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lno(1915) vs. capitansgrakkio(1785) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-08-21

7.Bd2 (0:51) 7...cxd4 (0:07) 8.Ne4 (1:42)
LNO(1915) whispers: is this worth a pawn.. I have no idea...
LNO(1915) whispers: If Bb4 then I play Nd6 and hope thats good
LNO(1915) whispers: so he probably should move his Q
8...Qb6 (5:24)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: the first four moves were in the spirit of the Grand Prix/closed sicilian
9.Rb1 (3:51)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: then came a premature e5
axeltiger(2193) whispers: then white switched from closed/Grand Prix spirit to open sicilian spirit
axeltiger(2193) whispers: it has cost white a pawn so far. Is there any compensation, I wonder
axeltiger(2193) whispers: black is cramped
LNO(1915) whispers: the only thing Im sure of is that Im ahead on the clock at the moment
9...Be7 (5:07)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: white needs to find a way to utilize his space advantage
10.Bd3 (2:53)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: and black needs to break free
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Ncb4 here?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: black really wants to play d6, so it's kind of an obvious move in that regard
LNO(1915) whispers: I really dont like the idea of a black N on e3, but there is a swedish saying: If you had taken the devil into the boat, then you have to row him ashore :)
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: yes there is
LNO(1915) whispers: Im pretty sure that I have misplayed this, the question is how much
axeltiger(2193) whispers: and not only that; how should white continue
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I don't think it's the time to back down just yet for white. Black can easily misplay this.
10...f5 (5:32)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: also a natural idea
11.exf6 (0:40)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: but it's kind of dangerous, as it opens up the k-side to attack before the black king is in safety
axeltiger(2193) whispers: black will most likely take with the knight
11...Nxf6 (0:30)
LNO(1915) whispers: this was a relief
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Nfg5 here? Or is that just stupid?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: if white is efficient here, it could sabotage black's ambitions to get a safe king
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe just Nxf6, Bxf6, Ng5
12.Nxf6+ (2:10)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: looks painful to deal with
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: but castle 1st.
axeltiger(2193) whispers: what variation?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: instead of Ng5?
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: yes
12...Bxf6 (1:21)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I thought that there was no time; I wanted to bring the white queen to h5 as quickly as possible
axeltiger(2193) whispers: but there are a few options
axeltiger(2193) whispers: it depends on how white wants to conduct the attack
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: i think castle is necessery
LNO(1915) whispers: maybe now I even have time for a3 to stop Nb4
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: Ng5 Bxg5 pxg5 and 0-0
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Ng5, Bxg5, Qh5+
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: then wht can't castle
axeltiger(2193) whispers: don't take the bishop immediately, check first
axeltiger(2193) whispers: patience is a virtue ;)
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: then g6
axeltiger(2193) whispers: then Bxg6!
axeltiger(2193) whispers: and white wins
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: ok
axeltiger(2193) whispers: but white needs to see Bxg6
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: It is fascinating that white now has some chance
13.a3 (4:08)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, but it's always like that with unbalanced positions
axeltiger(2193) whispers: here the unbalance was material vs. development and space
axeltiger(2193) whispers: white shouldn't waste either of those advantages with a move like a3
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: how's Your game with Spiralize ended? @ Axel
axeltiger(2193) whispers: draw
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: i see
axeltiger(2193) whispers: opposite colored bishops
axeltiger(2193) whispers: White should not be generous with tempi here
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: well a3 seemed annxious
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah
gubbengraa(1866) whispers: old man smove
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2193) whispers: realize your advantages. And play accordingly
axeltiger(2193) whispers: otherwise they aren't advantages
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: will You give me any chances in monday? @ Axel
LNO(1915) whispers: it takes some time for him to 0-0-0 so maybe 0-0 here?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: it depends on how well I play ;)
LNO(1915) whispers: I will probably castle next move
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: You don't have to too well
axeltiger(2193) whispers: today I gave my opponent some chances @mc
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: ;)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe black is so far behind in development that white is in fact winning?
LNO(1915) whispers: the clock already has some importance
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: why You must play closed sicilian? :(
axeltiger(2193) whispers: or maybe black just plays d5-bd7 and solves his problems now?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: white wasted a move, and I don't see a reason for black to do the same
13...O-O (7:14) 14.O-O (0:32) d6 (0:59) 15.Qe1 (2:17) Bd7 (3:08)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Now black is on his way to consolidating
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I don't think it would have been as easy if white hadn't played a3
16.Qg3 (7:36)
LNO(1915) whispers: I didnt see anything after Qe4 g6
16...Rf7 (2:32)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Ng5 is good here
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I'm not sure that Rf7 was a good move
17.Ng5 (1:35) Bxg5 (0:03)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: pawn takes here
18.fxg5 (0:39) Rxf1+ (0:05)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: then the tactics seem to work in white's favour somewhat
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Rxf1 is good here
19.Rxf1 (0:23)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Ne5 now?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: otherwise I don't see the point
LNO(1915) whispers: who cares about a pawn on b2?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yes
19...Ne5 (1:06)
lessker(2262) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2193) whispers: a knight on e5 is more serious
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: lessker!
lessker(2262) whispers: story!
20.Qf4 (3:55)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: is b2 poisoned? Qxb2, Bb4
LNO(1915) whispers: maybe the poor pawn on b2 does
20...Bc6 (3:48)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: what now after Bb4?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Bd5?
21.Bb4 (6:18) Bd5 (0:06) 22.Kh1 (1:27) Qc6 (2:21) 23.Qf2 (2:28)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: why not Rf2?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: this way d4 isn't even threatened
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I don't get it at all
axeltiger(2193) whispers: is there ever a reason not to play Rf2 there?
23...a5 (1:39)
mindlin(2061) whispers: maybe he was worried about Qc1?
24.Bd2 (0:15)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, but then the rook can return, I think
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe he's not trying to win anymore
LNO(1915) whispers: that was automatic move! shame on me!
mindlin(2061) whispers: Rf2 would have allowed for Bf1 also if wanted
Hathkhola(1887) whispers: hey axel, if black knight moves, then white got Qf7 check with the idea of Qh5 giving checkmate.
24...g6 (1:16)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2193) whispers: that's the main trump for white
mindlin(2061) whispers: if i were black i would be taking that bishop
LNO(1915) whispers: so, given the chance I will contemplate Bxa5
axeltiger(2193) whispers: oh, Bxa5 now
axeltiger(2193) whispers: of course
axeltiger(2193) whispers: nah
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Bxa5, Bxg2+
axeltiger(2193) whispers: the dream ended before it had even begun
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: Kg1?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe
axeltiger(2193) whispers: it will not really make Bxa5 more possible, but at least it doesn't allow black to take on g2 with check
lessker(2262) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2262) whispers: time will soon play a factor
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah
Hathkhola(1887) whispers: well, the simple move h3 here to stop Ng4 thing.
25.h3 (5:50)
Hathkhola(1887) whispers: Isn't Bxa5 available too? or am i missing something big?
25...b6 (1:22)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: on Bxa5 black retains the pawn with Bxg2
26.Kh2 (0:25)
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: i know worst move for white in next move ... h4
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I'm still hung up on Qf2 instead of Rf2. White could have regained the pawn for so long if only...
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: :D
26...Qb7 (1:09)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Nah, mc. Qf5 is worse :)
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: :D
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I just noticed that Qf2 was quite fitting for LNO to play. I just hope he didn't make it for the humorous reference to his team name
27.Bb5 (2:08) Qg7 (0:49)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: forever a pawn down for white :(
28.Kh1 (0:30) Nc4 (0:33) 29.Bc1 (1:16) Rc8 (1:27) 30.Qg3 (1:22) e5 (0:46)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: b3 now?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: seems like white may be able to come back into the game now
31.Rf6 (1:47) Rc7 (0:47) 32.Qf2 (1:03) Rf7 (0:16) 33.Be8 (0:34)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: ok, so I don't really get not playing b3 there earlier
33...Re7 (1:03) 34.Bb5 (0:15) Rf7 (0:49)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: repetition here?
35.b3 (0:13)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Ne3 only move
axeltiger(2193) whispers: just play it
axeltiger(2193) whispers: think later
35...Ne3 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: kind of interesting situation, looks like white is forced to take on e3 here
36.Bxe3 (0:39)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: is Rxf7 possible? Or does it just lose?
36...dxe3 (0:14)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: hmm, not sure now...
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: I guess Bxg2+ Qxg2 was ok
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: hi cat!
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, it looks weird though
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: but anyway the B covers f1 here, so I think white is ok
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Qxe3 Rxf6 gxf6 Qxf6 and there is time for Qxb6
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2193) whispers: black has a hard time getting to g2
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: although Qh4 afterwards? still some issues
37.Qxe3 (1:45)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: threat of Qxh3+
37...Rxf6 (0:04)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: after Qh4 maybe Qe3 again`?
38.gxf6 (0:03) Qxf6 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: ah yes, that's fine
39.Qxb6 (0:07) Qg5 (0:22)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Qf5 is another idea
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: this too I guess
axeltiger(2193) whispers: even if black wins the pawn on c1, this still looks hard to win
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: Go Lars!!!
40.Qf2 (1:18) e4 (1:14)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Kh2 now?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: planning to go Qg3
41.c4 (0:59)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: ?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: that seems incredibly risky, if not bad
axeltiger(2193) whispers: now what is stopping the pawn?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: e3 Qe2 Bxg2+ Kxg2 Qxg2 Kxg2 e2 Kf2 holds the pawn
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: but in general I agree
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: also cuts off the bishop from the defence
41...e3 (1:18) 42.Qe2 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Be4, Qg3 plan
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Be4 c5 unfortunately there is Qxc5
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe white is planning to go Kg1-Bd7-Bg4?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: seems a move too slow
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: after Qg3 there are almost lethal threats
42...Be4 (1:55)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Kg1, Qg3, Bd7
43.Kg1 (0:19)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: but is there a kill?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: hmm, yeah
axeltiger(2193) whispers: maybe Bd3?
43...Bf5 (0:25)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: that's also a solid move
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: although now maybe c5
44.Qf3 (0:51)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: hmmm
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Bd3 stops Qd5
44...Kg7 (0:54)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Bd3 Qd5+ Qxd5 cxd5 Bxb5
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: this isn't bad, though maybe h4!?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: h4 Qh6 g4 for instance
axeltiger(2193) whispers: that's interesting
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I like h4 here. Forces a decision from black
45.b4 (1:54)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: not too sure about that move, though
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: well white seems to think he's ok
45...axb4 (0:35) 46.axb4 (0:02)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I'm kind of worried that black can play Bxh3 here
axeltiger(2193) whispers: that e-pawn is a menace
46...Bd3 (0:40)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: for now he can't
axeltiger(2193) whispers: really?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: K comes to f2
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Bxh3, Qxh3, e2, Kf2, Qd2?
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: ah, right no Qe3
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: but there was Qd7+
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: with what looks like a perpetual at least
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, I think that white may get a perpetual in that line
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: Be8?
axeltiger(2193) whispers: scary for white to think about in time trouble
47.Ba6 (1:56)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Be8 seems like it falls short
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Be8 Bxc4 if nothing else
axeltiger(2193) whispers: Be8 Qe7 looks heavy to deal with
axeltiger(2193) whispers: I think white is lost now
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: e2 now and your Qd2 idea might be lethal
47...e2 (0:48)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, it looks kind of grim
48.Kf2 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: Qd2 and I don't see a defence
axeltiger(2193) whispers: yeah, Qd2 game over
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: nice idea that
48...Qh4+ (1:09)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: let's see if he finds it
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: he's going for g3 Qd4+ it seems
axeltiger(2193) whispers: but this seems to do the job
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: that might work too
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: yeah, works
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: in some ways a better move, since the moves are all forced
49.g3 (1:23) Qd4+ (0:03) 50.Kg2 (0:06)
axeltiger(2193) whispers: not even a perpetual for white
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: promote to a knight!
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: p= N
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: yes
axeltiger(2193) whispers: sadistic
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: allow no complications with the Q on the board
mcstorytaller(1757) whispers: yep
smallblackcat(2215) whispers: in fact it seems to mate
50...e1=N+ (0:33) LNO resigns 0-1


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