tahsine(2193) vs. elery(2266) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-10-30
tahsine(2193) whispers: hi everyone. To make thins even more fun, I have just lost electricity :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: and HERE WE GO !! 1.f4 (0:00)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: again? 1...d5 (0:00)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a timing 2.Nf3 (0:06) Nf6 (0:01)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: ...................................................................................................
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)) 3.e3 (0:06)
Underworld(2197) whispers: this will be very interesting 3...g6 (0:02)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it is just for you Birdalize ! 4.b3 (0:08) Bg7 (0:01) 5.Bb2 (0:03) O-O (0:01)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: so funny i'm logging ouy 6.Be2 (0:03) c5 (0:01)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)) 7.O-O (0:08) d4 (0:01)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes this is too much for your eyes
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Hi there! Gl elery!
tahsine(2193) whispers: Interesting !!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i hope this game wil end like today;s match Cibulkova vs Kerber :D
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Elery blitzing out moves is not particular that what you want as white
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Cibulkova is white :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @Darko :((
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a drama ..Kerber pulled her in semi final
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Before the game, I checked when Elery lost his last game with the black pieces
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: when ?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: March 2014 against gegitor
tahsine(2193) whispers: where is the catch ?
tahsine(2193) whispers: He obviously knows the opening !!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: so just right time :) for repeat ...
tahsine(2193) whispers: And this move is not part of the main line !!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: just take that pawn and move on
Spiralize(2436) whispers: nimzo expert bird
schachbjm(2319) whispers: You cannot expect to get a master out of book with rare openings like the Bird s opening
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Frankhe would be pruod now
Spiralize(2436) whispers: you brief us about this position please.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well this is reare move indeed
tahsine(2193) whispers: usually black plays Nc6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i see tahsine did not work out this variation
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i can feel it
Underworld(2197) whispers: Na3 has been payed twice before
Underworld(2197) whispers: *played
tahsine(2193) whispers: This early thrust in the center sounds quite strange
tahsine(2193) whispers: At least for me !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes Na3 also ...can be nice
NightFury(2148) whispers: goo elery
Underworld(2197) whispers: once in '67 and 2010
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: thx under
Underworld(2197) whispers: at least in 'high' level
Underworld(2197) whispers: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1642506&m=9.5
Underworld(2197) whispers: a wesley so game
Underworld(2197) whispers: as black
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: GMfEDOOSEV plyed before 3 month
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: do You see it Birdalize?!
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Your fav. opening is played
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and most important he won ! our dear GMFedossev :)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!
tahsine(2193) whispers: Giving away this pawn !
schachbjm(2319) whispers: 8.Na3 and exd4 are the moves I am considering here
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: @ under ,Wesley So won that game as black ?
tahsine(2193) whispers: exd cxd Nxd Qb6 with an ugly pin
schachbjm(2319) whispers: 8.exd4 Nd5! 9.Ne5 cxd4 10.Bxd4 maybe
Underworld(2197) whispers: yes. Against a weaker player of course who is about a 2419.
tahsine(2193) whispers: schachbjm likes player who take their time to think when it is critical :-)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: No need to take back immeditely
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
schachbjm(2319) whispers: He should not use my technique vs my team mate :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what critical take that pawn and move on!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hello for nightfury :)
NightFury(2148) whispers: hi nimzo
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: bewteen did you see that b4 which yudhajeetde missed?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I am relatively sure that Elery knows the Wesley So game
NightFury(2148) whispers: :)
NightFury(2148) whispers: yes and no
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well ok after of course..
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ok tahs time is to move ..
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: this alredy is not good sign
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I would spend some time here, too
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Your opponent is obviously familar with this position, he has analyzed it for sure and you are not familiar with it
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well was obviously not ready for this move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: no i know him he would react alredy if he was good prepear for this
NightFury(2148) whispers: there is no shame in taking extra time for a move you did not expect
NightFury(2148) whispers: better to be sure before you move and make a mistake
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I stated that Tahsine does not know the position, so it is right to spend time since Elery has prepared and analyzed this line for sure (based on the thinking time)
Underworld(2197) whispers: yeah, I would probably take here as well. Still seems even after exd4, cxd4, Bxd4, Nc6
tahsine(2193) whispers: the only other alternative would be Ne5, which could result in a forced exchange of queens.
Underworld(2197) whispers: It'll clear the way for white to properly develop.
NightFury(2148) whispers: why would black take back, Nd5 is much better i think
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe is tactik to elery get boring and made a blunder :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @fury, right! I mentioned it, too
tahsine(2193) whispers: maybe this is what he really wants. Exchange the queens and go to endgame as soon as possible.
tahsine(2193) whispers: well, I think there is no choice. the pin issue could be solved after all.
Underworld(2197) whispers: still equal I think. exd4, Nd5, Nc3
schachbjm(2319) whispers: time spend so far_
schachbjm(2319) whispers: 15 mins - 8 secs
Underworld(2197) whispers: ouch
tahsine(2193) whispers: already more than 10 mins thinking for one move !!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: MAX would be proud :) 8.exd4 (17:33)
ghambo(2147) whispers: gl to both players
tahsine(2193) whispers: it is OK
ghambo(2147) whispers: shure more gl tyo tahs ;)
Underworld(2197) whispers: there we go 8...cxd4 (0:27)
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think I can handle it.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: they alredy had more luck than they needed :(( 9.Nxd4 (0:27)
Underworld(2197) whispers: ...
tahsine(2193) whispers: Na6-Nc4 is a good place to push the queen away from b6
ghambo(2147) whispers: bird :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: How to proceed here?
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: hi all
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hi farzi
Underworld(2197) whispers: rough, I would've played Bxd4.
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qb6 or maybe even Nh5 c3 Nxf4 Rxf4 e5 Rf2 exd4
Underworld(2197) whispers: I agree
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes more natural to me too
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Nxd4 prevents black from Nc6, so I like Tahsine s decision
ghambo(2147) whispers: nd5 is good move imho
NightFury(2148) whispers: Bxd4 Nc6 and qb6 is a problem
Spiralize(2436) whispers: you smoked ghambo, i can smell it
tahsine(2193) whispers: Will he think as long as I did ?
ghambo(2147) whispers: will be glad if i was smoked
ghambo(2147) whispers: :)
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: yes nh5 best move for black
tahsine(2193) whispers: OMG, all these great gentlemen watching the match !!
ghambo(2147) whispers: nh5 possible too 9...Qb6 (5:52)
tahsine(2193) whispers: It is for their "fun" that I avoided the early exchange of queens
tahsine(2193) whispers: expected !
ghambo(2147) whispers: where knight develops in bird?
ghambo(2147) whispers: i have neve played it
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: kh1?
ghambo(2147) whispers: bu i can use nimzovich lasker na3 here imho
Underworld(2197) whispers: Na3 I think
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes
Underworld(2197) whispers: IOT play c3, Nc4
ghambo(2147) whispers: i mean this too
tahsine(2193) whispers: Kh1 will result in keeping the pawn for the moment but the d pawn will be doubled an isolated
tahsine(2193) whispers: Na6 will return the pawn soon, and the position is unclear to me.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well after that Kh1 can be agreesive move for some combo later
NightFury(2148) whispers: Na3 Ne4?
tahsine(2193) whispers: maybe a simple 1.e4 was easier after all :-)
tahsine(2193) whispers: but this is so much fun ;-) even if I don't make it at the end.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that Na3 sounds also good
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Kh1 10.Kh1 (3:02)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: .
NightFury(2148) whispers: Kh1 seems much better to me
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you see Birdalize and you knows something
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: yes
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: sseems FRANKHE GAVE YOU A GOOD LESSON :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: Nd5 c3
ghambo(2147) whispers: c3?
ghambo(2147) whispers: blocking bishop?
Spiralize(2436) whispers: gotta dfend the N
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think he does not have a justifiction for the ghambit !
ghambo(2147) whispers: hmm there is not other move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what c3 ghambo ?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Nd5 c3 Nxf4 (regaining the pawn) Rxf4?! e5
ghambo(2147) whispers: nd4 was positional mistake
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you did not play bird in your advanced patzers carier so ...
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i do not think so c3 is good
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: fk bird
ghambo(2147) whispers: i knwo that i dont want to block bishop
ghambo(2147) whispers: its all
Spiralize(2436) whispers: yeah @ghambo
ghambo(2147) whispers: i never play moves by heart
Underworld(2197) whispers: Nd5, Bc4, Bxd4, c3, Nxc3, dxc3, Bg7
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yeah like that Bc8 in game vs schachbjm :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: adn what u want with this move?
Underworld(2197) whispers: Yes, I think it was mistake too, Bxd4 stops Qb6 and Nh5 which were greater threats than Nc6.
ghambo(2147) whispers: u dont like this because engine dont showes it? or?
ghambo(2147) whispers: it was reasonable move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes it is
ghambo(2147) whispers: and it was well defending e6 pawn
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but must be something better
tahsine(2193) whispers: he seems to take me VERY seriously :-)
ghambo(2147) whispers: ba6 wasnot doing nothing there 10...Nd5 (4:14)
ghambo(2147) whispers: even schach would gifted that pawn
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bc8 is the game against me was fine, both Triarius and I would have gone for it probably
Underworld(2197) whispers: lol @ tahsine
ghambo(2147) whispers: i never take and play bc8 anyway
schachbjm(2319) whispers: But let us stop talking about furys and my gama
schachbjm(2319) whispers: And focus on Master Elery!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yeah it is now time to we have little luck !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: c'mon tahsine alee aleee
ghambo(2147) whispers: luck?
ghambo(2147) whispers: its not tennis darko 11.c3 (0:55)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
ghambo(2147) whispers: chess needs thinking
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ghambo c3 move nice move ghambo
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i told you it is best
Underworld(2197) whispers: Nxf4
ghambo(2147) whispers: its nessesary move
tahsine(2193) whispers: YES, TAKE THAT PAWN
ghambo(2147) whispers: but ugly
Underworld(2197) whispers: I disagree with it being best Darko
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well tahsine played so fast so seems for him that was only option 11...Rd8 (1:22)
ghambo(2147) whispers: sorry tahsine but
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: oh
ghambo(2147) whispers: its not preparation
ghambo(2147) whispers: i say it by heart
ghambo(2147) whispers: nothing beiond
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well seems you are not in black skin so ...watch and learn ghambo from master :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: i like Andrey's position here
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I like Rd8, Nc6 Ne3 ideas
ghambo(2147) whispers: u make me to smoke again darko
ghambo(2147) whispers: when u say about c3 :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what can be better from c3 Be4?under
Underworld(2197) whispers: Na3 and develop
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Bc4*
tahsine(2193) whispers: whisper i need to push that queen away from there asap
Underworld(2197) whispers: Bc4 was better, yes.
Slek(1957) whispers: I'd be tempted by f5 here
Underworld(2197) whispers: imo though
Underworld(2197) whispers: I think c3 was going to be played regardless
Underworld(2197) whispers: But Na3 needs to be played here to play Nc4
ghambo(2147) whispers: hope tahs wil manage to exch bg7 later
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe now Bc4?
ghambo(2147) whispers: but it become hard task
tahsine(2193) whispers: hesitiating between Na3 and f5 (crazy sac !)
tahsine(2193) whispers: f5 would totally destabilize the king side but I cannot followup
Underworld(2197) whispers: Yes, it is playable IOT stop Nxf4 12.Na3 (4:53) Qc7 (0:12)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: too strong is elery for that sac..
tahsine(2193) whispers: let us try to calm down
ghambo(2147) whispers: dont like bc4
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: good choice
Spiralize(2436) whispers: f5 was interesting
ghambo(2147) whispers: it blinds DSB
tahsine(2193) whispers: Do I see something here ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well maybe but c4 is right spot for B
Spiralize(2436) whispers: suppos Bx Rx gx Nx and you get Bg7 with lonely king
tahsine(2193) whispers: suddenly f5 looks feasible !!
ghambo(2147) whispers: Andreys sac vas reasonable move
ghambo(2147) whispers: and it ont needs discussion
tahsine(2193) whispers: Nab5 followed by f5
NightFury(2148) whispers: im concerned about blacks lack of development
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: c4
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well tahs must pull some strong faster move
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Elery messaged me before the game that he wont play for a draw in this game
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he will not have at the end ....
tahsine(2193) whispers: OK, will try it, need to be daring here. We are playing for a win. 13.Nab5 (2:56)
Underworld(2197) whispers: c4 looks good IOT play Bc3 13...Qd7 (0:16)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well it is natural for Elery he lost last game vs tahsine :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: f5 was worth a look, maybe needed in a must win situation, but it is a longterm sac ...
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he owne him
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: so much
ghambo(2147) whispers: blacks batter scares me
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I agree with fury, moving the queen three times, queenside not developed at all ...
ghambo(2147) whispers: *battery
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems this knights are in good shape
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: they are jumping around it is so fanny c;mon tahs!.... 14.f5 (1:51)
ghambo(2147) whispers: a6 b5 bb7 14...Nc6 (0:16)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a fast play by elery ..
Underworld(2197) whispers: Bc4!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yeah under
ghambo(2147) whispers: bc4 or c4?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: in right time on right place
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that is all ij chess :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: dont like bc4
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: opening was dedicated to Birdalize
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: ;) 15.fxg6 (1:10)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: under please explain to ghambo why Bc4 is good 15...hxg6 (0:03)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: beautiful !
ghambo(2147) whispers: maybe i can explain to u why its bad?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
ghambo(2147) whispers: ;)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: good one
tahsine(2193) whispers: but I'm really down on time :(
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Tuse
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Go Elery!!! 16.Bc4 (1:01)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: who needs a time just play !
Underworld(2197) whispers: because f7 is weak with a rook already pointing at it. creating that threat will start to relieve pressure from the center allowing white more mobility..imo
Underworld(2197) whispers: what do you think ghambo?
Slek(1957) whispers: white has to do something slightly drastic here, otherwise a6 is coming, I think
tahsine(2193) whispers: Now who is pinning the other ? 16...Nxd4 (0:42)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems tahs and under on same frequency
ghambo(2147) whispers: about what Richard?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bxd5 is a threat here followed by Nc7
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: very high :)
Underworld(2197) whispers: my last couple of comments.
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Position seems to be equal to me
ghambo(2147) whispers: ah now saw
ghambo(2147) whispers: ur whisper
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes maybe
ghambo(2147) whispers: but black king is safe
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: BJM!
ghambo(2147) whispers: bishop must be eliminated for sucsesfull attack
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it is long way for there
ghambo(2147) whispers: not talking about moves
ghambo(2147) whispers: its my feelings
Underworld(2197) whispers: i understand
tahsine(2193) whispers: Nxd4 allows e5
ghambo(2147) whispers: white must be carefull
ghambo(2147) whispers: black can counter in few moves
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well open Ffile is enough for now i think ...
tahsine(2193) whispers: cxd4 allows Nc3 for me with pressure on the Knight
ghambo(2147) whispers: semi-open 17.cxd4 (3:36)
ghambo(2147) whispers: Andrey feels position
ghambo(2147) whispers: hes structural player
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well this Nc3 i like it from tahs
schachbjm(2319) whispers: re-newing the Bxd5 Nc7 threat
tahsine(2193) whispers: three open files
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yup
tahsine(2193) whispers: I need to move my a rook to c1 or e1 asap
schachbjm(2319) whispers: cxd4 looks ugly, but it might turn out as a precise move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ghamb open not semi open :)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: it's clear white should focus on dynamic chances
Slek(1957) whispers: I would have never thought of playing cxd. I dont know if it's good, but it's brilliant
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think I'm better now
ghambo(2147) whispers: there are two open files and two semi open
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: tahs said open :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: no
ghambo(2147) whispers: 3 semi and one open
Underworld(2197) whispers: yes, e6 or maybe Nf6 coming
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: so if they are not open he will open ! alee alee c'mon tahsine
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D 17...e6 (2:08)
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think e6 is forced here
tahsine(2193) whispers: indeed
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: only enemy to us now is time !...
tahsine(2193) whispers: a6 Bxd5 is klling
tahsine(2193) whispers: e6 is fine for the moment ;-)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: like introsepction always saying ...
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qf3 and pile on f7 is my bet
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: of course ...
schachbjm(2319) whispers: It is funny that white can re-new the threat of Bxd5 with Qf3 again
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: we do not have stronger move at the moment 18.Qf3 (1:31)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and it must be played fast
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yeah boom
ghambo(2147) whispers: e6 pours water on blacks mill imho
tahsine(2193) whispers: black is now cramped
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yup
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: look and learn ghambo from master !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and you too BIRDALIZE !
ghambo(2147) whispers: long term it fixes e pawns
tahsine(2193) whispers: I need to be careful with time
ghambo(2147) whispers: blinds bishop hense
schachbjm(2319) whispers: It feels like white made some progress
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: mc IS alredy learned a leson :))
ghambo(2147) whispers: and add f7 ender
NightFury(2148) whispers: a6
ghambo(2147) whispers: *defender
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Nd6 might be killing
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: SOUND LIKE BEST A6 @NIGHTFURY
Spiralize(2436) whispers: does it work?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that knight is very annoying
NightFury(2148) whispers: hmm didnt see Nd6
tahsine(2193) whispers: a6 Nc3
Spiralize(2436) whispers: deviating queen from f7
Slek(1957) whispers: but Nd6 Qxd6 Qxf7+ Kh7 and how does white continues? Bd3?
tahsine(2193) whispers: if then Bxd4 Nxd5 and he is bad
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Rf3 perhaps
ghambo(2147) whispers: hi slek
Spiralize(2436) whispers: bd3 or rf3
ghambo(2147) whispers: a6 b5
schachbjm(2319) whispers: e5 needed to defend vs mate
tahsine(2193) whispers: I don't think black has a lot of good moves
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well maybe black can not alloow that black queen protecting f7 spot
Slek(1957) whispers: hey Gyorgi
ghambo(2147) whispers: ah
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: she must be much active
ghambo(2147) whispers: f7 is problem after it
Spudweb(2104) whispers: just Qe7
ghambo(2147) whispers: nice
ghambo(2147) whispers: how are u?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Both Qe7 and Rf8 can be answered with Ba3
tahsine(2193) whispers: mabye that ghambit I've never seen before was not sound at all !!
ghambo(2147) whispers: where is Josh did u know?
Spudweb(2104) whispers: Qe7 Ba3 Qf6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: a6 Nd6 ? black can not take with queen ...
Spudweb(2104) whispers: and then Bd5 :(
Spiralize(2436) whispers: why can't he take
Slek(1957) whispers: no idea about josh.
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Qxf7 works?
Spudweb(2104) whispers: maybe black goes ...f5 here
NightFury(2148) whispers: doesnt work @spud there is Be7
Slek(1957) whispers: f5 looks ugly... activating the Bc4...
Slek(1957) whispers: Night, you want to play Be7 here?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Qxf7
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: illegal moves again?!
NightFury(2148) whispers: lol no not here, in spuds line
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Rf3 after
Psycho(1958) whispers: doesnt f5 just trade one weakness for 2 in e6 and g6
schachbjm(2319) whispers: About which line are we taling right now?
Spudweb(2104) whispers: Qf6 does not work because of Bd5
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: all
Spiralize(2436) whispers: right psycho, Rae1 comes superfast
tahsine(2193) whispers: a6 Nc3 Nxc3 dxc3 and I have one extra pawn and a clear advance in space and develpment.
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Too many lines mixed up :(
tahsine(2193) whispers: looks quite promising for white
ghambo(2147) whispers: im trying to understand it too
Slek(1957) whispers: it would be good if whispers were reddit-like
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i said if a6 then can be played Nd6 ,if Qxf6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: then Qxf7 ,,followed by Rf3
ghambo(2147) whispers: maybe black can move knight and not undouble after nc3?
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: yes
Slek(1957) whispers: how about a6 Nd6 f5?
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Rf3 threatens mate
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Yes Darko, a6 Nd6 Qxd6?! Qxf7+ Kh7 Rf3 e5 dxe5 is clear
schachbjm(2319) whispers: But how about the other suggestion
Underworld(2197) whispers: If Rf3, e5 is a must
Spiralize(2436) whispers: yes
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but Elery would never take N
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i think
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2319) whispers: true
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe only MC our dear oldest patzer MC !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)
Underworld(2197) whispers: But, Tahsine is mainly considering a6, Nc3
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: who knows what i would play?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Did we discuss Bf8 here preventing the ugly Nd6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: NOBODY KNOWS EVEN AND YOU :)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: yeah
schachbjm(2319) whispers: But it looks wrong
Spiralize(2436) whispers: considering this, black should invite Nd6 first and then go f5, addressing the threat and pressuring the N
Slek(1957) whispers: what if black just plays f5 after Nd6?
Spiralize(2436) whispers: exactly the point I was trying to make
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: http://ficsgames.org/cgi-bin/show.cgi?ID=400395999
ghambo(2147) whispers: a6 is good move any case
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes indeed
Underworld(2197) whispers: Nd6 f5 may be why tahsine says he will play Nc3
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: small but excellent
Spiralize(2436) whispers: but let's focus on other lines, more pertinent to the game
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: here i played 27. hxg4
schachbjm(2319) whispers: so, a6 Nd6 f5 Ba3 Bf8 Qg3 Kg7 Qe5+ Kg8
Spiralize(2436) whispers: tahsine intends Nc3 after a6
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes @schachbjm that looks promising
Spiralize(2436) whispers: seems reasonable move 18...a6 (11:52)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: no need to go fancy
gentsquash(1734) whispers: Perhaps, but a6 leaves a hole at b6, so possibly Nc3, Bxd4 Nxd5, Bxb2 and Nb6 forking Q and R.
tahsine(2193) whispers: seems that a6 for him is the lesser of evils
tahsine(2193) whispers: OK here we go ! 19.Nc3 (0:27)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: yes, Na4-b6 is a threa
ghambo(2147) whispers: tahs choose more solid play
Spiralize(2436) whispers: so NxN
Spiralize(2436) whispers: but I don't like it, gives me options
ghambo(2147) whispers: nxn undoubling? 19...b5 (0:39)
Underworld(2197) whispers: maybe b5 here IOT play b4 and allow Rf8 to defend f7
tahsine(2193) whispers: WOW
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I thought about b5 as well
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Nxp ;)
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think this is a fatal error
ghambo(2147) whispers: hi Tom
schachbjm(2319) whispers: the line gentsquash mentioned seems to be just bad for black
ghambo(2147) whispers: d5 elimination now
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: hello ghambo - you mean Master of Endgame Tom? :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: urgent!
ghambo(2147) whispers: now its really luck darko
Slek(1957) whispers: Nxd5 forces exd5
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Nxd5 forces
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what ?
Spiralize(2436) whispers: exd5
ghambo(2147) whispers: maybe chess needs luck as tennis?
tahsine(2193) whispers: OK calm down and don't make a fool of yourself :(
ghambo(2147) whispers: ;)
Underworld(2197) whispers: I like Nxd5 keeping the LSB and pointing it at h7.
Spiralize(2436) whispers: on bxc4 Nf6+ Bx Qx and d5 is killer threat
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))@tahs
Psycho(1958) whispers: too late for some of us :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he is like actor
tahsine(2193) whispers: sorry folks, I saw Nb6 :(
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: c4z
tahsine(2193) whispers: but no, forget it.
Slek(1957) whispers: after Nxd5 bxc4 I just saw Nb6
ghambo(2147) whispers: c3 was more solid i like it
ghambo(2147) whispers: more than d6
schachbjm(2319) whispers: We agree on Nxd5 exd5 Bd3 here, right?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: How to proceed?
tahsine(2193) whispers: but still, taking the pawn will make his d pawn isolated also
ghambo(2147) whispers: why not bd5?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: The LSb pointing at g6/h7 is a monster piece 20.Nxd5 (3:19)
tahsine(2193) whispers: exd5 is forced
Spudweb(2104) whispers: and now Bb7 20...exd5 (0:15)
tahsine(2193) whispers: bd3 and I'm clearly better 21.Bd3 (0:05)
ghambo(2147) whispers: yeah right
Spudweb(2104) whispers: why not Bb7
ghambo(2147) whispers: stupid quest by me
Underworld(2197) whispers: b4 to stop Ba3
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bb7 Nf6+ Bxf6 Qxf6 is lost for black @spudweb
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a nice place for white bishop :D
Spiralize(2436) whispers: indeed
Spudweb(2104) whispers: o yes
Spiralize(2436) whispers: why go for exchange when you can go for the king
tahsine(2193) whispers: now I need to transform this "better" into a win !
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I would assume h4-h5 for white
tahsine(2193) whispers: e and c files are open for me rooks
ghambo(2147) whispers: but what to with dsb?
Underworld(2197) whispers: I see h4 in white's future
NightFury(2148) whispers: Qa7?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: under was clear b4 is preventing move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and maybe in this position best
ghambo(2147) whispers: Richard any openiions?
ghambo(2147) whispers: *opinions
Underworld(2197) whispers: I've stated many. tahsine has this well in hand. h4 should be white's next move or Rae8
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Rae1 21...Ra7 (2:53)
Slek(1957) whispers: I wonder if white can go Ba3 Rae1 and sacrifice d4
schachbjm(2319) whispers: powerful move
ghambo(2147) whispers: slek can u read my ch1 question
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems Elery has some other plans instead b4 :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Keeping Qg4 as an option and f7 is protected
Underworld(2197) whispers: I think piling on f-file and pushing h-pawn will be best plan.
NightFury(2148) whispers: yep, like this move
Underworld(2197) whispers: Ba3 since no b4 and f8 can't be a defending square unless DSB's are traded. 22.Rae1 (1:27)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well fast move that is promising :) if nothing else 22...Qg4 (0:58)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I do not like it that white can play for a win here :(
ghambo(2147) whispers: guys can u help me at ch 1?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: White is better here, no doubts about it
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but Under sounds like frankhe .he feels this Bird;s openning from early start :)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Qf2
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hm Eelry wants exchange ..
tahsine(2193) whispers: still not ready to exchange queens, although I'm a pawn up
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe first good sign for us ...
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qxg4, Bxg4, h3 to secure white king and push bishop to a shitty square 23.Qf2 (1:21)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: which square? ;)
Underworld(2197) whispers: d7 or c8
Underworld(2197) whispers: Be6 should be playable now.
Underworld(2197) whispers: or even f5 and keep bishop on c8 like ghambo.
Underworld(2197) whispers: ;)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @ghambo: I answered you in ch01
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: good one @ under
ghambo(2147) whispers: thx schack
schachbjm(2319) whispers: b4 here dominating the DSB or how to proceed as black?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: What do you predict here as a result?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i do not know but tahsine started to play little faster i am happy with that ..
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I stay with "draw"
Underworld(2197) whispers: I like b4 or Be6, but I think b4 is the better move.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe that Nd6 was better
ghambo(2147) whispers: hard to say about result
Slek(1957) whispers: I predict that I would lose this game with any side.
tahsine(2193) whispers: ghambo and schach and darko are making noise on the help channel !!
ghambo(2147) whispers: ist unpleasant situation for black imo
axeltiger(2169) whispers: black has compensation for the pawn, so it's hard to tell either way
ghambo(2147) whispers: but i dont know how white will execuite win from here
tahsine(2193) whispers: seems this game is not as fun as they wanted it to be !!
Spudweb(2104) whispers: lol that's not an extra pawn
schachbjm(2319) whispers: :DD 23...Qd7 (4:40)
Underworld(2197) whispers: if not b4 then white will need to activate that DSB immediately
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: if tahsine looks at channels
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: this can be dra at least
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D
axeltiger(2169) whispers: so, Ba3 here?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: look at board !!
Underworld(2197) whispers: yes
ghambo(2147) whispers: set silence 0
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: ba3
ghambo(2147) whispers: 1
NightFury(2148) whispers: im confused about this
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: again wuth queen move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems Elery likes his queen too much today :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: He offered a trade one move ago @Darko
tahsine(2193) whispers: he is retracting !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: He does not separate the hands of her
Slek(1957) whispers: Ba3 now?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well yes
Underworld(2197) whispers: free move for white here
schachbjm(2319) whispers: yes, most likely
ghambo(2147) whispers: dont be dogmatic darko
tahsine(2193) whispers: OK, plan is push the rook to e7 covered by the bishop.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but that queen was on good place ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: black back in same position
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: why to touch her again 24.Ba3 (1:43)
ghambo(2147) whispers: moving pieces is important in opening
Underworld(2197) whispers: yes!!!
axeltiger(2169) whispers: what was the point behind Qd7? 24...Re8 (0:10)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: lesker would never move this queen twice !
Underworld(2197) whispers: Bc5
tahsine(2193) whispers: obvious reaction
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i mean our friend Lessker to not be counfused other guys...
Underworld(2197) whispers: and now pile on e7
ghambo(2147) whispers: blacks fortress is hard to destroy
axeltiger(2169) whispers: this looks a lot worse now for black
Slek(1957) whispers: how do you pile on e7 if he trades the e-rook next?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bc5 Rc7 and white did not achieve anything 25.Rxe8+ (1:53) Qxe8 (0:04) 26.Bc5 (0:01)
Underworld(2197) whispers: Re3, Rfe1 or even Qh4
axeltiger(2169) whispers: well, white's bishop on b2 improved, I would say
Underworld(2197) whispers: definitely
ghambo(2147) whispers: litally
tahsine(2193) whispers: best place for the bishop
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well nice spot for black Bishop anyway
gentsquash(1734) whispers: Though black can try to trade off DSBs with Bf8.
ghambo(2147) whispers: maybe d6 was better square?
Underworld(2197) whispers: scha, Bc5 is a good outpost though. that is better than b2 26...Rc7 (1:13)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well we must keep it simple
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: low time on clock
Spiralize(2436) whispers: it's stable and closes file
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Re1 :) 27.Re1 (0:14) Be6 (0:04)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Finally, we see the LSB
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well now seems is for under mobes
ghambo(2147) whispers: it closes file but dont oposses opps bishop
Underworld(2197) whispers: h4 now! 28.Qf4 (0:22)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: h4-h5 was striking
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: with oawns ...
Spiralize(2436) whispers: agreed @under
schachbjm(2319) whispers: To me, this position looks extremly hard to breakthrough
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well at least we gave good sweat at Elery :) 28...Rc6 (0:35)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and his teams mate :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: no darkjo
Slek(1957) whispers: Re3-h3 now?
ghambo(2147) whispers: elery can play only with rook here without thinking
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Elery is on my shark list ;)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: tahsine plays now like C ibulkova today...attack attack and only attack :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: in my too Tom
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I would like to see Re3-h3 here since it drops the exchange 29.Qg5 (0:54)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is nice he plays really well as I would be force to do my best to draw against him :D
ghambo(2147) whispers: hes structural player
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: we are closer and closer to black king
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: knock knock we are coming
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: who is there ?
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I actually like white's chances here
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: MC old patzer is there who else
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: what does it mean to be (to play like) a structural player?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Elery is the strongest player in this room (players and observers)
ghambo(2147) whispers: who answers it?
Mayors(1631) whispers: darko open the dooooooooooor
ghambo(2147) whispers: bishop ro king?
Mayors(1631) whispers: lol
Mayors(1631) whispers: hello everyone
ghambo(2147) whispers: bishop will throu out queen and roook togather
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hello my player !welcome
schachbjm(2319) whispers: hi mayors
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: hi Mayors!
ghambo(2147) whispers: hi
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Mark, we are the strongest in this room, aren't we? :D
Underworld(2197) whispers: lol
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe in running from tiger
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
ghambo(2147) whispers: u think guys
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: yeah
ghambo(2147) whispers: am going to smoke
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Mark runs much faster than I play bullets here :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: take Birdalize with you
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: we are strongest patzers here @ Nokia
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: yeah, definitely!
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qd7 here, otherwise there is Qxd5
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yup
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and what about Qc8?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: possible as well
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Elery still thinks
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that is good
schachbjm(2319) whispers: A funny line would be Qd7 Re3? Bxd4 Bxd4?? Rc1+ Re1 Rxe1+ Bg1 Qa7 0-1 :D 29...f5 (5:21)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: oh
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I thought that was too risky
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
schachbjm(2319) whispers: surprise to me
axeltiger(2169) whispers: what happens after g4 now?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: we have a move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: aleee aleee
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: c'mon tahsine
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: "the threat is better than executions"
schachbjm(2319) whispers: That looks terrible for black :(
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: just play some good move and we are fine :))
Underworld(2197) whispers: maybe black wanted Qf7...
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a deeply though
axeltiger(2169) whispers: looks like it
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and now Topalov;s move g4 ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: or just any 4
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: with any any pawns
Spudweb(2104) whispers: g4 Qf7
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: h4 ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: g4, Qf7, Qd8+
Spudweb(2104) whispers: Qd8+ Qf8
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: to get up white king from deep dream :))
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: little chek would not be bad :)
Underworld(2197) whispers: Bxf8 30.g4 (3:19)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I'm wondering what happens after g4, Qf7, gxf5, with some threats of invasion on the seventh rank
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: under you would be perfect blindfold player :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: g4 Qf7 gxf Bxf Qd8+! Kh7 (Bf8 has to be looked at) Qh4+ Kg8 Bxf5 and now black cannot take with the queen due to Re8+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: we must play once that game of course i will play with eyes :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: boom
Spudweb(2104) whispers: i cannot calculate when observing :(
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: knock knock we are coming
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: get up white king
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you sleept almost all winter :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: as sharp as I could !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it is time for gymnastics
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Mc, Fury, let us hope for the best!
Underworld(2197) whispers: I don't think I'd be good at blindfold chess. 30...Qf7 (1:26)
tahsine(2193) whispers: I did not think enough, but this looks fine
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well this is pay for yudhajeetde b4
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: aleee alee c'mon tahsine !!!
axeltiger(2169) whispers: a key moment in the game now
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Go Elery!!!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: little chek to king stretch his legs ...?
tahsine(2193) whispers: gxf5 or Qd8+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: is not under ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: chek is always good even you are losing
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I think, everybody with 2000+ rating is able to play blindfold
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you are deep wrong my friend :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: nah ghambo can not :)
Spudweb(2104) whispers: so why not Qd8+ Bf8?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe 15 moves yes
schachbjm(2319) whispers: of course, you cannot play at your normal level/strength, but still ...
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I am 2000+ and I barely play with wide open eyes!!
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: i can't play blindfold too 31.Qd8+ (1:59)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no, I cannot even play more than a few moves blindfold
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes MC it is easy for you ,you eben do not see anything with eyes :)) 31...Kh7 (0:24)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: lol Nimzo :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ok we got chek what now under ?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no, I disagree 32.Qh4+ (0:02) Kg8 (0:06)
Azubuike(1900) whispers: Darko is funny
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Mark can see (notice) mate in 1 unders 10 minutes
schachbjm(2319) whispers: ok, let us rephrase: I think, most players who are rated 2200+ can play blindfold 33.gxf5 (0:28)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: oh, it is better
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: zubi seems you are frozzen your 1900 rating
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I played two 2050 players blindfold last week
Underworld(2197) whispers: no doubt I can see the board and play, but I just dunno if I have that much of a GAF for a whole game. Maybe that's just me being lazy, but I've got 13 jobs rolled up into one, so memory lapses happen often.
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: when I reach 2200, you have to change "except Nokia" :D
Azubuike(1900) whispers: yes I'm scared to play
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: This looks like a beaver dam breaks
schachbjm(2319) whispers: (1 blindfold vs them playing on the board)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: slow but sharp ... 33...Bxf5 (0:51)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: play with me zubi you will beat me for sure :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i am your regular costumer :L)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Nimzo, You are old patzer!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: just exchange and we are still one pawn more?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: the youngest of old patzers... is me! :D
Psycho(1958) whispers: for a patzer, every game is like the first time :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: youngest means you are good :)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: :D
tahsine(2193) whispers: both kings are "naked" now, I need to be careful from the Qf1#
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: when you get old like MC
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: THAT MEANS IT IS NOT HOPE ANYMORE
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: when I get that old like MC
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bxf5 gxf, how to proceed?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I would change my nickname to
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: "NokiaRaptorDinosaur" :D 34.Bxf5 (2:01)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qd8+ Re7 or are there any backrank issues
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: we will see my dear friend schachbjm let see what tahsine prepeared for end :)
Spudweb(2104) whispers: black is in danger of becoming better here. passed pawn
axeltiger(2169) whispers: question: What would black have done after Re7?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i mean your team end :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: expect Qf1# there aren't any ;)
tahsine(2193) whispers: I think I'll grab another pawn 34...gxf5 (0:34)
ghambo(2147) whispers: hmm
Underworld(2197) whispers: gxf5, Qd8+, Kh7, Re7
ghambo(2147) whispers: why he played f5??
Spudweb(2104) whispers: Qd8+ Bf8
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes ghambo that is mvery good question
Spudweb(2104) whispers: Re8 Rf6 35.Qd8+ (0:29)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that f5 was under big question mark
Spiralize(2436) whispers: he did not consider how devastating seems this line
Slek(1957) whispers: I thought white would play Re7
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Nokia, let us play soon, I would like to change my username to "TheNokiaCrusher" :D
ghambo(2147) whispers: now white must win it
Spiralize(2436) whispers: he wasn't far from reaching a fortess, if it weren't for this combo
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: do not be so sure my friend schach
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: schacbjm if Elery lose this game 35...Kh7 (0:35)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Mark can learn me nice tricks 36.Re7 (0:06)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: like Fool's Mate :D
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and I will mate you my dear check :D
tahsine(2193) whispers: YES !
schachbjm(2319) whispers: We will find out!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you must be in quarantine forr 7 days
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: no chess for you :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: Re7!!
axeltiger(2169) whispers: Qh5, and hope for a swindle?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: perfect technique !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you ghambo what is high IQ ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ALEEE ALEEE C'MON TAHSINE !
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qh5 drops the exchange
ghambo(2147) whispers: chess dont needs iq
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: just heart
ghambo(2147) whispers: it needs knowledge and position feeling
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I thought it dropped a piece, but gave black some perpetual opportunities
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: even monkeys can play chess ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qh5 fails to Rxg7+, Kxg7, Qd7+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :)
Underworld(2197) whispers: So, Qg6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well Frankhe is really proud now i am sure...
tahsine(2193) whispers: I can imagine Darko with his Aleeeeeeeee now !
Underworld(2197) whispers: lmao
ghambo(2147) whispers: :)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: aleeee are mine
Spiralize(2436) whispers: :/
ghambo(2147) whispers: and with novak
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yeah
Spiralize(2436) whispers: I spread 'em into darko
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Elery is an endgame expert, most likely the best endgame player in TL, so I still have hope that it will be a pieceful draw at the end
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I'm not sure the king can escape the perpetual checks, if the black queen is allowed in on f3
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: atp masters 100 will just start ....
ghambo(2147) whispers: darko roots chess like tennis
ghambo(2147) whispers: :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it will be like this game vs Niovak and Murray
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: they will fight for no 1 at the end of year
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: alee aleee c;mon tahsine
Spiralize(2436) whispers: andy is in superstrong shap
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: i saw commercial where korchnoy lost with cow :D
Spiralize(2436) whispers: shape*
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qg6 or f6 and Qxd5 and white is up 2 pawns and looking really strong. 36...Qh5 (3:40)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: that's my move!
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: RxB?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wow
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: elery gives us bishop ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: no, that will be a draw
axeltiger(2169) whispers: Rxb wins a piece, but is it enought to win?
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: rxg7
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he think he has chek by repetition ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: perpetual
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hm are you sure under ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that Rxg7 is draw ?
tahsine(2193) whispers: hmmmm
ghambo(2147) whispers: not clear
Underworld(2197) whispers: yes, nothing is guarding below the 5th rank.
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: 10 min on clock
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it must be time to finde all line
ghambo(2147) whispers: but rg7 first instict
Slek(1957) whispers: what after Rxg7+ Kxg7 Bf8+
ghambo(2147) whispers: tahsine must calc carefully
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: ghambo yesterday you said I am Endgame Master ;)
Mayors(1631) whispers: aleeeee aleeeee tahsine
axeltiger(2169) whispers: the black king can march upwards then
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Rxg7+ Kxg7 Bf8+ Kg8 Bc5 Kh7 Qd7+ Kh8 Qxc6 Qf3+ is a draw due to perpetual check
ghambo(2147) whispers: when u see good move, look for better one
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and it turned ot Elery is a way better than me :D
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: rxg7 best move
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you buster ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: but i cant see betterone here
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well it will Funeral March
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: if farzi said Rxg7 then
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: tahs must play it
Spiralize(2436) whispers: feels like it isn't time to say arrivederci amico mio
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: farzi can see better then we all
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is a won position :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: RxB and Bf8+ ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes u are Tom@
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: forza farzii!!!!!!
Mayors(1631) whispers: aleeee aleeeeee darko
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: @:)
Underworld(2197) whispers: this draw may be forced
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is not a draw ;)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is won for white
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Hard to say whether there is a win after Rxg7 Kxg7 Bf8+
ghambo(2147) whispers: hope so
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: if this went on draw
tahsine(2193) whispers: good sac is possible here with a win in material
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: even if it looks drawish
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I am not sure at all
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i will broke my pc !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and spiralize ;s chair
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and I am sure :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: bf8?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: think of the 3rd move
tahsine(2193) whispers: but will he be able to get a perpetual ?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: after RxB and Bf8+ and...? ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: didnot considered it
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no, he will not be
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: verry hard
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @nokia: show me an improvement to my line
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no problem
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: 3.Bd6+!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: alone queen can not gives perpetual ?
axeltiger(2169) whispers: is this the computer talking?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: down there
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: but i think he can dont give draw
tahsine(2193) whispers: OK, enough thinking.
Underworld(2197) whispers: scha I think you are right. Rxg7+, Kxg7, Bf8+, Kg6, Qe8+, Kg5, Be7+, Kg4, Qxc6
tahsine(2193) whispers: MAY HELL BREAK LOOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: yeah :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: BANZAIIIIIIIII
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: congrats Under! 37.Rxg7+ (5:34)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: well done 37...Kxg7 (0:04)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: aleee aleee
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Black has Qf3+ at the end and I doubt that the king can escape unless there is something insane like K moving into blacks position 38.Bf8+ (0:09)
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: bf8
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: warn me if we play ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: i was thinking qd7
Mayors(1631) whispers: i think it will be draw
Underworld(2197) whispers: thanks
Underworld(2197) whispers: :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes but alone white queen ? can she gives perpetual ?
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: down there
Slek(1957) whispers: @schachbjm, Underworld has given a variation where white forces black to play Kg4 before taking the rook
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no, it cannot
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that is a key question ?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Does anyone has checked the position with the engine? forced draw? or is there a win?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: win ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: hey guys
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but do not ask WHO checked this :D
ghambo(2147) whispers: how u can calc so deeply?
ghambo(2147) whispers: and so acuratelly
ghambo(2147) whispers: pls tell me true
ghambo(2147) whispers: are using engines?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: +4,1 ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: or are u SGMs?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I just checked ideas with the engine
axeltiger(2169) whispers: Kg6, Qe8, Kg5, Be7, Kh6 and then what?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: because I do not believe others :D
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I do not use an engine while observing, best training
axeltiger(2169) whispers: oh, nevermind 38...Kg8 (1:51)
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: (unless they are GMs)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: the rook hangs
ghambo(2147) whispers: yes me too schack
ghambo(2147) whispers: and i dont belive them at all
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I do not use the engine while playing
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as it disturbs my thinking :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you eben do not know how to start engine !@ ghambo :))
JoshuaR(1849) whispers: :P
axeltiger(2169) whispers: ok, let's see if white finds Bd6+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you advanced patzer !
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @slek: I do not find the line? 39.Bd6+ (0:37)
ghambo(2147) whispers: when i started to play i was beliving shurely
ghambo(2147) whispers: but now hate them
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I love these
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as I know how to use them ;)
Slek(1957) whispers: a previous whisper: Underworld(2197)[248] whispers: scha I think you are right. Rxg7+, Kxg7, Bf8+, Kg6, Qe8+, Kg5, Be7+, Kg4, Qxc6
ghambo(2147) whispers: they cant teach nothing nokia
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well we must prepar our king will go soon in longer walk :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: belive me
schachbjm(2319) whispers: No need to go Kg6
axeltiger(2169) whispers: now the bishop covers g3
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: of course I try to refute their lines, but it is really hard :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he must take best shoose he has
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: alee aleee c'mon tahsine !!!
schachbjm(2319) whispers: simply Kg8-Kh7-Kg8
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you are deep wrong my friend ghambo
ghambo(2147) whispers: really?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is the same as if you would say: "cars cannot help people at driving"
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: really
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: leav engine and lets us focus on end game
axeltiger(2169) whispers: not at all though, @nokia
ghambo(2147) whispers: no its not same 39...Kh7 (1:41)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: @ and good explanation nokia ....
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: most people have no idea how to use the engine(s) in a correct way
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: wait pssss 40.Qd7+ (0:06)
ghambo(2147) whispers: its only algorithms
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: lets see this move
ghambo(2147) whispers: i use them for my analysis
schachbjm(2319) whispers: ok, my line has been played, Bd6 should not make a difference
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: after I analysed with the engine about 50-60 TL games
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: rook is faaling ?
ghambo(2147) whispers: after i analyze with myslef firts
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I have notice what kind of mistakes and errors
tahsine(2193) whispers: now I just need to avoid any perpetual. I'll have to crawl with my king to the center. But it is OK
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: a lot of people do
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I am 80% sure that there is perpetual check 40...Kg8 (0:55)
ghambo(2147) whispers: i use them for checking tactics only
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I stopped using engines when analysing when I noticed how superficial they made me 41.Qxc6 (0:17)
Underworld(2197) whispers: white king may now walk to queen side to block checks since c-file is open to white queen. i think.
ghambo(2147) whispers: ur correct axel
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I use engines to refute their lines
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but did he take running shoose :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but sometimes it is damn hard
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ok guys lets see what will heppen now
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as I told (repeated) many times
Spudweb(2104) whispers: this is just perp right? Qd1 Kg2 Qxd2 Kg3Qd3
ghambo(2147) whispers: tahsine played like master here
tahsine(2193) whispers: one piece and a pawn up
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: most people do not know how to use engines to their benefits
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I use engines sometimes, when I don't feel like analysing, but still want to find out what's going on. It's a guilty pleasure
ghambo(2147) whispers: i didnot saw this tricky moves
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: maybe black queen will take white king and offers him some money to stay in right corener :)
tahsine(2193) whispers: maybe he can grap two pawns but I'm still better IMO
Underworld(2197) whispers: @ghambo, it can be easy to quickly rattle off moves when you know what your objective is and the threats you must reduce. fewer pieces can make that easier or harder.
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I am too lazy to analyse the games by my own
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: that's why I use engines
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Is there any way to avoid perpetual check? I doubt it, to be honest
Underworld(2197) whispers: I think tahsin probably played the best move to have the c-file open to the white queen to try and stop perpetual checks
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but while I am playing I turn them off
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as they are disturbing me while I am thinking!
axeltiger(2169) whispers: the white king can try to hide either by going for the q-side, or going upwards against the black king
ghambo(2147) whispers: can king run out propertuals from e5?
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qd1+ Kg2 Qxd2+ and the king is trapped on the kingside, no way that the queen might help
ghambo(2147) whispers: maybe bishop can help after kh3
ghambo(2147) whispers: i hate queens endgames
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you probably miss something my friend @schach
Slek(1957) whispers: after Kh3 there's Qg4#
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Queen stays on the d-file and delivers checks
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I have been working on fortress concepts for some time
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and there are flaws at most of these
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I think white can escape the checks. But it requires some accuracy
schachbjm(2319) whispers: The only thing I can imagine is Kf6-e7-d7 ...
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but people have problems to recognize these and understand this
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qd1+, Kg2, Qxd2+ Kf3, and march to the right then up
Underworld(2197) whispers: probably best chance
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: yeah, that's what I mean
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yup under
tahsine(2193) whispers: If I could know what is he thinking about at this moment !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: keep it simple "lessker "
ghambo(2147) whispers: from e5 as i asked?
ghambo(2147) whispers: or?
Slek(1957) whispers: I think there's Qd1+ Kg2 Qg4+ Kg1 Qd1+ Kf2 Qxd2+ Kg3
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Elery is comparing Qf3+ with Qd1+
Spiralize(2436) whispers: there are also ideas involving the B to block checks and tuck the K away
schachbjm(2319) whispers: let us play it in comments: I ll take black
schachbjm(2319) whispers: so Qd1+
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and probably he is looking what to play when the white K goes to f6
Underworld(2197) whispers: Kg2
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kg2
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qxd2+
ghambo(2147) whispers: ok lest go
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kf3
Underworld(2197) whispers: Kf3
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qd3+
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kf4
Underworld(2197) whispers: Kf4
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qe4+
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kg5
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qg4+
Underworld(2197) whispers: yup
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kf6
Underworld(2197) whispers: go on
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Ke6
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and kd7-b7
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: etc.
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: did I prove
ghambo(2147) whispers: haha
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qg7+
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: there is no fortress here?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Kd8
Mayors(1631) whispers: and then aleee alee tahsine lol
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D
ghambo(2147) whispers: darko
ghambo(2147) whispers: u can say it now and go to sleep
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: did I convinced you schach?
ghambo(2147) whispers: after pissing indeed
ghambo(2147) whispers: ;)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what to see this combination ?
Underworld(2197) whispers: No, after Kf6, Qg7+ which is then Ke6, Qf7+, Ke5. d5 will fall and king to the queen side.
schachbjm(2319) whispers: convinced! :(
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: anyway it is won
ghambo(2147) whispers: i told u Tom
axeltiger(2169) whispers: what you need to see is that white can march with the king upwards, to avoid the perpetual
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no matter what route you choose ;)
ghambo(2147) whispers: ur master
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: yeah, that's why I was reffering
ghambo(2147) whispers: ;)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: to "there is NO perpetual check"
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: it is the results of my work
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: do not worry schachbjm will be better
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: draw vs us it is like won :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: with the engines and fortress concepts
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: vs others
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: everybody can learn it
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: always think on that b4 :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I even wrote an article
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and you will ve free
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: related to fortress
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Elery might find a trick (at least I hope so)
ghambo(2147) whispers: i prefer karsten muller endgames
tahsine(2193) whispers: is he lagging ?????/
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: because some people accused me of "just talking"
ghambo(2147) whispers: rather than engines ;)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: nah, black is looking for something amazing here
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: Qd1+ Kg2 Qe2+ Kg3 Qg4+ Kf2 Qxd4+ Kf1 Qd3+ Ke1 Qe4+ Kd1
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qf1# would be a nasty surprise
schachbjm(2319) whispers: elery has an amazing endgame technique as he showed it in the gmae against AlefZero(FM)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and I bet all of us would be shocked :D
Underworld(2197) whispers: Yes, very precise play by tahsine with Bd6+ and opening the c-file to stop perpetual. I'm voting this game of the week.
axeltiger(2169) whispers: I recognize this situation from my own games. I usually end up in a hopeless position and try to find a way out. It's not a fun thing to do, and it's hard to finally make a move
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: this will be victory of the century my dear friend underworld
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: alleeee a;leee c;mon tahs
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: If you understand the critical squares - finding such variation
ghambo(2147) whispers: i was surprised with nd4
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: is not that hard
ghambo(2147) whispers: but he won this game
ghambo(2147) whispers: and glad for it
ghambo(2147) whispers: but lets say true
schachbjm(2319) whispers: it is not over yet
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Axel - you are just 2160
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well this is best part
ghambo(2147) whispers: Andrey destroied his fortress with himslef
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: 2169*
ghambo(2147) whispers: f5 i mean
ghambo(2147) whispers: after it...
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: when we celebrating during the game
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and when you learn how to play chess well
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: after all is over :)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: what is the point you're trying to make @nokia?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you will be able to achieve a way better positions :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you can not be twice lucky :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: rememeber that :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: to give you hope Axel :)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: that strong players never get bad positions? 41...Qd1+ (13:06)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: physics do not permit that :) 42.Kg2 (0:06)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: no, it was not my intention
Underworld(2197) whispers: Lets see how tashsine handles it
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: you missed the point 42...Qe2+ (0:14)
Underworld(2197) whispers: Kg3
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qe2+ is more precise, but I doubt that it changes anything
axeltiger(2169) whispers: don't worry @nokia, I often get very good positions also 43.Kg3 (0:22)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: One hook and Queen is overthrown 43...Qg4+ (0:09)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I did not even mention (refute) that
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as I know how strong you are
axeltiger(2169) whispers: but I can emphasize with the position elery is in here 44.Kf2 (0:22)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: and I know you are a very ambitious player 44...Qxd4+ (0:01)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: (in opposition to me) ;)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: you're not the only onw ;)
Underworld(2197) whispers: OnlyKe2 bro
Underworld(2197) whispers: walk towards your queen to save you
schachbjm(2319) whispers: ok, Elery obvioulsy has come to the same conclusion as we (after Nokias comments) have, so he tries this line
mindlin(2122) whispers: seems he gets to the queenside in this line
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I would play Kf1 here :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems everything goes here
ghambo(2147) whispers: why not ke1?
KayVee(1602) whispers: Ke1 Qg1
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: black queen is not octopus
ghambo(2147) whispers: ke2 45.Kf1 (1:21)
ghambo(2147) whispers: kd1 nextr
Underworld(2197) whispers: b/c of Qg1+ You want to foceeither Qe4 or g4+
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: very well!
ghambo(2147) whispers: am esqaping qside
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Qd3+ here, right?
Underworld(2197) whispers: Probably. I think it still works out the same though.
axeltiger(2169) whispers: why not try Qxd2?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qe4 is better
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: white king is in good shape ..he will rin this marathon :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qxd2 is mate
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and guys !@ look at clock now :)
Underworld(2197) whispers: black has to keep checking or lose immediately
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a thriller
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: yeah
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you mean under lose like your mate with pair of bishops:)
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Is black forced to deliver checks here or might he use one move to regroup the queen?
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: go Elery!!!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Fisher mate :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: our blind mate mehdirro do same thing yesterday
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qe4 is a good option
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i will show you after this game
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: MC where to go ?
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: to see how white is going to realize the adv
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: out of board you old patzer!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
Underworld(2197) whispers: with a piece up in this position and no way to protect my pawns it would either be checking or resigning
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: :))
Underworld(2197) whispers: down*
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: checking will not be infinite
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but Qe4 protects BOTH pawns
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: (as far as I see)
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: qd3
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: with yudhajeetde b4 and tahsine wins vs alwex ..we would be 7.6 points from 2 round !!!!!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: hey !!!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: that would be crazy !
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but still we are good
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: aleee aleee c.mon tahsine c'mon Novak!!!! 45...Qd3+ (4:14)
Underworld(2197) whispers: so, Qe4, Qc3
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: ke1
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well it is time to leab this corner..
schachbjm(2319) whispers: there are two draws (one vs Triarius and one vs me), so at maximum 7.0/8
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: lets see what we have on other side of river :)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ah yes
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: my mistake :) 46.Ke1 (0:56)
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Qe4+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ruthless dominations is continue !!!!aleee aeeee
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Arrivederci amico mio
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: MC if Elery pulls that move that means you are same like him IM
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: bravo MC aleee aleee
Slek(1957) whispers: who's Nimzo?
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: Darko
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: Arrivederci amico mio
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: his previous nick
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: what a great sound
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: in my ears
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
mcstorytaller(1797) whispers: ciao Birdalize!
Spiralize(2436) whispers: :')
Mayors(1631) whispers: something call darko now
tahsine(2193) whispers: I bet he is even more tired than me :(
schachbjm(2319) whispers: @Darko: The fact that I play 1.e4 as Carlsen does, does not mean that I am a world champion
Slek(1957) whispers: cya Spiralize
Mayors(1631) whispers: aleee aleeeeeeee 46...d4 (1:50)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: it is joke !@schachbjm
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: this is all fun my friend
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well lets see under;s point now
Slek(1957) whispers: I suspect white has a mate after Qe8+
Underworld(2197) whispers: Qe8+
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he said this is over if no more cheks
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: and i always belive him by the way :)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: he will be forced
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: to give up his Q
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but in practical terms it was a good solution
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: @ghambo what a harmonu queen and bishop :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: i like Q N harmony more
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qe8+ and bishop comes into action
ghambo(2147) whispers: ;)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: yes i know you are all hamony :) 47.Qd5+ (2:09)
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: with your cigareets
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: :))
ghambo(2147) whispers: :D
axeltiger(2169) whispers: it's not easy to find a mate there 47...Kg7 (0:16) 48.Be5+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:05)
axeltiger(2169) whispers: this is simple
schachbjm(2319) whispers: I do not see a mate, so taking the pawn here?
axeltiger(2169) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Still, this game requires some technique by white 49.Qxd4 (0:54)
Underworld(2197) whispers: I'd take the pawn to simplify
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: keep it simple lessker :) 49...Qb1+ (0:13)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Bf6 would have set up a simple mating net
ghambo(2147) whispers: i mis lessker
ghambo(2147) whispers: :(
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: I think now it is a very simple task to realize the adv 50.Ke2 (0:25) Qxa2 (0:02)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: Qd8+ Kf7 Qe7+ and so on
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: now it is forced mate
schachbjm(2319) whispers: true, Spiralize, I missed it
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: seems that under;s Qd8+ is best
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: solution
Farzadalizadeh(2116) whispers: where is lessker ghambo? 51.Qd8+ (0:39)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: #8 to be precise ;) 51...Kf7 (0:04)
ghambo(2147) whispers: hes gone buddy
axeltiger(2169) whispers: now white has an entire move without having to worry about checks
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: but it is simple to execute this 52.Qd7+ (0:10)
Spiralize(2436) whispers: you go round and round, like the london eye, or like a spiral :)
ghambo(2147) whispers: and noone know where is he
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: as Black Q is gone
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: well done tahsine
ghambo(2147) whispers: or more important is he alive?
ghambo(2147) whispers: :(
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: he justify his draw vs alex
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: all is figiven now
Slek(1957) whispers: here is an idea: Qb2 Qa5 Bc7 Qxc7 Qh8 and win the Q 52...Kf8 (0:28)
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: well done tahsine - you played it really well!
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: but that will not reapeat again still
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: aleee aleee c.mon !!!!!
schachbjm(2319) whispers: ok, I have found it
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: ghambo starts to prepear for 3 round
Slek(1957) whispers: here was an idea for move 51: Qb2 Qa5 Bc7 Qxc7 Qh8 and win the Q
NokiaTwenty(2075) whispers: Qg7+ and Bd6
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: you advanced patzer!
ghambo(2147) whispers: i didnot started nothing
schachbjm(2319) whispers: Bg7+Kg8 Bf6 and it is over
DarkoChess(1758) whispers: i know because i am telling you
ghambo(2147) whispers: O:) 53.Bg7+ (0:44) Elery resigns 1-0
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