ghambo(2134) vs. axeltiger(2197) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-08-27
ghambo(2134) kibitzes: good luck! 2...Nc6 (0:33) 3.d4 (0:09) cxd4 (0:02) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:01) e5 (0:03) 6.Ndb5 (0:01) d6 (0:02) 7.Bg5 (0:10) a6 (0:03) 8.Na3 (0:01)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel! 8...b5 (0:35)
ghambo(2134) whispers: am stil thinking
ghambo(2134) whispers: take or not take
ghambo(2134) kibitzes: wanna smoke and teke decision take or not take
ghambo(2134) kibitzes: sorry be here in 3
axeltiger(2197) whispers: let's pick up this line! It's really fun and interesting for both sides
tahsine(2172) whispers: I c :)
tahsine(2172) whispers: Axel playing his favorite defense :)
ghambo(2134) whispers: ok
ghambo(2134) whispers: lets go more quet game 9.Nd5 (3:36)
tahsine(2172) whispers: :)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I've been playing the Najdorf now for a while, but I wanted to go for this one today 9...Be7 (0:35) 10.Bxf6 (0:03) Bxf6 (0:02) 11.c3 (0:02) O-O (0:03)
ghambo(2134) whispers: this territory is well know for my opp 12.Nc2 (0:10)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: let's go with the main line 12...Bg5 (0:07)
ghambo(2134) whispers: bg5 is coming
ghambo(2134) whispers: and i must make decision again
ghambo(2134) whispers: about ne3 bxe3 nxe3
ghambo(2134) whispers: bd3 is playeable too
ghambo(2134) whispers: but i dont like it
ghambo(2134) whispers: blinds queen
ghambo(2134) whispers: and gives d5
needaboat(1767) whispers: h4
axeltiger(2197) whispers: hard to write down my thouhts atm... I burnt my finger and need to keep it in a water bath for now 13.a4 (3:53) bxa4 (0:33) 14.Rxa4 (0:02)
ghambo(2134) whispers: this is key move here
ghambo(2134) whispers: which deflects c4 control
ghambo(2134) whispers: and plus this he hasnot played games with it on server
ghambo(2134) whispers: alternative was ne3
ghambo(2134) whispers: which i like more
ghambo(2134) whispers: and more comfortable for my 14...a5 (2:18)
ghambo(2134) whispers: nice a4 gives him to think
ghambo(2134) whispers: now his out of theory imho 15.Bc4 (0:35)
ghambo(2134) whispers: now its my territory
axeltiger(2197) whispers: my opponent seems to know these lines
ghambo(2134) whispers: i got more active pieces
ghambo(2134) whispers: and d5
ghambo(2134) whispers: indeed am ahead in developement too
ghambo(2134) whispers: this was hard decision for me
ghambo(2134) whispers: thinked about it whole day
ghambo(2134) whispers: :)
ghambo(2134) whispers: now i have play at qside as in centre
ghambo(2134) whispers: i got him out of sicilian philosophy
ghambo(2134) whispers: no qside anymore for black
ghambo(2134) whispers: sveshnikov is positionally risky for black
ghambo(2134) whispers: white has six and half
ghambo(2134) whispers: black has four and half
ghambo(2134) whispers: and one and half tempi ahead be its blacks move
needaboat(1767) whispers: man how do you learn so much theory
ghambo(2134) whispers: with closed centre its nothing...
Twikki(2096) whispers: this is still known territory
ghambo(2134) whispers: but am better for shure
tahsine(2172) whispers: sorry ghambo I cannot share you optimism :) 15...Rb8 (5:34)
tahsine(2172) whispers: see ? 16.b3 (0:17)
yoyoman(2304) whispers: I like black
tahsine(2172) whispers: black will tack your b pawn mercilessly
yoyoman(2304) whispers: Nd5 is not doing much
Twikki(2096) whispers: Rb8 b3 Kh8 o-o and black has to decide between g6 and f5 16...Bd7 (0:44)
ghambo(2134) whispers: its nothing
ghambo(2134) whispers: ill take with check 17.O-O (1:42)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: go go go Gio...
ghambo(2134) whispers: i have total control of d5
tahsine(2172) whispers: Ne7 and control is lost
Twikki(2096) whispers: Bd7 doesn't seem to fit in with f5 plans as well as Be6 would have
ghambo(2134) whispers: now i can smoke quietly
ghambo(2134) whispers: ;)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Nd4 is just stupid
axeltiger(2197) whispers: what about Ne7?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: seems fine 17...Ne7 (4:09)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I may go Bc6 later
axeltiger(2197) whispers: or Bb5
axeltiger(2197) whispers: looks solid
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c' mon ghambo !!! 18.Nxe7+ (6:06)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: taking with the bishop seems fine 18...Bxe7 (0:31) 19.Ra2 (0:15)
lessker(2255) whispers: I am here, gio
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleee aleeee c'mon ghambo
ghambo(2134) whispers: hes hoping opp colors
lessker(2255) whispers: better late than never
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Bc6 is kinda good here, right?
ghambo(2134) whispers: but will this opp colors be draw
ghambo(2134) whispers: by bishop will be monster at d5 19...Bc6 (1:10)
ghambo(2134) whispers: roman dzindzichashvili and adrian mikhachishin school
ghambo(2134) whispers: ;)
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
lessker(2255) whispers: please forget about roman
lessker(2255) whispers: he's trying to sell videos
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
ghambo(2134) whispers: nah
ghambo(2134) whispers: imadiate bd5 willnot be accurate
tahsine(2172) whispers: lessker you should make ur own videos :)
ghambo(2134) whispers: qtakes and qmust move again to place knight there
ghambo(2134) whispers: and b3 undefended
ghambo(2134) whispers: qd3 reasonable here imho
ghambo(2134) whispers: but must think about it
tahsine(2172) whispers: Qd3 followed by Ne3 is most likely good indeed
ghambo(2134) whispers: if not missing something
tahsine(2172) whispers: he has the bishop pair and a good open b file for him, that's it :)
tahsine(2172) whispers: ONLY because u did not want to play the main line because he could play f5 :)
ghambo(2134) whispers: qd2 is alternative too
tahsine(2172) whispers: No qd2 Bg4 20.Qd3 (4:18)
tahsine(2172) whispers: yes this is better
ghambo(2134) whispers: sorry
ghambo(2134) whispers: i dissapointed my opps hopes
ghambo(2134) whispers: he told dont count at understandable game
ghambo(2134) whispers: now everithing is clear for me
ghambo(2134) whispers: not shure about black
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c'mon ghambo !!!
ghambo(2134) whispers: this knight will be 3 tempi piece soon
ghambo(2134) whispers: when i exchange lbs
ghambo(2134) whispers: Josh and tahs?
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel !!!
ghambo(2134) whispers: wanna read ur opinions later
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: what my opnnion is not valid :))
tahsine(2172) whispers: ghambo is fine
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: i am patzer :)) you want to say that ghambo ?
tahsine(2172) whispers: the plan to move Ne3 Nd5 is good
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleeee eeeee c'mon ghambo
axeltiger(2197) whispers: hmmm 20...Qc7 (10:49)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I'm starting to suspect that I've misplayed somewhere
axeltiger(2197) whispers: white is most likely better here after Ne3
axeltiger(2197) whispers: was Bc6 wrong? 21.Rfa1 (4:11)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: that surprises me somewhat 21...Qb7 (5:21)
ghambo(2134) whispers: i must play morozevich move here 22.f3 (0:14)
ghambo(2134) whispers: dont wanna let him to exchange BBB for knight
axeltiger(2197) whispers: should I check?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: probably not 22...Bb5 (2:04)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Let's just do this
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Rfd8 and d5 was the way, I thought.
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Ne3 maybe had stopped that
lessker(2255) whispers: go gio!!!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: lessker!
lessker(2255) whispers: story!
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
ghambo(2134) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2134) whispers: tricky move
ghambo(2134) whispers: he can push d5 after all exchanges
lessker(2255) whispers: gio thinks like me
lessker(2255) whispers: that may be good or bad
lessker(2255) whispers: we shall see
axeltiger(2197) whispers: it's not the time to give the q-side to white
ghambo(2134) whispers: bxb qxb qxq rxq b4 ab cb adn d5 oush rook is supporting
ghambo(2134) whispers: c4 isnot possible too
ghambo(2134) whispers: bec after rxb3 knight cant reach d5
lessker(2255) whispers: gio
lessker(2255) whispers: think more
ghambo(2134) whispers: taking bishop is bad
lessker(2255) whispers: talk less
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Reasonable is Nxb4 i that, whence Nd5 guards c3.
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: *in that
lessker(2255) whispers: I will do the talking for you if you want
ghambo(2134) whispers: re5 bc4 qc4 qb3 qb3
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: He talks over possibilities
ghambo(2134) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2134) whispers: maybe he will not take at all at b3
ghambo(2134) whispers: and play rc8!
ghambo(2134) whispers: there is bx possibilitie too
ghambo(2134) whispers: but i dont like doubled pawns
ghambo(2134) whispers: but maybe its best choice
ghambo(2134) whispers: i can defend it with rooks
ghambo(2134) whispers: if he presses me
ghambo(2134) whispers: and dont allow q exchange
ghambo(2134) whispers: ok
ghambo(2134) whispers: lets go 23.Rxa5 (11:29) Bxc4 (0:07) 24.bxc4 (0:00)
ghambo(2134) whispers: yes it was really better
ghambo(2134) whispers: now im shure
ghambo(2134) whispers: its hard to see everithing blindfoldly
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Go go go Gio..
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2255) whispers: white's pawns are ugly
lessker(2255) whispers: but still ...
lessker(2255) whispers: black's bishop is a huge problem
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: I do not see how this helped white.
lessker(2255) whispers: I do
ghambo(2134) whispers: hmm
lessker(2255) whispers: huge control over d5
ghambo(2134) whispers: maybe qx wa more correct
ghambo(2134) whispers: qxb3 qxb3 rxb3 nb4
ghambo(2134) whispers: and rxc3 wasnot possible
ghambo(2134) whispers: no no
lessker(2255) whispers: black is hurting
ghambo(2134) whispers: he wil play rc8 first
ghambo(2134) whispers: hope it was correct choice
lessker(2255) whispers: his bishop
lessker(2255) whispers: it is awful
ghambo(2134) whispers: what u think Josh
ghambo(2134) whispers: tahs?
lessker(2255) whispers: I take white
lessker(2255) whispers: without a thought
lessker(2255) whispers: I take white
ghambo(2134) whispers: it looks litally ugly
ghambo(2134) whispers: but its not ugly at all
axeltiger(2197) whispers: rook trade here?
lessker(2255) whispers: Ne3 and Nd5
ghambo(2134) whispers: am cotroling board
lessker(2255) whispers: and then tell me how ugly it looks
needaboat(1767) whispers: cant you bd8-b6+ an bc5?
ghambo(2134) whispers: this game is dead for black
lessker(2255) whispers: ghambo
lessker(2255) whispers: you are playing
lessker(2255) whispers: let me do the talking, please
lessker(2255) whispers: you do the thinking
lessker(2255) whispers: the knight is coming to d5
lessker(2255) whispers: and there is no way to drive it away 24...Ra8 (10:28)
lessker(2255) whispers: except for sacrificing the exchange
axeltiger(2197) whispers: not out of the woods yet, I suppose
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but this more or less forces the issue
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2197) whispers: white could try for a q+p vs. 2r ending with Qd5 here
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Ra7 was not threat, check to extricate, then Rb7...So I would have g6, preparing f5, with luft. Ra8 isn't so bad though.
lessker(2255) whispers: so many options here
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: If doubled pawns was the way to win this, congrats to him.
axeltiger(2197) whispers: correction, it is q+n+5p vs. 2r+b+4p
lessker(2255) whispers: Qd5 Ne3 Rxa8
lessker(2255) whispers: they all make sense
axeltiger(2197) whispers: not sure how that ending sholud be assessed 25.Qd5 (5:00)
lessker(2255) whispers: go, gio!
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I would say if heavy pieces come off it's probably winning for white as it's a good knight vs bad bishop
ghambo(2134) whispers: endgame is mine if he echanges
lessker(2255) whispers: gio is putting the pressure on
axeltiger(2197) whispers: hmm
axeltiger(2197) whispers: did I miscalculate?
lessker(2255) whispers: black can't exchange
ghambo(2134) whispers: i like c4 more and more
lessker(2255) whispers: but he has to find another move
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: isn't queen swap forced?
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: JUst a queen check
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: check
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: That's true, although c5 block is awkward
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: soon black will need to make luft
axeltiger(2197) whispers: seems like I did
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: but then c5 and then what?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: missed Qd7 in the end
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: it's rook lost
lessker(2255) whispers: black' s bishop is killing him
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: check isn't solution
nraravind(2031) whispers: B should get the Bishop to d8
lessker(2255) whispers: go, gio!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel!
lessker(2255) whispers: grrr
lessker(2255) whispers: :)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: :)
nraravind(2031) whispers: Is axel's calculation based on Qb6+ c5 Qxa5?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: 25... Qb6+ 26. c5 Qxa5 27. Rxa5 Rxa5 28. Bb7 and black is in trouble :(
axeltiger(2197) whispers: am I forced to take the queen?
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: *28. Qb7
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: 11 mins left on black, not good. 25...Qxd5 (5:12) 26.cxd5 (0:00)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c'mon ghambo!!!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Nimzo!
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: mc!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel!
nraravind(2031) whispers: Rac8 and then Bd8 for B
lessker(2255) whispers: okay gio
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Rac8
lessker(2255) whispers: your knight is much stronger than his bishop
lessker(2255) whispers: get rooks off 26...Rac8 (1:18)
lessker(2255) whispers: and you have the game
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm 27.R1a3 (0:19)
lessker(2255) whispers: ghambo will win this
lessker(2255) whispers: he's not weak like me
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I guess Bd8-b6+ gets it out with tempi and allows trap of 27... Bd8 28. Ra8 Bb6+ 0-1
lessker(2255) whispers: his plan is clear
nraravind(2031) whispers: Bd8 Ra6 and defending d6 becomes B's problem.
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: well we will see if this pawn up will be enough
Azubuike(1757) whispers: are not weak.
lessker(2255) whispers: centralize he king
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: If both rooks off NvB is slight edge for white, but black should hold that...just one phanlanx of pawns to guard
ghambo(2134) whispers: nb4 c6
lessker(2255) whispers: zubi
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: isn't extra pawn for white also an issue
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: phalanx
lessker(2255) whispers: remember what I said 27...Rb8 (3:12)
lessker(2255) whispers: do not hurry in endgame
Azubuike(1757) whispers: yes 28.Nb4 (0:17) Bd8 (0:09)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: endgame is purely calculation 29.Ra6 (0:14) Bb6+ (0:05)
nraravind(2031) whispers: Now Bb6+ and Bc5 30.Kf1 (0:06) Bc5 (0:02)
nraravind(2031) whispers: But the bishop can't hit the knight because d6 is weak.
lessker(2255) whispers: Ra4
ghambo(2134) whispers: b3 or a4?
nraravind(2031) whispers: R3-a4 or R6-a4?
lessker(2255) whispers: the rook ending is tough for black
axeltiger(2197) whispers: not ideal
ghambo(2134) whispers: i was too hurry :(
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but manageable after Rb3
lessker(2255) whispers: Rb3 puts the rook into another pin 31.R3a4 (1:09)
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Ra1 may be stronger
ghambo(2134) whispers: but nothing
lessker(2255) whispers: that's correct
ghambo(2134) whispers: it cant damage nothing
lessker(2255) whispers: no pins now
ghambo(2134) whispers: am active
lessker(2255) whispers: quiet, gambo
lessker(2255) whispers: you play
lessker(2255) whispers: I talk
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: c'mon ghambo!!!
lessker(2255) whispers: this is tough
lessker(2255) whispers: but white has chances
lessker(2255) whispers: black is hard pressed
nraravind(2031) whispers: Move a g or h-pawn here?
Azubuike(1757) whispers: ghambo is Parrot(metaphor):)
lessker(2255) whispers: then Nd3
lessker(2255) whispers: and knight rules the board
ghambo(2134) whispers: nd3 is coming
lessker(2255) whispers: black almost has to take
lessker(2255) whispers: he may not get another chance
lessker(2255) whispers: go gio!!!
ghambo(2134) whispers: even if f4
ghambo(2134) whispers: nd3!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel!
lessker(2255) whispers: grrr
kmindzero(1647) whispers: looking drawish?
ghambo(2134) whispers: opening 4th rank
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Go Gio
lessker(2255) whispers: come on gio!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel!
lessker(2255) whispers: grrrr!
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: f5, wouldn't you?
Azubuike(1757) whispers: aleee
kmindzero(1647) whispers: he will lose on time. like the world champion. :p
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: 5 mins, sheesh, slow 31...Rb5 (6:13)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Ra4 better than Ra1
lessker(2255) whispers: not sure what that does
axeltiger(2197) whispers: obviously very bad position for blac
axeltiger(2197) whispers: black*
lessker(2255) whispers: slow down, gio
lessker(2255) whispers: take deep breaths
lessker(2255) whispers: you have plenty of time
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleeeevaleeee big victory
axeltiger(2197) whispers: saving this will be difficult
Azubuike(1757) whispers: the black B is strong..
lessker(2255) whispers: Nd3, gio
lessker(2255) whispers: keep the knight
lessker(2255) whispers: he had his chance to take it
lessker(2255) whispers: don't give him another
lessker(2255) whispers: and don't talk
axeltiger(2197) whispers: quite unhappy with my play up to this point
lessker(2255) whispers: that's my job! :) 32.Nd3 (4:17)
lessker(2255) whispers: yes!
axeltiger(2197) whispers: It's just bad to miss qd7
Azubuike(1757) whispers: good one..
kmindzero(1647) whispers: Rb1 is not dangerous?
lessker(2255) whispers: keep the knight!
lessker(2255) whispers: yes!
kmindzero(1647) whispers: g2 pawn will fall
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Axel didn't play like him today..
lessker(2255) whispers: we will see
NBZ(2156) whispers: Rb1+ Ke2 Rg1 but maybe white is faster with his pawns
NBZ(2156) whispers: oh wait...Rg1 Nxc5 and Kf2 32...h6 (1:33)
lessker(2255) whispers: wow
lessker(2255) whispers: h6?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: the back rank threats kill my counterplay
lessker(2255) whispers: wow
lessker(2255) whispers: a time pressure move 33.Nxc5 (0:29) Rxc5 (0:03) 34.Rxd6 (0:06) Rxc3 (0:03)
NBZ(2156) whispers: hmm...i would have played c4 instead of Rxd6; still, very good for white
lessker(2255) whispers: okay
axeltiger(2197) whispers: maybe h5 was better than h6?
lessker(2255) whispers: gio messed this up
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: OK, get out your Reubin Fine books.
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Rc6 is interesting here
lessker(2255) whispers: he had the game
lessker(2255) whispers: but he reacted
lessker(2255) whispers: instead of thinking 35.Rda6 (1:50)
NBZ(2156) whispers: yeah Rc6 should kill the counterplay...Rb3 Rc4
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: NBZ is correct
lessker(2255) whispers: now it is a tough game
Azubuike(1757) whispers: or even Raa6 threatening Rc6 35...Rfc8 (2:15)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: 45 secs bump each move, can he do it?
NBZ(2156) whispers: time to chop off the rooks
Azubuike(1757) whispers: with Ra8?
NBZ(2156) whispers: yes that's what I'm thinking... 36.Ra8 (1:29)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: If both R's come off, it is of course, over for black. 36...Kf8 (0:55)
NBZ(2156) whispers: even here, Rxc8 Rxc8 Ra7 and the black q can't come into the game
axeltiger(2197) whispers: almost losing
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but not dead lost yet
Azubuike(1757) whispers: white's only hope is his passer..
NBZ(2156) whispers: hmm is he thinking of d6?
Azubuike(1757) whispers: exchange the rooks if possible and go for the endgame
axeltiger(2197) whispers: my king will have to chill on e8 for a while, it seems 37.d6 (3:09)
lessker(2255) whispers: I think white should win this
lessker(2255) whispers: wow
lessker(2255) whispers: d6?
Azubuike(1757) whispers: d6 looks too early
lessker(2255) whispers: wow
NBZ(2156) whispers: tactically it's hard to find a defence...
NBZ(2156) whispers: Ke8 R4a7
NBZ(2156) whispers: oh maybe not...
ghambo(2134) whispers: i'v got him
Jammes(1779) whispers: does it change much? ke8 ra7 rxa8 rxa8 kd7 ra7 kxd6 kxf7 and its better than before for white
ghambo(2134) whispers: execution will come soon 37...Ke8 (1:22)
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
NBZ(2156) whispers: Ke8 Rxc8 Rxc8 Ra7 38.R8a7 (0:03)
Jammes(1779) whispers: hmm i ment the other rook to go to a7
ghambo(2134) whispers: i have g3 square
lessker(2255) whispers: d7+
NBZ(2156) whispers: oh i see, this is even better
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
lessker(2255) whispers: what a finish
axeltiger(2197) whispers: nasty
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Rd3 looks simple
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
ghambo(2134) whispers: wanna double at seventh heaven
lessker(2255) whispers: why?
lessker(2255) whispers: d7 ends it
lessker(2255) whispers: oh sorry
tahsine(2172) whispers: Rd6 Re7+
lessker(2255) whispers: black is on the move
Jammes(1779) whispers: rd3 re7 and thats very ugly for black
lessker(2255) whispers: sorry
NBZ(2156) whispers: hmm..Rd3 Re7+ Kf8 Raa7 Rd2 is still annoying
tahsine(2172) whispers: followed by d7 38...Rd8 (2:07) 39.Re7+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:01)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Re7+, true, a way 40.Raa7 (0:02)
lessker(2255) whispers: missed a move
lessker(2255) whispers: oh man 40...Rxd6 (0:15) 41.Rxf7+ (0:01)
lessker(2255) whispers: go gio! 41...Kg8 (0:14) 42.Rxg7+ (0:10) Kh8 (0:04)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Go Axel!
lessker(2255) whispers: grrr 43.Rh7+ (0:25)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: ghambo aleee aleeee
Jammes(1779) whispers: re7 threatens mate and on of the last pawns 43...Kg8 (0:06) 44.Rag7+ (0:02)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Rge7! 44...Kf8 (0:09)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: ghambo nice victory !!!
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: h6 has a move, there is no forced stalemate in the cards
axeltiger(2197) whispers: at least these moves are simple 45.Kf2 (0:29)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: should do it here
Azubuike(1757) whispers: hmm
lessker(2255) whispers: zubi
lessker(2255) whispers: you see
lessker(2255) whispers: it's important to keep your nerves
Azubuike(1757) whispers: yea
lessker(2255) whispers: gio did in this game
NBZ(2156) whispers: d6 was a very nice game...avoided a long endgame
NBZ(2156) whispers: *move
Azubuike(1757) whispers: thats true.. 45...Rcd3 (2:00)
lessker(2255) whispers: and it was tough
axeltiger(2197) whispers: awful
lessker(2255) whispers: but he did
Azubuike(1757) whispers: I missed d6:( 46.Kg3 (0:16)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I will really need to go through this game later
lessker(2255) whispers: that is what won this game for him 46...Rd2 (0:35)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: wish I can play like this..
lessker(2255) whispers: you will
lessker(2255) whispers: all you have to do
lessker(2255) whispers: is drain all the blood out of your body
zitterbart(1908) whispers: what is defense vs rc7?
lessker(2255) whispers: and replace it with ice water
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm joking
lessker(2255) whispers: but you get my point
Azubuike(1757) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Ra8 was quite serious
Azubuike(1757) whispers: how can you fill a cup that is already full??
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but I don't think I played correctly after Qxd5 either
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
NBZ(2156) whispers: white needs to avoid Re7 Rg6+
Azubuike(1757) whispers: black is threatening Rg6
lessker(2255) whispers: okay
lessker(2255) whispers: black has no threats
lessker(2255) whispers: just need to prevent perpetual
Azubuike(1757) whispers: so h4 to h5 might do..
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: I was thinking the same thing
lessker(2255) whispers: h4 and h5 and Ra7
lessker(2255) whispers: something like that
lessker(2255) whispers: and let's see how black defends
axeltiger(2197) whispers: still not completely trivial, at least
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
kmindzero(1647) whispers: Ra7
lessker(2255) whispers: h4
kmindzero(1647) whispers: RRb7
kmindzero(1647) whispers: has to exchange one rook to defend 47.Kh4 (6:21)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Yes, work to tak off one rook first, then should be easy
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2255) whispers: not expected
Azubuike(1757) whispers: wow!
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: works, still, g2 garded
Azubuike(1757) whispers: he played what no one thought of..
lessker(2255) whispers: but I still don't see the plan
lessker(2255) whispers: he's going for the h-pawn
Azubuike(1757) whispers: this is slow.. 47...Rd8 (2:13)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: he has enough pawns already...
lessker(2255) whispers: no 48.Kh5 (0:22)
lessker(2255) whispers: not with a rook on the board 48...R8d6 (0:24)
lessker(2255) whispers: okay
lessker(2255) whispers: looks over now
Azubuike(1757) whispers: whites intention is really clear now..
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Now Ra7!
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: ghambo it is time to celebrate !!!
lessker(2255) whispers: that should close it, zubi
kmindzero(1647) whispers: not until the fat lady sings :)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Nimzo!
lessker(2255) whispers: no checks 49.Rg6 (1:21)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I thought this would be a draw
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleeee aleeee tahsine will maybe have easy job if yudhajeetde pull a draw at least
kmindzero(1647) whispers: what?? 49...Rxg6 (0:21) 50.Kxg6 (0:00)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: No threats! 50...Rxg2+ (0:04)
NBZ(2156) whispers: hmm...why make things complicated
lessker(2255) whispers: yeah
lessker(2255) whispers: white had easy win 51.Kf6 (0:14)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: strange choice
lessker(2255) whispers: wow
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: mate threat
lessker(2255) whispers: ah
Azubuike(1757) whispers: hmm
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: guards h2
lessker(2255) whispers: missed that 51...Kg8 (0:45)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: white is dangerous..
zitterbart(1908) whispers: logical and deep
axeltiger(2197) whispers: missed that 52.Rxh6 (0:04)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: white picks up both pawns 52...Rf2 (0:03) 53.Kxe5 (0:08) Rxf3 (0:04)
lessker(2255) whispers: what?
lessker(2255) whispers: Rh3
axeltiger(2197) whispers: why not Rh3?
Jammes(1779) whispers: hmm why not simply rh3
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Rh3 was better
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: yes
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: kindergarten chess now 54.h4 (0:18)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Rh3 was simpler, although I think only draw in R+2p vs R is when it's f and h pawns and even then it's hard to reach
Jammes(1779) whispers: its no f and h pawn so its still winning
lessker(2255) whispers: why is white making this so hard?
NBZ(2156) whispers: e and h is still probably a win, but black can fight on
lessker(2255) whispers: he's still winning
ghambo(2134) whispers: still have hope?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: now I don't know for sure anymore
lessker(2255) whispers: but game should be over
Azubuike(1757) whispers: white has studied too much..I think that is affecting him
NBZ(2156) whispers: i remember that f- and h- pawns is a draw...maybe black has studied that ending and can try similar ideas here to make life difficult for white
lessker(2255) whispers: no
lessker(2255) whispers: easy win for white
lessker(2255) whispers: he cuts off the black king 54...Kf7 (2:00)
lessker(2255) whispers: but I don't understand
lessker(2255) whispers: game should be over
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I'd say only realistic draw hope is a stalemate
lessker(2255) whispers: Rh7
NBZ(2156) whispers: Rh7+ Kg6 Ra7? 55.h5 (0:38)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: may be winning for white, may be a draw
lessker(2255) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2255) whispers: excuse me
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm going to load my pistol
lessker(2255) whispers: just in case
needaboat(1767) whispers: please dont
tahsine(2172) whispers: put two bullets please, count me in !!
Azubuike(1757) whispers: don't please 55...Rh3 (1:37)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: just imagine a scenario like 55... Kg7 56. Rg6 Kh7 and then e pawn queens and rook sacs itself with check ;)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: you wanna die..Tahsine?
zitterbart(1908) whispers: who is ur teammate, axeltiger? 56.Rf6+ (0:38)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: let's see if I have what it takes to defend a very bad rook endgame 56...Ke7 (0:18)
Jammes(1779) whispers: now h6 and i laugh :)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: at least there is only one white rook left
zitterbart(1908) whispers: i think noone would kill himself because of a chess result
Azubuike(1757) whispers: this is tough!
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: It would be a big blow to the team since he hasn't played his match yet in this round :P
axeltiger(2197) whispers: this isn't easy at all
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Rh3 would've sealed the deal 57.Re6+ (1:03) Kf7 (0:07)
ghambo(2134) whispers: h5 was loosing
ghambo(2134) whispers: :D 58.h6 (0:06)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: white doesnt know how to do it
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: check
NBZ(2156) whispers: yes...not to pile on white but even after 53. ...Rxf3, 54. Rf6 would have cut off the king and won easily
ghambo(2134) whispers: he is trying me
ghambo(2134) whispers: if i can mate him
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: wow!
ghambo(2134) whispers: ill take rook instead queen
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Gubbengraa!
ghambo(2134) whispers: or meybe knight?
LNO(1945) whispers: Rh5+
ghambo(2134) whispers: and draw?
ghambo(2134) whispers: :D
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: yes
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: good fighting spirit axel!
kmindzero(1647) whispers: too confidence
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Now the theory head(Gio) should work this out
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes thats close to arogance
kmindzero(1647) whispers: i dont like this kind of chess actitudes
ghambo(2134) whispers: hurrying go out
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: hope he sees it
ghambo(2134) whispers: and he ties me to pc
ghambo(2134) whispers: :((
ghambo(2134) whispers: its not serious
ghambo(2134) whispers: i dont respect this!
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: again multitasking :)) 58...Rh1 (2:34)
Jammes(1779) whispers: would be fun if ghambo throws this away after this comments. unlikely but would be funny
zitterbart(1908) whispers: u dont respect this?
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: happens to anyone
Farzadalizadeh(2007) whispers: white will win 100%
lessker(2255) whispers: I will kill him
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: what a shame
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Well if he wants to finish game asap he can offer a draw. Otherwise opponent can play on until he's convinced he's beaten
lessker(2255) whispers: I will hunt him down and kill him
zitterbart(1908) whispers: who?
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: who? why?
lessker(2255) whispers: if he doesn't win this game
lessker(2255) whispers: ghambo
axeltiger(2197) whispers: unfortunately for me, white probably has a forced win here
herrahuu(1866) whispers: :(
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: :D
kmindzero(1647) whispers: you should talk about ethics
lessker(2255) whispers: I will 59.Rc6 (1:56)
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: this is just for fun
tahsine(2172) whispers: ethics rule : if your teammate can win and he does not, KILL HIM :)
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: h2 and then a check on 2nd rank is easy win
lessker(2255) whispers: well my secondary profession
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm an inspirational speaker
lessker(2255) whispers: and I do pretty well
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: I thought lessker was going to say his second profession was a hitman...
tahsine(2172) whispers: It is good that my match is the last one :)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: yeah
lessker(2255) whispers: no, that's my first profession
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: i just said that tahsine
kmindzero(1647) whispers: ethics rule: winning or losing, treat your oponnent with respect
tahsine(2172) whispers: we are not talking about opponent here, we are talking about teammate :) 59...Kg8 (2:31)
tahsine(2172) whispers: we DO respect our opponent, but we will kill the teammate :)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: i was talking about ghambo remarks
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Zeromind..
lessker(2255) whispers: okay
lessker(2255) whispers: white needs to sac h-pawn
lessker(2255) whispers: somewhere
kmindzero(1647) whispers: in my team games
kmindzero(1647) whispers: i allow my team mates to kill me :)
tahsine(2172) whispers: The captain will repriment ghambo after the match :)
lessker(2255) whispers: into won rook and pawn endgame
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I need my rook to be free
tahsine(2172) whispers: I mean, if ghambo is still alive, we will tell him to be more respectful :) 60.Rf6 (1:29)
zitterbart(1908) whispers: white will play kf6
lessker(2255) whispers: captain will not have to reprimand him
lessker(2255) whispers: I will kill him first
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: :)) 60...Re1 (0:29)
tahsine(2172) whispers: Yes this is what I meant :)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: i wish to see it
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: @ lessker 61.Kd5 (0:14)
herrahuu(1866) whispers: lessker please read the teamleague mission statement
lessker(2255) whispers: can you possibly make this any harder that white has?
Azubuike(1757) whispers: i'm tired
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
kmindzero(1647) whispers: even without the h-pawn, this his a win 61...Rd1+ (0:35) 62.Ke6 (0:02)
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: but that is not the point
lessker(2255) whispers: game should be over
NBZ(2156) whispers: but lessker...i think white really enjoys playing chess...he doesn't want the game to end quickly
ghambo(2134) whispers: am gifring h pawn to you friend
needaboat(1767) whispers: so sac it. keep it simple
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: Kh7 for black does invite some stalemate options
lessker(2255) whispers: a long time a ago
ghambo(2134) whispers: dont need it
herrahuu(1866) whispers: "This allows all players to enjoy the spirit of the game, to meet players worldwide, to foster team spirit, to encourage teaching of skills, and to promote good sportsmanship."
ghambo(2134) whispers: *gifting
lessker(2255) whispers: yeah, sure herra
lessker(2255) whispers: whatever you say
Azubuike(1757) whispers: hmm 62...Re1 (1:16) 63.e5 (0:02)
tahsine(2172) whispers: I think lessker is stating his rule clearly: Either the game ends or ghambo ends 63...Rd1 (0:05) 64.h7+ (0:09) Kxh7 (0:04)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: gm move by ghambo
axeltiger(2197) whispers: ok, so how does white win this?
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleee aleeee
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm going to kill him 65.Rf4 (0:29)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: good
lessker(2255) whispers: what?
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: let me watch it
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: who lessker ?
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm going to kill him
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: it is winning lessker
zitterbart(1908) whispers: time to stalemate
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: no
lessker(2255) whispers: no?
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: ghambo is Gm
lessker(2255) whispers: why not?
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: look and enjoy
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: lessker do not lose the humorous angle
ghambo(2134) whispers: now ill teach you Josh how to bould bridge
ghambo(2134) whispers: ;)
lessker(2255) whispers: I know how go build a f***ing bridge
kmindzero(1647) whispers: shut up ghambo
ghambo(2134) whispers: darko
lessker(2255) whispers: but it was so totally unnecessary
ghambo(2134) whispers: its for you too
ghambo(2134) whispers: listen carefully
lessker(2255) whispers: no
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: so lessker what is confusing you ?
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm not going to listen
Azubuike(1757) whispers: hahahhaa...Ghambo is funny
tahsine(2172) whispers: lessker has already loaded his pistolet 65...Ra1 (1:55)
lessker(2255) whispers: he reduce this totally won position
axeltiger(2197) whispers: rg4 here
lessker(2255) whispers: right down to a textbook example
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: It's a funny contrast between Ghambo talking to his teammates while his teammates are plotting his assassination ;)
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: lessker you must understand whi ghambo do this because alex wont to resign 66.Kf6 (0:28)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: Kf7
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: lessker it is only reason ;)
zitterbart(1908) whispers: time to draw
lessker(2255) whispers: it's not easy
kmindzero(1647) whispers: he doesnt have to
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: no zitt
lessker(2255) whispers: it was easy 66...Kg8 (0:35)
lessker(2255) whispers: it's not now
Jammes(1779) whispers: i had a teammate who transfered a 2 pawns against nothing ending ti a nate with knight and bishop because his opponent didnt resing ...
axeltiger(2197) whispers: so unsure if white can win
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm going to kill him
zitterbart(1908) whispers: engine says no draw darko?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: it is time to learn something from Gm ghambo
ghambo(2134) whispers: tricky
kmindzero(1647) whispers: the king cannot go to critical squares
ghambo(2134) whispers: with e6
ghambo(2134) whispers: his reaching draw
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: e6 is the magic move
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: axel no axel this is start of your end :)
ghambo(2134) whispers: king on short side rook already on long side
ghambo(2134) whispers: bravo
axeltiger(2197) whispers: scary game
ghambo(2134) whispers: i respect it!
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: it will be draw @ Nimzo
ghambo(2134) whispers: but ill not eat this
ghambo(2134) whispers: already had dinned
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Ghambo drop one pawn, sooner or later will drop another
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: :D axeltiger offers a draw.
lessker(2255) whispers: grrrr ghambo declines the draw request.
axeltiger(2197) whispers: let's see if he takes it
ghambo(2134) whispers: hmm
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: Mc you are still young for this game
axeltiger(2197) whispers: most likely not
ghambo(2134) whispers: its draw
ghambo(2134) whispers: now im in doubts
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: and it is late for yoy :))
ghambo(2134) whispers: hy i gived pawn
axeltiger(2197) whispers: but I don't see a clear-cut win anymore
ghambo(2134) whispers: :((
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm going to kill him
ghambo(2134) whispers: he can check me from back
lessker(2255) whispers: I am
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: lol
ghambo(2134) whispers: if i move rook
kmindzero(1647) whispers: still is a win
kmindzero(1647) whispers: but with mate
kmindzero(1647) whispers: no promotion
Mayors(1654) whispers: why alex continue a lost game?
tahsine(2172) whispers: Rc4 and you win ghamo even if he checks from the back
ghambo(2134) whispers: nah 67.Rd4 (3:27)
ghambo(2134) whispers: am switching sides
tahsine(2172) whispers: yes this is good
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: 'cause his opp. is a patzer
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: and may not win
zitterbart(1908) whispers: point is you have to find all the winning moves
kmindzero(1647) whispers: why should he resign?
lessker(2255) whispers: he should not
ghambo(2134) whispers: and am defending f7+ 67...Rf1+ (1:01)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: there are books written with this ending 68.Ke7 (0:13)
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: now white wins
ghambo(2134) whispers: i mean from a7
lessker(2255) whispers: the king is in front of the pawn
ghambo(2134) whispers: now i can go to d8
kmindzero(1647) whispers: this is not a begginers ending
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: Lucena? 68...Rf7+ (0:31)
ghambo(2134) whispers: and its losina
ghambo(2134) whispers: no
ghambo(2134) whispers: maybe better e6
ghambo(2134) whispers: must be carefull
axeltiger(2197) whispers: king on short side
lessker(2255) whispers: Kd6 Kf8 Ra4
ghambo(2134) whispers: ah
axeltiger(2197) whispers: rook on long side
ghambo(2134) whispers: now its possible
axeltiger(2197) whispers: that's the only way I draw
lessker(2255) whispers: you don't draw
ghambo(2134) whispers: if kf8 rd1 check
lessker(2255) whispers: come on, gio 69.Ke6 (1:58)
ghambo(2134) whispers: haha
ghambo(2134) whispers: i got him
lessker(2255) whispers: don't make me kill you
ghambo(2134) whispers: huh
ghambo(2134) whispers: almost draw
Mayors(1654) whispers: its dont
Mayors(1654) whispers: not a draw 69...Rf1 (0:40)
lessker(2255) whispers: why e6?
ghambo(2134) whispers: sorry team
Azubuike(1757) whispers: good final move!
Mayors(1654) whispers: now all ghambo should do put king behind rook
ghambo(2134) whispers: i know i got you nervious
Mayors(1654) whispers: and take rook
lessker(2255) whispers: I can't stand this
Mayors(1654) whispers: ah he moved rook
ghambo(2134) whispers: but u know how nervy i was?
ghambo(2134) whispers: heart is still jumping out
lessker(2255) whispers: I just can't stand this :(
ghambo(2134) whispers: ill never do this again
ghambo(2134) whispers: :)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I want to reach the philidor position
lessker(2255) whispers: lessker checks his pistol
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I want to get my king to e8
axeltiger(2197) whispers: and rook to 6th 70.Kd7 (1:17)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: just stand and chill
lessker(2255) whispers: ,he puts his pistol down
lessker(2255) whispers: and picks up his shotgun
lessker(2255) whispers: checks the barrel
Azubuike(1757) whispers: haha
lessker(2255) whispers: looks dirty
lessker(2255) whispers: time to clean it
Azubuike(1757) whispers: check the rifle
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: will You kill him? @ Lessker
lessker(2255) whispers: yes 70...Rf7+ (1:20)
lessker(2255) whispers: twice 71.Kd6 (0:02)
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: good
ghambo(2134) whispers: hmm
lessker(2255) whispers: for putting me through this
ghambo(2134) whispers: now kf8
tahsine(2172) whispers: I think we need to find a more original way to execute ghambo :) 71...Kf8 (1:02)
ghambo(2134) whispers: but nothing
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: he is gm do not touch him :))
ghambo(2134) whispers: ill play ra4 anyway
ghambo(2134) whispers: dont give long side to him
ghambo(2134) whispers: its tricky
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: he's patzer not gm
ghambo(2134) whispers: i forgot it
ghambo(2134) whispers: looks simple but tricky 72.Ra4 (0:40)
lessker(2255) whispers: Ra4
lessker(2255) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: sweet jesus
ghambo(2134) whispers: it must be win
ghambo(2134) whispers: for shure
ghambo(2134) whispers: u can laught at my doubts buddys
lessker(2255) whispers: but win or lose
ghambo(2134) whispers: :(
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm still going to kill him
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: :))
tahsine(2172) whispers: lessker is a good professional 72...Re7 (1:01)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: too little time
lessker(2255) whispers: oh jeeze
lessker(2255) whispers: Ra8+
lessker(2255) whispers: ends it
ghambo(2134) whispers: cant add time to my opp?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I think it's fine now
lessker(2255) whispers: come on gambo
KRMCHESS(1886) whispers: isn't Kf7 ok there?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: so much tension
lessker(2255) whispers: oh 73.e6 (0:47)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: what????
lessker(2255) whispers: yeah
lessker(2255) whispers: missed that
lessker(2255) whispers: sorry
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm so emotional right now
ghambo(2134) whispers: its win
ghambo(2134) whispers: am shure now
ghambo(2134) whispers: but if roock check 73...Re8 (0:33)
ghambo(2134) whispers: it was not win :)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: not ideal
lessker(2255) whispers: but I'm still going to kill him
ghambo(2134) whispers: over 74.Rf4+ (0:28)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I want more time 74...Kg8 (0:03)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: you should talk and not kill
lessker(2255) whispers: I know he took four years off my life with this game 75.Kd7 (0:12) Ra8 (0:01)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: now I have more time
lessker(2255) whispers: at least
kmindzero(1647) whispers: i've never seen a guy with that rating, say the thing he say
lessker(2255) whispers: you mean me?
axeltiger(2197) whispers: seems like I succeeded
kmindzero(1647) whispers: ghmabo
axeltiger(2197) whispers: so close
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: you see guys who is GM
axeltiger(2197) whispers: wait
axeltiger(2197) whispers: maybe not
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I failed 76.Rg4+ (1:28)
axeltiger(2197) whispers: buckled under the pressure, if there was a draw 76...Kh7 (0:20)
ghambo(2134) whispers: taking rook at e8
ghambo(2134) whispers: ah
ghambo(2134) whispers: its even better
axeltiger(2197) whispers: not happy at all 77.Ke7 (0:20)
lessker(2255) whispers: I'm sorry if I offended anyone
lessker(2255) whispers: I thought everyone knew I was joking 77...Kh6 (0:35)
ghambo(2134) whispers: must recheck rook endgames
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Axel is a good fighter
kmindzero(1647) whispers: you are a great guy
lessker(2255) whispers: some people have no sense of humour 78.Kf7 (0:08) Kh5 (0:16)
Azubuike(1757) whispers: right less.. 79.Rg8 (0:07) Ra1 (0:02) 80.e7 (0:05) Rf1+ (0:02)
kmindzero(1647) whispers: but this ghambo...
kmindzero(1647) whispers: needs an upgrade
lessker(2255) whispers: this is the lucena position
mcstorytaller(1764) whispers: yes
lessker(2255) whispers: crucial to rook endgames
ghambo(2134) whispers: there is a even nice way than loosina
DarkoChess(1807) whispers: aleeee GM Ghambo lecture!
ghambo(2134) whispers: i can use his king as sheald
lessker(2255) whispers: white wins 81.Kg7 (0:59)
lessker(2255) whispers: no
kmindzero(1647) whispers: not this way
ghambo(2134) whispers: *shield
Azubuike(1757) whispers: oh
lessker(2255) whispers: well it works
Jammes(1779) whispers: rg1 rh8 and its over
lessker(2255) whispers: because the king is cut off
Azubuike(1757) whispers: Gio is wasting time..
ghambo(2134) whispers: huh
Jammes(1779) whispers: kh8 i ment
ghambo(2134) whispers: sorry guys again
lessker(2255) whispers: usually the king stops that
ghambo(2134) whispers: if u didnot enjoy
axeltiger(2197) whispers: this is over now
Azubuike(1757) whispers: I did not enjoy..
lessker(2255) whispers: well I hope we don't get into queen vs. rook ending
lessker(2255) whispers: because I only have two bullets in my pistol
axeltiger(2197) whispers: Kf8 was maybe the losing move
axeltiger(2197) whispers: I had not considered that I wouldn't have Kf8 as a reply to Rg4+ axeltiger resigns 1-0
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