alefzero(2254) vs. florinc(2283) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-08-15
fernbap(1776) whispers: a modern defense :) 2.d4 (0:21)
hundirector(2275) whispers: surprised?:) d6 (0:05)
fernbap(1776) whispers: i was expecting h5 :D 3.Nc3 (0:46) Bg7 (0:02) 4.f4 (0:10) c6 (0:16)
Malfurion(1876) whispers: whoooo 5.Nf3 (1:18)
Malfurion(1876) whispers: who wants to start taking bets on when we see either a5 or h5? :) b6 (0:25)
seberg(1643) whispers: who wants observebot ;)
seberg(1643) whispers: just to troll 6.Bd3 (1:25) Ba6 (0:02)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: FlorinC openings are not from this planet... 7.O-O (1:22)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Neither his play is... (compared to my level) Nf6 (0:58)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Alef's comment gave me an idea
hundirector(2275) whispers: florinc is an alien?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Florinc's opening should be patented as 'Extraterrestrial defense'
Malfurion(1876) whispers: you're going to train in outer space?
macska(1639) whispers: what was alef's comment?
hundirector(2275) whispers: :) meow
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: hey don't pretend you are Beh, hun :)
macska(1639) whispers: who's beh?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: I like e5 here
Malfurion(1876) whispers: behemoth...the cat:) 8.e5 (3:10) Ng4 (0:37)
Malfurion(1876) whispers: i can honestly say that i have no idea what's going on in this game
macska(1639) whispers: hundirector meow wasn't that far off the mark since my handle means "cat" in hungarian. and still nobody told me what alefzero's comment about florinc's defense was.
hundirector(2275) whispers: does it really? wow. :)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: voros macska!
hundirector(2275) whispers: egyebkent egy kicsit ertek magyarul. lol
macska(1639) whispers: tudom. az angolul nem tudokat akartam csak felvilagositani, nem teged.
Malfurion(1876) whispers: meow!
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Szeretem magyarorszagot!
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: this is an extremely offbeat line of Modern defense
fernbap(1776) whispers: this is a pseudo-game :D read ECO
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: I am thinking h3 Nh6 f5!?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Pseudo-Austrian attack, right
hundirector(2275) whispers: h5 can come anytime now
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: hun what you think of my line?
vipiu(2092) whispers: FlorinC-AlefZero 2-0 right is interesting to see again a match between strange chess and classical one
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: My style is a mix of two, but I support classical here
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Dawaj Alef
vipiu(2092) whispers: usually it is good to try the strange style against oldest players that you know that base a lot on theory
shahrukh(1319) whispers: why are so many people observing this?
hundirector(2275) whispers: its a Teamleague game
macska(1639) whispers: because it's a crucial game related to the possible end of the world and the apocalypse. of course.
hundirector(2275) whispers: yes, that too.
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Because two of the strongest FICS players are playing?
vipiu(2092) whispers: not so correct, it is because some of the 2 strongest players that play standard games on fics are playing
northridgehawk(1828) whispers: why didnt ne one tell me tha beast was playing :(
macska(1639) whispers: you got your "some of" and the numbers wrong, vipiu :-) 9.h3 (12:38) Nh6 (0:06)
vipiu(2092) whispers: no, actually the best rated standard players are far from the best players on fics...i know some super GM playing here, and GMs, and IMs, but they simply do not play standard chess games on FICS 10.g4 (0:38)
Premsta(2069) whispers: what Super GM plays on FICS?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: this is confidential
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: don't tell this troll vipiu
hundirector(2275) whispers: its HM. but dont tell anyone.
vipiu(2092) whispers: try to find out in channel 24 ;)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: you had to rub it in, hadn't you hun? :)
hundirector(2275) whispers: :)
Premsta(2069) whispers: a troll would be someone who plays on FICS all day kind of like.......... well i dont want to say his name but............ HyperMagnus
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Someone totally mixed up the definitions
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: I can't be classified even as troll of the Scandinavian sagas
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Because 1) I am not short 2) I don't have a long beard 3) I don't have magical powers
shahrukh(1319) whispers: how is that relevant to this game?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: No relevance
shahrukh(1319) whispers: oh ok
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: What, do you have to be relevant all the time?
hundirector(2275) whispers: that would be terrible boring. :)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: we need more nonsence Qd7 (7:09)
vipiu(2092) whispers: Qe7 Bxd3 Qxd3 is an option ?
DeanA(2136) whispers: Sure.
DeanA(2136) whispers: But only one of many I'd say.
shahrukh(1319) whispers: is Nxg4 unsound? 11.Qe2 (8:11)
ezik(2508) whispers: B make strange position,so maybe W think "OK, I am good here".So W think long time find refute B idea.B not bad position,and cost W time
hundirector(2275) whispers: its a mistery how florinc gets away with these openings
SimianChatter(1925) whispers: i'm just suprised he hasn't played a5-4 and Ra5 yet
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Florin is playing unlike hoimslef today :)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: himself*
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: no arrogance at all :) dxe5 (7:22)
vipiu(2092) whispers: sacking a piece????
vipiu(2092) whispers: piece for 2 pawns ???
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: ????????
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: come on, I like question marks
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: but I think it's reasonably sound
hundirector(2275) whispers: i like semicolons.
vipiu(2092) whispers: or he relies on BxB pxd4 N somewhere and b5 closing the B ???
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: maybe if Bxa6 exd4 Nd1 b5 traps the bishop 12.Bxa6 (2:11) exd4 (0:03) 13.Ne4 (0:16)
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: wow that is kinda of ridiculous
vipiu(2092) whispers: sportsmen, wanna play in the future bughouse team with maras, me, blazinfire, kiboplaying, and maybe mei or mejvik ?
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: 45/45?
AlefZero(2254) whispers: good thing is that chess isn't about guessing your opponent moves
vipiu(2092) whispers: yes
AlefZero(2254) whispers: against FlorinC I would lose all the time
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: i am not sure i am going to play again, it takes up a lot of time
AlefZero(2254) whispers: this piece sacrifice is something I fail to understand
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: plus standard games arent that fun :)
vipiu(2092) whispers: maybe you can play once in 2 weeks or so...
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: maybe i will see
vipiu(2092) whispers: ok, anyway, there are some weeks until the next tournament will start Nxa6 (2:47)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: did he hope to win his piece back by b5 here? 14.Qxa6 (0:06)
CrazyHunter(1690) whispers: *scratches head* i fail to see the compensation here...
vipiu(2092) whispers: not b5 ?!?!?
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: well black has 2 pawns and a bad position for a piece
ezik(2508) whispers: now maybe f5
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: if Florin wasn't black I'd say it's 1-0
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: But with Florin you never know
vipiu(2092) whispers: I thought b5 was preatty good before...
ezik(2508) whispers: He have compensate for material,but is enough? Soon we know
vipiu(2092) whispers: 2508? nice one...
Koff(2164) whispers: b5 would have been refuted by Bb7 f5 (3:42)
fernbap(1776) whispers: i think he overdid it this time
vipiu(2092) whispers: Bb7 QxB ?
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: Qxb7 then koff
vipiu(2092) whispers: and N check ???
vipiu(2092) whispers: maybe he missed n check ?
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: so far Florin has managed to get away every single time
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: this is why i wanted to go nd1 so f5 didnt threaten anything
DeanA(2136) whispers: Can't he just take it?
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: well he can but his kingside is going to be a bit airy
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: but he will still be up a piece
DeanA(2136) whispers: And white gets some great squares for the Ns 15.gxf5 (5:15) Nxf5 (0:04)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: there was a lot of interesting alternatives (Ne5, g5) but I don't have much time left 16.Qc4 (1:07)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: my kingside is weakened, but I don't see any danger after O-O-O a4
fernbap(1776) whispers: i think this only makes b5 and c5 possible with tempo gain
DeanA(2136) whispers: hmm I like 0-0-0 Nfg5 with Nf7 or Qe6 next
shahrukh(1319) whispers: isn't Ne3 Bxe3 dxe3 good with a passed pawn plus threats on b2 and h3?
Psycho(1713) whispers: hmmm I think floric has tried to be too creative this time
ezik(2508) whispers: B have maybe Qd5.If Qxd5 cxd5 Neg5 Rc8 and pressure c file
DeanA(2136) whispers: Nice line shahrukh
hundirector(2275) whispers: dunno, trading queens seems like a bad idea to me
DeanA(2136) whispers: The problem with Ne3 is that white gets a sold attack after Ne3 Bxe3 dxe3 Ne5 I think
ezik(2508) whispers: Ne3 Bxe3 dxe3 Rad1 very strong
DeanA(2136) whispers: Even crushing. :) Qd5 (8:01)
shahrukh(1319) whispers: good call ezik
ezik(2508) whispers: best for keep unbalance 17.Qxd5 (1:08) cxd5 (0:03)
BlindRobot(2104) whispers: weird game 18.Neg5 (0:41)
DeanA(2136) whispers: Rc8 Ne6 Bf6 Rd1 perhaps?
ezik(2508) whispers: yes, W good with that Rc8 (1:28)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: Rf2 looks too passive 19.Ne6 (1:37)
fernbap(1776) whispers: 38 observers :)
pollock(2075) whispers: wooot!
pollock(2075) whispers: florin vs alef again!
pollock(2075) whispers: yay
DeanA(2136) whispers: Whites main task is to get Bc1 into play without dropping a pawn
DeanA(2136) whispers: Once that is done white is cruising to victory.
pollock(2075) whispers: passed experience with florins games is that being up material and cruising to victory dont go together
ezik(2508) whispers: B still not seem have big problem.From position of small space very good I think he judge sacrifice
pollock(2075) whispers: bf6 possibly Rg8 (4:56)
pollock(2075) whispers: oh interesting :)
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: Rf2 forced now
fernbap(1776) whispers: wasn't expecting this
Koff(2164) whispers: rg8!?
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: does rg8 just seem strange to anyone else?
AlefZero(2254) whispers: I just noticed that there are 40 people watching. You know, there are also good games relayed on FICS, you just have to come a bit earlier
pollock(2075) whispers: strange to me
DeanA(2136) whispers: Rd1 looks possible, or Nxg7, and Rf2 of course.
pollock(2075) whispers: maybe g5 will come sometime
Koff(2164) whispers: heh
HerrGott(1478) whispers: well, it looks stranger than Bf6
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: well i wouldnt want to give up my e6 knight for that bishop yet. Also i wouldnt want to give c2 for the d4 pawn
HerrGott(1478) whispers: why not give the knight for the oponents only bishop? it is an open game, so knight for bishop is a good trade
ezik(2508) whispers: Almost i wait for rg8 or Kf7 from FlorinC! Bf6 only small better than these, if all 20.Rd1 (2:33) Rxc2 (0:14)
WilkBardzoZly(2018) whispers: what wrong with Ng7 Rg7 Rd1 Rc2 Nd4 Nd4 Rd4 ? 21.Nxg7+ (0:30) Rxg7 (0:11)
DeanA(2136) whispers: Nothing 22.Nxd4 (0:03)
DeanA(2136) whispers: Black is lost here I think
AlefZero(2254) whispers: He hasn't move any of his outside pawns! He must be losing here ;-)
pollock(2075) whispers: rg2+ looks fancy its bad but it looks fancy Nxd4 (1:44) 23.Rxd4 (0:03) e6 (0:01)
DeanA(2136) whispers: Now Rd2 to get Rc2 off the 2nd row.
WilkBardzoZly(2018) whispers: imho Rd2 and Rf2
Psycho(1713) whispers: if Rd2 then Rgc7?
Koff(2164) whispers: Rd2 Rc7 :)
ezik(2508) whispers: yes Koff, Rd2 Rgc7 about equal
DeanA(2136) whispers: My planned Rd2 Rgc7 Kf2 has a hole in it. :( 24.b3 (2:04)
Koff(2164) whispers: and Rg8 was a good move... hehe
Koff(2164) whispers: incredible
HerrGott(1478) whispers: g5?
ezik(2508) whispers: Rgc7 and B is OK
Rodney(1944) whispers: I would have gone for rb1 and bd2-c3
AlefZero(2254) whispers: bad move, unfortunately
AlefZero(2254) whispers: Rb1 was better
Koff(2164) whispers: I guess he liked to take c4 from black
vipiu(2092) whispers: maybe Rb1 Bd2 and Bc3 was better Rgc7 (4:15)
DeanA(2136) whispers: Still white is winning here I think.
HerrGott(1478) whispers: and now comes that Bd2 you asked for :)
Rodney(1944) whispers: maybe medicine (b3) was worse than disease (c4-square) 25.Bd2 (0:40) Kf7 (0:02)
Rodney(1944) whispers: for black: rb2 and rcc2
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: still I think white's ok 26.a4 (0:50)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: I would prefer Rb2 to Kf7 Kf6 (0:16)
ezik(2508) whispers: not understand Kf7. Rb2 and not worry Rc1?? Rxd2!
shahrukh(1319) whispers: white seems to be plugging up all the files he doesn't have pawns in
shahrukh(1319) whispers: i mean black 27.Re1 (0:47) a5 (1:02)
pollock(2075) whispers: true 28.Rd3 (0:26) Kf5 (1:10)
seberg(1643) whispers: I suppose white is perfectly defended, but whats the winning plan?
vipiu(2092) whispers: Be3 Bd4 and Be5 ?
DeanA(2136) whispers: R1e3 and Rc3 perhaps?
DeanA(2136) whispers: Or perhaps white shoul activate the K? 29.Re5+ (2:27) Kf6 (0:19) 30.Re2 (0:09) Kf5 (0:18) 31.Kf2 (0:18)
ezik(2508) whispers: B have some trouble now h5 (1:27)
ezik(2508) whispers: but still have strong pawn blocks for defend
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: h5 was weakening, black should be just shifting his rooks without making more weaknesses 32.Kf3 (2:08)
ezik(2508) whispers: I agree what Sportsmen say
EagleRare(0) whispers: b5 was the better move than a5 for black?
ezik(2508) whispers: But what game FlorinC not move both a and h pawn?
DeanA(2136) whispers: Kf3 looks a nice "simple" move. Now Be3-d4-e5 becomes possible without losing pf4 on the way.
EagleRare(0) whispers: open the a-file.
Dreadtower(1406) whispers: Welcome to Britain Ezik :)
DeanA(2136) whispers: And with the B installed on e5 black faces Rg5 mate aswell. R2c6 (2:23) 33.Ree3 (0:36)
Sportsmen(2251) whispers: ok now black can resign he is losing the c file
EagleRare(0) whispers: three islands of connecters, black did not take advantage of the nice central connecters.
DeanA(2136) whispers: Bc3 also look like a killer.
EagleRare(0) whispers: the bishop was irrelavent.
AlefZero(2254) whispers: fortunately my opponent doesn't seem to defend the best way
Psycho(1713) whispers: there are dangers in exchanging rooks arent there, provided black can get rid of q-side pawns, white will having trouble mating with a wrong coloured bishop if there is a lone a pawn left
DeanA(2136) whispers: Black will get rid of his q-side pawns allright. :)
DeanA(2136) whispers: The problem is white will keep his.
Psycho(1713) whispers: :) Kf6 (3:20)
EagleRare(0) whispers: liked the b5 earlier, nice. 34.Bc3+ (0:30) Kf7 (0:03) 35.Be5 (0:04) Rc8 (0:06) 36.Rc3 (0:05)
hundirector(2275) whispers: should be 1-0 now..
CamyC(2242) whispers: time for a signature
EagleRare(0) whispers: now, the bishop is quite relevant. ;)
CamyC(2242) whispers: Florin didnt win the third time :P
DeanA(2136) whispers: Should be 1-0 is a bit of an understatement. :)
hundirector(2275) whispers: :) well you never know Ke7 (1:49)
AlefZero(2254) whispers: as opponent was so kind to put his queenside pawns on black squares, the easiest way to continue is to exchange rooks
seberg(1643) whispers: alef might get flagged after spilling soup on his keyboard?
EagleRare(0) whispers: :) 37.Rxc6 (0:25) Rxc6 (0:02)
DeanA(2136) whispers: True enough - you never know. 38.Rc3 (0:09) Rxc3+ (0:34) 39.Bxc3 (0:07) Kd6 (0:01)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: this should be fairly easy 40.Bd4 (0:03) Kc6 (0:01)
ezik(2508) whispers: yes
DeanA(2136) whispers: Black has nothing
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: Kg3 - h4
CamyC(2242) whispers: Kg3-h4-g5-h6xg6 :P
AlefZero(2254) whispers: now black king has no way of penetrating queenside, so it is enough to march to kingside 41.Kg3 (0:44)
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: thanks for the fine remark Alef
HyperMagnus(2076) whispers: But we knew :p
CamyC(2242) whispers: now we will get a lecture on proper endgame technique ;) FlorinC resigns 1-0
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