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turamon(1776) vs. samuraigoroh(1779) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2017-05-14

1.d4 (0:00)
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I was wondering whether he started with d4 or e4
1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:12)
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: He seemed to open more with d4 in TL games, but with e4 in normal games
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e5!?
2...g6 (0:29)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: this is still flexible
3.Nc3 (0:29)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Bg7 and castles
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: Didn't really prepared an opening for this game, but since I don't like playing against 1. d4, I'll let him have the center and later try to fight for it
herrahuu(1707) whispers: you can go for whatever setup in the center
3...Bg7 (0:55)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e4 is principled
4.Bg5 (1:58) O-O (0:31)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: somehow Bg5 seems too early
herrahuu(1707) whispers: against this fianchettoed black setup
5.Nf3 (3:18) d6 (2:47)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e4 looks natural still
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e3 should be fine as well
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but less testing
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I though he played faster, I'm usually the one that starts using lots of time at the opening phase
herrahuu(1707) whispers: the better we get, i think turamon thinks carefully in opening phase
herrahuu(1707) whispers: *game
6.e3 (2:38) c5 (4:43) 7.Be2 (3:43) cxd4 (2:53)
JoshuaR(1902) whispers: Go SamuraiGoroh!
8.exd4 (3:36)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: looks reasonable for both
herrahuu(1707) whispers: there is one more white piece developped but black has castled so...
herrahuu(1707) whispers: TWO more
herrahuu(1707) whispers: and it is black to move
8...Qb6 (9:35)
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: Was considering Nc6, Bg4 & Bf5, but none of those moves convinced me
9.b3 (3:28)
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I'm a bit worried about his LSB due to the a8-h1 diagonal (as my rook can't move yet), but there is no near danger I believe, hence why I played Qb6 as a distraction to make him protect his b pawn
9...Bg4 (2:00)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: i think white can play h3
10.O-O (5:19) Nc6 (0:38)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: now i think white is little bit in troubles timewise
herrahuu(1707) whispers: if the game will be 30 move long he can play as the beginning
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: If he lets me play Bxf3, then I might win a piece with Qa5
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Qa5 Bd2?
herrahuu(1707) whispers: soon it will be 20 move game with this time management
11.d5 (3:05)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: interesting!
JoshuaR(1902) whispers: haha samurai i passed you up in moves played!
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: This works for me too (not as in winning something, but not worring about the a8-h1 diagonal)
11...Bxf3 (0:54) 12.Bxf3 (1:17)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: maybe here you could also be little bit more practical
herrahuu(1707) whispers: i understand it is important to look at the not so automatic responses as well to possibly find something stronger
12...Ne5 (1:11) 13.Be2 (0:24)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: you cannot give Nxf3 between if you want to keep the bishop pair...
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Nf3+ you give discovered attack on knight
herrahuu(1707) whispers: i don't know how good is it
herrahuu(1707) whispers: ah you don't
herrahuu(1707) whispers: you should remove knight at f6 first :/
13...Qc7 (3:05) 14.Nb5 (4:46)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: seems this nice doesn't find good home at b5 to me
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I'm thinking on a way to get that rook on a1, but I think I'll waste to many moves and won't work
herrahuu(1707) whispers: also needs to be cautious not to give f4 in the position to catch piece
14...Qd8 (2:08)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: by moving Qd7 for example
herrahuu(1707) whispers: it isn't clear where a1 rook should go
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Rc1 looks natural
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but do we know that it is best?
15.f4 (3:18) Ne4 (1:21) 16.Bh4 (0:12)
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: Well, I can trade BN for RP
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: It might worth, just have to check it first
herrahuu(1707) whispers: you should loose at that trade materially
herrahuu(1707) whispers: and g7 bishop is your major assett
herrahuu(1707) whispers: it depends little bit on how you count
herrahuu(1707) whispers: around 3,5 points / minor piece
herrahuu(1707) whispers: 4,5-5 points rooks
herrahuu(1707) whispers: 1 point pawn
16...Nxc4 (3:58)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: again here i think it should be quite straightforward
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but again smauraigoroh goes for it even i consider it close to loosing
herrahuu(1707) whispers: so i guess it's not simple :)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: and do you want to take with bishop or pawn?
17.bxc4 (2:45) Bxa1 (0:04) 18.Qxa1 (0:02) Qb6+ (0:55)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: interesting
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Bf2?
19.Nd4 (3:50)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Hi all!
herrahuu(1707) whispers: hi
19...e5 (1:38)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: has to be dxe6 ep
herrahuu(1707) whispers: no?
herrahuu(1707) whispers: fx
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e6 coming
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e5 coming
herrahuu(1707) whispers: g5 coming
20.dxe6 (1:29) fxe6 (0:03)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: de seem only option
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Kh1 i suppose
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but i am still little bit surprised of Nd4, i think this was little bit asking for it
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Bd3 possible
21.Bf3 (0:58)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: or f3
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Rxf4?
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: But here Nd2
21...Rxf4 (0:44)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: yeah, Bd3 looks more sane
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Now knight on d4 is in trouble
herrahuu(1707) whispers: h4 is hanging
herrahuu(1707) whispers: there is not anything on Bxe4 i suppose
22.Bxe4 (3:04)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: there is two pieces hanging
22...Rxh4 (0:26)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: after Rx
herrahuu(1707) whispers: it is either knight or bishop
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Re1 holds a bit
herrahuu(1707) whispers: e5
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Or Rb1
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Qc5 i suppose
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Rb5
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Qxc4
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Nxe6
herrahuu(1707) whispers: this might be something
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I think it looks grim for white
23.Rb1 (2:42)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Nxe6 i have been looking at
herrahuu(1707) whispers: it threatens mate
herrahuu(1707) whispers: which is sweet
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Aha
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: And if Qxe6 Bd5
herrahuu(1707) whispers: so there is some game left
herrahuu(1707) whispers: this might be most accurate
23...Qc5 (1:08)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Possibly IT IS ag ame
24.Rb5 (0:04)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Heiner bravo!
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Nxe6 is the money maker
24...Qxc4 (0:31) 25.Nxe6 (0:13)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Nxe6 left 3 pieces ungarded!
herrahuu(1707) whispers: whoa
herrahuu(1707) whispers: lol
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Super!!!
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: Mmm, missed that XD
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: He's threatening Qg7#
herrahuu(1707) whispers: that is two exclam
herrahuu(1707) whispers: ;)
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Absolutely!
herrahuu(1707) whispers: what makes it so beautiful
herrahuu(1707) whispers: is Qx
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Qxe6
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Yeah baby, sweet quenny!
herrahuu(1707) whispers: and all checks are covered
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: >.<
herrahuu(1707) whispers: by the knight
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I can capture the knight even if he then pins me
herrahuu(1707) whispers: yeah i think that is best
herrahuu(1707) whispers: white is exchange up queen too rook
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but black has two more pawns
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Kf7 should be mated I suppose
herrahuu(1707) whispers: so it is loosing but black can still fight
herrahuu(1707) whispers: Kf7 is interesting
herrahuu(1707) whispers: maybe some Rxb2+
herrahuu(1707) whispers: or some Ng5+
herrahuu(1707) whispers: he is running out of squares it seems
herrahuu(1707) whispers: maybe Kg8 back after Ng5+
herrahuu(1707) whispers: oh there is Bd5+
25...Qxe6 (5:57) 26.Bd5 (0:06)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: now it is super important to be accurate
26...Qxd5 (0:39) 27.Rxd5 (0:02)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: two rooks can do damage
27...Rc8 (1:18)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: h3?
herrahuu(1707) whispers: to give square?
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Rf6
herrahuu(1707) whispers: some a4 idea
28.Qf6 (1:36)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: but has to be calculated
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Heiner reads mymind
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: Almost though I had back-rank mate here for a sec
28...Rc1+ (2:47) 29.Kf2 (0:06) Rhc4 (0:32) 30.Qxd6 (0:27)
herrahuu(1707) whispers: it is not easy now
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I don't want to trade rooks, but also don't want to start loosing pawns :S
herrahuu(1707) whispers: how is white covering everything?
herrahuu(1707) whispers: well he is covering d2 and f4
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: White should just mate easily
herrahuu(1707) whispers: yeah the good if you can calculate it to themate
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: You shouldn't I suppose
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Its a pattern like position
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: Every exchange is good for white, just not to blunder
herrahuu(1707) whispers: for example queen to rook is not easy endgame
herrahuu(1707) whispers: at least not to me
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: THere are bunch of pawns
TwilightShifter(1876) whispers: With Q support you can promote some more queens
JoshuaR(1919) whispers: first loss for samuraigoroh this tourney i think
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: I can't figure a way out :(
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: so this is game over
JoshuaR(1919) whispers: gg
SamuraiGoroh(1779) whispers: gg Turamon
SamuraiGoroh resigns 1-0


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