litovec(1740) vs. mgoo(1729) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2007-05-13
MGoo(1729) whispers: well according to my research e4 is unprecendeted by Lito c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:14) e6 (0:25) 3.d4 (0:11) cxd4 (0:08) 4.Nxd4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:16) 5.Nc3 (0:04)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: greetings d6 (0:08)
Implications(1733) whispers: Milla Jojovich is hot. 6.Be2 (0:10)
Implications(1733) whispers: Jovovich even. Be7 (0:29)
Implications(1733) whispers: What is this? Scheveningen?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: hello fellow chess addicts and welcome to another episode :)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: looks like it
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: not a6 is it?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: pelikan?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no
Thalagor(1913) whispers: pelikan = sveshnikov
Thalagor(1913) whispers: this looks like the scheveningen to me
Thalagor(1913) whispers: with a6 it would be an e6 najdorf
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: what is sveshnikov
Implications(1733) whispers: Haven't seen a Scheveningen in yonks.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: but why didn'
SCUGrad(1539) whispers: It is the schevenigen
pollock(2061) whispers: i guess i could spare 10 minutes to watch an entire litovec game
Thalagor(1913) whispers: t white play g4?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: haha pollock :)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lol pollock
Implications(1733) whispers: LOL pollock.
Implications(1733) whispers: When was white supposed to play g4?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: the sveshnikov = e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cd Nd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: instead of Be2
Thalagor(1913) whispers: right?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or am me mind just drifting 7.O-O (1:43)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: long time ago since I looked at the Keres
Implications(1733) whispers: Be2 looks solid enough. O-O (0:14)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: indeed, but the Keres attack is quite nice as well
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: but how come a6 is not played?
Implications(1733) whispers: g4 would have been fun. 8.Be3 (0:15) Nc6 (0:11)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: white can play Nb5 and transpose to a different scilian right?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: so Nb5 is useless in this variation?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: you're thinking of transposing into the sveshnikov through the.... Kan? Taimanov?
Implications(1733) whispers: f4 is probably theory now.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: taimanov i think
Thalagor(1913) whispers: well, I can see no reason for Nb5 here
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: yes F4 is the main move
Implications(1733) whispers: Every Sicilian has an f4 somewhere.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hehe
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: not here...but before
Thalagor(1913) whispers: still wouldn't give anything
Thalagor(1913) whispers: you need the B on f4 to try to provoke e5
pollock(2061) whispers: bf4 nxd4 qxd4 would provoke e5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: we're talking about earlier
pollock(2061) whispers: alright :)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: but true, if ye want to give away a piece to get black to play e5 :P
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I agree, it would have provoked me ;)
Implications(1733) whispers: LOL pollock.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i am new to scilian so...dunno the theory 9.Kh1 (3:02)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Kh1 looks superflous (spelling?)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: even GM's struggle with all the theory in the Sicilian lines
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Kh1 is not necesary here ahha
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Pacey; black often has good endgame, while white has a nice N on d4 and more space
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Still tlaking baout chess, eh?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: there is just SOOOO much of it
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i see...
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Get a life people Nxd4 (1:01) 10.Bxd4 (0:03)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: and talk about Eurovision instead?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: so white will try to make things complicated, and mate black. Black will just try to hang on
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: yeah
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: or poetry
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no way d00d, sweden didn't get any points :( b6 (0:33)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and our song ruled ;)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Yeah I am out of my mind
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Bbay, I am the worrying kind
Litovec(1740) whispers: i think each of us want not to lose more than want to win
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: that should have been Britians score
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: I voted for Sweden btw 11.e5 (0:22)
Implications(1733) whispers: I really enjoy watching these 0 45 games. Lots of people talking.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: well done Magnus :P
Implications(1733) whispers: And it's all over within an hour.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: yeah people are talking despite your trolls
Thalagor(1913) whispers: e5 looks bad
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: this is a litovec game could well be less than an hour
Litovec(1740) whispers: mmmmmmmmmoitva
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: omg Lito is provoking me
Implications(1733) whispers: What's a moitva?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: watch Eurovision next time!
Implications(1733) whispers: I'd rather watch chess. dxe5 (1:27)
Litovec(1740) whispers: i like my bf3 shortly 12.Bxe5 (0:06)
Implications(1733) whispers: Good chess, good food, the world's a perfect place.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: why is e5 bad? because white have no central play?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: yes, and black can trade down into an ending
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Imp that's all you live for?
pollock(2061) whispers: dont think its bad as such
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: I's rather pluck my eyes out with a rusty spoon
Thalagor(1913) whispers: in principle it shouldn't be good at all, since it gives up white's advantages while retaining blacks
pollock(2061) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: eating and playing chess>
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bb7
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: is that Imp? This is what it's al labout? Eating, drinking, @#$%ing, sucing, snorting?
Implications(1733) whispers: Everything else is extraneous, HM.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: training
Implications(1733) whispers: I don't know what you're talking about, HM, after the eating part you went all weird.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: come on mates, ye forgot training
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: in theory Mgoo shouldn't play b6 but Bd7 right?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: b6 looked weird, aye
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: it does...
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: man people you don't watch tv at all?
Implications(1733) whispers: Black looks quite nice here.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or, as ye said before, a6, but I'm not that well versed in these lines
Implications(1733) whispers: Bb7 = ?
pollock(2061) whispers: gets bishop on the diagonal with whites king fast
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bb7 looks good to me
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bf3 is nicely met with Qxd1
pollock(2061) whispers: and use the other tempo elsewhere
Thalagor(1913) whispers: innit?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: one more remark about chess and I am going to unob this game Bb7 (2:33)
Implications(1733) whispers: What does Qxd1 do, Thalagor?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: cheesy chess on a cheesy chessily morning ? ^o)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: trading to the endgame
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: its a rather atypical Sicilian game isn't it? with a lot of the central tension resolved early
Thalagor(1913) whispers: yes, and white needs to recap with the B if he has played Bf3
pollock(2061) whispers: bf3 qxd1 either distracts bishop to d1 or doubles pawns on f3
Thalagor(1913) whispers: yes
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: to be honest the kan variation is the most flexible system for black
Litovec(1740) whispers: nb5 for first look
Implications(1733) whispers: Didn't you tell us before you didn't know anything about Sicilian pacey?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: it's Scheveningen actually
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: well i just started to learn it....
Thalagor(1913) whispers: that's why he's so sure of himself ;)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Fritz is putting this game dead equal
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i played a few in blitz game haha
Litovec(1740) whispers: bad thing is that he can remove queen from exchange better way that i can
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: we know hypermagnus play the marozy bind in the open scilian also haha
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: hahaha wrong
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bd3?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: I play crap vs Sicilian. SOmetiems it works, usually it doesn't
pollock(2061) whispers: seems a little late to develop a kingside attack
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: we are looking forward to a endgame already
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bd3 looks like the only move to me
KiranY(2004) whispers: then d5 becomes weak..
Thalagor(1913) whispers: maybe it is a bit too late, but what else is here?
Litovec(1740) whispers: things like nb5 qc8 ... with posible rfd8 and qc6
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: lol if you start finding only moves in THIS position soemthuing is not ok
Thalagor(1913) whispers: well, let me rephrase. What other plan is there?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: are you asking white plan or blacks plan
Implications(1733) whispers: Push the queenside majority.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Bf3
Thalagor(1913) whispers: it's too far back, weak 13.Nb5 (5:18)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: isn't Bf3 strongy answered by Qxd1?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and this is just tricks
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: That's the point
pollock(2061) whispers: frees c pawn for pushing
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: I allow my opponent to double my pawns
KiranY(2004) whispers: followed by c3 and Qc2.. then Rad1
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: then crush him
Thalagor(1913) whispers: haha
Thalagor(1913) whispers: the queenside pawns here are more easily subject to a minority attack than becoming strong
Implications(1733) whispers: 1) Get doubled pawns. 2) ??? 3) Victory!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: since white has no play on the Q-side
pollock(2061) whispers: double pawns while trading queen and likely all rooks after rd8?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: yeah, people usually think, oh he's got doubled pawns, i am gonna rip his position apart
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: well we need piece play not pawn push i think
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ^o)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: WRONG
pollock(2061) whispers: lol
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no, contest the d-file
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: I once won an equal endgame with tripled pawns
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :O
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: haha.....
pollock(2061) whispers: wooooo
pollock(2061) whispers: go hyper!
Implications(1733) whispers: He neglects to mention the pawns were on h7, h6, h5 and black's king was on a1.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: yeah I r0xx0r like f0xx0r in a b0xx0r
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hahaha :D
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: hahahahha amazing
Thalagor(1913) whispers: yeah, that would explain it imp ;)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: still trolling eh
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: i said equal
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: those triple pawns are weakness aren't they
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: ahha
Implications(1733) whispers: WHat compensation makes tripled pawns equal?
Implications(1733) whispers: Up a piece?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Imp, you always make remarks about my play
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: why don't ou play me and show how tough you are big boi Qd5 (3:38)
Implications(1733) whispers: Now you're trolling, I haven't talked about your play at all. 14.Qxd5 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: you didn't now, but you frequently do
Thalagor(1913) whispers: now this looks bad
Implications(1733) whispers: Bad for who?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: for?
gile(1701) whispers: bad wor who?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: don't it?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or rather, this doesn't look like best shot for black
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: don't you what>?
Implications(1733) whispers: If that's the case, HM, you should challenge me when I make a pass at your play instead of when I'm not.
pollock(2061) whispers: go go c4
spendius(1804) whispers: Nxd5 Bf3 I guess Nxd5 (0:52)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: you know, usually i am playing a game while you do that so i physically can not
Thalagor(1913) whispers: why did black play this? no need....
gile(1701) whispers: LOL:)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: but you enjoy trolling, i noticed that
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: what's wrong with it
Implications(1733) whispers: Ho convenient, HM, so many excuses on how you cannot call me on my "trolling".
spendius(1804) whispers: go Lito
Thalagor(1913) whispers: it feels like white's pieces get to life
Litovec(1740) whispers: bf3 ...
Litovec(1740) whispers: c4 then
spendius(1804) whispers: Bf3 ..
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: see you are trolling again
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Imp can I ask who you are supporting? 15.Bf3 (1:21)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Ba6 forced?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think bishop x d5 was slightly better
Implications(1733) whispers: It looks forced, Thalagor.
pollock(2061) whispers: ba6 c4 looks interesting
Thalagor(1913) whispers: doesnt work
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or does it?
Implications(1733) whispers: Rosmerta, who are YOU supporting?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: if c4 Bxb5
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: when i read comments to my games i get the impression like you are a GM whispering what shoudl be played
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Litovec
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: hahaa....GM imp
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: i can't remember a single move not criticized by you
Implications(1733) whispers: You want lessons, pacey?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: i am criticized for being too passive...
pollock(2061) whispers: oh bxb5 is interesting (interesting is my word to refrain from really commenting )
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: i am criticized for playing for draw
Thalagor(1913) whispers: haha
Thalagor(1913) whispers: nicely done pollock
Shefeer(1495) whispers: what if Ba6; a4?
pollock(2061) whispers: knight on d5 probably quite strong after bxb5 cxb5
pollock(2061) whispers: so looks ok
spendius(1804) whispers: Ba6 a4 looks fine
Implications(1733) whispers: I criticise everybody who plays for a draw, HM. I think you're taking it all too personally.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: move a8 rook
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: are they something like $1 a minute
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and try to hang on
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Ba6 a4 Rac8
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Yeah, I do. Because I think that you are wrong
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or something like that
Implications(1733) whispers: Then leave it at that.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think they are imp opinion not criticism
Implications(1733) whispers: Indeed, pacey.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i get free lesson?
Implications(1733) whispers: I have often berated other observers for not correcting my mistaken comments.
Implications(1733) whispers: Once I become a GM, pacey.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: pacey, i can tell the difference between opinion and criticism
Litovec(1740) whispers: hm ba6 solve his problem
Shefeer(1495) whispers: who is a GM? good mocker :)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: shefeer name is familar ay rosemerta
Shefeer(1495) whispers: ???
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: actually, i am afraid to say that, but there is an anti-HyperMagnus clique
Implications(1733) whispers: He's saying he recognises your name.
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: indeed, he lost a close match to Imp's mortal enemy
Litovec(1740) whispers: this is how good position turns to bad without moving any piece
Shefeer(1495) whispers: i know. i saw the comments from my tourney match
Implications(1733) whispers: Why do I get all the mortal enemies? :-(
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lol
Implications(1733) whispers: Hey, Rosmerta, you haven't told me who you want to wi yet.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i support Mgoo
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Litovec, she said
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: sorry I thought I did, its Litovec
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: you did
Implications(1733) whispers: Why Litovec?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: but Imp was very busy trolling
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Because Litovec is under threat of being fired, poor fellow
Implications(1733) whispers: HM, I think you should stop trying to provoke me.
Shefeer(1495) whispers: i think black will be better after Ba6 and then Rc8
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I'm not as sure
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: where is fritz rosemerta
Thalagor(1913) whispers: worst case c4 for white
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: I like his chess style and his comments are insightful
Implications(1733) whispers: It's just our fate, Rosmerta, I'm supporting MGoo this game. :-)
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: I am not provoking you
Implications(1733) whispers: Because MGoo usually plays to win.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i support mgoo because i think he lost to litovec the last time
Shefeer(1495) whispers: what is that E at the end of mgoo's rating?
Implications(1733) whispers: Yes, pacey, go the underdogs! Woooo!
Implications(1733) whispers: Estimated. His RD went below 80 then over again.
gile(1701) whispers: E for estimated
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: e means estimate
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: E = excellent?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: oh no
Implications(1733) whispers: LOL pacey.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I support Mgoo... Those scotish aussies can really play chess ;)
Shefeer(1495) whispers: :)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: means he hasn't played for a while and the rating can't be entirely trusted
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: maybe he is rated 2000 like hm
Litovec(1740) whispers: wow ... 20 users watching ... let me guess .... no u2000 games going on online ? Rac8 (7:50)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lol
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: hello?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: ahahha
Implications(1733) whispers: Give yourself more credit Lito.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm
Implications(1733) whispers: You are enjoyable to watch.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: pacey, I am actually 1800
pollock(2061) whispers: i like litovec games cause dont know what will happen
Implications(1733) whispers: Indeed, pollock.
pollock(2061) whispers: but know wont have to wait to long for it to happen
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: litovec to me is a very good fighter
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rfc1?
Implications(1733) whispers: It's like riding on a roller coaster with a screw missing...except safer.
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lmao
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: doesn't it hangs the a7 pawns?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: c2 is hanging as well
Implications(1733) whispers: Counterattack on c2.
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: Litovec starts fighting only when in bad position
Litovec(1740) whispers: rFc1
pollock(2061) whispers: it does byt yeah c2 thingy eat
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hah
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: do you fight in winning position?
Litovec(1740) whispers: what elso ...
Litovec(1740) whispers: *also
Thalagor(1913) whispers: what happends after Rfc1?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: why rfc8? rac8 isnt better?
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: no
Litovec(1740) whispers: else
Implications(1733) whispers: Bg5 I imagine.
Shefeer(1495) whispers: hmmm
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no, need to get the R away from f1 taking the sting out of Ba6
Litovec(1740) whispers: yay ... i found correct spelling
Thalagor(1913) whispers: at least, that's my reasoning
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Mgoo idea is to stop c4 haha
Implications(1733) whispers: I think MGoo is playing fine.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I think black is in trouble
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: can you please talk one at a time
Implications(1733) whispers: And Lito's game is picking up too.
spendius(1804) whispers: Nxa7
HyperMagnus(2030) whispers: my screen is going crazy
Litovec(1740) whispers: just had to remind myself that as software developer i have to now how this word writen
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: yeah...i think fics need to do something about the chatroom
spendius(1804) whispers: Nxa7 Rxc2 Rfc1
Implications(1733) whispers: c3 Rc5 Nxa7 Ra8.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: is there a need to do that?
pollock(2061) whispers: b4 is complicated after ra8
Thalagor(1913) whispers: why not just conserve threats with Rfc1?
gile(1701) whispers: I cannot follow so many comments..
pollock(2061) whispers: rc4 be2 re4 oh not its not that complicated
Litovec(1740) whispers: indeed very very first idea was c4 which is nothing but pawn gift
Implications(1733) whispers: And Rfc1 hangs the f2 pawn in your line, spendius.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i cannot either...write a letter to fics about this
Implications(1733) whispers: Rfc1 Bg5 loses a pawn, Thalagor.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: nice
spendius(1804) whispers: c3 .. looks solid
pollock(2061) whispers: maybe just c3 for now
pollock(2061) whispers: until get organised
Thalagor(1913) whispers: but we still have c4
Thalagor(1913) whispers: or Nxa7
Thalagor(1913) whispers: is that really clear?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rfc1 Bg5 c4 for example
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 ...
spendius(1804) whispers: Nxa7 Rxc2 Rac1 then
pollock(2061) whispers: nxa7 immediatally allows black to invade on c2 and have to get na7 back into game soemtime
Implications(1733) whispers: spendius, that hangs f2.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: hang on Nxa7 Rc5 Ra5 trap the knight?
pollock(2061) whispers: oh but thats interesting spendius
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 ... c4 ... rfc8 ?!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bd6?
spendius(1804) whispers: well I like more attacking than defending .. I lose when trying to defend so I would go for Na7
Implications(1733) whispers: Bd6 looks interesting, Thalagor.
spendius(1804) whispers: oh .. Nd6 maybe
Thalagor(1913) whispers: if Nd6 maybe Bd6 Bd6 Rfd8
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and black invades on c2
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 c4 rfc8# nxa7
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: the eval at epth 18 is c3 +0.13 Rfc1 -0.14
Implications(1733) whispers: Yeah, Nd6 loses a pawn.
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 c4 rfc8# nxa7 ra8
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 c4 rfc8# nxa7 ra8 ?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Ros, what does the comp want to play after Rfc1 Bg5?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Nxa7?
pollock(2061) whispers: lito found mate in 4 :)
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfc3 rc5 c4 rfc8# nxa7 ra8 ? b4
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and continues playing :)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :P
Litovec(1740) whispers: or not b4 coz nxb4
Implications(1733) whispers: LOL pollock.
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: 16.Rfc1 Bg5 17.Bxd5 Bxd5 18.Nxa7 Rc4 19.b3 Re4 20.Re1 Rxe1+ 21.Rxe1 Ra8 22.c4 Bxc4 16.Rfc1 (9:33)
Implications(1733) whispers: PMSL Thalagor.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: woopie, I guessed the move
Thalagor(1913) whispers: PMSL?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: but after bg5?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: bxd5
gile(1701) whispers: Bg5 Bxd5 Bxd5 Ff4
gile(1701) whispers: that is fritz
Implications(1733) whispers: Wow, interesting line.
Shefeer(1495) whispers: i cant see a move bxd5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hahaha, PMSL, cool abbrievation
Implications(1733) whispers: Black's rook gets chased from hell to high water.
Implications(1733) whispers: You found out what it means, THalagor?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: yes
Implications(1733) whispers: Oo
Thalagor(1913) whispers: unless it's some strange FICS abbrievation which really means
Litovec(1740) whispers: rc5 nd6 ?!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Position Move Sex League?
Implications(1733) whispers: LOL.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: instead of the 'usual' asl ;)
Litovec(1740) whispers: too easy to lose piece there
Thalagor(1913) whispers: we'll never know
Shefeer(1495) whispers: what if bg5 bxd5 bxc1 bxb7?
Implications(1733) whispers: Lito hasn't calculated Bg5 line?
Implications(1733) whispers: That gives black the short end of the stick, Shefeer.
pollock(2061) whispers: its a difficult move to spot
Implications(1733) whispers: Bg5?
pollock(2061) whispers: all plays on queenside and the bishop goes pokes its head out on kingside
pollock(2061) whispers: yep
Litovec(1740) whispers: ah cool
Implications(1733) whispers: You're just playing with my head, pollock. :-P
Litovec(1740) whispers: ah no
Litovec(1740) whispers: uh oh
Implications(1733) whispers: But Bg5 doesn't look as bad for white as it did initially.
Implications(1733) whispers: The line is certainly complicated.
Implications(1733) whispers: However, black should be better in the end. a6 (6:38)
Implications(1733) whispers: Oh, he didn't play it. :-(
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: a6 was fritz's second choice
NBZ(2010) whispers: Nd6 looks promising now
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: good on mgoo
Implications(1733) whispers: White can give black an isolated pawn now.
Implications(1733) whispers: Nc7!
Litovec(1740) whispers: mmm
Implications(1733) whispers: Hi NBZ!
Implications(1733) whispers: How's your crusade?
Implications(1733) whispers: Nc7 threatens to isolate black's pawn on d5.
Litovec(1740) whispers: c4 ?
NBZ(2010) whispers: working on it lol
Implications(1733) whispers: White would have the better endgame after Nc7, right? What does Fritz say?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: but i thought players wont see the comments 17.Nd4 (3:23)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Fritz likes Nd6 first then Nc7
Implications(1733) whispers: The comments are recorded by Watchbot so the players can read them afterwards, Shefeer.
Implications(1733) whispers: Bah, don't trust Fritz.
Implications(1733) whispers: It just likes the fact that white gets the 2 bishops.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Ba8?
NBZ(2010) whispers: that's because Fritz is trained to love the two bishops
Litovec(1740) whispers: so as implications stated at this point better player should be short on time and lose won game on time
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: on the rare occasion people that people have time to leave comments on my games they all say i PLAY TOO QUICKLY
Implications(1733) whispers: Don't twist my words, Litovec.
Litovec(1740) whispers: so nice to see there is no better player over the board for now , s both sides still have chances
derMandarin(1857) whispers: ouch guys. do not turn this interesting discussion into a figh
derMandarin(1857) whispers: fight
Implications(1733) whispers: The observation is that the person who has 1 minute left on the clock would have a decent position that then blunders into a lost one due to playing 0 45.
NBZ(2010) whispers: lol i bet litovec is trying to prove us wrong imp
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: it is different here...queens are off so early
Shefeer(1495) whispers: can litovic and mgoo hear whispers?
gile(1701) whispers: no
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: no they cannot shefeer
Shefeer(1495) whispers: then hows he responding?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: so feel free to whisper
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: he is annotating his own game while playing
Litovec(1740) whispers: f6 will be funny mistake
gile(1701) whispers: he is wispering to observers
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Lito was just responding to comments Imp made in previous games
NBZ(2010) whispers: Nd4 might be objectively a bit worse than Nd6 or Nc7, but it keeps all the tension on, and that can only be good for us :) b5 (3:32)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: lito is a funny guy so he whisper
pollock(2061) whispers: a4?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Mgoo is still restricting c4
pollock(2061) whispers: a4 b4 looks to complicated
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: should Black look to start play in the kingside where he has the pawn majority
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: u mean pushing the pawns?
pollock(2061) whispers: yeah
Litovec(1740) whispers: b3 ... ba3 ... no
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: kingside majority is not that important isn't it?
NBZ(2010) whispers: c4 is threatened now
pollock(2061) whispers: but also has nice open lines and pieces queenside
Litovec(1740) whispers: a4
Litovec(1740) whispers: ?
pollock(2061) whispers: so play slowly on kingside while restricitng queenside
Litovec(1740) whispers: a4 b4
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think black has to hold the queenside for now
NBZ(2010) whispers: Nb3-a5 looks interesting here
Shefeer(1495) whispers: f6 or g5 will kill Bg5
Litovec(1740) whispers: c3 ... then a4 ?
otc(2141) whispers: Two moves to move a N fro dead centre to the edge of the board?
pollock(2061) whispers: can expand with f6 e5 at some point but does cost the stablity on d5
NBZ(2010) whispers: or maybe just c3 to free both rooks 18.c3 (4:26)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: he played it
Implications(1733) whispers: How is this endgame supposed to be good for black?
Extraneous(1946) whispers: Now a4 next move for white!
Implications(1733) whispers: People are always saying, "Sicilian has good endgame for black," but I don't see that here.
Implications(1733) whispers: It looks fairly even.
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: I would say this is an atypicall Sicilian
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Ba8 seem ok
NBZ(2010) whispers: a5 isn't such a bad post for the knight, it dominates the light bishop from there
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think Mgoo should go for opposite colour bishop here
pollock(2061) whispers: ba8 shows long range power of bishop and also dominates the knight
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: oh no he cannot sorry..hahaha i mean exchange the bishop
pollock(2061) whispers: but the knight would be on q-sde where white is plauying
NBZ(2010) whispers: but the first priority i guess should be to improve the positioning of the rooks
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: how can the d4 post worst than the a5 post
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Fritz agrees and suggest Rfd8
pollock(2061) whispers: its not stable on d4
Shefeer(1495) whispers: only controls the b7 extra, but strays the knight
pollock(2061) whispers: e5 can eventually boot it
pollock(2061) whispers: controls c4 aswell
pollock(2061) whispers: if white ever wants to force that through but bd8 could be annoying
otc(2141) whispers: Nb3->a5 is the kind of manouvre I reject even considering, but then I am no GM of course.
NBZ(2010) whispers: in any case it is to white's advantage if the q-side pawns are marooned on a6 and b5
Shefeer(1495) whispers: how nbz?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: I know this is touchy subject, but is MGoo taking too long over this move>
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think he is thinking strategy
Implications(1733) whispers: Nah, he's got plenty of time.
Implications(1733) whispers: It's an important move.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: is Nb3 the suggestion here?
otc(2141) whispers: If fritz recommends Rfd8 what has it got planned after Rfd8 a4?
NBZ(2010) whispers: the ba8 is bad with the pawns on those squares
pollock(2061) whispers: put it into fritz and see Ba8 (11:09)
Extraneous(1946) whispers: a4 now
Shefeer(1495) whispers: fritz 10?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Ba8 runs into a4 doesnt it?
Implications(1733) whispers: Everything ran into a4.
Litovec(1740) whispers: a4 ... b4 c4
Litovec(1740) whispers: nb6
pollock(2061) whispers: black can include f6 and e5
pollock(2061) whispers: im properly to tempted by pushing pawns
Litovec(1740) whispers: bxb rxb ...
Litovec(1740) whispers: c5 19.a4 (2:13)
Shefeer(1495) whispers: always looked coming
Implications(1733) whispers: If Lito plays c5 after Nb6, MGoo would laugh all the way to the Caissa bank with Bxc5.
NBZ(2010) whispers: f6 Bg3 e5 Nf5? b4 (1:28)
NBZ(2010) whispers: no Lito did say c5 after Bxa8 Rxa8
Implications(1733) whispers: Dunno, wouldn't black want the f6 square for his knight sometime?
Litovec(1740) whispers: so
Litovec(1740) whispers: c4 nb6 bxb rxb
Implications(1733) whispers: In view of that, I think Bxa8 Nxa8 would be in order. 20.c4 (1:17)
Implications(1733) whispers: But Nf6 here should be worth considering.
Implications(1733) whispers: And MGoo falls into time trouble.
Litovec(1740) whispers: maybe nc6 at some point
Implications(1733) whispers: On move 20, incidentally. :-))
NBZ(2010) whispers: a8 is even worse for a knight then a5
Implications(1733) whispers: 20 is the new 13 in Teamleague.
pollock(2061) whispers: bb6 c5 bxc5 bxa8 may be promlematic
Shefeer(1495) whispers: after c5, wont th e black knight have a strong post at d5
Litovec(1740) whispers: and what witn my a rook ?
NBZ(2010) whispers: yeah that's true shefeer Nb6 (1:49)
Implications(1733) whispers: Black has Nxa8 there, pollock.
pollock(2061) whispers: nb6 nd7 nc5 to blockade pawn maybe 21.Bxa8 (0:09)
pollock(2061) whispers: if c5 its artificially isolated
pollock(2061) whispers: may become weak but thats hard to judge
Implications(1733) whispers: Rxa8 c5 Nd7 Bd6 Bxd6 cd I would prefer white.
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rxa8 c5 Nd7 Nc6 looks good for white
NBZ(2010) whispers: umm no, c5 hangs
Implications(1733) whispers: Nc6 allows Bxc5, NBZ.
Implications(1733) whispers: Yeah. Nxa8 (2:29)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: eval -0.48 if Nxa8 and +0.05 if Rxa8
Thalagor(1913) whispers: a5?
Implications(1733) whispers: How many ply?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: 17
Implications(1733) whispers: I'm afraid this will be a repeat of last game.
Implications(1733) whispers: MGoo has a nice position, but time trouble will be his doom.
Litovec(1740) whispers: b3 ...
pollock(2061) whispers: still ok on time
Litovec(1740) whispers: can i protect it from knight ?
pollock(2061) whispers: but can quickly change with 1 big think 22.b3 (1:25)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm
Implications(1733) whispers: Black's position is quite difficult, pollock. Even though this is endgame-ish, it's still only move 20.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: why not a5?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: to try to attack b4 and make it more difficult for black to get his a8 N into the game
Litovec(1740) whispers: rc5 ?
Implications(1733) whispers: Welcome back Thalagor!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: move the B
Thalagor(1913) whispers: howdy ho
NBZ(2010) whispers: a5 looked logical, yes
Implications(1733) whispers: Don't call me a ho. :-P
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: a5 was a very close 2nd choice for Fritz
Thalagor(1913) whispers: haha
Thalagor(1913) whispers: sorry imp ;)
Implications(1733) whispers: b3 makes sense - surround dna destroy b4 perhaps?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I disagree
pollock(2061) whispers: what was first choice for fritz?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: b3 :)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: b3
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Nb6 here
Shefeer(1495) whispers: i was first
Thalagor(1913) whispers: maybe followed by d7-c5
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lol Bc5 (1:58)
pollock(2061) whispers: yep seems like plan
Shefeer(1495) whispers: dont have fritz here either :)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm
pollock(2061) whispers: after nc5 properly worth chopping it off with bishop its a fine knight on c5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: he can't trade B vs N, so what does this move do?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: indeed
pollock(2061) whispers: f6 is threatened winning a piece
NBZ(2010) whispers: with light-squared bishops off the a4-b3-c4 structure is good for white, but with the black knight off 23.Rd1 (0:53)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ok, so we play Rd1 or similar
Implications(1733) whispers: Why won't he trade B for N?
Litovec(1740) whispers: aha .... # rfd8 ?
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfd8 ...
Thalagor(1913) whispers: the B is too powerful with the black pawns on dark squares
Thalagor(1913) whispers: as well as play on both sides
Litovec(1740) whispers: rfd8 nc6 ?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: the N won't be able to defend
Implications(1733) whispers: Ah.
pollock(2061) whispers: but rfd8 nc6 rxd1 kf7 or something
pollock(2061) whispers: kf8
Shefeer(1495) whispers: black looks like winning a piece
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no shefeer, at worst we move it ;)
otc(2141) whispers: f6 and Kf7?
NBZ(2010) whispers: a5 first and then b3 might have been more accurate Rfd8 (1:37)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: but the f2 pawnie looks loose
pollock(2061) whispers: complcated stuff
Shefeer(1495) whispers: so is b3
Shefeer(1495) whispers: sorry b4
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm 24.Nc6 (2:13)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: how does white save his f2 pawnie?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rd1 Rd1 f6?
Litovec(1740) whispers: scary
Litovec(1740) whispers: is it scary for him ?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: isn't this just winning a piece for black?
Implications(1733) whispers: Where?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: i think so. not more than depth 3 in my brin
gile(1701) whispers: looks like it, but fritz gives -0.25
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rxd1 Rxd1 f6 Bg3 Rxc6 Rd8+ and the Na8 hangs
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ah, silly me
otc(2141) whispers: Still white may end up losing a piece.
BlkSabb(1786) whispers: how?
Implications(1733) whispers: Now we see the prophecy come true, MGoo gets into time trouble in the 20s.
NBZ(2010) whispers: yeah the knight has nowhere to retreat after f6 and e5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: a5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :P
NBZ(2010) whispers: i did recommend Na5 before all u fools :D
otc(2141) whispers: rook exchange, f6 Bmoves, Kmoves Nd4 Rd8 0-1. :)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: is lito playing a complicated line to run down MGoo clock, or that just his style, I suspect the latter
Litovec(1740) whispers: interesting .. can my kniht be trapped now sme way ? i guess ..... not so easy
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rd1 Rd1 f6 Bg3 Nb6 ?
NBZ(2010) whispers: hmm there is d8 though
Implications(1733) whispers: MGoo usually uses a lot of time.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I can see no way of winning the white N
Implications(1733) whispers: I think we can class 95% of League players into two categories: uses lots of time, and Litovec.
Shefeer(1495) whispers: uses too much time
Shefeer(1495) whispers: otherwise wont be in time trouble on the 25th move
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: where do i fall? Rxd1+ (4:17)
Implications(1733) whispers: Judging purely from your last game?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: lol yes 25.Rxd1 (0:44)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: litovec in disguise?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :P
Litovec(1740) whispers: f6 omg
Litovec(1740) whispers: ah no i still get n back
Implications(1733) whispers: Oh noes. :-P
NBZ(2010) whispers: it's a bit late to start calculating isn't it Lito :)
Litovec(1740) whispers: f6 ... bd4
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: orBd6 Rxc6 (1:57) 26.Rd8+ (0:05) Bf8 (0:02)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm... 27.Rxa8 (0:02) f6 (0:02)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: not bad
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: black is alright
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: slight advantage to white now
NBZ(2010) whispers: white has a positional advantage in this line
Implications(1733) whispers: Funny would have been 26...f6 Bg3 Kf7 Nb8! where both knights are in the top-left corner of the board.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: only slight... 28.Bd4 (1:13)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: well, the white R is quite active...
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm
Thalagor(1913) whispers: what is happening?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rd6?
NBZ(2010) whispers: blunder alert?
Litovec(1740) whispers: not A mistake
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: nothing to attack...pawns are defended
Litovec(1740) whispers: rd6 rxf8
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ah, nice
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: eval +0.46 ply 16
Thalagor(1913) whispers: but black B is bad, and white R is active
otc(2141) whispers: That pawn ending looks drawish to me
Litovec(1740) whispers: oh well .. and he will have better king
Thalagor(1913) whispers: looks lost for black, doesn't it?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: since his king is tied up
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: one advantage in the pawn endgame is the protected c pawn
Litovec(1740) whispers: but i will have c pawn .. so no worries
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I think that pawn ending is won for white e5 (1:34)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: hooray for the c pawn :0 29.Be3 (0:10)
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rd6 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Bc5 Ke7 Bxb4! wins
Thalagor(1913) whispers: indeed
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: correct nbz
NBZ(2010) whispers: well black k might get to the pawns though
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: mgoo need to keep the piece
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no
otc(2141) whispers: Yes, that Bxb4 is a killer missed by me.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: he can never take the pawn on b3
NBZ(2010) whispers: yeah that's true thalagor
Thalagor(1913) whispers: even without Bxb4 it should be won for white
Implications(1733) whispers: Glad you're not playing Lito in this game, eh, otc? ;-)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: since he can isolate the black passer
Thalagor(1913) whispers: and then win it, his king is not tied up
Litovec(1740) whispers: g3 for sure and activate my king Kf7 (1:15)
otc(2141) whispers: I think without Bxb4 it is a draw, but white has the chances of course.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: up the bishop 30.g3 (0:20)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I can't see how you would retain your passer as black in that ending
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Rd6 is reasonable
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: Fritz likes g4 there
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no, Rd6 still has Rxf8 Be7 (0:46) 31.Kg2 (0:05)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: oh yes..haha
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: now Rd6...
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Rxa6
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rd6 looks good, since Rd3 can't be stopped
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Rxa6?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: isn't Rxa6 just better for white?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: omg
Thalagor(1913) whispers: sorry mates, I'm thinking white rook on d3
Thalagor(1913) whispers: black rook even
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I blame imp Ke6 (1:25)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ;)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: dubious
Implications(1733) whispers: There will be a black rook on d3. 32.Kf3 (0:33)
NBZ(2010) whispers: this is a sensible approach in time-pressure, though, since Rd6 entails more risks
Thalagor(1913) whispers: f5
Implications(1733) whispers: I think the only reason Litovec opposes the 60 30 time control is because he knows MGoo would beat him in it. :-)
Litovec(1740) whispers: oh ... got a plan
Litovec(1740) whispers: rb8 and bd2 f5 (1:06)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: a5 will stop your dream lito 33.Rb8 (0:10)
NBZ(2010) whispers: love the way Lito sticks to the moves he whispers to us
Thalagor(1913) whispers: a5 Rb5
NBZ(2010) whispers: no dithering about him h6 (1:12) 34.Bd2 (0:26)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: actually.......if Bd2 Rd6 is good
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rd6 Bxb4 Rd3+ is interesting
Implications(1733) whispers: Kd7! saves the pawn.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: yes yes nbz
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: his bishop is pinned after Rxb3 Rd6 (0:44)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: no
Thalagor(1913) whispers: he can move it to d6 for example
NBZ(2010) whispers: simply Ke2 though 35.Ke2 (0:29)
Implications(1733) whispers: That would favour black in the end.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: it doesn't work? a5 (0:25)
Implications(1733) whispers: Kd7 was worth considering, IMO.
Shefeer(1495) whispers: what about rb5?
Implications(1733) whispers: Because Bxb4 Kc7! won the exchange and retained drawing chances.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Rb5 Bd8 maybe
NBZ(2010) whispers: but Kd7 Rb7+
Implications(1733) whispers: Then simply Rc7.
Litovec(1740) whispers: not so easy as i thought
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: not easy against mgoo lito 36.Be3 (1:54)
Extraneous(1946) whispers: Be3 with either Bc5 or Rb6 to follow!?
Implications(1733) whispers: MGoo rocks.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i think Bd8 is best
Implications(1733) whispers: Litovec would also rock if he didn't pester me with inanities about the 60 30 time control.
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: woo hoo go litovec go :)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bg5? e4 (1:34)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: no...never trade bishop 37.Rb6 (0:07)
NBZ(2010) whispers: Rd3 was threatened
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: he should have played Bc5 shouldnt he?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: now Bd8 is ok g5 (1:31) 38.Bc5 (0:09)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: mgoo is starting to go wrong now
NBZ(2010) whispers: although Bc5 Rd3 Re8! would have forced Rd7 when the pawn ending is winning for white (k can get to d4)
Litovec(1740) whispers: game over
Extraneous(1946) whispers: 1-0
Implications(1733) whispers: Time pressure does that to people.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: yeah mgoo...time again
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: he was defending well Rxb6 (0:53)
Implications(1733) whispers: MGoo was playing great, but the curse of move 20 inflicts everybody in the League. 39.Bxb6 (0:04)
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: Rxd6 Kxd6 Bb6 was also ok
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Kd7
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bxa5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bc5
Thalagor(1913) whispers: ?
Litovec(1740) whispers: ah he can take rxr :(
NBZ(2010) whispers: hmm
Implications(1733) whispers: Wow.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: mgoo is thinking resigning i feel
NBZ(2010) whispers: Kd7 Ke3
Implications(1733) whispers: That might actually work, Thalagor!
Implications(1733) whispers: You genius.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: :P
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: trapping the bishop? haha
NBZ(2010) whispers: no Kc6 then
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Ke3 Kc6 Bxa5 Bc5+
Thalagor(1913) whispers: etc
NBZ(2010) whispers: so Kd7 does work
Litovec(1740) whispers: pawn ... passed ... protected ... connected
Litovec(1740) whispers: and i will get some another i bet
Implications(1733) whispers: I think just Kd7 Bxa5 Bc5 and shuttle bishop from a7-c5.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: how can the bishop get away?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: if Ba7 Bxb4? Kd7 (2:48)
Implications(1733) whispers: Whoops.
NBZ(2010) whispers: you can't shuttle the bishop
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: good!!!! 40.Bxa5 (0:15) Kc6 (0:02)
Litovec(1740) whispers: will be bad if this will turns to draw as in match against relu
Implications(1733) whispers: Yeah, shuttle king, not bishop.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: this doesn't seem to work?
NBZ(2010) whispers: this is the other way, but it allows f3 41.h3 (1:10)
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Kd4 needs to be answered by Bf6+, and then the black K needs to be on c6, so... can't white just triangulate or similar?
Shefeer(1495) whispers: but now black needs the king and a piece to keep whites B there
Thalagor(1913) whispers: f4 maybe?
Implications(1733) whispers: Yeah, other way was better f4 (0:47)
NBZ(2010) whispers: good defence!
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: is it a draw?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: very good mgoo
NBZ(2010) whispers: f3 immediately was better i think, now f3 allows a3
Litovec(1740) whispers: damn
Extraneous(1946) whispers: Surely black has to little time here
NBZ(2010) whispers: e3 rather
otc(2141) whispers: g4 zugzwang
Thalagor(1913) whispers: g4 Kb7
Implications(1733) whispers: Nice stuff.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: bishop can move i think 42.g4 (1:30)
Litovec(1740) whispers: move
Thalagor(1913) whispers: drawn?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: how come Bf6 is not right
NBZ(2010) whispers: no bishop can't move, has to cover d8 and b4
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bxb4
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: does Bf6 work?
Implications(1733) whispers: Shuffle king to b7 and c6 and it's a draw.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: i see....
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: thalagor how about Bf6 - e7?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: oh lose the pawn haha
Thalagor(1913) whispers: Bf6 allows Bxb4
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: blind
Thalagor(1913) whispers: that's one pawn we don't want to lose ;) Kb7 (1:19)
otc(2141) whispers: hmm g4 probably was not good. gxf4 was better as that leaves f4 weak.
Implications(1733) whispers: Go MGoo go, woooo! Awesome draw man.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: how to attack f4?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: brilliant!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I don't think those two moves differ in evaluation, do they?
Litovec(1740) whispers: !@#$%^&*(
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: ahhaahah lito
Implications(1733) whispers: Hang on.
otc(2141) whispers: now c5 gets Ba5 out into play, then a weak f4 would have been a welcome target
Implications(1733) whispers: There might be a hitch here.
NBZ(2010) whispers: gxf4 gxf4 h4 h5 and the pawn f4 can't be attacked
Implications(1733) whispers: f3 e3 c5 Bxc5 Bd8 bishop is free.
Implications(1733) whispers: Black really should have gone for the other fortress, with Bc5 and king on c8-d7.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: good point!
otc(2141) whispers: Maybe c5 Bxc5 Bd8 and then h4?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: true, but c5 Bxc5 followed by f3+ by black seems... solid?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: mgoo has about 2 minute to think about the fortress then
Litovec(1740) whispers: c5 .... hm
Thalagor(1913) whispers: if gxf4 I mean
Implications(1733) whispers: No, black plays f3 first.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: hmm?
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: black have a protected passed pawn also
Implications(1733) whispers: From here, f3 e3 c5 Bxc5 Bd8 gives white winning chances again.
Thalagor(1913) whispers: does that work, f3 first?
Thalagor(1913) whispers: so g4 is prolly better, keeping more pawns on dark squares, aye?
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: fritz say it does
Implications(1733) whispers: Black should have gone for the other fortress with Bc5 and Kd7.
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: oh yes...look at black h6 pawn!
Thalagor(1913) whispers: I liked it more as well imp
Implications(1733) whispers: Because this is no easy draw.
otc(2141) whispers: c5 Kc6!? is also possible I guess?
Litovec(1740) whispers: c5 bxc5
NBZ(2010) whispers: c5 Kc6 Bxb4 is black's problem
Litovec(1740) whispers: bd8
paceytallblack(1655) whispers: gotta go guys...have a good time
Litovec(1740) whispers: then h4 to break his pawn chain 43.c5 (5:58) Bxc5 (0:04) 44.Bd8 (0:03)
Implications(1733) whispers: f3+ now draws.
Implications(1733) whispers: White missed the winning idea. Bb6 (1:15)
spendius(1804) whispers: gosh the game is still going on
Shefeer(1495) whispers: ??? 45.Bf6 (0:09)
Litovec(1740) whispers: :)
Litovec(1740) whispers: smells NICE
Implications(1733) whispers: Nevermind, I thought after Bxh6 Kf6 black could trap the bishop, missed h4.
spendius(1804) whispers: usually these endings are drawn
Extraneous(1946) whispers: This is winning for white Kc6 (0:58) 46.Bg7 (0:02)
Rosmerta(1634) whispers: with MGoo in time trouble shouldn't Lito deline any draw offer
spendius(1804) whispers: I am glad to learn that :-)
Litovec(1740) whispers: f3 ? Kd5 (1:07) 47.Bxh6 (0:02) Bd8 (0:02) 48.Bg7 (0:08)
spendius(1804) whispers: hmm a5 looked good
spendius(1804) whispers: a5 Bxa5 Bxg5 .. anyway f3+ (1:25) 49.Ke1 (0:28)
spendius(1804) whispers: why not Kd2 ? e3 (0:36)
spendius(1804) whispers: it is lunch time .. I feel like my stomach is in my brain 50.fxe3 (0:07) Ke4 (0:01) 51.Kf2 (0:20)
spendius(1804) whispers: noo
Implications(1733) whispers: It's over, white's won.
spendius(1804) whispers: Bd4 looked better Bb6 (0:24) 52.Bd4 (0:03)
spendius(1804) whispers: really ..
spendius(1804) whispers: i am scared
Implications(1733) whispers: ?
spendius(1804) whispers: damn
Implications(1733) whispers: Yeah.
Implications(1733) whispers: MGoo played well, deserved a draw.
Implications(1733) whispers: Oh well.
spendius(1804) whispers: geez but why playing so fast
spendius(1804) whispers: hmm
spendius(1804) whispers: panic, panic, panic
spendius(1804) whispers: there is still this a passer
spendius(1804) whispers: I HATE pans endings Ba5 (2:07) 53.Bf6 (0:56) Bb6 (0:03) 54.Bxg5 (0:02)
spendius(1804) whispers: :-O
Shefeer(1495) whispers: why doesnt he resign? MGoo resigns 1-0
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dmjjmd (2008-05-11): black obviouly needs endgame help
pokemonman (2008-09-27): Is that a B83 opening? Sicilian, Scheveningen, Modern with some sort of variation.