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maras(2227) vs. florinc(2246) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-10-11

1.d4 (0:00) a5 (0:00)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Weee.... Corn stalk defense
2.e4 (0:17) d5 (0:38) 3.exd5 (2:46) Nf6 (0:03) 4.c4 (0:37) c6 (0:03)
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: Setup looks a little like centercounter
5.dxc6 (2:53) Nxc6 (0:07)
sangalla(1913) whispers: what's the compensation??
6.Be3 (2:09) a4 (0:46)
Xeres(2169) whispers: moral;)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Florin knows these positions well
7.Nf3 (1:53)
Malfurion(1898) whispers: yesss
derMandarin(2059) whispers: yes what?
derMandarin(2059) whispers: I thought you were at work, lol
sangalla(1913) whispers: Anyone have Idea, what's black plan here?
derMandarin(2059) whispers: "No, I quit! Just for this game!"
sangalla(1913) whispers: yesss a7-a5-a4 :)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: oh well yes, lol
e5 (2:18)
gile(1794) whispers: make game complicated and tactical ? :)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: he could use premoves for this sequence
pollock(2046) whispers: whooooo
pollock(2046) whispers: florins playing
Bodia(1720) whispers: is there mark in chess for crazy moves?
pollock(2046) whispers: whooooooooooooooo
8.d5 (0:59)
pollock(2046) whispers: ?!(!)?????
e4 (0:25)
gile(1794) whispers: :)))))))))))
derMandarin(2059) whispers: just asking for trouble
pollock(2046) whispers: hehe florins starting a fight :D
gile(1794) whispers: does he prepare these openings, or is all his inspiration ?
sangalla(1913) whispers: he flashed e5-e4
derMandarin(2059) whispers: tough to say
otc(2059) whispers: You can't prepare this crap I think.
derMandarin(2059) whispers: I mean it is unusual
derMandarin(2059) whispers: but a typical "book opening" for florin, lol
gile(1794) whispers: :)
sangalla(1913) whispers: he have good instink in strange position, I dont think he calculated or memories the moves
gile(1794) whispers: not the moves... but ideas ...
derMandarin(2059) whispers: well he got Maras to think on move 8
gile(1794) whispers: you cannot predict what will your opp play against your strage moves ...
gile(1794) whispers: strange *
Xeres(2169) whispers: maras also likes such positions in every tournament otb he plays quite creatively;)
gile(1794) whispers: so... this will be an interesting game
derMandarin(2059) whispers: xeres, sign up for teamleague and join the fight!
9.dxc6 (5:27) Qxd1+ (0:04) 10.Kxd1 (0:00) exf3 (0:01)
Xeres(2169) whispers: dont have time or patience for that too long;)
11.Nd2 (1:18)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: as a programmer I can say you can easily program stuff and play a standard game side by side ;)
bxc6 (0:29) 12.Nxf3 (0:35)
Xeres(2169) whispers: it wouldn't be very interesting;)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: well, I'd say pawn down for not much
derMandarin(2059) whispers: hmmmm
derMandarin(2059) whispers: next move is important
sangalla(1913) whispers: or for nothing
derMandarin(2059) whispers: yeah
derMandarin(2059) whispers: he has to do something now in to try and get compensation for the pawn
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: ...and the crappy pawn structure.
Bf5 (5:57)
pollock(2046) whispers: nd4 has to be looked at
sangalla(1913) whispers: mmm... It seems he get some compensation
13.Nd4 (4:20) O-O-O (0:35)
sangalla(1913) whispers: FlorinC, if you write a chess book, I will it :)
pollock(2046) whispers: kc1 does block in the rook so i guess black has something
derMandarin(2059) whispers: :(|)
Xeres(2169) whispers: kc1 when maybe be2--> d1--> c2 loks interesting;)
Xeres(2169) whispers: looks*
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: Is it wasted moves to work the king towards f2 as a safe zone abd to release the rooks?
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: f3 would also keep the knight off e4
14.Kc1 (4:55) Be4 (0:14)
pollock(2046) whispers: so f3 c5 is the plan i guess
pollock(2046) whispers: or bc5 cause c5 isnt healthy for bf8
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: is this a special match?
Doubleletter(1885) whispers: yes, it is a league game
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: oh really, I didn't know there was leagues
Doubleletter(1885) whispers: www.teamleague.org
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: cool!
15.f3 (6:54)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: I see that black likes the mondern openings o_o
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: There is that f3 and why not play that earlier to keep pirces from taking e4.
sangalla(1913) whispers: just in time is best
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: earlier is better
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: in some cases
sangalla(1913) whispers: no in chess
pollock(2046) whispers: nc5 nc2 or nf5 i guess is idea
pollock(2046) whispers: *bc5
Xeres(2169) whispers: bc5 nc2? bc2 bc5 rd1 after bc5 nf5 is the oly move i think
Bc5 (6:30)
otc(2059) whispers: I guess fxe4 may be best here, and give back the pawn.
Doubleletter(1885) whispers: does Nf5 work ?
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Nf5 isn't good?
Xeres(2169) whispers: cant see anything bad in it maybe they can ;)
otc(2059) whispers: It looks a bit scary to give black such a huge adv in devel. as Nf5 does
16.Nf5 (6:36)
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: Hemming in that rook seemes like a hard plan to convert anyways. White is feeling the pressure now as a result.
otc(2059) whispers: BxB NxB Bg6 followed by Rhe8
Xeres(2169) whispers: bg6 g3 rhe8 bh3 and re1 maybe
Xeres(2169) whispers: re1 rd3 nc2 looks quite unstable ;)
Bxe3+ (10:07) 17.Nxe3 (0:00) Bg6 (0:02)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: is it just my faulty analisys, or does Rhe8 cause a lot of problems for white?
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: it should be coming up
18.b3 (4:40) a3 (2:15)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: wow.... cute move... white's king has nowhere to go :) and to think most games at this level get finished in the end-game... I can just sense the attack in the middlegame :D would be nice to see
Xeres(2169) whispers: nc2 rhe8 na3 re1 kb2 rd2 kc3 maybe
KiranY(1970) whispers: Kc3 Rxa2 Kb4
19.Nc2 (4:27)
KiranY(1970) whispers: oops.. Kc3 Rxr Kxr Rxa2
pollock(2046) whispers: nc2 rhe8 na3 re1 kb2 rd2 kc3 rxa1 seems pretty lethal there
KiranY(1970) whispers: yes losing the knight
Rhe8 (1:04)
pollock(2046) whispers: g3 possibly back to bh3+ idea
20.g3 (0:44)
pollock(2046) whispers: f3 looks incredibly useful stopping blacks knight doing anything
pollock(2046) whispers: kc7 i suppose dont allow check
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: O to have that king on f2 right now.
pollock(2046) whispers: or bf5 :)
KiranY(1970) whispers: yeah
KiranY(1970) whispers: Bf5 g4 Bg6 Bh3
pollock(2046) whispers: g4 nxg4 doesnt work altho has to be looked at
h5 (2:50)
pollock(2046) whispers: that knight is doing little for black
pollock(2046) whispers: florin is incredibly good at trusting compensation never lashes out desperately :)
21.Bh3+ (1:54) Kc7 (0:50) 22.Re1 (0:01) Bd3 (1:06)
otc(2059) whispers: surprising move
sangalla(1913) whispers: zugzwang
Xeres(2169) whispers: re8 na3
23.Bg2 (6:20)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Florin has a nice time advantage
pollock(2046) whispers: bc2 possibly bc2 re8 rd1 kc2 ra1 looks ok
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: He should enjoy such luxury :)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: what's wrong with Be2?
Xeres(2169) whispers: bc2 kc2
pollock(2046) whispers: oh forgot my previous anulsis yes
pollock(2046) whispers: looked at all this and found bc2 kc2 ages ago :)
pollock(2046) whispers: a memory would be helpful
HerrGott(1419) whispers: yeah yeah, Bc2, but at Be2, white loses a piece, his choice which piece, if I'm wrong, well, lemme know :)
h4 (4:18)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: hm... apparently it doesn't really win much but tie up white a bit, sorry, missed something :)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Florin trying to get his knight in action..
24.Bh1 (1:06)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Wild animals don't like to be on the sidelines :)
h3 (0:14)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: h3 :))) brilliant
HerrGott(1419) whispers: h and a pawn moves are kinda like Florin's symbol, it's how you know he's playing, well, I guess this is an example why :)
25.b4 (1:10)
pollock(2046) whispers: florin has managed both advances :)
Bxc4 (0:11)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: He advanced on the whole board? o_o
26.Rxe8 (0:06) Rxe8 (0:12) 27.Nxa3 (0:01) Re1+ (0:25) 28.Kb2 (0:03) Rxa1 (0:03) 29.Kxa1 (0:01)
maeck(1941) whispers: Bf1
pollock(2046) whispers: lol
pollock(2046) whispers: florin is masterful :)
maeck(1941) whispers: and over
Xeres(2169) whispers: 27.. re2 looks nice
Bd3 (0:48)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: aw D:
HerrGott(1419) whispers: re2 looks illegal :P
sangalla(1913) whispers: c'mon florinc, write a chess book!! I will order it :)
pollock(2046) whispers: oh he missed it :*(
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: wny not Bf1?
pollock(2046) whispers: even mighty florin misses some things :(
sangalla(1913) whispers: he simply does not like simple move ;)
30.Kb2 (0:47)
Doubleletter(1885) whispers: wow looks like maras got out of a scrape
Bf1 (0:09)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: oh he got another chance for it?
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: lol
pollock(2046) whispers: second chance :D
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: wow...
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: Bg2 and white is helpless
pollock(2046) whispers: could have been a mouseslip with all the excitement of winning :D
sangalla(1913) whispers: no, it's not a moseslip. he doesnot like simply move
pollock(2046) whispers: did this move ;)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Florin dosn't like Borin move
Nemisis(1953) whispers: what move are you guys thinking is a mouse slip?
pollock(2046) whispers: think white still lost after f4 to ng4 stuff
Doubleletter(1885) whispers: Nc2 Bg2 Ne1 ?
31.Kc1 (3:31) Bg2 (0:02) 32.Kd2 (0:07) Bxh1 (0:06) 33.Ke2 (0:10) Nd5 (0:03)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: how many were here from the beginning?
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: "The deadly a and h pawns" by FlorinC
Nemisis(1953) whispers: just wondering how many gasped in horror from the opening.:-)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: usually that is what happens when someone plays such an opening.
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Yea, the opening is not safe for viewing by minors
Parkow(1959) whispers: but the opening was horror or not?
34.Nc4 (2:06)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: imo, all openings should be like that, out of the classical opening books as fast as possible... to play moves by the book kinda takes the fun away from chess
Nc3+ (0:21)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I don't think so.
35.Kf2 (0:17) Nxa2 (0:02)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: There's really no avoiding the book
Nemisis(1953) whispers: you "could" always goto FR HerrGott.
HerrGott(1419) whispers: FR?
36.Ne5 (0:24)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Fischer Random.
Nxb4 (0:15) 37.Nxf7 (0:01) c5 (0:01)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: there has been no opening theory that I know of yet.
38.Ng5 (0:12)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: that would take a lot of books
c4 (0:08)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: to make good theory sure.
Rosmerta(1740) whispers: for herrgott http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?s=Fischer+Random.&gwp=13
HerrGott(1419) whispers: well, FlorinC kinda proves something about strange openings... and if you want more, Kogan, a GM I think, plays most of his games as strange as possible "_
HerrGott(1419) whispers: thanks for the link
Nemisis(1953) whispers: you can make broad theory in a few books I would imagine.
Rosmerta(1740) whispers: np
sangalla(1913) whispers: Florinc should write "My System"
sangalla(1913) whispers: not opening books
sangalla(1913) whispers: :D
sangalla(1913) whispers: I already ordered the book to him
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: "Playing and looking fancy" by FlorinC
pollock(2046) whispers: in what ive seen of florins games its play a5 h5 get a dubious position and then just win it
39.Nxh3 (2:53)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I don't really see anything spectacular about the opening.
c3 (0:03)
sangalla(1913) whispers: "dubious" according to whom?
Nemisis(1953) whispers: there was a GM who use to play h6 and a6..
40.Ke3 (0:38)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I think his name was hendersen or something like that.
pollock(2046) whispers: bxf3 i think
maeck(1941) whispers: Basman
pollock(2046) whispers: computers me/ everyone
Na2 (0:22)
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: why does he play so fast? Was it that obvious?
41.Kd3 (0:48) Bxf3 (0:10) 42.Nf4 (0:07)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Hmm g5?
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: ohh, that looks good
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: yes
Nemisis(1953) whispers: no..
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Nd6+
maeck(1941) whispers: Kd6
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: ...g5 would be a blunder
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I guess if knight goes for pawn black could play Be2 instread of Be4
g5 (1:51)
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: there it is! :D
Nemisis(1953) whispers: who point of g5 is to make the knight move malch
43.Ne6+ (0:30) Kb6 (0:02)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: if that knight goes away there is a nice bishop sac.
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: ya
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: knight e4
KiranY(1970) whispers: Nd4 Bg4
44.Nd4 (0:40)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: why not Bd1?
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: yes sorry checked it fast
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: Bh5?
Bd1 (0:52)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: do I win?:-P
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: ;;
45.h4 (1:12)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: looks like white is almost in a zugzwang.
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: push?
Nemisis(1953) whispers: no..
dstrout(1642) whispers: does black need to preserve the g-pawn to win?
KiranY(1970) whispers: dont think so
Kc5 (1:18)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: no but it could lead to a bishop and knight ending..
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: at best for White an ending B+N for florinC again.
46.hxg5 (0:47)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: if it does, it's a good thing black has time.
Bh5 (0:03)
dstrout(1642) whispers: does florinc know how to win K-B-N vs K?
pollock(2046) whispers: did last time
dstrout(1642) whispers: good deal
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I know how to win that one.
pollock(2046) whispers: he played it last tourney :)
47.g4 (1:17)
dstrout(1642) whispers: ok cool that's what separates guys like me from 2000 rated players
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I have not hit 2k yet.. plan to soon though.
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: Go Maras!
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I don't think g4 works.
pollock(2046) whispers: bg6+ nf5 kb4 seems best
KiranY(1970) whispers: Kb4 Kc2?
pollock(2046) whispers: ka3 is the cunning move then
KiranY(1970) whispers: lol true :)
Bg6+ (2:05) 48.Ke3 (0:03) c2 (0:01)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: looks like he is confident on the B+N
GarlicPepper(1867) whispers: he's gonna go for the B and N ending huh
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: hmmm Nf5 was better wasnt it?
49.Nxc2 (0:55) Bxc2 (0:02) 50.Kf4 (0:05)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Kd5!
Nc3 (0:21)
pollock(2046) whispers: well nf5 was losing and this still requires technique
Nemisis(1953) whispers: well having pawns makes it easier.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: black can force them forward resetting the 50 moves.
51.Ke5 (1:30) Nd5 (0:08) 52.g6 (0:04) Bxg6 (0:05) 53.g5 (0:00) Bb1 (0:13)
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: is it very hard to win with knight and bishop? I haven't done it
54.Ke6 (0:05) Kd4 (0:10)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: it's tricky but Florin did it once
55.Kf7 (0:08)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: it's not hard, it's just theory practiced :P
maeck(1941) whispers: not if you have practised it
derMandarin(2059) whispers: not if you practiced it before. FlorinC already had this last season
Ke4 (0:12)
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: It's not hard lol yeah right
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: It's hard even when you know how.
HerrGott(1419) whispers: as for the current position, I guess he's just putting up a show, that's why he let himself have nothing else than the knight and bishop
HerrGott(1419) whispers: :)
56.g6 (0:57)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: well if you think about it... FlorinC has it quite often on the board with two times now within three months or so, lol
Kf5 (0:08) 57.g7 (0:08)
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: this is dead draw
Ba2 (0:02)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: very nice
derMandarin(2059) whispers: Nf6
pollock(2046) whispers: lol
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: sweet
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: ok maybe not
pollock(2046) whispers: theres something sadistic about letting white have a queen and then stealing it away
58.Kg8 (1:02)
otc(2059) whispers: For a 2200+ player mating with N+B should be peanuts.
KiranY(1970) whispers: he has brought white towards the edge osf the board..one job over,,
Nf6+ (0:10)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: and all because of these deadly a and h pawns
HerrGott(1419) whispers: yeah well, not the right corner...
59.Kh8 (0:38)
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: black has the pawn
HerrGott(1419) whispers: but looks like a win, att it takes now is a time-waste move
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: or is it stalemate
pollock(2046) whispers: yeah gotta be a little careful :)
HerrGott(1419) whispers: can't, king can't move, so white pawn has to
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: no
KiranY(1970) whispers: knight has to move
SaintPedronik(1780) whispers: Knight g8
KiranY(1970) whispers: ng8 forced?
HerrGott(1419) whispers: why forced?!
maeck(1941) whispers: Bb3
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: just Kg5
Nemisis(1953) whispers: II don't see why someone would assume a N+B ending is peanuts for masters.
pollock(2046) whispers: kg5 or any other king move is ok
HerrGott(1419) whispers: yes, any waiting move is good
pollock(2046) whispers: but not kg6 obvisiously
KiranY(1970) whispers: ng8 kh7 kf6 kh8 f7 kh7 bb1? #
otc(2059) whispers: It is very difficult to win KBN vs K without special practice, but everyone at 2200+ should have spent that hour
Ng8 (2:17) 60.Kh7 (0:05) Ne7 (0:08)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I could argue against that.
otc(2059) whispers: Of course you could. :)
Rakete(1919) whispers: I think he reached the W-System.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: in all reality N+B endings are in the bottom 2 or 3 % of practiced chess endings, no reason practically to even worry about it.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I have seen several OTB masters that claim to have never even looked at the positions.
derMandarin(2059) whispers: well Nemisis, it is like murphy's law. these endgames will seek those who haven't studied them ;)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: tell that to the masters I just mentioned:-P
otc(2059) whispers: The key pos is Kf6, Ng6, Ba2 vs Kh7 where black has the above mentioned W system.
pollock(2046) whispers: i happily know nothing about n+b mates
pollock(2046) whispers: just goner drop that 1/2 point when they come up :)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I can do it easy....
Nemisis(1953) whispers: but I can't guaruntee I can do it everytime in under 50 moves.
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: white loses no matter what he does here.
otc(2059) whispers: If you know the W-system it is pretty easy to do it in under 50 moves.
cutslikehell(1827) whispers: White lost his own game and need not lay blame to the odd opening.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: yes I know the W-system.;-) but if you tell me you can do it everytime in practice your lying.
61.Kh8 (4:50) Kg5 (0:04)
otc(2059) whispers: Well, I haven't failed yet after I learned it, playing several times vs tablebase, but occasionally one will fail of course
Nemisis(1953) whispers: against humans?
62.Kh7 (0:46) Kf6 (0:15)
Rakete(1919) whispers: N goes g6-e5-g4-e3-g2
otc(2059) whispers: Against humans, but only for practice, and comps.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: I have not failed against preset positions.
derMandarin(2059) whispers: I think he has the mate
63.Kh8 (0:38)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: at least if white stays in the corner
Kf7 (0:05)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Kf7 Bb1
64.Kh7 (0:38) Ng8 (0:02)
pollock(2046) whispers: yeah but the 50 moves arent ticking down yet
65.Kh8 (0:03)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: ain't working lol
derMandarin(2059) whispers: yeah
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Nf6 forces the reset.
pollock(2046) whispers: im a bit confused to what is going on
derMandarin(2059) whispers: but oh well, just Nf6
Nf6 (0:38)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: and pawn is gone and 50 more moves
66.g8=Q+ (0:05) Nxg8 (0:01) 67.Kh7 (0:00)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Nf6 and he can set up the W system in a few moves.
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: ???
Nemisis(1953) whispers: then it's considered 10-13 moves from there in theory.
pollock(2046) whispers: whats the question blazin?
Ke7 (0:34)
hundirector(2275) whispers: lol, florin got the B+N again
68.Kg7 (0:07) Be6 (0:11)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: oh he's going the other way.
69.Kh7 (0:21) Kd7 (0:11)
derMandarin(2059) whispers: in 10 years he can easily publish a book "the 500 best b+k endgames" if he keeps this rate of b+k endgames up
70.Kg7 (0:04) Bd5 (0:08) 71.Kh7 (0:02) Ne7 (0:08) 72.Kg7 (0:03) Ke6 (0:06) 73.Kh7 (0:07)
otc(2059) whispers: Black has no clue about how to do this - yet.
Kf6 (0:04) 74.Kh8 (0:02)
hundirector(2275) whispers: florin doesnt know the W pattern or anything
Ng6+ (0:11)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Nf7
75.Kh7 (0:02)
otc(2059) whispers: Now he has suddenly seen how. :)
bLAZinFiRe(1903) whispers: wrong corner i think
Nemisis(1953) whispers: no it's right he has to drive it with that system.
otc(2059) whispers: Now comes the W-manouver
Kf5 (0:18) 76.Kg7 (0:03) Kg5 (0:04) 77.Kh7 (0:02)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: ?
otc(2059) whispers: No it did not
Rakete(1919) whispers: What is he doing?
Be6 (0:17) 78.Kg7 (0:01)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: :-) proof it's not peanuts.
Bc8 (0:16)
otc(2059) whispers: Sadly - it is not.
Rakete(1919) whispers: He missed Bg8
Nemisis(1953) whispers: no Bg8 comes after the king vacates it.
Nemisis(1953) whispers: you lose a move king goes to h6 then you play Bg8.
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: he missed Kf6 instead of Bc8
79.Kh7 (1:45) Kf6 (0:06) 80.Kg8 (0:02)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Kf6 is illegal on that move:-)
pollock(2046) whispers: when does 50 moves happen?
HerrGott(1419) whispers: at move 117
Nemisis(1953) whispers: ok Be6 now
MALCOVICH(2080) whispers: I meant instead of Be6...you know what I meant Nem.
Ne5 (0:31)
Rakete(1919) whispers: Be6+ Kh7 Bf7
81.Kh7 (0:05) Nf7 (0:09)
pollock(2046) whispers: confusing this
82.Kg8 (0:04) Bf5 (0:04)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: there.
83.Kf8 (0:05)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: now Bh7
Bh7 (0:09) 84.Ke8 (0:01)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: Ke6
pollock(2046) whispers: lol we have swapped edges from a few moves back :D
Ne5 (0:08)
Rakete(1919) whispers: the classic style :-)
85.Kf8 (0:03) Nd7+ (0:04) 86.Ke8 (0:01) Ke6 (0:04) 87.Kd8 (0:00) Kd6 (0:05) 88.Ke8 (0:01)
hundirector(2275) whispers: 57 halfmoves until a draw
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: it's over
Bg8 (0:19) 89.Kd8 (0:01)
HyperMagnus(2090) whispers: too easy fropm here
Bf7 (0:06) 90.Kc8 (0:01) Nc5 (0:05)
hundirector(2275) whispers: yea, true. :)
91.Kd8 (0:01) Nb7+ (0:07) 92.Kc8 (0:01) Kc6 (0:02) 93.Kb8 (0:00) Kb6 (0:06) 94.Kc8 (0:01) Be6+ (0:05) 95.Kb8 (0:01) Nc5 (0:11) 96.Ka8 (0:01)
Nemisis(1953) whispers: not quite the W system:-)
Bd7 (0:15) 97.Kb8 (0:01) Na6+ (0:07) Maras resigns 0-1


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