darkvision(2158) vs. tahsine(2168) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-08-29
tahsine(2168) whispers: well, e4 was expected 1...c5 (0:00)
ghambo(2161) whispers: gl tahsine
ghambo(2161) whispers: lets see posioned pawn 2.Nf3 (0:17) d6 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:03) cxd4 (0:01) 4.Nxd4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:02) 5.f3 (0:06)
ghambo(2161) whispers: which looks risky for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: :)
tahsine(2168) whispers: already out of the book ?
tahsine(2168) whispers: honestly speaking, I've never played this before. My repertoire is totally empty here. Unless he wants to take us to an English attack in a different order of moves
ghambo(2161) whispers: yes
ghambo(2161) whispers: e5
tahsine(2168) whispers: so let us play "classical development", rather than agressive !!
ghambo(2161) whispers: black has many choices here
tahsine(2168) whispers: at least for the moment being :)
ghambo(2161) whispers: nc6
ghambo(2161) whispers: e6
ghambo(2161) whispers: nc6 i prefer more
ghambo(2161) whispers: e5 will go to risky game 5...Nc6 (4:59)
ghambo(2161) whispers: nxc6 will be terrible move
ghambo(2161) whispers: 1 tempi piece with 3 tempi 6.c4 (0:45)
ghambo(2161) whispers: wow
ghambo(2161) whispers: moroxy bind
ghambo(2161) whispers: dragon here imho
ghambo(2161) whispers: transposing to yugoslav
ghambo(2161) whispers: if am not wrond
ghambo(2161) whispers: *wrong
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: or a Moraczy Bind
tahsine(2168) whispers: Be3 should be comming soon
ghambo(2161) whispers: yeah
tahsine(2168) whispers: therefore !! 6...Qb6 (2:35)
ghambo(2161) whispers: marochzy more correct
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Maroczy Bind is correct
ghambo(2161) whispers: as u wish
tahsine(2168) whispers: e5 was also an option, but then I'd be left with a weak d pawn in front of an open d file
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: although wikipedia has Maro'czy Bind
ghambo(2161) whispers: i dont know hungarian
ghambo(2161) whispers: :)
DarkVision(2158) whispers: trying to remember the line after Nb5...
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: well o messed up but it has an acute accent. Having said that as long as it has a M, c and z anda few vowels in between anyone will get it ;) 7.Nb5 (3:28)
ghambo(2161) whispers: ;)
tahsine(2168) whispers: ???
ghambo(2161) whispers: why nb5?
ghambo(2161) whispers: i prefer blacks developement here
ghambo(2161) whispers: knight waisted too much time
tahsine(2168) whispers: either there is a trap, or this is complete loss of tempo
ghambo(2161) whispers: and he must move again
DarkVision(2158) whispers: I only briefly prepared this and didn't expect my opponent to play 5... Nc6
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I got a book on the dragon so I'll look up theory (so far I've been scared by 20 move variations with random exchange sacs leading to drawn endgames)
ghambo(2161) whispers: why not simple a6 here
ghambo(2161) whispers: and e6
ghambo(2161) whispers: if black wants scheveningen style
ghambo(2161) whispers: or g6
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont think so that nb5 is correct move
tahsine(2168) whispers: I hate playing into unexplored territories that early in the game !!
ghambo(2161) whispers: it doesnot follows sicilian philosophy for white
tahsine(2168) whispers: I don't recall my opponent ever played that variation before !!
ghambo(2161) whispers: white: ok black ill give you centre, but instead ill have huge developement advantage
ghambo(2161) whispers: :)
ghambo(2161) whispers: now black has advantage
tahsine(2168) whispers: which means he probably has cooked something special for me
tahsine(2168) whispers: but it looks safe 4 the moment, hope I'm not missing anything.
tahsine(2168) whispers: now go back :) 7...a6 (4:30) 8.N5c3 (0:22)
ghambo(2161) whispers: yeah
ghambo(2161) whispers: idea was that
ghambo(2161) whispers: but where second knight goes?
ghambo(2161) whispers: e6 be7 castle
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Looking at position you would think it would transpose to a 7. Nb3 line a few tempi down if Nd2-b3
tahsine(2168) whispers: I think I'm equal now, if not slightly better
ghambo(2161) whispers: yeah maybe
ghambo(2161) whispers: na3 c2 is posssible to
DarkVision(2158) whispers: I can play Na4 to win a tempo and then develop my other knight to c3
ghambo(2161) whispers: reaching d5 later
ghambo(2161) whispers: bec i like e6 8...g6 (3:18)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Nd5 for white has to be considered although white king is sort of stuck too
ghambo(2161) whispers: posisionally e6 was more comfortable for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: yeah
ghambo(2161) whispers: agree with you KRMCHESS
ghambo(2161) whispers: here na3 c2
ghambo(2161) whispers: after g6 imho
ghambo(2161) whispers: it will be correct plan
ghambo(2161) whispers: or not?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I'd assume Qe2 and Be3 is needed if you want to castle, although then Bf1 is in the way so it suggests Bd3 that allows Nb4 ideas 9.Nd5 (2:21)
ghambo(2161) whispers: when 6 is moved
ghambo(2161) whispers: g6
ghambo(2161) whispers: e6 looks ugly
ghambo(2161) whispers: and is ugly
ghambo(2161) whispers: bec it gives color complex
tahsine(2168) whispers: again ?
ghambo(2161) whispers: maybe better was
ghambo(2161) whispers: to first reach e3 with second knight?
ghambo(2161) whispers: knight must take here imho 9...Nxd5 (1:47) 10.cxd5 (0:06)
tahsine(2168) whispers: exchanging all those lost tempos is a pleasure
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: well to be honest white has no threats and is cramped. Simplifying to equality is probably a good result
ghambo(2161) whispers: adn sudennly bishop become monster at A H 10...Nd4 (0:31)
ghambo(2161) whispers: for whom?
tahsine(2168) whispers: that knight there is like a "poke" in the eye !!
ghambo(2161) whispers: for black it is
ghambo(2161) whispers: but for white?
ghambo(2161) whispers: prefer black here
tahsine(2168) whispers: will he try be3 ?
tahsine(2168) whispers: :)
ghambo(2161) whispers: whites pawn chain dont supports kside attack
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Be3 is met by Nc2+
ghambo(2161) whispers: its aiming to qside
ghambo(2161) whispers: yeah
tahsine(2168) whispers: he is thinking a lot now !!
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c' mon tahsine!!!
tahsine(2168) whispers: I'm playing to win, our team needs this point to keep hope for qualification to the finals
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Be3 should be met by Nxf3+ 11.Na3 (7:55)
ghambo(2161) whispers: if ur variation krmchess
tahsine(2168) whispers: expected with Nc5 later, but so what ?
ghambo(2161) whispers: be3 nc2
tahsine(2168) whispers: sorry Nc4
ghambo(2161) whispers: i would say black will have serious advantage
ghambo(2161) whispers: bec of bishop pair
ghambo(2161) whispers: oppsed with bad bishop and knight 11...Bg7 (1:22) 12.Nc4 (0:28)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c' mon tahsine !!!! aleee aleeee
ghambo(2161) whispers: hey capt
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: 11. Be3 Nxf3+ 12. Qxf3 Qxb2
ghambo(2161) whispers: rooting like this
ghambo(2161) whispers: isnot serious imho 12...Qc5 (0:51)
ghambo(2161) whispers: its not football
ghambo(2161) whispers: chess rooting needs more aristocrating way
ghambo(2161) whispers: ;)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: he's saying ale ale so obviously wants tahsine to get drunk and blunder ;) 13.Be3 (0:49)
ghambo(2161) whispers: :D
ghambo(2161) whispers: his rooting from heart
ghambo(2161) whispers: am shure
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I'd say he needs something stronger... c'mon tahsine!!!! Whisky Whisky
ghambo(2161) whispers: but his more tannis fan
ghambo(2161) whispers: than chess
ghambo(2161) whispers: :D
ghambo(2161) whispers: or
ghambo(2161) whispers: mari mari 13...b5 (1:16)
ghambo(2161) whispers: jua indeed 14.Na3 (0:14)
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont know why white choosed this style of playing
ghambo(2161) whispers: i love morozevich style c3 move
ghambo(2161) whispers: but following moves werent correct imho
ghambo(2161) whispers: i mean nd5
ghambo(2161) whispers: at first sight its ok
ghambo(2161) whispers: but its not positional for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: i call c3
ghambo(2161) whispers: morozevich
ghambo(2161) whispers: bec he loves to play it
ghambo(2161) whispers: which looks ugly sometimes
ghambo(2161) whispers: not talking about sicilian only
tahsine(2168) whispers: this is very tactical indeed
tahsine(2168) whispers: Qb4+ will lead to a two pieces against rooks + 2 pawns. Not really best scenario for me !!
lessker(2246) whispers: sorry I'm late
tahsine(2168) whispers: Immediate threat from white is Rc1
ghambo(2161) whispers: but keeping queen pinned will lead to qd2 rd1! 14...Bd7 (3:41)
ghambo(2161) whispers: hi Josh
lessker(2246) whispers: I took a nap, ghambo
lessker(2246) whispers: overslept
ghambo(2161) whispers: nice
lessker(2246) whispers: go, tahsine!
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c' mon tahs...aleee aleeee
ghambo(2161) whispers: u know i love to sleep
ghambo(2161) whispers: am GM into it
ghambo(2161) whispers: ;)
ghambo(2161) whispers: ur all patzers
ghambo(2161) whispers: :D
lessker(2246) whispers: nah
lessker(2246) whispers: I'll sleep when I'm dead
ghambo(2161) whispers: haha
ghambo(2161) whispers: ur notes
lessker(2246) whispers: yes
ghambo(2161) whispers: yes
ghambo(2161) whispers: am preparing for it
schachbjm(2272) whispers: hi there!
lessker(2246) whispers: me too
ghambo(2161) whispers: hi
lessker(2246) whispers: digging a hole in the ground right now
schachbjm(2272) whispers: Important game, may decide who qualifies for the playoffs
ghambo(2161) whispers: but its too early for it Josh
lessker(2246) whispers: polishing up my pistol
ghambo(2161) whispers: and if we will be in final
ghambo(2161) whispers: can our captains
ghambo(2161) whispers: organice my and your match?
ghambo(2161) whispers: :)
ghambo(2161) whispers: to defend against italian
ghambo(2161) whispers: ;)
lessker(2246) whispers: you have it all wrong
schachbjm(2272) whispers: do you mean lessker or me?
ghambo(2161) whispers: you
lessker(2246) whispers: can they defend against us?
lessker(2246) whispers: that is the question
ghambo(2161) whispers: haha
ghambo(2161) whispers: schac can
ghambo(2161) whispers: dotn know others
lessker(2246) whispers: schac?
ghambo(2161) whispers: schachbjm
lessker(2246) whispers: oh, yeah
lessker(2246) whispers: I remember him
lessker(2246) whispers: he's tough
Jammes(1779) whispers: after rc1 qb6 ... can black do anything to get out of the pin against the n?
ghambo(2161) whispers: for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: his unbeatable
lessker(2246) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2246) whispers: just kidding schach
lessker(2246) whispers: you are strong player
lessker(2246) whispers: very strong player
Jammes(1779) whispers: i see our defender of chess ethics is still alive :)
lessker(2246) whispers: but I have my loaded pistol
lessker(2246) whispers: right in front of me
schachbjm(2272) whispers: thx
ghambo(2161) whispers: haha 15.Rc1 (6:54)
lessker(2246) whispers: you have to have some fun playing this game
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I just tuned in, and the first thing I see? Lessker bringing up his gun :)
Jammes(1779) whispers: so now lets talk about chess. is my impression wrong that black will lose a piece earlier or later here nc2 and what does he do?
schachbjm(2272) whispers: hi axeltiger
axeltiger(2181) whispers: hello
ghambo(2161) whispers: hi buddy
lessker(2246) whispers: hey, axel
tahsine(2168) whispers: somehow I stuck myself !!
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Having seem lessker's recent commentary if he appears and doesn't have a loaded gun you know his account has been hacked ;)
ghambo(2161) whispers: wann game after this game?
ghambo(2161) whispers: with ne3 instead a4
axeltiger(2181) whispers: nah, I need to go to bed soon
schachbjm(2272) whispers: It is becoming concrete
axeltiger(2181) whispers: slept less than 3 hrs last night
tahsine(2168) whispers: I think it is force now
ghambo(2161) whispers: shure
Jammes(1779) whispers: ah he has qb4
ghambo(2161) whispers: i know what it means 15...Qb4+ (1:47) 16.Qd2 (0:06)
ghambo(2161) whispers: i already told am GM into sleep aspect
ghambo(2161) whispers: adn not sellp too
schachbjm(2272) whispers: Qb4+ Qd2 Qxb2 Qxb2 Nxf3+ gxf3 Bxb2 looks unclear 16...Qxb2 (0:26)
lessker(2246) whispers: oh jeeze
ghambo(2161) whispers: wow
tahsine(2168) whispers: did he expect this ??
lessker(2246) whispers: going over the opening now
ghambo(2161) whispers: me enither 17.Qxb2 (0:27)
lessker(2246) whispers: wasn't here for it 17...Nxf3+ (0:05)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: You have to be sure to play it
lessker(2246) whispers: 5.f3?
ghambo(2161) whispers: yes
lessker(2246) whispers: oh jeeze!
ghambo(2161) whispers: playing with fire
lessker(2246) whispers: I would kill zubi for playing that 18.gxf3 (0:39)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: 16... Qxd2 looks fine and easier 18...Bxb2 (0:03)
lessker(2246) whispers: I would
lessker(2246) whispers: I would take my locked and loaded pistol
ghambo(2161) whispers: hmm
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Black wants to win at all costs and unabalanced material helps I guess
ghambo(2161) whispers: white mustt give quality
schachbjm(2272) whispers: yes
lessker(2246) whispers: and he would be lying on the floor
schachbjm(2272) whispers: @krmchess
lessker(2246) whispers: if he played 5.f3
lessker(2246) whispers: does that seem harsh?
schachbjm(2272) whispers: Nc2 and white has two minor pieces for the rook and two pawns
schachbjm(2272) whispers: unbalanced position
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleee aleeee!!!
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont like it
ghambo(2161) whispers: to risky for me
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: schachbjm i want to you beat rainbow worriors :))
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Nb1 here?
ghambo(2161) whispers: ok black has qside
ghambo(2161) whispers: but is it enough?
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: scha because we want to enter in final :)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Nc2 also works 19.Nc2 (2:28)
ghambo(2161) whispers: nc2
ghambo(2161) whispers: more good 19...Bxc1 (0:06) 20.Bxc1 (0:03)
ghambo(2161) whispers: it can reach c6 later
schachbjm(2272) whispers: @Darko, your team needs the full point perhaps in order to qualify for the finals
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: well maybe not if.you beat rainbows
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I think for MKM a draw is enough as long as they win round 7 match. Although a win is better :)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: we will be still in play 20...O-O (1:07)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: MysteriousKingMoves is up two game points ...
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: 2 ?
DarkVision(2158) whispers: did not see that coming 21.Bd3 (0:42)
ghambo(2161) whispers: bh3?
ghambo(2161) whispers: or rc8
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: RainbowWarriors also have good board count potentially since they could get a 4-0 in this round, although their next match is tough
lessker(2246) whispers: interesting game
schachbjm(2272) whispers: RW is at 3.5 Matchpoints (in case the score at least 0.5 out of 2), the winner of this match is at 4.0 Matchpoints, in case of a draw, RW, MKM and YaM are tied at 3.5 21...f5 (2:25)
ghambo(2161) whispers: good imballance created
schachbjm(2272) whispers: We are leading by 4.5
lessker(2246) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2246) whispers: opening the position for the bishops?
lessker(2246) whispers: hmmm
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont know
schachbjm(2272) whispers: f5 is weakening some important sqares
ghambo(2161) whispers: maybe he wants to exchange bishops
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: although if this match is drawn and FlamingPhoenixFighters lose round 7 match they could end up 4th
schachbjm(2272) whispers: on the other hand, it is further unbalancing the position
ghambo(2161) whispers: i dont like it
lessker(2246) whispers: seems to me he should play on the open files
lessker(2246) whispers: file 22.Nd4 (1:17)
lessker(2246) whispers: he has the rooks
ghambo(2161) whispers: and knight left two moves to reach it
schachbjm(2272) whispers: @krmchess: We wont lose! We fight like a phoenix!
lessker(2246) whispers: not open the game for the bishops 22...fxe4 (0:21)
lessker(2246) whispers: there, ghambo 23.fxe4 (0:05)
lessker(2246) whispers: you happy?
ghambo(2161) whispers: no
lessker(2246) whispers: you got be talking! :)
ghambo(2161) whispers: black already had open file 23...Rac8 (0:19)
lessker(2246) whispers: now try to shut me up
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: That could be seen as reborn from their ashes once defeated to try again in next TL ;)
ghambo(2161) whispers: haha
ghambo(2161) whispers: shure
ghambo(2161) whispers: is my evaluation wrong guys? 24.Ke2 (0:43)
ghambo(2161) whispers: wanna learn something here
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: I feel like I'm used to seeing c4 only in Maroczy type positions.
ghambo(2161) whispers: if its not late for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: :D
ghambo(2161) whispers: eh
ghambo(2161) whispers: noone is shure
ghambo(2161) whispers: better to smoke
schachbjm(2272) whispers: Black is seizing the important files, however I prefer whites minor pieces over the rook+2 pawns 24...Bg4+ (1:34) 25.Ke3 (0:03)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: This looks really awkward to assess. Moves like Bg5 look strong for white but there are loads of chances for both sides
schachbjm(2272) whispers: how is black improving his position here?
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: I like white's central control, central pieces, but feels about equal
schachbjm(2272) whispers: White can make progres with sth. like Bb2
Jammes(1779) whispers: whats the rule in this kind of positions? should white keep the rook on board or try to exchange it
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: If I remember correctly usually it's good for black to exchange a pair of rooks
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: I would have thought gettting rid of a rook pair in favor of retaining a B pair would be good.
schachbjm(2272) whispers: How does black proceed here? What are his plans? How to make progres?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I think reasoning is that rook has an optimal square so second one has a suboptimal one while white one can go to best square and losing rook means losing rook options
schachbjm(2272) whispers: White can make use of the a1-h8 diagonale and maybe even challenging the kingside with h4-h5
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: If black I might try something on queenside maybe?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: or on f-file
schachbjm(2272) whispers: The knight on d4 is powerful and the bishop will become powerful on b2
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I was imagining bishop on d2 but it's probably better on b2
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: schachbjm if your team beat rainbow they will stay on 4 points and we still have chanches in 7 round
schachbjm(2272) whispers: I prefer white here, it seems to be easier to play and white has more potential to improve here
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: so just you play good and everything is fine :)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: problem in a way is even if you imagine white had Bb2 and Ne6 with light squared bishop out the way I still don't see any massive threats
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: with 4-0 :)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: @Darko, MKM have good winning chances in round 7 25...Rf6 (5:37)
tahsine(2168) whispers: it is useless to push Rc3 Bb7 is very strong for white
schachbjm(2272) whispers: I do not like Rf6 at first glance
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: well yes but still will be more.interesting :)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: It runs into Bb2 on long term
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: and i would be happy with 3 th place :)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: How are your thoughts on Rf6?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: if MKM draw this game, then win next 2.5-1.5 and FlamingPhoenixFighters lose 1.5-2.5 then I think tiebreaker between MKM and FPF is board elimination in head to head and FPF go through
ghambo(2161) whispers: willnot be more good if TL changes timecontrol with more long games
ghambo(2161) whispers: it will be more artistic chess imho
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: depends who is playing and how much time people have available
ghambo(2161) whispers: 45 45 isnot enought for me for deep thinking sometimes
schachbjm(2272) whispers: @krmchess correct
ghambo(2161) whispers: and for you?
schachbjm(2272) whispers: How does black react to Rg1, when he moves his LSB, there wont be a check (Rf3+) after Bb2 and a knight discovery
schachbjm(2272) whispers: I like 15+5, 25+10, 45+45, 120+0
schachbjm(2272) whispers: It is differet, but all time controls have pro and cons
ghambo(2161) whispers: 120 is good too
ghambo(2161) whispers: even 90 30
ghambo(2161) whispers: pro will be that it will be more deep and artistic
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: yeah rapid chess is most popular 26.Bd2 (7:08)
ghambo(2161) whispers: its not real chess for me
schachbjm(2272) whispers: not a big fan of Bd2
ghambo(2161) whispers: was it good decision by black to open second war flang?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: It restrains queenside but white king looks a bit cramped
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: 45 45 is perfect. It's not quite rapid in the sense games are usually about two hours+ long, but not a full day slog, so you can play multiple or do other things in your day.
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Thing as well is that if opponent is in a different timezone potentially match could start as late as 9-10pm so you don't want a 6hour match
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: ghambo likes 90 30 because he like to take pause for smoking cigareets
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: :)) 26...Kf7 (3:09)
schachbjm(2272) whispers: bye, have a nice evening!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: bye
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: That's when you need a longer increment. :p
ghambo(2161) whispers: bye
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: good night
ghambo(2161) whispers: not only cigaretes 27.Rg1 (5:07)
ghambo(2161) whispers: why kf7?
ghambo(2161) whispers: i think f5 was positionaly not corect
ghambo(2161) whispers: better was to play qside 27...Bd7 (2:46)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c' mon tahsine !! 28.Be1 (3:06)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Rc1 is met by Nb3
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: Go DV!
DarkVision(2158) whispers: a little trap: Rc1 Nb3
ghambo(2161) whispers: untill f5
ghambo(2161) whispers: it was clear for me
ghambo(2161) whispers: now its not 28...Ke8 (3:57)
ghambo(2161) whispers: more
ghambo(2161) whispers: i prefer to be white here
ghambo(2161) whispers: good move by white 29.Bh4 (1:31)
ghambo(2161) whispers: cuts rooks comunication
ghambo(2161) whispers: not comunication
ghambo(2161) whispers: we can call it comun possibilities 29...Rf8 (0:48)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: this is a difficult position to evaluate accurately
ghambo(2161) whispers: yes it is
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: problem is it feels like there is a lack of targets so it's hard to see how either side makes much progress yet a few slack moves and you can be in deep trouble
ghambo(2161) whispers: g6 was not comfortable mve for me too
ghambo(2161) whispers: better was e6
ghambo(2161) whispers: to control d5 jumps
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: seems a draw?
ghambo(2161) whispers: how u see it darko?
ghambo(2161) whispers: with analisis bot?
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: :))
ghambo(2161) whispers: no
ghambo(2161) whispers: i dont belive it
ghambo(2161) whispers: even if he prefers black
ghambo(2161) whispers: i prefer white here
ghambo(2161) whispers: more free play
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: what is your opnnion win for white?
ghambo(2161) whispers: and piece harmony
ghambo(2161) whispers: tahsine choosed wrong plan
ghambo(2161) whispers: opening second flang
ghambo(2161) whispers: better was to play where he had majority
ghambo(2161) whispers: looks simple and best imho 30.Be1 (3:15)
ghambo(2161) whispers: push qside
ghambo(2161) whispers: with supporting roosk
ghambo(2161) whispers: what here?
ghambo(2161) whispers: black has no plans
ghambo(2161) whispers: just answering whites threats
ghambo(2161) whispers: nothing more
axeltiger(2181) whispers: what are white's plans?
ghambo(2161) whispers: to open game
ghambo(2161) whispers: for his bishops
axeltiger(2181) whispers: not very easy to do though
ghambo(2161) whispers: this bishops will be as poverfull as rooks
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont know move orders
ghambo(2161) whispers: but its my plan
ghambo(2161) whispers: Josh
ghambo(2161) whispers: can u add something
ghambo(2161) whispers: or say somethig different
axeltiger(2181) whispers: it's hard
ghambo(2161) whispers: wanna hear ur opinions and ideas
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I can't see any plans to improve
ghambo(2161) whispers: to learn something
ghambo(2161) whispers: yes
ghambo(2161) whispers: it will be hard to open
axeltiger(2181) whispers: all I see is that if white tries anything, it seems like black will be able to counter
ghambo(2161) whispers: but i stil prefer white
axeltiger(2181) whispers: me too 30...Rc1 (2:59)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: oh
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Nb3 here, right? 31.Nb3 (0:12)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: then maybe Bb4 to pressure d6
ghambo(2161) whispers: rook must go back 31...Rc8 (1:03)
ghambo(2161) whispers: dont like unclear positions like this axel
ghambo(2161) whispers: really dont like 32.Nd4 (0:08)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Just curious but does Bb4 threaten anything since d6 looks solid to me? DarkVision offers a draw.
axeltiger(2181) whispers: who does?
ghambo(2161) whispers: :D
axeltiger(2181) whispers: well, it's more restriction
axeltiger(2181) whispers: not anything immediate, but it makes it slightly more uncomfortable for blacl
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: draw is ok, although I have no idea if tahsine will accept if he's desperate to win
tahsine(2168) whispers: well :(
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: on negative it also means DarkVision is probably out of ideas :(
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I don't think that black should be desperate to win here
tahsine(2168) whispers: I've tried my best but it is nto easy to gain advantage from this position.
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: well for team they need a win, although this position isn't fun for black
tahsine(2168) whispers: I think it is pretty equal and none of us can make a decisive advantage
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: looks like a draw :)
tahsine(2168) whispers: a draw is fair !!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: that's right
JoshuaR(1943) whispers: If black needs a win for the team, he should keep on playing IMO
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: well he does have 10min to calc
tahsine(2168) whispers: tough decision, but I really don't see any single way to make advantage !! tahsine accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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