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hypermagnus(2090) vs. nikolaantonov(2053) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-10-14

1.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:10)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: wow
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: this is great
Nc6 (0:14)
Implications(1680) whispers: What's great?
hugozver(1921) whispers: what is great?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: HM playing
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: harharhar
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: he can read this??
hugozver(1921) whispers: well ... it is ...
Implications(1680) whispers: HM plays very often.
hugozver(1921) whispers: no, he can't
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Well I did see him play that line once
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: wats he laughing abt?
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: And the best reply to it is...
3.d4 (0:45) Bg4 (0:10)
hugozver(1921) whispers: he is in a mood ;)
4.Bg2 (0:19) e6 (0:25)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: lets give him lots of irrelevant comments to read ;)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: A King's Indian Chigorin
5.O-O (0:32)
hugozver(1921) whispers: Tsar, you are bad, ok?
hugozver(1921) whispers: :D
Nf6 (0:15) 6.Nbd2 (3:17)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: its Tsar Grozny
Implications(1680) whispers: If by King's Indian he means not a King's Indian, since d4 isn't a KIA move.
Implications(1680) whispers: And so this plan is now suspect.
Bd6 (1:12)
hugozver(1921) whispers: we'll see
scndBrz(1695) whispers: What about 6...Bxf3 7. Bxf3 Nxd4?
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Be7 was better
Implications(1680) whispers: What's so good about Be7?
scndBrz(1695) whispers: Oh.. 7.Nxf3..I see
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Time to strike in the centre - I don't want black to play e5 under favourable circumstences
7.c4 (2:11)
dzonson(1853) whispers: hypa clap clap clap! hypa clap clap clap!
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: c5 with queenside expansion is one more idea
Bxf3 (2:19)
dzonson(1853) whispers: turned into a weird sort of catalan
8.Nxf3 (0:27)
sangalla(1927) whispers: yes, but white seems better
dxc4 (0:24)
sangalla(1927) whispers: Nxf3 seems not good
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: to my money, that is dubious
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: he opened a diag. to my bishop and his pieces are awkwardly placed
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: If I manage to push e4, I can hope to get a significant advantage
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Go Magnus!!
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: on Bg5, like I played in a smilar pos. there is Be7... but Qc2 should do the trick
9.Qc2 (3:50)
scndBrz(1695) whispers: I'm looking at rating of Nikola and I think he will leave the pawn on c4
b5 (1:41)
Implications(1680) whispers: What does his rating have to do with him leaving pawns on c4?
scndBrz(1695) whispers: b5 IMHO - quite bad move
hundirector(2275) whispers: i thought 2053 was a high rating
sangalla(1927) whispers: b7-b5 in such position is a risk move
sangalla(1927) whispers: but sometimes it's ok
scndBrz(1695) whispers: Somethimes like in Semi-Slav when White dont play K-fianchetto
10.Bg5 (8:15)
sangalla(1927) whispers: after Rb8 black looks good
O-O (6:24)
Rosmerta(1732) whispers: hello all
hugozver(1921) whispers: hi Ros! :)
Rosmerta(1732) whispers: hello Hugz :)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Hi Ros!
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: sup dawg
Rosmerta(1732) whispers: hiya Blaze eveyone seems to be here for this match
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: y didn't black play Nb4
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: We all watch Magnus games
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: the king was in no danger in the middle
Implications(1680) whispers: What's the point of Nb4?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Nb4 then c6 then Nd5 to secure the extra pawn
Implications(1680) whispers: Nd5 e4 looks winning for white.
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i guess not immediately
Implications(1680) whispers: Speaking intuitively, of course. I haven't actually calculated out Ne7 e5 winning the piece.
sangalla(1927) whispers: Ne5 Nxd4
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: for someone rated at 1600+ u seems to know alot
Implications(1680) whispers: I don't know anything about chess.
laikun(1882) whispers: rad1
sangalla(1927) whispers: yes, and for a 1974 you are too arogant
Implications(1680) whispers: For someone rated 1600+ you seem to know a lot too. :-P
otc(2059) whispers: My God. 26 observers. Everyone sucking up to the TD? :)
Implications(1680) whispers: We're hopeing for extra RR. :-))
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: a3
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: HM seems to have a great position
otc(2059) whispers: This is a lot easier to play for white, but objectively I would expect it is =.
Implications(1680) whispers: Let's see.
Implications(1680) whispers: Qd2 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Ne5 Nxe5 Bxa8 Rxa8 de Bxe5 even material.
Implications(1680) whispers: But black's position looks superior.
otc(2059) whispers: Qd2 Ne4
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Qd2 then Ne4
otc(2059) whispers: Sorry Ne4 is a blunder
11.Bxf6 (11:49)
Implications(1680) whispers: Yeah, Ne4 Bxd8
Qxf6 (0:29)
otc(2059) whispers: Qd2 Ne4 Bxd8 Nxd2 Nxd2 and Bg2 wins the game on c6 or a8.
12.Ng5 (0:08)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Nxd4
otc(2059) whispers: Qxh7 mate...
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: why is HM simplifying
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Nxd4 wins pawn
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: he is down a pawn
Qxg5 (1:05)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Hoping that my lightsquare will be some comp for the lost (sacrificed?) pawn
13.Bxc6 (0:04)
otc(2059) whispers: Nxd4 wins a apwn and loses the game
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: mistake by nikola
laikun(1882) whispers: how to lose the game?
otc(2059) whispers: Qxh7 mate...
laikun(1882) whispers: nxd4
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: if Nxd4 mate
laikun(1882) whispers: opss
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: on h7
sangalla(1927) whispers: lol
Rab8 (0:40)
laikun(1882) whispers: hmmm..
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: ok my mistake
sangalla(1927) whispers: I think black is not worse
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: drawish
Implications(1680) whispers: Even if black is worse, giving back the pawn is an option. :-)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ne5 was way better then Ng5
laikun(1882) whispers: how does black look bad?
Implications(1680) whispers: This looks like it's going to be a very interesting endgame.
laikun(1882) whispers: i think is ok with extra pawn..at the most have a ending with different colour bishop
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: its okay if u want a draw
Implications(1680) whispers: The opposite coloured bishops make this position interesting.
sangalla(1927) whispers: agreed Imp
sangalla(1927) whispers: ocb middlegame is not easy
14.a4 (3:12)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: OCB?
Implications(1680) whispers: This move looks like it should give white enough compensation for the pawn.
sangalla(1927) whispers: OCB = opposite clr bshp :)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: oh i thought it was Over Chess Board:p
sangalla(1927) whispers: :))
a6 (2:31) 15.axb5 (0:23) axb5 (0:12)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Rb6 later
Implications(1680) whispers: Lots of candidate moves here. What should white play?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: al gore
Implications(1680) whispers: Ra7, e3, f4, b3
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: ra5?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: i think white should put pressure on the pawns
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: while black should opt for a kingside attack, like h5 h4 etc
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra5 maybe
Implications(1680) whispers: Why should black go kingside attack?
Bodia(1704) whispers: b3 ?
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra5 Rb6 d5
Implications(1680) whispers: Doesn't d5 there lost another pawn to ed?
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra5 Rb6 d5 exd5 Bxb5 Rfb8 Qa4
Psycho(1713) whispers: hmm maybe black should follow ra5 with bb4
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra5 Bb4 Ra7
Psycho(1713) whispers: then Rb6
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra5 Bb4 Ra7 Rb6 f4
Implications(1680) whispers: So complicated!
Psycho(1713) whispers: then Qf6 threatening d4 pawn
Bodia(1704) whispers: why not b3?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: b3 looks fairly good
otc(2059) whispers: White seems to struggle for equality
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: white lacks time:P
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: white is down a pawn
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i was surprise that he choose to simplify
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: now its hard to create chances to win back the pawn
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: he simplified to create a OCB positoin i think
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: he still needs to exchange the queens and the 2 pair of rooks to get drawing chances
hugozver(1921) whispers: at leas he has a file
16.Rfd1 (14:34)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: he needs some fingernails:D
ExirK(1195) whispers: What made Hypermagnus think so long?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: potty?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: lol
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i don't think he uses that anymore
ExirK(1195) whispers: HyperMagnus is in SERIOUS time trouble
h5 (5:30)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: heh black is taking my route
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: h5
otc(2059) whispers: Very strange move. :)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: not really
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: shoudl've chase the bishop with Rb6
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: h5 f5 h4 f4 and the game is in the bag:D
17.h4 (1:07) Qf6 (0:27)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: whose bag?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: g5!
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: the cat's bag
hugozver(1921) whispers: e4?
18.e4 (1:28)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: e5
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: or qg6
Psycho(1713) whispers: hmm Qf3 now?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: e5 then f4!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: black is in trouble
Bodia(1704) whispers: what about Qg6?
otc(2059) whispers: e5 f4 Qg6!
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: no he's not, e5 f4 exf4!
Psycho(1713) whispers: really? I thought e4 looked like a mistake
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: exf4 e5 and bxe5;)
otc(2059) whispers: even better.
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: sac the bishop ?
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: bishop on c6 is hanging after that...
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: e5
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Qg6
e5 (3:20)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Qg6 ... use the pin
19.d5 (0:32)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: g5!!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i think if f4 then black wanted to try Be7 discover attack on bishop on c6
otc(2059) whispers: Bc5 looks most natural here
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: nah just take on f4, after white plays e5 take on e5 and discover
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Rb6 now
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: since white can play Ra5
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: g5!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: need to double the rooks
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: else the c pawn falls
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: a kingside attack would draw white's attention,a nd white only has 5 minutes left
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: if u want a kingside attack i suggest Qf3
Qf3 (4:42) 20.Re1 (0:03)
otc(2059) whispers: Now Bc5 looks deadly?
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: missed this move earlier
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: it's very unpleasant
otc(2059) whispers: Bc5 and white only has Kf1?
pollock(2046) whispers: seems so could then invite rooks to aprty with f5
pollock(2046) whispers: party
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: party
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: lol
Psycho(1713) whispers: after Bc5 Qe2, a bit ugly but nips it in the bud
otc(2059) whispers: Bc5 Qe2 Qxg3
pollock(2046) whispers: qxg3 pyscho
Psycho(1713) whispers: oops :)
sangalla(1927) whispers: pollock always like f4/f5 :)
pollock(2046) whispers: its one of those tricky diagonal pins :)
f5 (4:19)
pollock(2046) whispers: lol you caught me out sangalla
21.Re3 (0:20) Qg4 (0:04)
hugozver(1921) whispers: Bd7
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: wat happened to Bc5!!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: why f5 ??
22.Bd7 (1:28)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: g6
Bc5 (0:50)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: shit
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Rc3
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: its still ok
23.Rae1 (1:27)
pollock(2046) whispers: rc3 b4 i think
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: g6
Plebusan(1848) whispers: wasnt Bxf5 ok?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: why not Rc3
pollock(2046) whispers: bxf5 rxf3 exf5 bxe3
pollock(2046) whispers: bxf5 rxf5 exf5 bxe3 fxe3 qxg3+
pollock(2046) whispers: probably wasnt
Bxe3 (1:24) 24.Rxe3 (0:09)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: wrong play by nikola
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: g6
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: too greedy
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: black is still winning
pollock(2046) whispers: g6 kg2 threatens to trap queen
pollock(2046) whispers: think it achieves it aswell
pollock(2046) whispers: so maybe qg6
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: in that case g5!!
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: it loses the e5 pawn
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: doesn't matter
pollock(2046) whispers: g5 f3 would win queen
pollock(2046) whispers: or g5 bxf5 wins some material back here
otc(2059) whispers: Qxg3 pollock
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: f3 loses
pollock(2046) whispers: id had kg2
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: qg6:P
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: how many moves do you get a turn pollock
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Qg6 is sufficient for win
pollock(2046) whispers: 2 cause im special :D
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: but i think BxR earlier was a mistake
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: even with extra material
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: forcing a win isn't easy
pollock(2046) whispers: qg6 and work on queenside
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: yes now the pawn falls
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: g6 kg2 wins q
otc(2059) whispers: Black is the exchange up for nothing. Must be possible to win.
sangalla(1927) whispers: yes, let the pawn falls
pollock(2046) whispers: really blazin?
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: youre right pollock
pollock(2046) whispers: glad to hear it :)
phosej(1173) whispers: ;x
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra8 is best now
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: mabye Qh3 first
Implications(1680) whispers: Wow, that's an exchange sac and a half!
NikolaAntonov(2053) whispers: ok, f5 pawn is down!
Ra8 (6:06)
pollock(2046) whispers: i like ra8
sangalla(1927) whispers: Qb1
25.Kg2 (0:49)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Go Magnus!!
Ra1 (1:06)
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: nikola had his chances.. but blew it with BxR
26.f3 (0:12)
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol
sangalla(1927) whispers: lol
pollock(2046) whispers: pawn power!
sangalla(1927) whispers: blew it??
Qg6 (0:34)
pollock(2046) whispers: the b6 g1 diagonal is a little loose
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: it was winning as long as he kept the pin
27.Be6+ (0:13)
pollock(2046) whispers: so hop over to b6 and a6 and come from other direction
pollock(2046) whispers: black merely has to rethink plans :)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Kh7??
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: Kh7!!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: lol
pollock(2046) whispers: whats so good about that?
KiranY(1962) whispers: is it good?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: possibly the worse move
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: mabye if send a tell to nikola he will play Kh7
KiranY(1962) whispers: Kh8 maybe
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: hey kirany
Kh8 (1:51)
KiranY(1962) whispers: hey
pollock(2046) whispers: now that you meantion it kh7 did look more accurate
28.exf5 (0:09)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: we depend on GMFree again
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Qh6 is best
Qh6 (0:40)
KiranY(1962) whispers: oh no malco lost..yes its upto gmfree again
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: wat abt the e5 pawn
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Rc1
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: then Qe2
pollock(2046) whispers: then c3 possibly
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: b4 first then c3
pollock(2046) whispers: yeah that way aswell
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: b4 then f4
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: closing the queen on h6 away
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: black will be playing with queen down
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol
pollock(2046) whispers: f4 does leave g4 weak but also h5 is big target
pollock(2046) whispers: looks good
crazyblue(2062) whispers: crafty suggests queen sac for white on c1 ;)
pollock(2046) whispers: crafty is a silly bugger
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: lol
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: wat setting did u use?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: major wood pusher
crazyblue(2062) whispers: no clue hehe
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: take the pawn
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Rxe5!
sangalla(1927) whispers: Rxe5 b4!
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: be materialistic... like fritz
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: be materialistic, like marx
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i thought marx was communist
29.Rxe5 (4:23)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: f4 shutting the queen is nearly winning the game
crazyblue(2062) whispers: oh, i looked wrong...he changed to Qc1 for black...so its just queen exchange then
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: materialistic diadectism
AcuWill(1689) whispers: marx was marxist, communism sprung from marxism
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: yeah Qc1 makes sense
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: hyper is actually winning
pollock(2046) whispers: so confusing
KiranY(1962) whispers: not yet
pollock(2046) whispers: i didnt want a queen trade for black cause blacks king is hard to get into game
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: no choice
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: else when f4 is played
sangalla(1927) whispers: yes, Qc1 forced
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: he won't have a queen
Qc1 (1:52) 30.Qxc1 (0:02) Rxc1 (0:03)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Re2
pollock(2046) whispers: d6 is an intriguing option
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: yeah d4 to exchang of the queenside majority of black
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: d6
pollock(2046) whispers: more to free bishop to work backwards
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: HM is down to 2 minutes !!
pollock(2046) whispers: disjoints pawns a bit aswell cause d5 is blockaded
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: d6 leads to draw
pollock(2046) whispers: eek time :@)
WilkBardzoZly(1904) whispers: d6 maybe Rc2 ?
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: d6 cxd Rxb5 c3
pollock(2046) whispers: xc3 rxc3 rd5 and whites very close to draw
pollock(2046) whispers: can even play for win with black having king problems
hugozver(1921) whispers: Re2
pollock(2046) whispers: d6!
31.d6 (3:45)
pollock(2046) whispers: getting to the time of anymove!
pollock(2046) whispers: yay
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: nice call pollock
WilkBardzoZly(1904) whispers: d6 ( c5 Rc2 other options imo )
pollock(2046) whispers: d6 c5 rxc5 and whites d pawn is pretty dangerous
crazyblue(2062) whispers: maybe c6 instead of c5.....but i think taking pawn is better
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: cxd is best
KiranY(1962) whispers: c3?
cxd6 (1:34) 32.Rxb5 (0:03)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: at least he still has 2 un doubled pawns
pollock(2046) whispers: d7 is goner be very dangerous with simple bf7 rd8+ ideas
sangalla(1927) whispers: no c3
pollock(2046) whispers: but blacks pawns are artificially isolated cause of blockade on d5
crazyblue(2062) whispers: yeah i agree pollock
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Rd8 then d5
WilkBardzoZly(1904) whispers: Rc2 Ra8 other option maybe
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: maybe c3 is good
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: then the other rook can come into play
Ra8 (1:59)
Implications(1680) whispers: I can't believe Hype has managed to get such a drawish position.
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: 1 minute left
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: time to blitz
33.g4 (1:06)
pollock(2046) whispers: yeah needed some king room
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: b pawn to fall
pollock(2046) whispers: so sure
KiranY(1962) whispers: cant move the back rank rook
pollock(2046) whispers: it cant be won without c4 falling atleast
pollock(2046) whispers: think people are overestimating black
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: yeah mate if he does
hxg4 (1:20)
KiranY(1962) whispers: g5 and rb8 bg8 and so on
34.fxg4 (0:37)
KiranY(1962) whispers: best is c3 to bring the other rook to the defense
pollock(2046) whispers: intriguing game :)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: probably a draw
KiranY(1962) whispers: yup
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: c3
pollock(2046) whispers: white has some chances aswell
pollock(2046) whispers: those 3 pawns kinside could be a nuisance
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: white looks better actually
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: I think it looks more difficult for Black
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: c3
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: c3
pollock(2046) whispers: just needs g5 g6 rd5 rd4 rg4 rg5 rh5 mate!
otc(2059) whispers: Ra2 g5 c3 Rb8 Kh7 g6 Kh6 Rh8 mate for instance
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: his king is way out of play and maybe even in danger
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: Ra2 is wrong
pollock(2046) whispers: wonder if hyper will find my 7 move forced mate
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: lol
c3 (2:39)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: the moment the rook leaves the 8th rank... black will be mated
35.bxc3 (0:03) Rxc3 (0:03)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: sure he can...
36.g5 (0:19)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: blunder
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: nope
pollock(2046) whispers: why?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: bishop protects a2
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: hehe
pollock(2046) whispers: bishop does good defense backwards :D
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: thought it was mate
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: but that was close
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: Black should be able to draw
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: he should just offer a draw now
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: white is doing better
pollock(2046) whispers: would you accept that draw as white?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: no offer from white
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: no
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i will play on as white
pollock(2046) whispers: me too :)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: for black to have a chance he needs to exchange 1 pair of rooks
sangalla(1927) whispers: Kh7 and white can not make progress
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Rc5
KiranY(1962) whispers: yeah
KiranY(1962) whispers: kh7
pollock(2046) whispers: kh7 rb7 is a little progress
crazyblue(2062) whispers: Re3
pollock(2046) whispers: its confusing :(
crazyblue(2062) whispers: might be possible to take bish afterwards, depends on what white moves
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: Whtie got his king cut off
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Rc5
pollock(2046) whispers: the cut off king is costing a rooks action tho
g6 (4:48)
pollock(2046) whispers: dontthink g6 can be allowed
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: white is like totally winning
pollock(2046) whispers: intriguing :-?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: f6 maybe
pollock(2046) whispers: fx does come with threat of rb7 which is crushing
KiranY(1962) whispers: f6 is problematic
37.fxg6 (1:47)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: but now Kg7
pollock(2046) whispers: h5 threatens rb7 again
Kg7 (0:17)
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: yeah
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: this looks better
KiranY(1962) whispers: h5 rc7
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: h6
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: :D
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: h5
pollock(2046) whispers: gotta be sure whites king has hiding hole after h5 tho
hugozver(1921) whispers: h5 Rc5
38.h5 (1:20)
NikolaAntonov(2053) whispers: strong attack of HM! i hope to reach a draw.
bLAZinFiRe(1911) whispers: the bishop guards a2 so he is safe
BlkSabb(1877) whispers: where would the king hide?
Rc2+ (0:15) 39.Kf3 (0:03)
pollock(2046) whispers: theres rc2 as played
Ra3+ (0:05)
pollock(2046) whispers: i still think h5 was good but just saying
pollock(2046) whispers: gotta calculate this
blitzkriegstryke(1840) whispers: the attack of the clones:P
KiranY(1962) whispers: ke4 ra4 kd5 rc5?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: now abt Rb3
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: nope
pollock(2046) whispers: or if have 1 minute left just play moves :D
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: that loses
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: Bb3!
KiranY(1962) whispers: bb3 rc3
pollock(2046) whispers: ec3+ wins?
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: nope
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: that loses
pollock(2046) whispers: well there is a back rank stuff
KiranY(1962) whispers: good try by black
40.Kf4 (1:46)
pollock(2046) whispers: 26 seconds :(
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: white cannot go on e file
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: else he loses his bishop
pollock(2046) whispers: good luck hyper!
pollock(2046) whispers: he can i think
pollock(2046) whispers: ke4 re2+ kd5 if rd3+ got kc4
pollock(2046) whispers: altho cant be sure with this little time
pollock(2046) whispers: exciting :D
Rf2+ (0:50)
crazyblue(2062) whispers: i dont see how white can get out of checks now
41.Kg4 (0:28) NikolaAntonov offers a draw.
pollock(2046) whispers: comp says its a draw :(
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: i take draw now
pollock(2046) whispers: ruins all my fun that comp
Rg2+ (0:27)
sangalla(1927) whispers: HM want to get time
hugozver(1921) whispers: draw
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: if black makes a mistake with the checks
ChessTsar(1974) whispers: he loses
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: ah hell
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: I can't caluclate further
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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