guessed that move by black -wow
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: black just lets white spent his time...
otc(2059) whispers: Ra7 looks more original than good. The point must be Ba8 and c5 I guess
sangalla(1954) whispers: or Qa8 maybe?
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Ba8 or maybe Qa8 I like the first one better
otc(2059) whispers: Qa8 effectively kills Ra7. 16.c4 (1:39)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: guesses :-)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: I like c4 just fine
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: then Rd1
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: white has some prospects with d5
otc(2059) whispers: or e5 Qa8 (1:20)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: white will have to play 20 moves in 25 seconds like bacrot against kamsky
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: that is the plan --going after e4 and forcing bf3
otc(2059) whispers: Bd3 looks strong now.
HerrGott(1417) whispers: well... 30 seconds left :)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: D3 is even better!
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: d5... but no time for calculate 17.d5 (1:22)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: does malcovich has a computer? lol
sangalla(1954) whispers: ah... I remember
sangalla(1954) whispers: Malco would kill somebody
sangalla(1954) whispers: if he losee this time
sangalla(1954) whispers: :))
Pallokala(2000) whispers: exd5 cxd5 and black has just a crapy position Bb7 dxe6 fxe6 and it isn't much better :(
AIDog(2138) whispers: it seems 17.Bd3 had to be preferred
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: white will get some time increment capturing, that also matters
sangalla(1954) whispers: why AIDog? d5 not good enough?
otc(2059) whispers: "The threat is stronger than its execution"
sangalla(1954) whispers: mm... yes. 17. Bd3 looks better exd5 (7:44) 18.cxd5 (0:04) Nxd5 (0:29) 19.exd5 (0:13) Bxd5 (0:02)
otc(2059) whispers: Bd3!
tebw(2249) whispers: yes otc!
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: omg...this can't work..can it!?
tebw(2249) whispers: a lovely combination
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: I don't get this sacrifice... where is the compensation?
tebw(2249) whispers: desparation - but what else? GMfree offers a draw.
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Now that is a plan --what a sacrifice but is the compensation sufficient?
HerrGott(1417) whispers: in open games, a knight is worth less than 3 pawns....
otc(2059) whispers: Black is hopeing for comp along the long diagonal
Pallokala(2000) whispers: I don't like about Bd3. I think g-pawn is more important than black's h-pawn MALCOVICH declines the draw request. 20.Bd3 (1:48)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: don't see the point of making the sac
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: good move
otc(2059) whispers: Bd3 Bxg2 Bxh7 Kh8 Be4 is the idea
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: if Bxg2 Bxh7 and Be4
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: sacrifice and then asking for draw... that says everything
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Go MALCO!
sangalla(1954) whispers: then, look at the clocks HM :)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: don't see anything
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Malco is in usual time trouble, nothing special
Psycho(1713) whispers: malco doesnt see much time either ;) Bxg2 (1:48) 21.Bxh7+ (0:10) Kh8 (0:02)
otc(2059) whispers: The worst thing about time trouble is that you have to sit focused for ages waiting for your opponent to move 22.Be4 (0:32) Bxe4 (0:19)
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: keep the queens or not...I think my best chance is an attack...but exchanging is safer...time!!! 23.Nxe4 (1:09)
fege(2193) whispers: he should keep the queens
tebw(2249) whispers: :)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: f5 and Rf6 maybe
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: this guy has guts - I would have accepted the draw lol Re8 (0:31)
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: if I lose I am so sorry to all my teammates...but it seemed as the best way to play for the win!
tebw(2249) whispers: Go Malcovich - you have to win a won position - in your hands!
otc(2059) whispers: Now Rf3 looks good at least
fege(2193) whispers: Rf3-h3 with Nf6
Pallokala(2000) whispers: I wouldn't have accept draw either. He has winning position he shouldn't fear winning it 24.Rae1 (1:35)
Pallokala(2000) whispers: Bb4 and what ?
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: he always find my comp moves with so few time - amazing!
otc(2059) whispers: Rf3 is not the kind of move you like to play in time trouble c5 (0:40) 25.Ng5 (0:46)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: ! again
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: They don't call him Malcovich for nothing! ;)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: +1.75
tebw(2249) whispers: he must take it Bxg5 (0:47)
AIDog(2138) whispers: Why not 25.Rf3 26.fxg5 (0:03) Rae7 (0:04)
tebw(2249) whispers: I love g6 here but will he see it?
tebw(2249) whispers: Bd2 much safer :)
otc(2059) whispers: g6 is tempting, but again not in time trouble perhaps?
tebw(2249) whispers: quite! 27.Qf2 (1:12)
tebw(2249) whispers: I don't get into time trouble :))
tebw(2249) whispers: well, not often anyway
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: I always get in time trouble
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: I can relate with malcovich's torment
Parkow(1959) whispers: th5reatening Qh4...
AIDog(2138) whispers: 27.Rf4 Qe4 (1:34) 28.Bd2 (1:03)
tebw(2249) whispers: don't throw it away Mal!
Parkow(1959) whispers: Qg3 would have bveen th eone
otc(2059) whispers: Qg4 Kh1 Re2!? Qg4+ (1:35)
Parkow(1959) whispers: Qg3
tebw(2249) whispers: a nasty trap there otc
tebw(2249) whispers: Qg2 important 29.Qg2 (0:36)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: :D
HerrGott(1417) whispers: white's bishop is history :)
otc(2059) whispers: This should win I think, but it is not so easy
sangalla(1954) whispers: No HG
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: malcovich doesn't have time to chat with us anymore? D:
HerrGott(1417) whispers: after QxQ that is what I see
tebw(2249) whispers: watching his won postion evaporate
HerrGott(1417) whispers: one less bishop for white
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: white looks safe
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: black is forced now to exchange either queens or a rook --white should win here
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: HG, if you mean Re2, there is Rxr Rxr Rf2
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: stop dreaming of taking bishops :-)
HerrGott(1417) whispers: HM, I saw that, thinking of something different
HerrGott(1417) whispers: but them again... you're better rated...
tebw(2249) whispers: but Re2 is still a threat
otc(2059) whispers: There also is the more elegant QxQ KxQ Re2 Kg3! :)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: that works
tebw(2249) whispers: I said threat :)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: however, Rf2 is much better
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: and don't forget that malcovich is an elegant player Qxg2+ (3:49) 30.Kxg2 (0:04) Re2+ (0:03)
tebw(2249) whispers: Kf3 Malc, come on
otc(2059) whispers: Strange that black exchanged queens given whites time and open king position
HerrGott(1417) whispers: well... black's chance is to trade the rooks and place his pawns on light squares
tebw(2249) whispers: yes, I was expecting Qd4 or something similar 31.Kf3 (1:14)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: :D
tebw(2249) whispers: yay
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: we'll see thaty later on the press conference ;-)
tebw(2249) whispers: lol Rxe1 (0:24) 32.Rxe1 (0:52)
HerrGott(1417) whispers: wrong capture
otc(2059) whispers: RxR is hopeless here
HerrGott(1417) whispers: I don't think that
HerrGott(1417) whispers: a bishop controls half the squares on the board
tebw(2249) whispers: what do you see HerrGott?
HerrGott(1417) whispers: so after RxR, I think black has a better chance
Parkow(1959) whispers: if i understood gmfrees notes he will resign soon ;-)
otc(2059) whispers: RxR BxR and the white king just walks over and wins blacks q-side
HerrGott(1417) whispers: well, RxR BxR and pawn moves from black to make white's bishop almost inexistent Rd8 (2:02)
tebw(2249) whispers: so the king goes munching while the bishop watches guard
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: comp preferred RxR but it is not very reliable in such endings 33.Be3 (1:01)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: planning rook b1 to put pressure on the queenside Kh7 (3:50) 34.Rb1 (0:42) Rd6 (0:18)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: yes, the only move for black
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: Go Malco!!
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: Yes, go,go,go! 35.Kg4 (0:47) Kg6 (0:24)
tebw(2249) whispers: come on Malcolm! h4, h5 etc 36.h4 (0:36) f5+ (0:03) 37.Kf4 (0:24)
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: wins the f pawn
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: Re6
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Re6 h5 Kxh5 Kxf5
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: then RxB
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: then Rh1 mate
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: oh
pollock(2034) whispers: hehe :) Re6 (4:02)
otc(2059) whispers: White should have played gxf6 ep I think 38.Rd1 (0:30)
tebw(2249) whispers: dropped a pawn
tebw(2249) whispers: Re4!
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: not relaly teb
pollock(2034) whispers: doesnt they get b6 back?
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: but wins the b pawn
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Re4 Kf3 Rxh4 Rb6
pollock(2034) whispers: or do other pawns fall?
tebw(2249) whispers: oh no, Rd6
tebw(2249) whispers: and b6
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: Re4 Kf3 Re6 draw c4 (3:51)
tebw(2249) whispers: come on, see h5, please!
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: c4? 39.Rd7 (1:26) Re4+ (0:11) 40.Kf3 (0:14)
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: b5 Rd6+ Kh5 Rxa6 forced
tebw(2249) whispers: not sure it's forced Rxh4 (4:08) 41.Rd6+ (1:12)
pollock(2034) whispers: erm
sangalla(1954) whispers: maybe it's not a good plan by white Kf7 (1:15)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: tricky
pollock(2034) whispers: think has to break up queenside pawns
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: mistake
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Kh5 was much better
pollock(2034) whispers: but blacks rook is very annoying
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: g6+
otc(2059) whispers: now g6 looks easily won
pollock(2034) whispers: yeah 42.g6+ (0:51)
pollock(2034) whispers: but like 4 seconds Ke7 (0:32)
pollock(2034) whispers: but all blacks pawns just looke scattered i think ke7 bg5+ is a little risky 43.Rxb6 (0:07)
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: Bg5+ is plain bad
otc(2059) whispers: This howver is plain won c3 (0:28)
bLAZinFiRe(1928) whispers: wins rook
HyperMagnus(2089) whispers: especially now.
pollock(2034) whispers: oui
tebw(2249) whispers: Now Bg5 and wins
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: c3?? he lost his mind
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: a check with the bishop would be sufficient
tebw(2249) whispers: see it Malc! 44.Bg5+ (0:38)
tebw(2249) whispers: Yay!
pollock(2034) whispers: bg5 kd7 bxh4 c2 does promote i think
pollock(2034) whispers: oh no bg5 silly me
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: yes!!
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: wow...that was a tough game!!! :-)
pollock(2034) whispers: :)
Plebusan(1772) whispers: Malcovich think its over
tebw(2249) whispers: phew - well done Malcovich - my skipper, O Captain my Captain, Bravo
Plebusan(1772) whispers: I guess it is over
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: well, it's actually over
MALCOVICH(2070) whispers: but I thinkeven if he doesn't blunder like this he is lost is much harder though! :-)
pollock(2034) whispers: kd7 bh4 f4 and hope for kxf4 :)
Ralleyrolf(1760) whispers: congratulations Malco --what a game --well worth watching
AIDog(2138) whispers: Sob ! Congrats to Malco'
JeanFrancois(1621) whispers: great play with so few time GMfree forfeits on time 1-0
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