anisiobr(1796) vs. execomp(2677) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2020-01-05
exeComp(2677) whispers: This is Stockfish 060120 1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) c6 (0:00) 3.Nc3 (0:02) Nf6 (0:00) 4.Nf3 (0:03) dxc4 (0:00) 5.e3 (0:08) b5 (0:00) 6.a3 (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=1.42 time=23.71 node=5376140 speed=226745 pv=e6 Be2 a6 O-O Bb7 e4 c5 e5 Nd5 a4 Nd7 axb5 Nxc3 bxc3 axb5 Be3 Qc7 Rb1 Bc6 dxc5 Bxc5 Bxc5 Nxc5 6...e6 (0:24) 7.Be2 (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=21 score=1.72 time=27.88 node=6471447 speed=232117 pv=a6 e4 Bb7 O-O Be7 Qc2 c5 Rd1 O-O dxc5 Nbd7 Bf4 Qe8 e5 Nd5 Nxd5 Bxd5 Rxd5 exd5 c6 Nc5 Nd4 Ne6 Nxe6 fxe6 7...a6 (0:28) 8.O-O (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=19 score=1.70 time=7.72 node=1860811 speed=241037 pv=Bb7 e4 Be7 b3 cxb3 Qxb3 c5 dxc5 Nbd7 a4 Nxc5 Qb2 b4 Qxb4 Qc7 Rb1 Rb8 Qb6 Qxb6 8...Bb7 (0:08) 9.Ne5 (0:13)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=22 score=1.81 time=34.82 node=8315367 speed=238810 pv=Nbd7 f4 Be7 Bf3 Qb6 Nxd7 Nxd7 e4 O-O Be3 Rfd8 Qe2 c5 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Bxd5 exd5 Qd6 a4 Nf6 axb5 axb5 Rxa8 Rxa8 9...Nbd7 (0:35) 10.f4 (0:07)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=1.99 time=18.17 node=4385699 speed=241370 pv=Be7 Bf3 Qb6 Nxd7 Nxd7 e4 O-O e5 Rfd8 Qe1 Nf8 Be3 c5 Bxb7 Qxb7 dxc5 Nd7 Qg3 Bxc5 f5 Bxe3+ Qxe3 exf5 Rxf5 10...Be7 (0:18) 11.Qc2 (0:17)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=18 score=2.37 time=9.65 node=2257488 speed=233936 pv=c5 Bf3 Qc7 g4 Bxf3 Rxf3 Qb7 Qg2 O-O g5 Nxe5 dxe5 Nd7 Rg3 Qxg2+ Kxg2 Rfd8 Ne4 a5 Bd2 Nb6 Rf1 a4 11...c5 (0:10) 12.Rd1 (0:44)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=19 score=2.72 time=9.85 node=2305029 speed=234013 pv=cxd4 exd4 O-O Bf3 Bxf3 Nxf3 g6 Qf2 Qc7 Bd2 Nb6 Re1 Nbd5 Nxd5 Nxd5 g3 a5 Qe2 Rfe8 a4 12...cxd4 (0:10) 13.exd4 (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=18 score=2.61 time=15.99 node=3762219 speed=235285 pv=O-O Bf3 Bxf3 Nxf3 Qc7 Re1 g6 Ne5 Rad8 Qe2 Nb8 Be3 Nc6 Rad1 Na5 Rf1 Nb3 Qf3 Nd5 Nxd5 Rxd5 13...O-O (0:16) 14.Bf3 (0:09)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=2.67 time=12.98 node=3176640 speed=244733 pv=Bxf3 Nxf3 Qc7 Re1 Bd6 Ne5 Nb6 f5 Bxe5 dxe5 Ng4 Bf4 Nd7 Rad1 Ndxe5 Kf1 Qc5 h3 Nd3 hxg4 Nxf4 Ne4 Qc7 14...Bxf3 (0:13) 15.Nxf3 (0:02)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=19 score=2.67 time=10.56 node=2600363 speed=246246 pv=Qc7 Ne5 Rad8 Qf2 Qb7 Bd2 Nb6 Rf1 Nbd5 f5 Nxc3 Bxc3 Ne4 Qc2 exf5 Rxf5 Nxc3 bxc3 f6 15...Qc7 (0:11) 16.Ne5 (0:14)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=22 score=2.73 time=57.62 node=14063118 speed=244066 pv=Rad8 Re1 Bd6 h3 Rfe8 Bd2 Nd5 Ne4 Bxe5 dxe5 Nc5 Nxc5 Qxc5+ Kh2 Qf2 Rf1 Ne3 Rxf2 Nxc2 Raf1 Rd3 Rd1 Red8 Ba5 Rxd1 Bxd8 Nd4 Be7 16...Rad8 (0:58) 17.Be3 (0:53)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=21 score=2.89 time=17.52 node=4327108 speed=246981 pv=Nb6 Bf2 Nbd5 g3 Bd6 Re1 Qb7 Ne4 Nxe4 Qxe4 Bc7 a4 Bd6 axb5 axb5 Qe2 Rfe8 Qf3 Bf8 f5 Bb4 Rf1 17...Nb6 (0:18) 18.b4 (0:42)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=3.95 time=17.64 node=4317441 speed=244752 pv=Nbd5 Bd2 Nxc3 Qxc3 Rc8 Qf3 Nd5 Rac1 a5 Nd3 c3 Be1 axb4 axb4 Qc4 Nc5 Bxc5 dxc5 Qxb4 Bxc3 Qxc5+ Bd4 Qxc1 Rxc1 Rxc1+ Kf2 18...Nbd5 (0:18) 19.Nxd5 (0:31)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=18 score=4.09 time=8.17 node=2005726 speed=245498 pv=Nxd5 Bd2 Rc8 Re1 Qb6 Bc3 Rcd8 g3 Nxc3 Qxc3 Rxd4 Qe3 Qd6 Ra2 Rd8 Rf2 Qd5 Qf3 Qxf3 Nxf3 Rd3 19...Nxd5 (0:08) 20.a4 (0:19)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=9.58 time=13.37 node=4857914 speed=363344 pv=Nxe3 Qd2 Nxd1 Rxd1 c3 Qe3 bxa4 Rc1 Bxb4 Kf1 f6 Nf3 Qc4+ Ke1 Qa2 Qe2 Qxe2+ Kxe2 Rd5 Kd1 Re8 Ra1 Ra5 Kc1 g6 g3 Kg7 Kb1 a3 20...Nxe3 (0:13) 21.Qa2 (0:18)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=10.48 time=11.82 node=4298692 speed=363679 pv=Nxd1 Rxd1 Bxb4 axb5 axb5 g3 Bc3 Nf3 b4 Qe2 Qc6 h3 Bb2 Kf2 c3 Ne5 Qa4 Nc4 b3 Nxb2 Qa2 Nc4 Qxe2+ Kxe2 c2 Ne3 cxd1=Q+ Kxd1 Rxd4+ Kc1 Re4 Kd2 Rd8+ Ke2 21...Nxd1 (0:12) 22.Rxd1 (0:01)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=10.71 time=11.50 node=4313650 speed=375100 pv=Bxb4 axb5 axb5 g3 Bc3 Nf3 b4 Kg2 Qc6 Qb1 Rd6 d5 Rxd5 Rxd5 exd5 g4 d4 Kg3 d3 Ng5 Qd5 Nf3 Qe4 Qf1 22...Bxb4 (0:12) 23.axb5 (0:21)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=21 score=10.88 time=12.09 node=4511760 speed=373181 pv=axb5 Nf3 Qxf4 Qe2 Bc3 g3 Qf5 Kg2 Rd6 Rf1 Qd5 Kh3 h6 Rc1 Bxd4 Rc2 Bc5 Kg2 Qd3 Qxd3 Rxd3 Nd2 Re3 h4 Rd3 23...axb5 (0:12) 24.Qb2 (0:08)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=20 score=12.35 time=18.80 node=7065837 speed=375842 pv=Bc5 Nf3 Qxf4 Qa1 Bb6 h3 b4 Rb1 b3 Kh1 Bxd4 Qa3 Bc3 Ng1 Qe4 Qc1 Rd3 Qf1 Be5 Nf3 b2 Nxe5 Rxh3+ Kg1 24...Bc5 (0:19) 25.Kh1 (0:15)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=21 score=19.82 time=15.85 node=6369092 speed=401835 pv=Bxd4 Qc2 Bxe5 Rb1 Bxf4 Qc3 Rd3 Qe1 Rd2 h4 c3 Rc1 c2 Ra1 Rdd8 h5 c1=Q Rxc1 Qxc1 Qxc1 Bxc1 25...Bxd4 (0:16) 26.Rxd4 (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=21 score=28.52 time=14.28 node=6145206 speed=430336 pv=c3 Qc1 Rxd4 g3 c2 Kg2 Rd1 Nd3 Rxd3 Kh3 Rd1 Qe3 c1=Q Qxc1 Qxc1 Kg4 Rh1 Kf3 Rxh2 Ke4 f5+ Ke5 Qe1+ Kd4 Qxg3 26...c3 (0:14) 27.Qf2 (0:15)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=22 score=75.15 time=13.79 node=5579763 speed=404623 pv=Rxd4 Qxd4 Rd8 Qg1 c2 f5 c1=Q Nf3 Rd1 Qxd1 Qxd1+ Ng1 exf5 h4 Qdc1 h5 Q7c5 Kh2 Q1xg1+ Kh3 27...Rxd4 (0:14) 28.Qxd4 (0:03)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=45 score=99.83 time=12.13 node=4728305 speed=389802 pv=Rd8 Qg1 c2 h3 c1=Q h4 Qxf4 Nf3 Qc2 Qe3 Qxe3 Ne1 Qxe1+ Kh2 Qxh4+ Kg1 Qb1# 28...Rd8 (0:12) 29.Qg1 (0:16)
exeComp(2677) whispers: depth=53 score=99.85 time=12.22 node=4937223 speed=404028 pv=c2 h3 c1=Q h4 Qxf4 Nf3 Qc2 Qe3 Qxe3 Ne1 Qxe1+ Kh2 Qxh4+ Kg1 Qb1# 29...c2 (0:12) anisiobr resigns 0-1
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