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unxy(1555) vs. execomp(2686) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2018-04-09

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e3 (0:02) d5 (0:00) 3.h3 (0:03)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=25 score=0.40 time=36.19 node=26118032 speed=721691 pv=Bf5 Nf3 e6 c4 Bd6 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 O-O O-O Nbd7 Nc3 a6 Bd3 Bxd3 Qxd3 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Bxe5 Qf5 Bxc3 bxc3 Re8 c4
3...Bf5 (0:36) 4.Nf3 (0:10)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=21 score=0.47 time=6.22 node=3989890 speed=641461 pv=e6 Be2 Be7 O-O O-O b3 c5 Bb2 cxd4 Nxd4 Bg6 c4 Nbd7 Nf3 dxc4 Bxc4 Ne4 Nbd2 Rc8 Rc1 Bf6 Bxf6 Ndxf6
4...e6 (0:06) 5.a3 (0:08)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=25 score=0.46 time=45.82 node=33934040 speed=740594 pv=Be7 Nbd2 O-O Be2 Nbd7 c4 dxc4 Nxc4 c5 b3 cxd4 Nxd4 Bg6 O-O Ne4 Bb2 Bf6 Rc1 Nb6 Bd3 Nxc4 Rxc4 Qd5 Qc2 Nd6 Rc5 Bxd3 Rxd5 Bxc2 Rxd6
5...Be7 (0:46) 6.Nbd2 (0:18)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=24 score=0.53 time=16.94 node=12154053 speed=717476 pv=O-O Be2 Nbd7 c4 Ne4 O-O dxc4 Nxc4 c5 Bd2 Rc8 Be1 Qc7 Rc1 Rfd8 Bd3 cxd4 Ba5 b6 Nxb6 Qxc1 Nxc8 Qxc8 Bxd8 Qxd8 Nxd4
6...O-O (0:17) 7.Nh4 (0:14)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=22 score=0.66 time=4.56 node=3013107 speed=660769 pv=Be4 Nhf3 c5 dxc5 a5 Be2 Nbd7 O-O Nxc5 b3 Nfd7 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bb2 Bf6 Nd4 a4 c4 dxc4 Bxc4 axb3 Bxb3 Ndc5 Bc2
7...Be4 (0:05) 8.Nxe4 (0:12)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=22 score=1.17 time=7.80 node=6421361 speed=823251 pv=dxe4 g3 c5 Be2 Qc7 c3 Nc6 b4 Nd5 Bd2 cxd4 cxd4 Bxh4 gxh4 a6 Rc1 Qd8 Bc4 f5 h5 Qg5 Bxd5 exd5 Rc5 Qg2 Rf1 Qxh3 Rxd5 Rf6 b5 axb5
8...dxe4 (0:08) 9.g3 (0:35)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=23 score=1.30 time=8.93 node=7313863 speed=819021 pv=c5 c3 Nc6 Be2 Qc7 Bd2 a6 b4 cxd4 cxd4 Rfd8 O-O Qd7 Qb3 Nd5 Qc2 f5 b5 axb5 Bxb5 Bxh4 gxh4 Qe7 Bxc6 bxc6
9...c5 (0:09) 10.c3 (0:07)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=26 score=1.14 time=30.16 node=23617674 speed=783079 pv=Qc7 Be2 Rd8 Bd2 a6 b4 cxd4 cxd4 Nc6 Rc1 Qd7 Bc3 Nd5 Ng2 Bf6 Bb2 e5 Bg4 Qe7 O-O exd4 exd4 Nb6 Ne3 Nxd4 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nf5 Qe5
10...Qc7 (0:30) 11.Bg2 (0:32)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=21 score=2.44 time=5.54 node=3930336 speed=709446 pv=g5 Nf3 exf3 Qxf3 Nc6 O-O a5 Rd1 Rfd8 b3 Rd7 Bb2 Rad8 Qe2 Qb6 Qc2 h5 dxc5 Qxc5 Rxd7 Rxd7 c4 Qf5 Qxf5 exf5
11...g5 (0:06) 12.Bxe4 (0:15)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=23 score=4.00 time=9.75 node=7639315 speed=783519 pv=Nxe4 Nf3 Nd7 Nd2 Ndf6 Qf3 Qc6 Qg2 Rac8 O-O Bd6 Nc4 Qd5 Nxd6 Qxd6 Rd1 Rfd8 Bd2 h5 f3 Qxg3 Qxg3 Nxg3 e4 cxd4 Bxg5
12...Nxe4 (0:10) 13.Ng2 (0:16)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=20 score=4.84 time=16.99 node=12741478 speed=749939 pv=Nd7 h4 Ndf6 hxg5 Nxg5 Kf1 Qc6 Rh4 Rad8 Ne1 Nfe4 Kg1 Kh8 Qc2 Rg8 b3 f5 c4 Bf6 Bb2 cxd4 Bxd4 Bxd4
13...Nd7 (0:17) 14.h4 (0:21)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=21 score=4.81 time=11.71 node=9487470 speed=810202 pv=Ndf6 hxg5 Nxg5 Nh4 Rad8 Bd2 Nfe4 Nf3 f6 Qe2 Nxg3 fxg3 Qxg3+ Kd1 Nxf3 Rf1 Nxd2 Kxd2 Kh8 Rg1 Qh3 Raf1 Rg8
14...Ndf6 (0:12) 15.hxg5 (0:15)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=23 score=4.77 time=40.66 node=32162509 speed=791011 pv=Nxg5 Kf1 Qc6 Rh4 Rad8 Ne1 Nfe4 Kg1 Kh8 Qc2 f5 b4 cxd4 exd4 Qxc3 Qxc3 Nxc3 Bxg5 Bxg5 Rh5 Bf6 Nf3 Bxd4 Re1 Ne4 Nxd4
15...Nxg5 (0:41) 16.Bd2 (1:12)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=21 score=5.32 time=7.26 node=7075286 speed=974557 pv=Qc6 Kf1 Nf3 Qe2 e5 Rh3 Ne4 Bc1 Rad8 Ne1 Neg5 e4 cxd4 Rh5 Qg6 Rh1 Nxe1 Bxg5 d3 Qh5 Bxg5 Rxe1 d2 Rd1 f5 exf5 Qxf5 Qe2 Kh8
16...Qc6 (0:07) 17.Rh2 (0:50)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=22 score=10.44 time=7.33 node=8993968 speed=1227007 pv=Nf3+ Kf1 Qb5+ Qe2 Nxh2+ Ke1 Qxb2 Rd1 Ne4 Qh5 Ng5 Nh4 Qxa3 Qe2 Ne4 f3 Bd6 f4 cxd4 Qxh2 dxe3 Bxe3 Qxc3+ Bd2 Nxd2 Qxd2 Qxg3+ Qf2 Bxf4 Ke2 Qxf2+ Kxf2 Rfc8 Kg2 Rc3 Nf3 Re3 Rd2
17...Nf3+ (0:07) 18.Ke2 (0:10)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=25 score=11.18 time=11.21 node=13959479 speed=1245270 pv=Nxh2 Nf4 e5 Qh1 exf4 Qxc6 bxc6 gxf4 cxd4 cxd4 Rfb8 b4 Rb5 Rg1+ Kh8 Rc1 Rc8 Bc3 Rh5 Be1 Rh3 b5 Ne4 Rxc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Bxa3 Kd3 Nd6 Ke2 Kg8 Bd2 Nc4 Be1 Nf3 c7
18...Nxh2 (0:11) 19.Nf4 (0:26)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=26 score=11.38 time=9.08 node=11068204 speed=1218965 pv=e5 Qh1 exf4 Qxc6 bxc6 gxf4 cxd4 cxd4 Rfb8 b4 Rb5 Rc1 Rc8 Rg1+ Kh8 Rg2 Rh5 Rg5 Rxg5 fxg5 Ne4 f4 Kg8 Be1 f5 gxf6 Bxf6 Bf2 Nxf2 Kxf2 Re8 Kg1 Ng4
19...e5 (0:09) 20.Nh5 (0:35)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=68 score=99.95 time=13.11 node=18027395 speed=1375087 pv=Qb5+ c4 Qxc4+ Ke1 Qf1#
20...Qb5+ (0:13) 21.Ke1 (0:10)
exeComp(2686) whispers: depth=127 score=99.99 time=0.05 node=5364 speed=107280 pv=Qf1#
21...Qf1# (0:00) unxy checkmated 0-1


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