1.c4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.Nc3(0:10)g6(0:07) 3.g3(0:17)Bg7(0:09) 4.Bg2(0:38)d6(0:14) 5.d4(1:43)O-O(0:20) 6.Nf3(0:34)c5(1:41) 7.O-O(1:37)Na6(2:22)
vipiu(2000) whispers: hmm vipiu(2000) whispers: 41 move jussu
psykasso(1988) whispers: first time playing the english , so don't be so harsh if i play it crappy. Although it's not enligh now ... anyway not a d4 player so i'm still trying to figure out a plan ...Be6(4:28) 9.b3(2:51)Qc8(0:38)
hugozver(1949) whispers: you're doing fine, but do it faster
BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: the queen does seem out of place when she captures on h3
BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: woah.... i just had the wierdest dejavu... its like i have said (see above) before.... BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: teh... too many player think that their fianchettoed bishop is worth gold... imo they are not worth that much... its better to just let the bishop capture it and then capture back with the kingh6(1:43)
hugozver(1949) whispers: maybe he has some plans with it BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: crafty also agrees with me.. after the move Bh1 white loses .25 of a pawn according to crafty hugozver(1949) whispers: maybe you and crafty are right BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: its strange how this manuver is so popular nowdays... (im talking about the trade off for the enemy fianchettoed bishop)
BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: often its tried on me... my opponent wastes about 3-4 moves doing it and when he captures the bishop i just re-capture back with the king... imo its goodRd8(4:33)
vipiu(2000) whispers: maybe something with Nc7 Rb8 and b5 for black if allowed fernbap(1754) whispers: perhaps it would be a good ide for psykasso TO MOVE? hugozver(1949) whispers: yes, it would fernbap(1754) whispers: unless he gives me the consolation of being even slower than i am :P BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: lol... i just ob another standard like 15 minutes ago... and come back and white still has not moved vipiu(2000) whispers: usually a game is about 50 moves...45 minutes+45 sec /50 is about (1 min+45 sec)/move...so if you are around move 20 in a game that it was not simplified(many exchanges) and you have less than 1/4 of your time remaining, you should consider to move faster BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: is psykasso answering tells? has anyone checked? something may have happened BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: he has not answered my tells... jussu(1980) whispers: he has played the entire game pretty slow BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: lol vipiu reckons that psy has sat here for the last 15 minutes thinking about his move... BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: nonesense BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: obviously psy has got disconnecetd... this game should be immediatly adjourned
seberg(1716) whispers: so much to that ;) seberg(1716) whispers: maybe he is cooking something ;) BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: what was psy doing? he must have spaced out... Malfurion(1703) whispers: distracted by internet porn? j/k Malfurion(1703) whispers: b/c..i know that happens to me all the ti....nvm Malfurion(1703) whispers: :) BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: maybe he had a visitor... BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: maybe it was a visitor from outer-space. :) vipiu(2000) whispers: Nc7 Rb8 b6 and I think I have a solid position Litovec(1743) whispers: and now psykasso will be 8891 rated BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: lol alien intervention seberg(1716) whispers: banned from league for using alien intelligence! Malfurion(1703) whispers: that's not in the rulebook!Nc7(5:17)
seberg(1716) whispers: it says or other things I am pretty sure ;) BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: heh, psykasso says: the aliens told me the move...
BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: best selling book: I was abducted by aliens during a game of internet chess! jross(1508) whispers: I saw that on Inside Edition! BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: maybe its a strategy by psykasso... trying to throw his opponent off... making vipiu think 'maybe i can flag him' psykasso(1988) whispers: sorry guys , i'm a slow player and today i'm very tired ... i had exams in two courses this morning and a fight with a friend so ... thanx for the patience ~:> hugozver(1949) whispers: well, I'm starting to worry... :( gile(1674) whispers: so much for the alien theory Rosmerta(1628) whispers: has vipiu been abducted by the Aliens now ;)b6(5:32) 15.e4(1:21)
BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: lol... vipiu has this in the bag... psy is in real time trouble BadMrFrosty(1945) whispers: im already marking this as 0-1 seberg(1716) whispers: I dunno +45 is a lot ...Ne6(2:32) 16.Nd5(0:57)
hugozver(1949) whispers: omg! fernbap(1754) whispers: its not that bad HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: can white exchange on f6 and play e5? HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: in case black doesn't take fernbap(1754) whispers: nxe7+, hyper HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I know, but let's say Qd7 HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: then Nxf6 Bxf6 e5 HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I wonder if it's any good mei(1822) whispers: it is natural HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Crafty evaluates this position as = but I prefer whiteQd7(6:32)
Koff(2164) whispers: hmm seberg(1716) whispers: crafty is a noob at closed games fernbap(1754) whispers: shredder is giving +1 after dxc5
seberg(1716) whispers: remember a teamgame, where crafty would give better for black for like 20 moves, and any human knew that black was lost ... fernbap(1754) whispers: yes, comps are really bad on endgames
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: now d5 Malfurion(1703) whispers: the q is..can he find it in time.. HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: then exchange on d6, exchange dark-square bishops and play on the e-file seberg(1716) whispers: just psykasso mustn't lose on time, or miss some short tatcitcs ...
Koff(2164) whispers: Nc7 e6 must be +/- , but maybe Nf8 Psycho(1713) whispers: he should be able to build himself a small time cushion soon HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: i don't like e6 mei(1822) whispers: nf4 any good ?Nf8(1:08)
mei(1822) whispers: like sac N for 2 ps and time tricks HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Nf4 e6
20.Rcd1(0:47)Rab8(2:54) 21.e6(0:37)fxe6(0:50)
vipiu(2000) whispers: he is doing very well in time trouble
Henderb(1747) whispers: observe henderb -1 Henderb(1747) whispers: sorry!Qe8(0:57) 23.Bxg7(0:51)Kxg7(0:00) 24.Qc3+(0:43)
Koff(2164) whispers: well, there was no need for Bxg7Kh7(0:38) 25.Nh4(0:21)
fernbap(1754) whispers: here was. the clock Koff(2164) whispers: trueBxe6(1:39)
Koff(2164) whispers: easy to criticize :) fernbap(1754) whispers: time is slower for us :D Koff(2164) whispers: new relativistic theory
Koff(2164) whispers: he has some definite compensation GMfree(1997) whispers: yes Nxg6 is coming if the Bish doesn't move to allow Qxe7 Koff(2164) whispers: hmm, is Nxg6 any threat? GMfree(1997) whispers: looking thru it now :) cytrus(2073) whispers: Nxg6 Qxg6 Be4 Bf5 Qxe7+ Qg7 and then what? Koff(2164) whispers: I think f4 is ok, if nothing else GMfree(1997) whispers: gotta play :( Koff(2164) whispers: you can't play Qxe7+ there jussu(1980) whispers: otherwise there would be Bxf5+, too :) cytrus(2073) whispers: :)Qd7(4:47)
fernbap(1754) whispers: bd5? cytrus(2073) whispers: perfect. Re8 and Bf7 :) abkbyfktrc(1886) whispers: Nxg6 ?
Malfurion(1703) whispers: lolBf7(0:25)
cytrus(2073) whispers: e6 d5 looks good
cytrus(2073) whispers: the match would be 1-1 if vipiu wins :) cytrus(2073) whispers: e6! jussu(1980) whispers: yep, sorry about this X-( Malfurion(1703) whispers: push f pawn for white? cytrus(2073) whispers: do not sorry :) will win :) cytrus(2073) whispers: c`mon ! play e6 !e5(2:06)
cytrus(2073) whispers: weakness...pawn d6...
cytrus(2073) whispers: yep. then Ne6 and Nd4 with good play Koff(2164) whispers: ah, just dropping a N on d4 ;)
cytrus(2073) whispers: Qf6!Qf6(0:47)
jussu(1980) whispers: Qf6, yes; i don't get the point of Nh4 here Koff(2164) whispers: he heard you cytrus(2073) whispers: that`s right ! cytrus(2073) whispers: Ne6 and Nd4. jussu(1980) whispers: there's no Nf6 yet... cytrus(2073) whispers: Nh4 was played to gain some time I think
jussu(1980) whispers: Ne6, i mean Koff(2164) whispers: well it can go to g2, to support f4exf4(0:11) 32.Rf1(0:05)
cytrus(2073) whispers: Ne6 Kg7 cytrus(2073) whispers: Ne6 Bd5 Ng5 !Ne6(2:46)
cytrus(2073) whispers: yes !
seberg(1716) kibitzes: good luck both of you! sorry for the inconvinience seberg(1716) kibitzes: sorry Koff(2164) whispers: hmm, Bd5 Ng5, Bxf7Ng5(0:22)
Malfurion(1703) whispers: Qxd4 takes it to a winning endgame Malfurion(1703) whispers: sorry Qd4 seberg(1716) whispers: there you are, only player who can miskib ... and what you do is exactly that :/ cytrus(2073) whispers: Bxf7 Qxf7 ! cytrus(2073) whispers: Rxf4 Nh3+, gf Ne6 -> Nd4
Koff(2164) whispers: Bxf7 Nxf7, Nxg6; ...Qxf7 gf, Ne6 f5 Koff(2164) whispers: with smth looking like an attack psykasso(1988) whispers: time presure sucks big time ....Bxd5(1:18)
Koff(2164) whispers: ok, I guess black now consolidates with Nf7
35.fxg5(0:44)Qxg5+(0:05) 36.Qg3(0:01)
cytrus(2073) whispers: big mistake should have play cxd5 fernbap(1754) whispers: geez, 2 pawns down Koff(2164) whispers: but he played it well up to this point, considering his zeitnotBg8(1:29)
cytrus(2073) whispers: better than Qxg3 I think Koff(2164) whispers: Rfe1
37.Qxg5(1:27)hxg5(0:00) 38.Nf3(0:01)
cytrus(2073) whispers: Kh6Kh6(0:50)
Koff(2164) whispers: still some chances here
Koff(2164) whispers: although Rf8 + Rbd8 looks quite solidg4(1:12) 40.Nh4(0:33)d5(0:31)
cytrus(2073) whispers: d5 ! -/+
cytrus(2073) whispers: Rxd5 !Rxd5(0:23)
fernbap(1754) whispers: !
42.Rxd5(1:34)Bxd5(0:00) 43.Rd1(0:43)Be4(1:01)
cytrus(2073) whispers: Kg5 to exchange
jussu(1980) whispers: hmmKg5(0:57)
Koff(2164) whispers: is Rc8 enough, pushing c-pawn
45.Ng2(0:14)Rb7(0:16) 46.Rd6(0:10)Bxg2(0:52) 47.Kxg2(0:07)
jussu(1980) whispers: no good, bishop was much stronger than knight here Malfurion(1696) whispers: don't think it'll matter much at this poin Malfurion(1696) whispers: tRc7(1:08)
Koff(2164) whispers: objectively maybe, but N is always annoying to control jussu(1980) whispers: well, not all rook endgames are drawn but some are
Koff(2164) whispers: this is not :)Kh5(0:54)
vipiu(2000) whispers: I hope I will not feel sorry that I did trade that strong Bishop for weak Knight
cytrus(2073) whispers: don`t feel sorry It was a good choice ! cytrus(2073) whispers: Re7 !! Koff(2164) whispers: or Rf7-f3c4(0:47)
jussu(1980) whispers: c4 looks better to me jussu(1980) whispers: oh, there it is :)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: last try: bxc4 Rxc4 a5 derMandarin(1907) whispers: hi thereRxc4(0:06) 51.a5(0:05)Rc3+(0:18) 52.Kg2(0:24)Rb3(0:19)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: tricky HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: now Rd7 jussu(1980) whispers: holy moly
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: if it was Marseillaise chess, white could mate with h4 adn Rh7
jussu(1980) whispers: bxa5 was still better, i thinkaxb6(0:05) 55.Rd5+(0:08)
FlorinC(2255) whispers: well played hugozver(1949) whispers: good move psykasso!Kh4(0:58) 56.Rb5(0:13)
Koff(2164) whispers: heh, this is dramatic FlorinC(2255) whispers: :-) HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I am starting to think that this oculd be actually drawnRa2+(0:13) 57.Kg1(0:21)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: I can't backup this HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: but if black gives away the b-pawn it's 100% draw HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: what do you think people? jussu(1980) whispers: without h2-pawn it should be won Koff(2164) whispers: what? it looks a clear draw to me psykasso(1988) whispers: this has to be a draw ! ... no ? atilano(2134) whispers: Draw easy.. hugozver(1949) whispers: B can't defend all pawnsRa1+(1:51)
hugozver(1949) whispers: perpetual ? atilano(2134) whispers: Hmmm..
58.Kg2(0:32)Ra2+(0:02) 59.Kg1(0:30)
fernbap(1754) whispers: i see zugz comingRa6(0:02)
atilano(2134) whispers: Good luck today for The Rocks.. vipiu(2000) whispers: draw :(...I messed it up fernbap(1754) whispers: oh thanks :) hugozver(1949) whispers: hehe
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: psykasso played this edgame really wellg5(0:44)
jussu(1980) whispers: g5 Rb2 and black has no moves left
hugozver(1949) whispers: yes, we are lucky :D jussu(1980) whispers: had to go for a-pawn and rook defending it from side HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: oh well, we have one more reason to recall Tarrasch's saying HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Rook endgames are drawn HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Except when they are won hugozver(1949) whispers: but even then ...Kh5(1:45)
jussu(1980) whispers: ...was it at very hard to win, if possible at all HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: now Kg3 seberg(1716) whispers: man, they really play fast ... seberg(1716) whispers: miswhisper Koff(2164) whispers: oh, from what publisher?
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: time to offer draw FlorinC(2255) whispers: jeppKg6(0:44)
psykasso(1988) whispers: endgame is the most sensitive part of the game ... isnt'it ?
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: hmmm HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: now white wins back one pawn jussu(1980) whispers: two hugozver(1949) whispers: then black overlooks his R and white wins ... hugozver(1949) whispers: jk
jussu(1980) whispers: but black will achieve non-flank pawn agains a flank-pawn :) psykasso(1988) whispers: hm ...Ke4(0:13) 65.Kxg4(0:47)
jussu(1980) whispers: they will play down to bare kings Malfurion(1696) whispers: kxf5??? hugozver(1949) whispers: but there is a trick HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Kxg5 Ra5 Malfurion(1696) whispers: yeah Malfurion(1696) whispers: rb4 first HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: well, even that could be drawn HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: ah, no, it's lost, nevermindKd4(2:18)
psykasso(1988) whispers: kd3 was better i think FlorinC(2255) whispers: its she same HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Rxg5 hugozver(1949) whispers: cmon psykasso Rg5! Malfurion(1696) whispers: ra5 still has to be dealt with
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Rxg5 Ra5 h4 Koff(2164) whispers: Kxg5 is ok, too as Ra5 loses gile(1674) whispers: WOW Malfurion(1696) whispers: oh yeah..it's the bobby fischer position:) Malfurion(1696) whispers: (from the movie);) gile(1674) whispers: I just noticed that:) HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: which movie? HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: searching for bobby? Malfurion(1696) whispers: searching for gile(1674) whispers: searchi.Ra8(0:49)
Malfurion(1696) whispers: that's awesome HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: the pos where waitzkin screws up? Litovec(1743) whispers: exactly this position ? ? Malfurion(1696) whispers: was that waitzkin at the end.. Malfurion(1696) whispers: ? Malfurion(1696) whispers: well..the pawn race is the same HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: i never seen that movie HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: just h4 now HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: but it's dead drawn Malfurion(1696) whispers: black would queen first..but white skewers k+q right after
67.Rb5(0:53)Rb8(0:13) 68.h4(0:12)Kc4(0:03)
fernbap(1754) whispers: shredder syas 0.00.... i wonder why Koff(2164) whispers: just noticed Kxg5 Ra5 Rxa5 bxa5 h4 Kd5... well
69.Rb1(0:08)b5(0:04) 70.h5(0:05)b4(0:02) 71.Kg5(0:31)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: we are to see bare kingsb3(0:10) 72.h6(0:03)Kc3(0:09) 73.Kg6(0:09)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: all ocmps show 0.00 Koff(2164) whispers: really? seberg(1716) whispers: well, becasue it is ;) HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: yeah, even Crafty Malfurion(1696) whispers: lolKc2(0:43)
Koff(2164) whispers: oh... Litovec(1743) whispers: i looked to position from white side and realised that this is won for white , then i flip board looked from black side and realised that now it is won for black .... draw Malfurion(1696) whispers: if crafty says it, it must be true:) fernbap(1754) whispers: no! Even Crafty???? HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: lol
seberg(1716) whispers: well, he can just sack rook, and make black sack as well no? seberg(1716) whispers: ah there we go HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: yeah HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: Rh1 was ok too
psykasso offers a draw.
hugozver(1949) whispers: what a zeitnot player!
vipiu declines the draw request.Kxb3(1:03) 75.h7(0:06)Kc4(0:11)
spendius(1789) whispers: go vipiu
Malfurion(1696) whispers: can't believe he's denying the draw.. hugozver(1949) whispers: vipiu declines the draw request??? HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: lol jussu(1980) whispers: yes, bare kings must be seenKd5(0:12)
HyperMagnus(2048) whispers: that's sort of rude
seberg(1716) whispers: maybe he missed it ...
78.Kxh8(0:02)Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2
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