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matan(1917) vs. thatday(2093) *

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-02-14

6.Ng5 (1:32) 6...f5 (5:13) 7.e4 (1:35)
blore(1817) whispers: wpof
Psycho(1851) whispers: you have to know your theory in these lines
blore(1817) whispers: slek!!!
7...Be7 (1:44)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Be7 I am unaware of
schachbjm(2421) whispers: h6 is the main move if I am right
schachbjm(2421) whispers: h6 is answered by e5 normally, maybe black is intending to avoid this with this move order
schachbjm(2421) whispers: hard to say, complex position ...
blore(1817) whispers: white intends to give up the knight for active play?!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qh5+ Bc4 e5 and so one
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I wonder whether Be7 is a mistake, let us say Nh3 gxh?! and Qh5+ looks insanely strong
schachbjm(2421) whispers: in the h6 line there is Qe7 after Bc4 and black is better
schachbjm(2421) whispers: here the DSB is blocking this important square
schachbjm(2421) whispers: any opinion here?
Slek(1994) whispers: hmm looks like Matan's knight is lost
8.Nh3 (11:02)
Hathkhola(1617) whispers: why not Nxh7?
Slek(1994) whispers: and Matan is trying to create havoc with gxh3 Qh5+
Slek(1994) whispers: Bh4+ is an option for thatday if he's afraid of Qh5+
blore(1817) whispers: qh5 kf 8 bc4!!!
Slek(1994) whispers: I suppose that is what thatday is considering right now
blore(1817) whispers: bh4 is okay for thatday but what about today?!!?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Nxh7 Rxh7 and black is just better here with the h5 square in control and no queen invade by white
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Bh4 is answered by g3 and how does black proceed?
Slek(1994) whispers: Bh4+ g4 gxh3 gxh4 Qxh4+
Slek(1994) whispers: in that line black doesnt win a piece but gets to invade the K side
blore(1817) whispers: alexmontes!!!
Slek(1994) whispers: Hola Alex! Que tal?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Bh4+ g3 gxh3 Qh5+! and white might be winning directly there
Slek(1994) whispers: oh right I missed that
blore(1817) whispers: beunos dias
schachbjm(2421) whispers: the line you pointed out would be great otherwise
alexmontes(1960) whispers: hello!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: buenos tardes
schachbjm(2421) whispers: que tal?
Hathkhola(1617) whispers: Hola amigo, como estas?
alexmontes(1960) whispers: has the official TL language been changed to spanish? ;)
blore(1817) whispers: temporarily in honour of your arrival!! :p
schachbjm(2421) whispers: claro que si'!
alexmontes(1960) whispers: I am not here too often lately, so I don't think I deserve such honour
Slek(1994) whispers: wir konnen zu Deutsch wechsen
8...Nf6 (9:22)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: sehr gerne, eine recht interessante Partie
blore(1817) whispers: schachbjm are you German? your login ID sounds German!!
Slek(1994) whispers: Nf4 and white will invade e6
alexmontes(1960) whispers: schach is chess in german
blore(1817) whispers: Aga... and it is adrejez in espagnol?!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: ja, komme aus Deutschland :)
Slek(1994) whispers: yes, and "echecs" in french
blore(1817) whispers: the word nine means "no"?
Slek(1994) whispers: "Nein"
blore(1817) whispers: my French is not great but enough to know the word echecs
Slek(1994) whispers: my Tamil is not great but enough to know the word thevidia
blore(1817) whispers: I heard a joke recently of an Indian who visited Germany and took a taxi
9.e5 (3:08)
blore(1817) whispers: he mentioned the area the taxi guy asked "numero" which the Indian understood
alexmontes(1960) whispers: like my graphics card
schachbjm(2421) whispers: J'ai la chance de parler quatre langues, fran ais, allemand, espagnol et anglais
Slek(1994) whispers: ich auch!
blore(1817) whispers: he replied nine, the taxi driver thought he said "no" and was stunned
blore(1817) whispers: after two or three iterations the Indian showed nine fingers and said nine
blore(1817) whispers: finally mission was accomplished
alexmontes(1960) whispers: thank god it was not nr 21
blore(1817) whispers: that is how I learnt the word a few days ago
blore(1817) whispers: lol
9...Ne4 (3:09)
blore(1817) whispers: some German I K owe from before is ich bien hungres
schachbjm(2421) whispers: German Crashkurs:
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Guten Tag!/Hallo!(informal)/Gruess Gott (Good Morning)
blore(1817) whispers: :)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Danke/Dankeschoen (Thank You)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Bitte (You are welcome)
blore(1817) whispers: danke schachbjm!!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Wie geht es dir? (How are you?)
blore(1817) whispers: bd3
blore(1817) whispers: how to find a good chess move using Spanish or German?!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: movie?
Slek(1994) whispers: the Berlin defense?
10.Nf4 (2:33)
blore(1817) whispers: no... it was a joke (blague) I meant move now movie
schachbjm(2421) whispers: All of you should read the famous Schachnovelle (The Royal Game) by Stefan Zweig
Slek(1994) whispers: in french it's called "le joueur d'echecs" (the chess player)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: do you have read it?
blore(1817) whispers: je suis trop bruyant pendent les jeus de league du equipe
blore(1817) whispers: how was that attempt at French, slek?
10...Nc6 (2:42)
Slek(1994) whispers: "bavard" instead of "bruyant" and "parties" instead of "jeus" (the plural of "jeu" is "jeux")
Slek(1994) whispers: what an interesting position
schachbjm(2421) whispers: slek, can you recommend me a few French books
blore(1817) whispers: d'accord, Merci poir ensigner moi
Slek(1994) whispers: novels?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I would really like to refresh my french
schachbjm(2421) whispers: novels or crimes or fantasy
Slek(1994) whispers: there is the comic book "Achille Talon"
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Merci beaucoup!
11.Bb5 (2:29)
Slek(1994) whispers: maybe the series "comissaire maigret" by Simenon
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I have heard of that one
blore(1817) whispers: ensigner ou aprendre? je n'pas comprendre que est bonne a metre contexte
Slek(1994) whispers: "le pere Goriot" by Balzac is a nice read
schachbjm(2421) whispers: it is belguique, right?
Slek(1994) whispers: "apprendre" means both "to teach" and "to learn". I thought Simenon was from France but I may be wrong
Slek(1994) whispers: as per wikipedia, he's from Belgium: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Simenon
11...O-O (2:33)
alexmontes(1960) whispers: wow
blore(1817) whispers: Mon niveau de echecs est plus contrair de niveau MA francais
12.Bxc6 (1:08)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: is L tranger a recommendation?
12...bxc6 (0:09)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: l etranger
Slek(1994) whispers: L'etranger? From Camus? Yeah it's a good book
schachbjm(2421) whispers: FICS does not accept apostrophes
alexmontes(1960) whispers: tales from Maupassant are also ok
blore(1817) whispers: J'espere que ma niveau de echecs ete plus ma Anglia, bien tot
Slek(1994) whispers: some FM who lives 5 minutes away from my place gave me some Camus book last week actually
Slek(1994) whispers: somehow I hate Maupassant... having had to study him in middle school made me sick of him
Slek(1994) whispers: Alex tienes libros en Castillano a recomendar?
alexmontes(1960) whispers: cien anyos de soledad, although it may get a bit long
13.Qd3 (3:20)
Slek(1994) whispers: quien es el autor?
alexmontes(1960) whispers: el lazarillo de tormes, although not sure if the language is a bit archaic or if may found a version in "current" spanish
alexmontes(1960) whispers: cien anyos de soledad, gabriel garcia marquez. it's one of the classics of latin-american literature
alexmontes(1960) whispers: some of the books by Ildefonso Falcones like La Catedral del Mar, it's Barcelona in the middle age
schachbjm(2421) whispers: La sombra del viento/El juego del a'ngel/El Prisionero del Cielo/El laberinto de los espiritus de Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Slek(1994) whispers: oh, la sombra del viento lo leie en Ingles
blore(1817) whispers: Justin!!!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I read it in German and even though I do not like translations usually, it was a stunning novel
Slek(1994) whispers: I somehow managed to pick spanish by living in spain without studying most but now my vocabulary is lacking
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: 187 hello blore
Slek(1994) whispers: Justin!
Slek(1994) whispers: *studying much
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: hello
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: been playing fide rated chess
alexmontes(1960) whispers: Almudena Grandes also has some very nice novels
blore(1817) whispers: whatever French I know is learnt similarly while living in Paris... but severely handicapped
blore(1817) whispers: nice!! in London or else where?!
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: I learned from Barcelona I know enough Spanish to live there. Kind of surprising
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: in Reading South England
blore(1817) whispers: reading what?
Slek(1994) whispers: Reading is a town in England
blore(1817) whispers: lol I K owe it is a city
SpudWeb(1955) whispers: http://www.4nclresults.co.uk/2017-18/4ncl/6/4s/export/
schachbjm(2421) whispers: would you like to have some German book recommendations as well?
blore(1817) whispers: I like Russian crime and punishment rendered in English
blore(1817) whispers: any Russians here?!
13...Ba6 (7:31)
Slek(1994) whispers: lol a team is called "Throw in the Tal"
blore(1817) whispers: c4 now?!
Slek(1994) whispers: hmm what's the name of that book about a boy who plays drum and can shout super high?
blore(1817) whispers: c4 serves no purpose
Slek(1994) whispers: Qb3+ and Ne6 no?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Ba6 came as a surprise
blore(1817) whispers: that is right
Slek(1994) whispers: oooh... Qb3+ Kh8 Ne6 Bh4+
alexmontes(1960) whispers: where I live there is a crossing between Talstrasse and Pelikanstrasse. Neither of them have anything to do with Tal or Pelikan
Slek(1994) whispers: after that g3 Nxg3, and if hxg3 Bxg3+ leads to mate
Slek(1994) whispers: of course there is NxQ after Nxg3..
Slek(1994) whispers: but there might be some nasty discovery
schachbjm(2421) whispers: is not Qxa6 Qxd4 Nd3 just fine for white?
Slek(1994) whispers: lol I didnt even consider Qxa6
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qb3+ Kh8 Ne6 Qd7! and black has to do better
Slek(1994) whispers: after Qxa6 Qxd4 there is also Qe2
14.Qxa6 (5:26)
Slek(1994) whispers: either thatDay hallucinated or he has something deep
blore(1817) whispers: qh4+ is strong
schachbjm(2421) whispers: it is still not easy
schachbjm(2421) whispers: your Qb3+ Kh8 Ne6 line would have lead to a winning position for black, just to show how easy it is to blunder here
blore(1817) whispers: the deepest concept in chess was developed in India
blore(1817) whispers: it works in all kinds of positions. it is called maya
14...Qxd4 (1:55)
Slek(1994) whispers: Qh4+ is illegal
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I do not like Qe2
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qe2 Bh4+ g3 Nxg3 hxg3 Bxg3+ Kf1 Bxf4 and black should have enough material
15.Nd3 (0:45)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: after Nd3 white can play Kd1 after Bh4+
blore(1817) whispers: oh yes!! I missed that the Bishop was in the queens way
Slek(1994) whispers: maybe instead of Qxd4 there was Bb4+ c3 Qh4+
blore(1817) whispers: that allows Nf2+ and nxh1
Slek(1994) whispers: Matan is strong in tactical melees
blore(1817) whispers: yes matan thrives in these combinations
15...Bh4+ (2:20)
blore(1817) whispers: g3 is preferable to kd1
Slek(1994) whispers: Kd1 Nf2+ loses for white (the Nd3 is pinned)
16.g3 (2:01)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I am looking at two crazy moves right now
schachbjm(2421) whispers: :)
Slek(1994) whispers: is f4 one of those moves?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2421) whispers: and Bg5 the other
blore(1817) whispers: bg5 is snubbed by bf4!!??
16...Nxg3 (2:02)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Bg5 in order to take blacks DSB out of the position with f4 Bxf4 Rxf4 in order to give a perpetual check with Qe3+
17.hxg3 (0:32)
Slek(1994) whispers: instead of going for schach's crazy moves, ThatDay is playing very boringly and sacrificing a second piece
schachbjm(2421) whispers: but no way that I would have played one of them
schachbjm(2421) whispers: too risky and so easy to miss sth.
schachbjm(2421) whispers: observer bonus :)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qe4 Qxh1 here right?
Slek(1994) whispers: oh right
schachbjm(2421) whispers: ThatDay is playing very boringly and sacrificing a second piece
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Made my day :D
17...Qe4+ (1:19)
Slek(1994) whispers: now Kd2 QxR gxh4 no?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: wait a sec
schachbjm(2421) whispers: did I have missed that Kd2 Bxg3 traps the rook
schachbjm(2421) whispers: well Rh5, but then black has a massive attack
Slek(1994) whispers: there's Rf1 no?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Rf1 Qg2+
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Rg1 might be possible
18.Kd2 (2:05)
alexmontes(1960) whispers: I was looking at Kd2 Bg5
Slek(1994) whispers: but then Kc3 QxR BxQ no?
blore(1817) whispers: kd2 bg5 nf4!!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: but even sth. "crazy" like Rg1 Bf2?! with the idea to deflect the knight in order to give a check on d8
blore(1817) whispers: qxr bxb bot bxq
Slek(1994) whispers: in this position any move is basically crazy
Slek(1994) whispers: yes BxB
schachbjm(2421) whispers: so Bg3 Rg1 Bf2 Nxf2 Rfd8+ Nd3 Qf4+ and I think white survives
18...Qxh1 (2:11)
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qxh1 might be needed
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I do not get Bg5 or Bxg3 to work
blore(1817) whispers: now qe1 checkmate rxe1 bxe1 check kxe1
Slek(1994) whispers: very boring play by thatday...
schachbjm(2421) whispers: I have already voted for my game of the week
schachbjm(2421) whispers: ...
schachbjm(2421) whispers: but when it continues like that I ll do a change
blore(1817) whispers: really spectacular game this!!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qc4+
schachbjm(2421) whispers: bringing the queen near to the king and then taking on h4
Slek(1994) whispers: after gxh4 black f and g pawns are monsters
schachbjm(2421) whispers: agreed
schachbjm(2421) whispers: Qc4+ Kh8 gxh g3 is not clear to me
blore(1817) whispers: draw agreed? or monsters agreed?!
schachbjm(2421) whispers: who talked about a draw here?
schachbjm(2421) whispers: :)
Slek(1994) whispers: after Qc4+ Kh8 I wonder is b3 is not an option
schachbjm(2421) whispers: no since there is Bg5+
blore(1817) whispers: it is me... before you go attacking poor mcstorytaller
Matan lost connection; game adjourned *


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