axeltiger(2181) vs. nham(1839) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-08-20
axeltiger(2181) whispers: My opponent usually goes for the open spanish. I am a bit surprised to see this 5...Be7 (2:04) 6.c3 (0:12) Bd7 (3:24) 7.d4 (0:43) O-O (6:02)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I guess my opponent is kind of threatening Nxd4 now. That's not good to allow 8.Qe2 (8:11)
LNO(1915) whispers: Ba4 stops that threat also
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I wanted to play Bg5, but that fails after nxd4, nxd4, exd4, Bxd7, dxc3!, Nxc3, Nxd7!(qxd7, e5 +-), and black is a pawn up for nothing really
axeltiger(2181) whispers: But qe2 isn't entirely bad in these positions anyway. I'm aiming to take on e5, and create a permanent weakness 8...exd4 (4:25)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I should probably take with the knight 9.Nxd4 (1:50)
LNO(1915) whispers: can white play a gambit here with Bd3, I dont believe it 9...Re8 (1:38)
lessker(2262) whispers: why with the knight?
lessker(2262) whispers: isn't that the point of c3?
lessker(2262) whispers: hmmm
LNO(1915) whispers: Im a bit surprised too
Jammes(1779) whispers: in the end without c3 nxd4 wouldnt been possible. so even if cxd was the point nxd doesnt make c3 pointless :p
LNO(1915) whispers: besides i wanted Ba4 instead of Qe2, I think the was better
LNO(1915) whispers: *that was better
LNO(1915) whispers: maybe white wants his N on f5
axeltiger(2181) whispers: seems like I've been tricked
LNO(1915) whispers: but I really dont see how
axeltiger(2181) whispers: or that I tricked myself
LNO(1915) whispers: good Axel, its no catastrophe yet, therefore its good to acknowledge that something isnt good
nraravind(2044) whispers: woof!
nraravind(2044) whispers: Hi lessker!
lessker(2262) whispers: aahoo!
Azubuike(1762) whispers: I don't see any thing bad.
LNO(1915) whispers: the e4 pawn
lessker(2262) whispers: I think he may realize he should have taken with the c-pawn
lessker(2262) whispers: not the knight
LNO(1915) whispers: yes
lessker(2262) whispers: black is rock solid now
axeltiger(2181) whispers: bg5 fails
lessker(2262) whispers: and the knight can't go to it's natural square
LNO(1915) whispers: yes
LNO(1915) whispers: I know Nd2 looks a bit ugly but that might work 10.Bd3 (9:51)
lessker(2262) whispers: wow
lessker(2262) whispers: didn't expect that
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Qe2 shouldn't be combined with Re1. Lesson learned
nraravind(2044) whispers: Ne5 Bc2 and a knight to g4...
LNO(1915) whispers: Qe2 was in my mind not forced.. Ba4 could have been played instead
LNO(1915) whispers: but anyway, its a long game here and many mistakes can be made
LNO(1915) whispers: so just keep calm
LNO(1915) whispers: let me be nervous instead :)
lessker(2262) whispers: :)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Ne5 Bc2 c5, then where would white's knight go?
LNO(1915) whispers: I havent looked at any line, but on Ne5 is Nf5 possible or just bad
herrahuu(1843) whispers: yeah: lno. chess is surprisingly many times like rubber band or roller coaster, super if you can acknowledge mistake and do something to correct it
herrahuu(1843) whispers: - not exact science
herrahuu(1843) whispers: i meant to say
LNO(1915) whispers: yes indeed herrahu, hello by the way, nice to see you!
herrahuu(1843) whispers: hej pa
LNO(1915) whispers: hello all! :)
lessker(2262) whispers: I'm wondering here
lessker(2262) whispers: can black just play d4?
lessker(2262) whispers: d5 I mean
lessker(2262) whispers: he's ahead in development 10...h6 (5:44)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: ?
lessker(2262) whispers: why not try top open the position?
nraravind(2044) whispers: d5 e5 for W?
LNO(1915) whispers: that was a relief to see
LNO(1915) whispers: i feared d5
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Why give white time to do stuff here?
LNO(1915) whispers: one more move to fix the position for white if possible 11.Nd2 (0:59)
LNO(1915) whispers: yes!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: it seems unneccessary to me
LNO(1915) whispers: that was my thinking too
herrahuu(1843) whispers: Chernev said h3 / h6 is mistake :D
herrahuu(1843) whispers: weakening solid king position!!
lessker(2262) whispers: it's usually a sign that a player doesn't know what to do
nraravind(2044) whispers: I realize now that d5 e5 is a mistake because of Nxe5 Qxe5 Bd6
herrahuu(1843) whispers: (Cherner is not one to listen to it, but I like this trivia snippet anwyay)
nraravind(2044) whispers: So B can still play d5
LNO(1915) whispers: well in a chess club I was memeber of in a small town here in sweden there where only elderly gentlemen playing besides of me, the in every game in every opening played h3 / h6 no matter what.. I thereafter called the move "the old mans move" :)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: well, at least I have the f1 square for my queen now :)
lessker(2262) whispers: :)
nraravind(2044) whispers: h3 is common in Ruy Lopez I thought... 11...Bf8 (2:45)
lessker(2262) whispers: yes
LNO(1915) whispers: yes
lessker(2262) whispers: it is common
lessker(2262) whispers: to prevent a pin on g4
nraravind(2044) whispers: Don't know what B is playing here...
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I will probably not hesitate to put it there, in the worst-case, scenario.
LNO(1915) whispers: but here i wouldnt recommend it for white
herrahuu(1843) whispers: there are hardly any general rules in chess to follow by...
nraravind(2044) whispers: Recommended by whom?
nraravind(2044) whispers: Oh okay
lessker(2262) whispers: there are lots of general rules
herrahuu(1843) whispers: just concrete position
lessker(2262) whispers: those are easy
axeltiger(2181) whispers: a preemptive Qf1 here?
lessker(2262) whispers: it's the exceptions that are tough
LNO(1915) whispers: and the exceptions occur very often
lessker(2262) whispers: there are always exceptions to evey rule
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I'm not really scared of Nxe4 yet, but it could happen
nraravind(2044) whispers: In fact I would like to play h3 here.
axeltiger(2181) whispers: and Qf1 prevents that. The only alternative is N2f3 really
LNO(1915) whispers: but one saying I am quite allergic about, its not a rule more a saying, its Tarrasch "all rook endgames are drawn"
LNO(1915) whispers: 1. Its false
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Nf3, Nxe4, Bxe4, d5, Qc2, dxe4, Rxe4, Rxe4, Qxe4
LNO(1915) whispers: 2 It leads to the presumtion that you can play any move in a R ending and be good
lessker(2262) whispers: well he didn't mean it literally
lessker(2262) whispers: he was joking
axeltiger(2181) whispers: that's good for black, maybe?
lessker(2262) whispers: but there is some truth behind it 12.Qf1 (3:35)
LNO(1915) whispers: yes, I know what he ment, but its often reffered to
lessker(2262) whispers: tarrasch is my teacher
LNO(1915) whispers: yes its a joke, but the beginner might well think its true
lessker(2262) whispers: I have his book right next to me as we speak
axeltiger(2181) whispers: let's just say that this was my plan all along, muhahahaha!
lessker(2262) whispers: well he also said
lessker(2262) whispers: if you never move a pawn
lessker(2262) whispers: you will never lose a game
LNO(1915) whispers: otherwise Tarrasch is good, and its good as a joke
lessker(2262) whispers: and that sounds dumb
lessker(2262) whispers: but he meant everytime you move a pawn
nraravind(2044) whispers: So Nh6-g8-h6 is the drawing plan fo Black?!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Now I can pawn storm much easier
lessker(2262) whispers: you weaken squares
LNO(1915) whispers: yes, you must to be at some level to get these jokes, right?
lessker(2262) whispers: and you can't ever take a pawn move back
axeltiger(2181) whispers: N2f2 is a hot candidate for my next move, however
LNO(1915) whispers: yes so therfore I didnt like h6 besides it wasted time
nraravind(2044) whispers: However neither knight can move to f2...
LNO(1915) whispers: he ment f3
nraravind(2044) whispers: yes I realized that :)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: should I take on c6 if black plays d5? probably. 12...d5 (3:16)
LNO(1915) whispers: ooh, I am not really awake today, and obviously grumpy, not getting jokes
LNO(1915) whispers: exd5 now gives white an isolani on d4 if black plays Nxd4
axeltiger(2181) whispers: nxc6, Bxc6, e5, Nd7, Nf3...
LNO(1915) whispers: still not the end of the world
nraravind(2044) whispers: I heard a player had followed one of Tarrasch's rules which allowed a mate in two, and Tarrasch said he'd done the right thing.
LNO(1915) whispers: :)
LNO(1915) whispers: these where the days :)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I kind of like it for white
axeltiger(2181) whispers: but I'm not sure 13.Nxc6 (4:06)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: but in the end I think it's a good move
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Bx seems mandatory
LNO(1915) whispers: its complex so why not go for it?
axeltiger(2181) whispers: putting the knight on g4 seems suicidal 13...Bxc6 (2:35) 14.e5 (0:04)
LNO(1915) whispers: wonder why Ng4 is bad?
LNO(1915) whispers: ok now I see
LNO(1915) whispers: it might be stuck there
LNO(1915) whispers: but Im not sure 14...Ng4 (3:02)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: what genius sequence has my opponent calculated?
axeltiger(2181) whispers: because it's either genius or bust!
LNO(1915) whispers: Axel sees something I dont
axeltiger(2181) whispers: maybe it's Nf3, Bc5
LNO(1915) whispers: f4 now?
LNO(1915) whispers: no
LNO(1915) whispers: f4 sucks
nraravind(2044) whispers: Bc5 looks good
axeltiger(2181) whispers: that's the only line I can imagine
LNO(1915) whispers: so Nf3
LNO(1915) whispers: but I do not get why Ng4 is so bad
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 is also interesting
axeltiger(2181) whispers: yes, that's it, right
LNO(1915) whispers: it can be stuck there.. what about e6 15.Nf3 (2:50)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: it's clever
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 now and if cxd4 then Bxf3
LNO(1915) whispers: do u have any opinion in the matter lessker?
nraravind(2044) whispers: Or if Nxd4 then Nxe5 15...Bc5 (0:43) 16.Re2 (0:03)
LNO(1915) whispers: ok the N can certainly be in troble
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 still looks interesting
axeltiger(2181) whispers: what a hazzle
nraravind(2044) whispers: because of the d3 bishop
LNO(1915) whispers: d3 .. and on h3 then?
LNO(1915) whispers: yes
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 h3 Bxf3
LNO(1915) whispers: so on d4 maybe c4
axeltiger(2181) whispers: now after d4, I can't take with the pawn anymore
nraravind(2044) whispers: Well I pre-register Bxf3 after d4
LNO(1915) whispers: no he must take with the N
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 Nxd4 Nxe5 is good
LNO(1915) whispers: or play Bf4
LNO(1915) whispers: Bf4 I like
LNO(1915) whispers: develops and protects e5
nraravind(2044) whispers: then dxc3 attacking d3
LNO(1915) whispers: d4 Bf4
nraravind(2044) whispers: d4 Bf4 dxc3
LNO(1915) whispers: Maybe Rd1 then?
LNO(1915) whispers: threat Bh7+
LNO(1915) whispers: If d4 is played Bf4 might be Ok and forced
nraravind(2044) whispers: hm
axeltiger(2181) whispers: this is trouble
LNO(1915) whispers: anyway, white is in a hurry to get developed
nraravind(2044) whispers: Also Be4 is possible for W
axeltiger(2181) whispers: no, I'm forced to take with the pawn
LNO(1915) whispers: no Axel you are not forced
nraravind(2044) whispers: Go for it nham! show an interesting game with d4... 16...Qe7 (6:13)
LNO(1915) whispers: puuh
LNO(1915) whispers: I said it before and I say it again, chess isnt good for your nerves!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I'm fine with that
LNO(1915) whispers: DEVELOP NOW
nraravind(2044) whispers: He's fine with Qe7 as well as bad nerves :)
LNO(1915) whispers: Bf4
nraravind(2044) whispers: Bf4 now?!
nraravind(2044) whispers: e6 is also interesting
nraravind(2044) whispers: e6 fxe6 h3
nraravind(2044) whispers: oh no
LNO(1915) whispers: I insist Bf4!
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Nd4, Nxe5, f4, f6, fxe5, fxe5, Qf5
axeltiger(2181) whispers: maybe not that plan for blac
axeltiger(2181) whispers: maybe Nd4, Qh4
axeltiger(2181) whispers: that's probably it
LNO(1915) whispers: Bf4...
LNO(1915) whispers: why dont develop a piece
axeltiger(2181) whispers: not great for white
nraravind(2044) whispers: I agree Bf4 seems best.
axeltiger(2181) whispers: let's just defend e5
LNO(1915) whispers: puuh
LNO(1915) whispers: he will do it 17.Bf4 (5:06)
LNO(1915) whispers: :)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: scary position
axeltiger(2181) whispers: but I feel like black let me off the hook
LNO(1915) whispers: isnt h3 a reality now?
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: White is doing well
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I think that after exchanges on f2 are made, white gets the slight edge
axeltiger(2181) whispers: the exchange has to be made soon, otherwise I'll just play Nd4 or Bg3 with an advantage 17...h5 (3:11)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: my opponent doesn't want the trade? Ok, then white should just be better
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Ng5 looks interesting
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: or, just Nd4, now that e5 is guarded
herrahuu(1843) whispers: how happy is queen at f1?
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Just defending now, rest looks decent though, developed
herrahuu(1843) whispers: d3 and f4 defensless 18.h3 (4:05)
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I want the trade on f2 18...Nh6 (0:54)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: that looks like suicide 19.Qc1 (0:42)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: i thought Bxh6
LNO(1915) whispers: whites is winning
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: quite strong
herrahuu(1843) whispers: maybe there is nothing you can do
axeltiger(2181) whispers: simple threats are the best
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Qf8 may be forced
axeltiger(2181) whispers: I haven't really checked yet
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Qe6 may lose a piece if I'm not blind
axeltiger(2181) whispers: ..., yeah, I'm blind
axeltiger(2181) whispers: forgot about Bf8
LNO(1915) whispers: but this must be very very good for white 19...Qf8 (2:33)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: Ng5!?
LNO(1915) whispers: Ng5 yes
axeltiger(2181) whispers: is Ng5 good here?
axeltiger(2181) whispers: probably is, right?
LNO(1915) whispers: yes its very good
herrahuu(1843) whispers: o/
Jammes(1779) whispers: ng5 with idea nh7 bxh6
herrahuu(1843) whispers: think like master ;)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: but we're behind Burnley 1-0 :(
herrahuu(1843) whispers: win in chess, loose in football, i guess
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Ng5, f5, b4
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: Ng5 Be7?? Nh7 mate to queen, lol
herrahuu(1843) whispers: yeah that is one basic concept of Ng5
axeltiger(2181) whispers: Ng5, g6, e6 20.Ng5 (4:18) Bd7 (0:34)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: i thought Nh7?
axeltiger(2181) whispers: what after simple Nh7? 21.Nh7 (0:28)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: yep 21...Qe7 (0:03)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: and Bxh6
LNO(1915) whispers: Bxh6 and win 22.Bxh6 (0:33)
herrahuu(1843) whispers: what is black idea? 22...gxh6 (0:10) 23.Nf6+ (0:07)
BeneathBlue(1957) whispers: resigns
LNO(1915) whispers: its lost nham resigns 1-0
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