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execomp(2526) vs. ranjanmallick(1872) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2017-11-07

exeComp(2526) whispers: This is Stockfish 281017
1.c4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:00) g6 (0:01) 3.g3 (0:00) Bg7 (0:02) 4.Bg2 (0:00) O-O (0:03) 5.e4 (0:00) d6 (0:02) 6.Nge2 (0:00) e5 (0:01) 7.d3 (0:00) c5 (0:01)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=20 score=0.23 time=35.89 node=6379878 speed=177761 pv=O-O Nc6 h3 a6 f4 exf4 Nxf4 Bd7 Be3 Ne5 a4 Re8 Nfd5 Nxd5 Nxd5 Be6 a5 Bxd5 exd5 f5 Bf4
8.O-O (0:36) Nc6 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=20 score=0.24 time=66.71 node=11721321 speed=175705 pv=Rb1 h6 Nd5 Rb8 Be3 Bd7 Nec3 Nxd5 Nxd5 h5 a3 Bg4 Qd2 Nd4 Bxd4 cxd4 f4 exf4 gxf4 Bd7
9.Rb1 (1:07) Nd4 (0:06)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=21 score=0.29 time=18.37 node=3493385 speed=190167 pv=b4 b6 bxc5 dxc5 Nxd4 exd4 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Bf5 g4 Bd7 Bf4 Re8 h3 Be5 Qd2 Bxf4 Qxf4 Rb8 Rfe1 Rxe1+ Rxe1 b5 Qg3 bxc4
10.b4 (0:18) b6 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=19 score=0.31 time=4.72 node=925802 speed=196144 pv=bxc5 bxc5 Bg5 Ne6 Bd2 Nd4 f4 exf4 Nxf4 Bg4 Qe1 Nh5 Nfd5 Qd7 Rf2 Be6 Bg5 h6 Be3 Rab8 Bf1 g5 Rxb8 Rxb8 Bg2
11.bxc5 (0:05) bxc5 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=22 score=0.29 time=38.59 node=7756381 speed=200994 pv=Bg5 Ne6 Bxf6 Bxf6 f4 Bd7 f5 Nc7 h4 Rb8 Rxb8 Qxb8 Qc1 h5 Qa3 Kg7 Bh3 a6 Qc1 Qc8 Kh2 Qd8 fxg6 Bxh3 Kxh3 fxg6 Kg2 Qd7 a4
12.Bg5 (0:39) Be6 (0:10)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=21 score=0.59 time=14.59 node=2970947 speed=203628 pv=Nxd4 cxd4 Nd5 Bxd5 cxd5 Qd7 Qf3 Nh5 g4 Nf4 Bxf4 exf4 Qxf4 Rfc8 Qg3 Rc2 f4 Re8 g5 Rxa2 Rf2 Rxf2 Qxf2 f5
13.Nxd4 (0:15) cxd4 (0:04)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=24 score=0.58 time=29.07 node=6126438 speed=210747 pv=Nd5 Bxd5 cxd5 Qd7 Qb3 Rfc8 Bd2 Rc7 h3 Rac8 Rb2 Qe7 Qa3 h6 Rfb1 Nd7 h4 Nc5 Bh3 Rf8 Ba5 Rb7 Rxb7 Nxb7 Bb4 Nc5 Bxc5
14.Nd5 (0:29) Bxd5 (0:04)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=21 score=0.71 time=8.75 node=1883277 speed=215231 pv=cxd5 Qd7 Qb3 Rfc8 Bd2 Rc7 Rb2 a5 Rfb1 a4 Qd1 Qc8 Rb6 Bf8 f4 Nd7 Bh3 Qd8 Rc6 Nc5 Qc2 Rb8 Rxb8 Qxb8 a3 h5 Bb4 exf4 gxf4
15.cxd5 (0:09) Rc8 (0:06)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=22 score=0.78 time=34.99 node=7612845 speed=217572 pv=Qa4 h6 Bd2 Qd7 Qa6 Rc2 Bb4 Rd8 Rfc1 Rxc1+ Rxc1 Bf8 a3 h5 h4 Rb8 Qc6 a5 Bd2 Rb3 Bg5 Qe7 Qa4 Rc3 Rxc3 dxc3
16.Qa4 (0:35) a5 (0:10)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=21 score=1.32 time=15.46 node=3437088 speed=222321 pv=Rfc1 Rxc1+ Bxc1 Qd7 Qxa5 Qc8 Qa4 Nd7 Ba3 Nc5 Qc4 f5 Bxc5 Qxc5 Qxc5 dxc5 a4 Ra8 exf5 gxf5 d6 Rd8 Bd5+ Kf8 Rb6 e4 dxe4
17.Rfc1 (0:15) Rc3 (0:09)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=22 score=1.99 time=16.41 node=3699683 speed=225452 pv=Rxc3 dxc3 Bh3 h6 Be3 Nh7 Qc2 f5 Qxc3 f4 Bb6 Qf6 Qxa5 Ng5 Bg2 fxg3 hxg3 h5 Qe1 Nf3+ Bxf3 Qxf3 Bc7 h4 Qe3 hxg3 Qxf3 Rxf3 fxg3 Rxg3+ Kf2 Rxd3 Bxd6
18.Rxc3 (0:16) dxc3 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=2.04 time=39.12 node=8851301 speed=226260 pv=Bh3 h6 Be3 Nh7 Qc2 f5 Qxc3 h5 Rb7 Ng5 Bxg5 Qxg5 Qc7 Qf6 exf5 a4 Rb6 gxf5 Rxd6 Qg5 Rb6 e4 dxe4 fxe4 Be6+ Kh8 Rb8 Qd2 Rxf8+ Bxf8 Qc8
19.Bh3 (0:39) Qc7 (0:25)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=21 score=2.57 time=14.18 node=3282547 speed=231491 pv=Qc6 Qd8 Be3 h5 Bb6 Qa8 Rc1 c2 Rxc2 Qb8 Bf1 Ne8 a4 f5 Bxa5 fxe4 dxe4 Qb3 Bg2 Bh6 h3 Qb1+ Kh2 Nf6 Bc7
20.Qc6 (0:14) Ne8 (0:43)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=24 score=3.71 time=14.57 node=3885293 speed=266663 pv=Rb7 Qxc6 dxc6 d5 c7 Nxc7 Rxc7 d4 Rb7 f5 exf5 gxf5 Kf1 h5 Bc1 Kh7 Ke2 Kg6 Kd1 Bf6 Rb6 Rf7 Kc2 Rh7 Bg2 h4 Bd5 hxg3
21.Rb7 (0:15) Qxc6 (0:25)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=3.77 time=5.50 node=1466468 speed=266630 pv=dxc6 d5 c7 Nxc7 Rxc7 d4 Rb7 h6 Bc1 Ra8 Kf1 Bf8 Ke2 g5 Kd1 Ra6 Kc2 Kg7 Rb5 Bd6 a4 Kf6 Bd7 Kg6 Rd5 Kg7 Be8 g4
22.dxc6 (0:06) Bf6 (0:38)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=4.81 time=12.66 node=3618735 speed=285840 pv=c7 Nxc7 Bxf6 Na6 Rb3 c2 Rc3 Nb4 Be7 Ra8 Bxd6 Ra6 Bxb4 axb4 Rxc2 Ra3 Bf1 Kg7 Kg2 h5 Be2 Kh6 Kf3 g5 Ke3 f6 Rb2 Kg6 f4 g4 Bd1 Kh6
23.c7 (0:13) Nxc7 (0:18)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=24 score=4.81 time=5.50 node=1637372 speed=297704 pv=Bxf6 Na6 Rb3 c2 Rc3 Nb4 Be7 Nxd3 Rxc2 Rb8 Bf1 Rb1 Rc8+ Kg7 Bxd6 f5 Rc7+ Kg8 exf5 gxf5 Ra7 e4 Rxa5 Kf7 Ra7+ Ke6 Bf8 h5 Ra6+ Kf7 Bh6 Rb2 a4 Nxf2 Bc4+ Ke7 Bg5+ Ke8
24.Bxf6 (0:06) Ne6 (0:35)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=25 score=6.13 time=13.10 node=5717341 speed=436438 pv=Bxe6 c2 Bxf7+ Rxf7 Rb8+ Rf8 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bg5 d5 Kf1 a4 exd5 Ke8 Ke2 Kd7 Kf3 Kc7 Bd2 Kb7 Ke4 Kb6 Kxe5 Kb7 Bc1 Kc8 Be3 Kd7 Bd2 Kc7
25.Bxe6 (0:13) c2 (0:01)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=6.23 time=4.60 node=2048332 speed=445289 pv=Bxf7+ Rxf7 Rb8+ Rf8 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bg5 Ke8 Kf1 Kd7 Ke2 Kc6 Kd2 c1=R Kxc1 Kb5 Kc2 Kc5 Be3+ Kb4 Bd2+ Ka4 f4 exf4 Bxf4 Kb5 Bxd6 Kc6 Be5
26.Bxf7+ (0:05) Rxf7 (0:06)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=24 score=6.46 time=18.27 node=7848728 speed=429596 pv=Rb8+ Rf8 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bg5 a4 Kf1 Kf7 Ke2 Ke6 Kd2 c1=Q+ Kxc1 Kd7 Kc2 Kc6 Kc3 Kc5 Be3+ Kb5 f4 exf4 gxf4 h5 f5 gxf5 exf5 Kc6 Kc4 Kd7 Kd5
27.Rb8+ (0:18) Rf8 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=22 score=6.47 time=5.18 node=2251883 speed=434726 pv=Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bg5 d5 Kf1 Ke8 Ke2 Kd7 Kd2 c1=Q+ Kxc1 Kc6 Kc2 Kc5 Be3+ Kc6 Kb3 h6 Bxh6 Kc5 Be3+ Kd6 exd5 Kxd5 Bb6 a4+ Kxa4 e4
28.Rxf8+ (0:05) Kxf8 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=26 score=6.45 time=30.35 node=12368076 speed=407514 pv=Bg5 Kg7 Kf1 h6 Bc1 a4 Ke2 g5 Kd2 Kf7 Kxc2 Ke6 Kc3 d5 Kb4 Kd6 exd5 Kxd5 Be3 h5 Kxa4 h4 Kb5 e4 dxe4+ Ke5 Kb4 hxg3 hxg3 g4
29.Bg5 (0:30) Ke8 (0:05)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=24 score=6.78 time=21.24 node=8926658 speed=420275 pv=Kf1 Kd7 Ke2 Kc6 Kd2 c1=R Kxc1 Kc5 Kc2 a4 Be3+ Kb4 f4 exf4 gxf4 Kb5 Kc3 h5 Kd4 Kc6 Bd2 h4 Bb4 d5 exd5+ Kd7 Bc5 h3 Ke5 Kc7
30.Kf1 (0:21) Kd7 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=6.86 time=9.77 node=3950521 speed=404352 pv=Ke2 Kc6 Kd2 c1=R Kxc1 a4 Kb2 d5 exd5+ Kxd5 Ka3 e4 dxe4+ Ke5 Kxa4 Kd4 Be3+ Ke5 Ka5 h5 Kb4 Ke6 a4 Kf6 a5 Kf7 Bg5 Ke6
31.Ke2 (0:10) d5 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=23 score=7.04 time=12.18 node=5109709 speed=419516 pv=Kd2 c1=Q+ Kxc1 Kd6 Kc2 a4 Kc3 dxe4 dxe4 Kc5 Be7+ Kb5 Bf6 Kc6 Bxe5 Kd7 f4 Ke6 Kb4 h5 Kc5 Ke7 Kd5 Kf7 Bd4 Ke7 e5
32.Kd2 (0:12) dxe4 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=26 score=7.48 time=14.98 node=6403003 speed=427436 pv=dxe4 c1=R Kxc1 a4 Kb2 Kd6 Kc3 Kc5 Be7+ Kc6 Kb4 Kd7 Bc5 Kc6 Be3 a3 Kxa3 g5 Kb4 h5 a4 g4 Bg5 h4 gxh4 Kd6 Be3 g3 hxg3 Kc6
33.dxe4 (0:15) h5 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=25 score=9.76 time=13.30 node=5765847 speed=433522 pv=Kxc2 Kd6 Kc3 Kc5 a4 Kb6 Kc4 Kc6 Bd8 Kd7 Bxa5 Kc6 Bb4 g5 a5 h4 g4 Kb7 Kb5 Kc7 Bc5 Kb8 Kc6 Ka8 a6 Kb8 Kb6 Ka8 Bd6 h3
34.Kxc2 (0:13) Kc6 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=30 score=16.74 time=13.98 node=6227081 speed=445427 pv=a4 Kd6 Kc3 Kc7 Kc4 Kc6 Bd2 Kd6 Bxa5 Kc6 Bb4 g5 Bc5 Kc7 Kd5 Kd7 Kxe5 Kc6 Bb4 h4 g4 h3 Kf6 Kb6 e5 Kb7 Kf7 Kc6 e6 Kd5 e7 Kc4 Ba5 Kc5
35.a4 (0:14) Kc5 (0:02)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=31 score=59.13 time=15.14 node=6685750 speed=441595 pv=Kc3 Kd6 Kc4 Kc6 Bd2 Kd6 Bxa5 Kc6 Bb4 g5 Bc5 Kd7 Kd5 Kd8 Kxe5 Ke8 Bb4 h4 g4 Kd7 Kf6 Kc6 e5 Kd5 e6 Ke4 e7 Kf3 Kxg5 h3 e8=Q Kxf2 Qe5 Kf3 Qg3+ Ke4 Qxh3 Kd5 Qd3+ Kc6 Qb5+ Kc7
36.Kc3 (0:15) Kd6 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=32 score=59.25 time=8.46 node=3594671 speed=424902 pv=Kc4 Kc6 Bd2 Kd6 Bxa5 Kc6 Bb4 g5 Bc5 Kd7 Kd5 h4 g4 Kc7 Kxe5 Kc6 Bb4 Kd7 Kf6 Kc6 Ke6 h3 Kf6 Kc7 e5 Kc6 e6 Kd5 e7 Kc4 Bd2 Kb3 e8=Q Kc2 Bxg5 Kb3 Qb5+ Kc3 Qc5+ Kb3 Qe3+ Kxa4
37.Kc4 (0:08) Kc6 (0:03)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=30 score=132.55 time=15.58 node=6676470 speed=428528 pv=Bh6 Kd6 Bd2 Ke6 Bg5 Kd6 Kb5 Kd7 Kc5 Kc8 Kd5 Kc7 Kxe5 Kc6 Kf6 Kc5 e5 Kb4 e6 Kxa4 e7 Kb4 Bd2+ Kb5 e8=Q+ Kc4 Bxa5 Kd3 Kxg6 Kd4 Qe2 Kc5 Qxh5+ Kd4 Kf6 Ke4 Qe2+ Kd4 Kg5 Kd5 Qd3+ Kc5 Kf6
38.Bh6 (0:16) RanjanMallick offers a draw. 38...Kb6 (0:12)
exeComp(2526) whispers: depth=31 score=99.51 time=13.34 node=5664214 speed=424603 pv=Kd5 Kc7 Bg5 Kd7 Kxe5 Kc6 Kf6 Kc5 e5 Kb4 e6 Kxa4 e7 Kb4 Kxg6 Kc5 e8=Q Kd4 Kxh5 Kd3 Qe3+ Kc4 Qe4+ Kc5 Qa4 Kd5 Qxa5+ Kc4 Qe5 Kd3 Qd5+ Kc2 Qb5 Kd1 Be3 Kc2 Qc4+ Kd1 Qd3+ Ke1 Qd2+ Kf1 Kg4 exeComp declines the draw request.
39.Kd5 (0:13) RanjanMallick resigns 1-0


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