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pietroa(1753) vs. carloskerber(1717) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-05-28

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (2:08) Nc6 (0:08)
Henderb(2002) whispers: Go, go CarlosKerber!!
3.Nc3 (2:52) Nf6 (0:20) 4.d4 (1:08)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Is this the first game?
CarlosKerber(1717) whispers: dont remember had played this before
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: first game of this round, yeah
4...d6 (0:33)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Hi sbc, Your rating shows you are getting stronger.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: we always played the four knights back in school, when we knew no openings at all ;)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: thanks, but it also shows a great deal of statistical variance ;)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Are you reading chess books?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: a little bit
5.Bb5 (2:24) Bd7 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: this might have transposed to a Ruy Lopez, improved Steinitz defence line
Henderb(2002) whispers: Bx could win a pawn for White, it seems to me.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: I think black gets e4 back though
Henderb(2002) whispers: Ah, well, no. e4 pawn gets attacked twice, yes.
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Yes, Bxc6, Bxc6 and white plays dxe5.
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: That line shows white will be a pawn up.
6.d5 (3:06)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: dunno, there's a potential pin on the e-file that might annoy black there...
6...Ne7 (0:22)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: but it seems likely that they just trade e-pawns after that Bxc6 line
7.Bxd7+ (0:17)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: here black is happier that they have included Nc3 and Nf6
7...Qxd7 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: cos c2-c4 is helpful for white
8.O-O (0:06)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Is it a good idea to castle long here for Black?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: no, white's play is naturally on the queenside
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: Or Should Black go for the idea of Ng6 followed by Be7 and do short caste?
8...Ng6 (1:31)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: g6 Bg7 is also possible
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: looking back, Nxd7 might have been better than Qxd7 actually
9.h3 (0:38)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: cos there's a funny idea with h6 and Be7-g5 in this kind of position
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: but not possible anymore
9...Be7 (0:27)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: its cramped but basically fine for black here
10.Qd3 (1:19)
Henderb(2002) whispers: CK should use more his time... we can't press in time enough in classical games with more than 30 seconds increment.
10...a6 (0:33)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: CK is next Ronaldo of Brazil.
11.Ne2 (1:02) O-O (2:39) 12.Ng3 (0:29)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: might have been worth playing Nh5 there
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: to stop this, as well as to eventually go to f4
12...c6 (1:13)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: white's knight leaves the queenside, so black now plays there
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: basically = position
13.c4 (1:34)
Hathkhola(1737) whispers: c4 followed by b3 and Bb2 ideas here for white.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: Rfc8, Rab8 and b5 for black
13...Rac8 (2:04) 14.Be3 (0:46) c5 (4:03) 15.Nf5 (0:25) Bd8 (0:45)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: unfortunately on Nh5 here white has g3
16.a3 (1:12) b5 (3:18) 17.b3 (0:40) Ne7 (1:51) 18.Nxe7+ (1:26) Bxe7 (0:35) 19.cxb5 (0:13) axb5 (0:34) 20.a4 (0:21)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: take
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: not sure if black is better or worse here, but his best chance of an advantage is creating a protected passer on c5
20...c4 (0:54)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: less good, imo
21.bxc4 (0:20) bxc4 (0:29)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: too many pieces still on the board to just march this pawn forward
22.Qc2 (0:17)
Henderb(2002) whispers: Taking in a4 could be good, last black move, I think
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: yes that was my thought too
Henderb(2002) whispers: That will leave c4 as backward pawn.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: hmm engine disagrees with us, 21..bxa4 22 c5! is very strong
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: already Nd2 is a bit annoying to face
Henderb(2002) whispers: Black B should be activated, or exchanged.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: ah, there's a tactical solution: Nh5 Ne2 c3 Nb1 Nf4!
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: *Nd2 not Ne2
22...Qc7 (7:57)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: if Nxc3 there is Rxc3 Qxc3 and Ne2+; if Bxf4 exf4 there's Bf6
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: white can just pile up on the c-pawn here
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: hmm ok, if white does that black can play c3 and then there is always a Nxe4 idea
Henderb(2002) whispers: At the same time Black could pile up against a-pawn, probably, and exchange weaknesses.
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: hmm, a-pawn is harder to attack though
23.a5 (2:20)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: white can play a5 and Bb6 for instance, yeah
23...Nd7 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: also maybe just keep pushing it
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: ah there might be some idea with a6 Nc5 Qxc4 Nxa6
24.Rfc1 (0:45)
Henderb(2002) whispers: Certainly, a6-a7 seems bad for black.
Henderb(2002) whispers: W no hurry in taking c4.
Henderb(2002) whispers: Black's B no playing, and W's one is very strong.
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: hi cat
24...g6 (8:58)
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: the C8 rook is stuck
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: it moves the pawn drops
25.Bh6 (1:16) Rfe8 (0:16) 26.a6 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: hey penguin
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: does Nc5 Qxc4 Nxa6 work here?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: oh no it doesn't, there is Qxa6
26...Nb6 (2:03)
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: cat ?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: yes?
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: howcome your best std rating is less than your current rating ?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: doesn't count with an RD over 80
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: wow
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: up for a game cat ?
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: well seems you got a taker already
pingupenguin(1988) whispers: oops nvm
Henderb(2002) whispers: Bf8, in order to exchange our bad bishop.
27.Be3 (12:48)
Henderb(2002) whispers: Hmmm, Ok. I didn't see a reason for B@h6 also.
27...f5 (3:37) 28.Rcb1 (3:40) Na8 (3:10) 29.exf5 (4:29) gxf5 (0:05) 30.Qxf5 (0:38) Rf8 (0:19) 31.Qg4+ (0:17) Kh8 (0:13) 32.Bh6 (0:10)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: inviting Rg8 seems unwise
32...Rg8 (0:21)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: Rg6, Rcg8, Bf6 and things start to happen
33.Qf5 (0:57)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: Rg6 B moves Rf8 there is Qe4 guarding the knight
33...Qd8 (2:36) 34.Rb7 (2:10) Nc7 (0:21)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: oh right, this was the reason for Qd8
35.a7 (0:37) Nxd5 (2:08) 36.Ng5 (4:52) Rxg5 (2:13) 37.Bxg5 (0:11) c3 (1:17)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: Qxc8 wins
CarlosKerber(1717) whispers: qxrr finishes
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: carlos sees his fate....
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: white can't mess around though, the opportunity can be lost
38.Bxe7 (8:55)
HyperMagnus(2201) whispers: bad luck for Carlos :(
38...Nxe7 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: hmm does this lose...
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: Qxc8 was an instant win
HyperMagnus(2201) whispers: Rxe7
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: oh lol, I'm blind
39.Rxe7 (0:30)
HyperMagnus(2201) whispers: Qxc8 worked too btw
smallblackcat(2300) whispers: saw the tricky win, not the easy one
39...Qxe7 (2:01) 40.Qxc8+ (1:47) CarlosKerber resigns 1-0


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