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alefzero(2315) vs. florinc(2221) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-07-14

1.e4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:10) d6 (0:07) 3.Nc3 (0:10)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: test
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: ok, lets look how alef beat next opp.:)
Bg7 (0:27) 4.g3 (0:13) Nf6 (0:09) 5.Bg2 (0:07) Nc6 (0:12) 6.Nge2 (0:05) O-O (0:06) 7.h3 (0:25) a5 (1:13) 8.O-O (0:24) a4 (0:21) 9.a3 (0:01)
squib(1592) whispers: kibo al is going down :)
hundirector(2266) whispers: Ra5 coming up?:)
derMandarin(1967) whispers: lol yes Ra5 ftw!
derMandarin(1967) whispers: but first h5-h4 comes ;)
hundirector(2266) whispers: ah, of course :)
Ra6 (4:38)
derMandarin(1967) whispers: oh, a novelty lol
10.Be3 (0:21)
hundirector(2266) whispers: wow. a brand new rook move
Nd7 (0:30)
HyperMagnus(2070) whispers: what's with the rook moves?
hundirector(2266) whispers: look at some of the games of FlorinC, you'll understand.
11.f4 (3:08) e6 (1:07)
proudpawn(1739) whispers: GO Florin!!!!
12.Qd3 (2:09)
fernbap(1720) whispers: we should create a new teamleague rule: Only one game from Open at a time
Ne7 (7:04) 13.Rad1 (0:19) Nb6 (0:13) 14.g4 (4:30) Re8 (0:50) 15.d5 (1:15) exd5 (0:14) 16.exd5 (0:11) Ra5 (0:01) 17.Bd4 (2:50)
BlkSabb(1846) whispers: maybe Florin should have tried to take control of the center more with ...e5 earlier
BlkSabb(1846) whispers: he's looking too cramped now
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: Another Open section game :)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: like i said alef will kill him
Parkow(1959) whispers: what about f5 (for some counterplay)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: e6 will suck then
Bxd4+ (8:31) 18.Qxd4 (0:11) f5 (0:03) 19.g5 (0:39)
Parkow(1959) whispers: leaving the bad B on the board doesnt seem to be a good idea for B but at least the Kingside is locked...
Bd7 (1:15)
Parkow(1959) whispers: Ne7 is not easy to develop
20.Rfe1 (0:24)
AcuWill(1524) whispers: so alegfe made the exchange in order to limit the development of the Ne7?
AcuWill(1524) whispers: the pawn exchange that is
Qa8 (3:36)
CamyC(2239) whispers: white may be better here, but i hope he loses :P
CamyC(2239) whispers: i was chatting with him and he didnt even tell me that hes playing
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: hf6
seberg(1706) whispers: if you used a respectable client, you would notice the (told ..., who is playing.) :P
seberg(1706) whispers: opst, you do with xboard ;)
CamyC(2239) whispers: you mean, a respectable skype client?
seberg(1706) whispers: hehe :)
seberg(1706) whispers: I should do less assumptions ;)
CamyC(2239) whispers: no, i dont use babas :P
seberg(1706) whispers: its a funny situation, tomorrow they play again in other sections colours reversed
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: do you guys think the a5 rook is not doing much?
AlefZero(2315) whispers: Sorry, I am too tired for reasonable comments
CamyC(2239) whispers: why? its defending the queen on a8
seberg(1706) whispers: lol
AlefZero(2315) whispers: my evaluation is that white is surely better
maeck(1980) whispers: it can go to c5-c4
seberg(1706) whispers: why did he move queen there anyways?
AlefZero(2315) whispers: my calculation is that I am a pawn down in all supposedly winning lines
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: he wants to defend the a4 pawn it hink
seberg(1706) whispers: get it to a7 or a6?!
seberg(1706) whispers: ahh
maeck(1980) whispers: overprotecting the all-important a4-pawn
krhodes(2055) whispers: maybe rc5 and qa5 to attack d5
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: just qf6 qa7 kh1
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: or sc1
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: or sg3 at least:)
CamyC(2239) whispers: i think the knight will be more active on d4 than c1 or g3 :)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: anyway fritz 8says another way:)
WilkBardzoZly(2035) whispers: maybe black want Qa6 Bb5
21.Qf6 (11:35)
Parkow(1959) whispers: for sure W is better here...but is there a winning plan?
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: yes kiboplaying is first whoy typed qf6:)
KiranY(1978) whispers: next Nd4..
CamyC(2239) whispers: put the knight on e6 i guess
AcuWill(1524) whispers: what abuot putting a Night on e6?
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: qa7 kh1 first.
krhodes(2055) whispers: I hear an echo
AcuWill(1524) whispers: eh, not paying attention to what is being said
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: ia ctually thought about this move :))
Qa7 (3:05)
Parkow(1959) whispers: unbelievable how this Ne7 sucks....would be even better without him...
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: kiboplaying is first who typed qa7:)
CamyC(2239) whispers: ive read somewhere that speaking of yourself in 3rd person is a sign of megalomania
Parkow(1959) whispers: but after Ne6 and BxN, de B has Nc6 and Rh5 is more space
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: i ve heard that reading so much is danger
CamyC(2239) whispers: yeah, literacy is the curse of the modern civilisation
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: what did u want to say ?
Malfurion(1812) whispers: ..talk about a full house:)
Malfurion(1812) whispers: glad to see TL getting so popular - hi everyone!
CamyC(2239) whispers: i wanted to say exactly what i said
CamyC(2239) whispers: hey malfurion
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: so u didnt say nothing celver
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: clever*
CamyC(2239) whispers: yes, i didnt say nothing clever, as usual
CamyC(2239) whispers: i only say clever things
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: damn, fu**ing english double no
CamyC(2239) whispers: see, not only literacy is a problem, but the language as well ;)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: not language, just foreign language
CamyC(2239) whispers: but at least you say 'u' and 'r', that gives you leetpointz
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: wtf is leetpointz?
pollock(2082) whispers: go florinc!
CamyC(2239) whispers: and wtf ;)
AlefZero(2315) whispers: I am desperately to make Nd4 work
krhodes(2055) whispers: 7331
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: nd4 is bad damnit
CamyC(2239) whispers: Fritz says so?
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: yes
krhodes(2055) whispers: kh1 and let black try to unwind his mess
Malfurion(1812) whispers: l33tp01n+$ pwn u! lol
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: fritza said that nd4 makes ur position worse
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: u can answer: i dont believe but its too risky:)
Parkow(1959) whispers: think so too letting B have some swindles via Nb6-moves is good for B
22.Qd4 (11:42)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: = now
CamyC(2239) whispers: Kibo, its because fritz thinks white is repeating the move
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: qa8.
CamyC(2239) whispers: moves*
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: yeah maybe.
AlefZero(2315) whispers: I found the line Nd4 Nbc8 threating Rf8 a bit unappealing
CamyC(2239) whispers: but move Qa8 and youll see it will probably show something different
Nc4 (1:00)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: it does afte qa8 ng3
pollock(2082) whispers: well this si more of a fighting move :)
CamyC(2239) whispers: anyway, i can ask the engine myself, i prefer to analyse with humans :P
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: thats ok.
23.Qxa7 (1:57) Rxa7 (0:02)
pollock(2082) whispers: rd4 looks annoying
24.Rd4 (0:27)
pollock(2082) whispers: altho ne3 :S
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: maybe b5
CamyC(2239) whispers: yeah, fritz's move seems logical
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: i switched off
CamyC(2239) whispers: ah, then its bad :P
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: :)
pollock(2082) whispers: maybe then b5 ne1 but then possibly pin on e with a move like nc8
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: last time i saw that chess can be interesting...
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: is this sentence correct /|??
Malfurion(1812) whispers: no
Malfurion(1812) whispers: lol
Ne3 (5:55)
CamyC(2239) whispers: ok, deep rybka v7.293847 with 23509 processors says 0.01 on depth 204895
25.Rd3 (1:03) Nxg2 (0:10)
pollock(2082) whispers: bg2 doesnt seem so useful so wouldnt mind it being traded
26.Kxg2 (0:02)
pollock(2082) whispers: but offcourse things change :)
CamyC(2239) whispers: yeah, now the score increased to 0.03
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: kf7 btw white has +0.4
CamyC(2239) whispers: yeah, but Kf7! Kg1! Kf8! Kh2!! Kf7 Kh1!! and opposition
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: correct but b6 and mate in 59!
KiranY(1978) whispers: Nc8
CamyC(2239) whispers: not really, just checked in tablebases
pollock(2082) whispers: think nc8
pollock(2082) whispers: and off to b6
CamyC(2239) whispers: i guess HM will comment that white wasnt playing at his strength again ;)
Ra5 (3:43)
krhodes(2055) whispers: time for nd4 finally
CamyC(2239) whispers: Nd4 might be dropping a pawn
krhodes(2055) whispers: pawns are rubbish
krhodes(2055) whispers: jk
CamyC(2239) whispers: they are the soul of chess
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: not yet
NBZ(2040) whispers: somehow i seem to see a5-a4 and Ra5 in a lot of florin's games
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: look at his notes
CamyC(2239) whispers: maybe he thinks that he has to put them on open ranks, not open files ;)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: he likes modern openings..
27.Kg3 (2:23)
pollock(2082) whispers: really thingk nc8 is the move
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: i dont like that positions
Bb5 (1:10)
Malfurion(1812) whispers: florin loves a/h pawn pushes
28.Re3 (0:46)
NBZ(2040) whispers: if Bc4 Nd4 is the idea?
Kf7 (0:59) 29.Nd4 (0:34) Bd7 (0:22)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: its al around =
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: florin is lagcheater:)
NBZ(2040) whispers: i wonder how white protects d5
MALCOVICH(2006) whispers: ne6 seems playable but I checked very quickly
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: by b5 axb nxb3 nxc3 nxa5
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: first of course rxr bxr
30.Ne6 (5:13)
MALCOVICH(2006) whispers: he must of heard me :-)
Lomax(2276) whispers: -+
derMandarin(1967) whispers: -+? so sure?
KiranY(1978) whispers: Nxd5 Nxd5 Rxe6
Malfurion(1812) whispers: oh yeah
Malfurion(1812) whispers: rook will interpose with check if Nxc7
derMandarin(1967) whispers: yes true
Lomax(2276) whispers: Well, at least clear -/+, but I think -+
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: nxd5 nxd5 rxd5 nxc7
derMandarin(1967) whispers: but I am not sure about the position thereafter. but one thing for sure: black has much better play then. if it is enough for the win I do not know.
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: damn u are right lomax.
Malfurion(1812) whispers: then Rc5 after that might win a pawn..
Lomax(2276) whispers: Nxp NxN RxN Nxp RxR RxR Rc5 Rc3 (what else) RxR bxR looks awful
NBZ(2040) whispers: if Rxd5 Nxc7 is best (but not Nxd5?)
KiranY(1978) whispers: clearly black better after the exchange
krhodes(2055) whispers: nxc7 rxr+ rxr rc5 rc3 rxr
derMandarin(1967) whispers: then go for it Florin! :)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: lomax : just -0.5:)
Lomax(2276) whispers: Never trust a chess engine :)
Malfurion(1812) whispers: is Nd8 playable if Nxd5?
CamyC(2239) whispers: yeah, trusting a chess engine evaluation in endgame is a bit foolish ;)
krhodes(2055) whispers: white gets double c pawns in that line
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: am sorry but my comp is realy good, just a bit lower than me:)
derMandarin(1967) whispers: lol, my girlfriend just jumped out of the bed, ran to the computer and pointed at knight to d5 asking: "is this any good?" lol
Nxd5 (5:14) 31.Nxd5 (0:07)
danijelo(1919) whispers: lol
Rxd5 (0:01) 32.Nxc7 (0:08) Rxe3+ (0:01)
danijelo(1919) whispers: never let the girl near internet chess
HyperMagnus(2070) whispers: dM I think you better get back to bed then
33.Rxe3 (0:10) Rd2 (0:01)
Lomax(2276) whispers: Surprise :)
danijelo(1919) whispers: and that!
CamyC(2239) whispers: forza Alef! ;P
NBZ(2040) whispers: guess we might see that ending after all
34.Rc3 (0:24)
seberg(1706) whispers: now where is alefs advantage?
NBZ(2040) whispers: no it seems
CamyC(2239) whispers: wasnt 33...Rc5 more accurate?
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: its ok as well
fernbap(1720) whispers: is it just me or alefis in trouble?
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: seems like it
Malfurion(1812) whispers: more accurate = better?:)
KiranY(1978) whispers: he wanted Bc6
NBZ(2040) whispers: Bc6 is pretty strong here?
CamyC(2239) whispers: yes exactly
CamyC(2239) whispers: more accurate=better
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: bc6 sa6
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: d5!
krhodes(2055) whispers: hmm rc5 rc3 better ending for black than rd2
Malfurion(1812) whispers: yep
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: bc6 seems like a good diagnol
Malfurion(1812) whispers: h4 seems to be a pretty safe square for the king, though
Lomax(2276) whispers: Safe, but most passive. Black activates his king and will win
derMandarin(1967) whispers: yes but he won't do much from there ;)
danijelo(1919) whispers: no active king there..
CamyC(2239) whispers: the king on h4 will be quite active :P
CamyC(2239) whispers: like, it can get stalemated easily and stuff
danijelo(1919) whispers: lol
derMandarin(1967) whispers: "active stalemating" must remember that
Lomax(2276) whispers: Maybe d5 is even more precise than Bc6, not allowing Bc6 Na6 maybe, so the knight will be forced to come back into play via a8-b6
CamyC(2239) whispers: also the maneuver Kh4-i5-h6 is interesting
Re2 (4:35)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: kf3
35.Nd5 (0:34) Bc6 (0:04)
vipiu(2103) whispers: wasn't Bc6 better before ??
Parkow(1959) whispers: Nb4
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: just a bit
NBZ(2040) whispers: you forgot the pawn on j6 camyc
CamyC(2239) whispers: hm... infinite chess, nice idea actually
Lomax(2276) whispers: I thought they are playing cylindrical chess, so Kh4 allows Ka5 next ;)
CamyC(2239) whispers: 1.Rp1!
36.Nb4 (1:29)
CamyC(2239) whispers: idea Rp7
vipiu(2103) whispers: I just checked my game with Fritza...if I wasn't so dogmatic that R+B is better than R+N with both sides pawns I should have won the ending
hundirector(2266) whispers: oh that one is a cool variant
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: vipiu my fritz said draw:)
Be4 (1:01)
vipiu(2103) whispers: instead of Nd7 check fork Nc6 is winning
proudpawn(1739) whispers: rybka has -0.6 :-), go florin!
37.Rc7+ (0:58) Ke6 (0:06)
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: nc6 was the killer move
NBZ(2040) whispers: now Rc98 with perpetual check
38.Rxh7 (0:49) Rg2+ (0:03) 39.Kh4 (0:03)
Lomax(2276) whispers: Over now
Rf2 (0:02)
vipiu(2103) whispers: repetition ?
Lomax(2276) whispers: black wins
vipiu(2103) whispers: he will play for repeat
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: lol?not yet lomax.
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: he can nab the pawn
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: its just -1
Lomax(2276) whispers: Could you pleast stop spamming useless computer evaluations? Thanks
CamyC(2239) whispers: i agree with Lomax
HyperMagnus(2070) whispers: omg we have so many experts here who can evaluate the positon correctly without using a computer
CamyC(2239) whispers: i can check it with an engine myself
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: wow theres like 40 people here
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: i know that u want feel better than me :)
krhodes(2055) whispers: I would go with black
krhodes(2055) whispers: eval black
krhodes(2055) whispers: lol
krhodes(2055) whispers: the black f pawn will be a killer
CamyC(2239) whispers: well, an average 1800 player can evaluate better than best computer engines, the only difference is with calculating
40.Rg7 (3:22) Rxf4+ (0:06)
KiboPlaying(2007) whispers: lol
41.Kg3 (0:01) Rf3+ (0:23) 42.Kh4 (0:09) f4 (0:11) 43.Kg4 (0:14)
Lomax(2276) whispers: Bf5 next and 0-1
krhodes(2055) whispers: read my last comment
Rf1 (0:17)
CamyC(2239) whispers: well, Rf2 and Bf5 and 0-1 :P
vipiu(2103) whispers: is it some standard rating inflation on this server ?
Lomax(2276) whispers: No, I lost some 500 points over the last 10 years, that's strong deflation ;)
Koff(2186) whispers: huh? :)
vipiu(2103) whispers: because i see bigge and bigger standard ratings....compared with few years back....
krhodes(2055) whispers: some players improve?!
CamyC(2239) whispers: i just keep saving hopeless positions ;)
44.Nd3 (1:24)
HyperMagnus(2070) whispers: Lomax was...what? 2787
krhodes(2055) whispers: I was maybe 1500 2 years ago
Koff(2186) whispers: maybe stronger players do play more now - in the league
Litovec(1845) whispers: average standard ?
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: game over
HyperMagnus(2070) whispers: with all the respect for Lomax here, I find that incredibly pathetic
vipiu(2103) whispers: the ratings before 2000 do not count, in the beginning it was a mess
NBZ(2040) whispers: Bf5 and R h1 wins?
Koff(2186) whispers: haha
CamyC(2239) whispers: no, Nf4
NBZ(2040) whispers: or better Rf3
Parkow(1959) whispers: Bf5+ followed by Rf3 and over
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: yes strong players in the league
krhodes(2055) whispers: hes right after rf3 nf4 is forced
krhodes(2055) whispers: white down a piece
pollock(2082) whispers: go florinc!
Parkow(1959) whispers: and that is over...
CamyC(2239) whispers: no, i meant Kh4 Rh1 (which someone suggested) Nf4
vipiu(2103) whispers: I know that some friend of mine got in top20 with 2050 and now 2050 is very far from top 20
Lomax(2276) whispers: Bf5+ Kh4 Rf3 is easy enough ...
Parkow(1959) whispers: Bf5+, Kh4, Rf3, Nxf4 (forced) and over
hundirector(2266) whispers: top20 depends more on the activity of the players
Koff(2186) whispers: hardly in standard, vipiu? with 2050
vipiu(2103) whispers: yes, in standard 2050
BlkSabb(1846) whispers: wow I come back from dinner and Florin is winning
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: the standard community here is really great
Koff(2186) whispers: hun is right, only active best are on the list
Bf5+ (5:32) 45.Kh4 (0:03) d5 (0:01)
vipiu(2103) whispers: maybe because of these leagues more standard players are active...
krhodes(2055) whispers: ?!
proudpawn(1739) whispers: oh
Parkow(1959) whispers: Florinc has time...
krhodes(2055) whispers: how does 2200 miss rf3?
Litovec(1845) whispers: why not rf3 ?
Litovec(1845) whispers: yes
danijelo(1919) whispers: maybe becouse this is enought?
46.Rxb7 (1:14)
NBZ(2040) whispers: maybe he's just delaying the move, though it seems pointless
Malfurion(1812) whispers: ?
CamyC(2239) whispers: maybe a mouseslip?
rustic(2068) whispers: even now rf3
proudpawn(1739) whispers: lol
vipiu(2103) whispers: if not Rf3 now Rb4 will be saving ???
danijelo(1919) whispers: this is schoole example of active king
NBZ(2040) whispers: yeah now is the last chance to play Rf3
MALCOVICH(2006) whispers: why did he play d5...why?
pollock(2082) whispers: goner push it to victorty after take c2 possibly
vipiu(2103) whispers: why are you saying Rf3 is easy to see? I do not think so....
Lomax(2276) whispers: Well, it threatens mate in one, thats fairly easy?
CamyC(2239) whispers: looks trivial i think
CamyC(2239) whispers: white king is in a mating net
proudpawn(1739) whispers: well, the white king has no squares, the first thing to think about is to mate with Rxh3
rustic(2068) whispers: its not easy unless u look at the white king's position closely
pollock(2082) whispers: the king is completely controlled on side of board its pretty natural to look for a mate
vipiu(2103) whispers: everyone is a GM when observing...
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: king in the mating box
hundirector(2266) whispers: i think its pretty obvious.. i always look for king first safety first anyway
CamyC(2239) whispers: vipiu, you just asked if its easy to see, we replied that it is
proudpawn(1739) whispers: maybe he wants to do it from h8
hundirector(2266) whispers: dyslexia again
Rf3 (5:05)
vipiu(2103) whispers: over
AcuWill(1524) whispers: !
47.Rb6+ (0:07) Ke7 (0:02)
seberg(1706) whispers: what can he do about Rf3?!
CamyC(2239) whispers: Kd7! :P
NBZ(2040) whispers: now after Rf3 white has Rb6+ to get the king in a relatively bad position
seberg(1706) whispers: ehh
48.Nxf4 (0:17) Rxf4+ (0:03) 49.Kg3 (0:02)
pollock(2082) whispers: yay florinc!
Rf1 (1:07)
goki(1289) whispers: talk hi
50.c3 (0:37) Rh1 (0:08)
vipiu(2103) whispers: has anyone read Silman's Amateur's Mind ?
CamyC(2239) whispers: i have
vipiu(2103) whispers: is it good ?
CamyC(2239) whispers: its very interesting
vipiu(2103) whispers: and the other onw...reassess your chess workbook ?
AcuWill(1524) whispers: i am currently working through it
CamyC(2239) whispers: i dont know the workbook, only the original reassess your chess, its also good
MALCOVICH(2006) whispers: boy has ...d5 prolonged the game uselessly...shouldn't change the end result though
AcuWill(1524) whispers: it has completely changed my view of chess
wester(1970) whispers: i have the workbook, its pretty good
CamyC(2239) whispers: often quite enlightening
vipiu(2103) whispers: ok, so I will read them, I have downloaded all
51.Kf4 (1:43) Rxh3 (0:03) 52.Ke5 (0:04)
derMandarin(1967) whispers: I have the amateurs mind too. It is an interesting book.
seberg(1706) whispers: so whats the draw chances here?!
Lomax(2276) whispers: I can strongly recommend John Watson "Modern chess strategy" (dunno the exact english title) and of course anything written by Arthur Jusupov and Mark Dvoretzki. Although probably not for the beginner
hundirector(2266) whispers: yep, those are pretty good:)
Malfurion(1812) whispers: dvoretsky's endgame manual is great..
CamyC(2239) whispers: Amateurs Mind made me smile at my own typical errors many times
Malfurion(1812) whispers: though it is a bit over my head at times:)
AcuWill(1524) whispers: dvoretsky's endgame manual is my next target
wester(1970) whispers: yea the endgame manual is a task, but has about everything you need to know about the endgame in it, if i could just build up the motivation to read it
AcuWill(1524) whispers: i have it sitting and waiting
vipiu(2103) whispers: dvoresky is a bit too heavy and dry
Lomax(2276) whispers: You haven't read Robert Huebner yet, if you consider Dvoretzky as dry ;-)
Rh5 (3:03)
vipiu(2103) whispers: after I finish Silman's and lev Alburt books...and the video lessons on openings, I may go to Dvoresky
CamyC(2239) whispers: i have lots of Dvoretski books gathering dust, i should read them some time :P
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: i like levs books
wester(1970) whispers: good luck vipiu with the dvoretsky
hundirector(2266) whispers: heavy material
Lomax(2276) whispers: I also recommend Korchnoi's small book on rook endings :)
vipiu(2103) whispers: at least half a year until dvoresky :)
BlkSabb(1846) whispers: You might prefer the new Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy if you think the Dvoretsky Endgame Manual is too dry
vipiu(2103) whispers: maybe I take a year off from job and become a FM in thsi time :)
krhodes(2055) whispers: I suppose kxp rxp and try to advance the c pawn
derMandarin(1967) whispers: so many good chess books, so little time.
vipiu(2103) whispers: you are so right, dermandarin
vipiu(2103) whispers: and millions of tactic problems and openings to study
Lomax(2276) whispers: Study of opening is strongly overemphasized, as florinC clearly shows :)
proudpawn(1739) whispers: lol
hundirector(2266) whispers: play FR, no problem with openings. :)
Lomax(2276) whispers: For tactics chess.emrald.net is really useful
CamyC(2239) whispers: lets see if florinC shows us that study of endgame is important ;)
BlindRobot(2145) whispers: florin plays crazy grobs and wins
53.Kxd5 (3:34)
vipiu(2103) whispers: C comes from computer ?
Rxg5 (0:11)
wester(1970) whispers: i think this is draw
CamyC(2239) whispers: in my nick you mean?
54.Ke5 (0:17)
Malfurion(1812) whispers: lol
Malfurion(1812) whispers: really?
vipiu(2103) whispers: in all C nicks
proudpawn(1739) whispers: CamyC and FlorinC are surely computers ;-) lol
CamyC(2239) whispers: im 2 computers in one
CamyC(2239) whispers: 2 C's
krhodes(2055) whispers: emrald is great
Lomax(2276) whispers: B to c2, black rook behind the g-pawn and it's easy
Bc2+ (0:56) 55.Kf4 (0:10)
Litovec(1845) whispers: oh if i would be LitoveC i would be 2300 write now :(
derMandarin(1967) whispers: lol
wester(1970) whispers: ok guess your right, what do i know
CamyC(2239) whispers: its an interesting experience to be a blundering computer
proudpawn(1739) whispers: human play mode
AcuWill(1524) whispers: after silman's books you recommend lev albert?
Litovec(1845) whispers: unfortunally i have 'L' lette capitalized .... actually that comes from Loser
Rd5 (1:00)
vipiu(2103) whispers: AcuWill...for you I would recomend about 1000 tactic problems and just play chess games
wester(1970) whispers: chernev is great for beginners
56.Rb4 (1:32) Kf6 (0:55) 57.Rb6+ (0:23)
AcuWill(1524) whispers: k
Kg7 (0:26)
CamyC(2239) whispers: hehe i used to do 300 problems daily for some time
58.Kg3 (0:03)
vipiu(2103) whispers: daily ?!?!?!?
CamyC(2239) whispers: taking rid of all these bad habits took me some time...
Kh6 (0:21) 59.Kh4 (0:08)
AcuWill(1524) whispers: did chernev, it's a bit shallow for my taste
CamyC(2239) whispers: like guessing the combinations without calculating them
proudpawn(1739) whispers: 300? at emrald?
CamyC(2239) whispers: i used to do stuff at emrald too
AcuWill(1524) whispers: emrald?
CamyC(2239) whispers: i guess i still have the account there
AcuWill(1524) whispers: where can i get tactical problems?
pollock(2082) whispers: bb3 and rd2 seems pretty deadly
wester(1970) whispers: not sure what you mean by shallow?
proudpawn(1739) whispers: i like the wtharvey stuff
CamyC(2239) whispers: but i dont like the fact that it measures the speed
vipiu(2103) whispers: this is bad in problems...you can just guess because for sure it is something
Rd1 (0:46)
NBZ(2040) whispers: yeah camyc me neither
proudpawn(1739) whispers: yes, it should be available without time measurement
derMandarin(1967) whispers: @CamyC: I am with you on that. Actually emrald made me play tactics in games very fast, lol
60.Kg3 (0:20)
derMandarin(1967) whispers: I just got used to "solving" them in actual games with the same speed.
Kh5 (0:20)
CamyC(2239) whispers: yes, and getting rid of these habits isnt easy
vipiu(2103) whispers: LevAlburt Pocket Tactics book is nice...sometimes there are problems where the "solution" that you can see it is not good
61.Rb8 (0:16)
CamyC(2239) whispers: id suggest to get a good old-fashioned book with tactical problems and try to calculate EVERY variation... even if you give a correct move, but miss a side variation, you get 0 points
AcuWill(1524) whispers: a specific recomendation camyc?
proudpawn(1739) whispers: and every collection of tactical positions should have a fraction of position without an immediately winning move
wester(1970) whispers: go over entire games without moving a piece if you like torture
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: The tactical exercises which come each month in Chessbase Magazine do just this, and against the clock
CamyC(2239) whispers: i used to practice with 'combinational motifs' by blokh, but also some online collections, like 1001 beautiful ways to checkmate, encyclopedia of chess middlegames etc
Lomax(2276) whispers: Kg5 Rb5+ Bf5 Rb4 Rd3+ Kg2 and Bc2 again ...
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: Also, there is a complete game with questions set by a GM for EVERY move
goki(1289) whispers: talk what would you recommend someone to read at my rate camyC
Malfurion(1812) whispers: harry potter
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: And an endgame section with similar multi-variation exercises against the clock
Malfurion(1812) whispers: lol j/k
pollock(2082) whispers: im sure bb3 and rd2 is simple
CamyC(2239) whispers: (the blokh problems are also in ct-art, but i dont suggest ct-art because i tried it for 2 hours and found 4 errors)
CamyC(2239) whispers: including one overlooked mate in 2
Lomax(2276) whispers: Yes, probably ... almost anything should be winning here
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: Oof!
CamyC(2239) whispers: i think learning to calculate properly is at least as important as learning to spot beautiful combinations... and you learn only the second thing with most problem sets
Rd3+ (4:34) 62.Kg2 (0:10) Rd2+ (0:14)
Dreadtower(1435) whispers: Kotov or the Russian School stuff is supposed to be the method for calculation isn't it?
63.Kg3 (0:02)
CamyC(2239) whispers: Kotov's method is considered at least dubious by most grandmasters, just ask any random one
Psycho(1713) whispers: you have to be fairly honest and ask yourself, did I really calculate the solution the whole way through seeing any difficulties
wester(1970) whispers: b2 dies
Bb3 (0:29) AlefZero resigns 0-1


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